Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 408 Twin

As soon as this little doll came out, it suddenly attracted everyone's attention. Most of the depressing atmosphere just now immediately dissipated. They all praised the little boy and said all the good words. Although they were all from the countryside, there were not many good words, but the Shen family was very happy. Who didn't I like to listen to other people's good words about my children.

Shen Zigui took over his son. His hands were a little trembling, but he hugged him and didn't want to let go. The angry energy just now has long gone, and the smiling face of his son has become a flower.

Chunyue also looked at her brother and smiled happily. Chuncao and Chunyun jumped to see her brother. They were picked up by Shen Zifu and Shen Zi'an and let them see. When they saw it, they immediately giggled.

Shen Zhang looked at the little grandson and said with a smile, "This doll is strong. Although it is a little small, it looks strong and will definitely grow up safely. Have you given a name? My little grandson deserves a good name.

The third generation of the Shen family is called Dalang Erlang at home. In fact, they are just nicknames, and they all have big names. Thinking that Shen Ziju's generation is ranked, the next generation naturally has it. Shen Youfu is dreaming to be an old man, but he can't let his grandchildren have no big name.

Dalang and his generation are all with a heavenly character, which shows how much hope Shen Youfu is.

Shen Youfu said aside, "Since the son came back and was born on this day, let the son raise one, and also benefit from his fifth uncle, and he can also be an official in the future."

The people around him said yes that the child's name is naturally from the Shen family. Shen Youfu is the child's grandfather with a high status. Now let Shen Zi raise the name of the person with the greatest future. That's the child's blessing. Shen Ziju also smiled when he heard it, but he suddenly glanced at Su Zhi and saw Su Zhi standing there with a smile on his face. Looking at the child's eyes was gentle and amiable, which made him feel very touching.

"I really want to give my little nephew's name, but I think this name should be given by my fourth sister-in-law. His fourth sister-in-law has made great contributions to him in this world.

Su Zhi listened to this and looked at Shen Zi.

Shen Ziju smiled at Su Zhi.

As soon as everyone heard it, they said yes again. Speaking of which, Su Zhi really contributed a lot. Everyone in the village knew that Su Zhi had the name of sending her son. Li's child was conceived because of Su Zhi. Now this delivery has Su Zhi's share. Su Zhi also saved Li's life. She can be said to be the life S, benefactor, have another parent.

Shen Zigui said, "What the fifth brother said is that in fact, the child's name has been named, which was given by the fourth sister-in-law. It is called Tianyou. God will protect this child and make him safe and healthy for a lifetime. This is our greatest wish as a parent.

"God bless, good name."

Shen Ziju said with a smile that this was caused by Su Zhi, but it was not good, and he would say yes.

Everyone also felt that the name was good. In this way, the baby's name was set. The name was Tianyou, and the nickname was arranged according to generation, that is, Liulang. His family called him Xiao Liuer.

Shen Tianyou, Xiao Liuer ยท This child immediately became the most caring child of a large group of people.

Just when the Shen family was happy, someone came to call Su Zhi. It turned out that there may also be a chain reaction when she gave birth to a child. Li's life, Liu Siniang also had also made a movement. She heard that Li's early birth. She was in a hurry and she was about to give birth

Su Zhi hurried to Li Shi again. In addition to Wang Shi, Wang Huazhi followed.

Liu Siniang is the first child. She tossed for a long time. She tosed until dark that the child was born. She was also a boy. She was a full-term child. She was quite big and cried loudly.

Li Shi is also old and finally became a father. He is no less happy than Shen Zigui, who only got a son after having three daughters. After knowing that Liu Siniang was safe, he was also stupid and happy to hold his son.

The child in Li Shi's family was also the name given by Su Zhi, which was requested by the children of Shen Zigui's family at the beginning. Li Shi's family did not have a seniority. Li Shi said that it was enough to let Su Zhi have a good one. Su Zhi gave her a name Sheng at that time, because the original family of Li Shi and Liu Siniang was not very good. Li Shi's mother died early, and he was at peace with his father's empress, which was equal to whether or not. Liu Siniang was the death of both parents. They were all lonely people. Su Zhi hopes that this child It's money and people.

Shen Tianyou and Li Sheng, these two children were born on the same day. They were named by Su Zhi together. Later, they grew up together, and then became famous together. The people of Riverside Village later remembered this day and felt that this day was simply a major day in Riverside Village. Later, many people held weddings on this day, just like this A day is like a happy day.

Of course, the people in Riverside Village still don't know what will happen in the future. After the two children were born, after a few days of discussion, more attention was paid to Shen Ziju's body. After all, he was the one who became an official.

When Shen Ziju came back this time, he could only stay for more than ten days, and then he would immediately set off to return to the capital and go there to take office.

In the past ten days, Shen Ziju's arrangements have been full. There are people who want to visit him, and there are also many people who want to visit him. These are all necessary. Although Shen Ziju is now an official, his hometown is still here, and now the people in the good country attach great importance to the original place, especially those officials. I'm so angry that I want to take the position of prime minister in the future. Naturally, I want to have a good reputation and don't want to leave a bad reputation in my hometown.

Especially after so many things have happened to the family.

Shen Ziju finally knew why the eldest brother was a little hesitant when he spoke to him. On the day he left, his sister Shen Zhu actually quickly made a marriage and quickly withdrew from the marriage! Originally, it was a big deal for the girl's family to leave the marriage. Even if it was the right party, it would hinder her reputation. It would be hindered if she wanted to get married in the future. What's more, Shen Zhu was wrong this time. She retired for the second time, and she was still a famous rich family. This matter is really a big deal. Shen Ziju's brain hurts when he hears it.

Not only that, the fact that Shen Zhu almost deafening Chunlan also made Shen Zi frown.

Shen Ziju was surprised enough when this happened to his sister. Unexpectedly, Shen Zhang, who usually has a good reputation, also plummeted. It was said that he had harmed his aunt's wife, which stunned Shen Ziju.

Shen Ziju thought it was no wonder that he came back. The fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law refused to come to have dinner together. So that's what happened. He thought that his relationship with the fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law was a little farther away? He didn't want to. First, because he had different feelings for Su Zhi, and second, he now knew how beneficial Fuyuan was to him. Today, when the emperor heard about his hometown, he mentioned Fuyuan. After such a long time, he immediately thought of a small village that the emperor still remembered. Garden, that must be because of the holy beast!

He specifically inquired about the influence of the holy beast in the court and was surprised to find that the power of the holy beast was much greater than that of the people in the court.

Shen Ziju wants to have the holy beast as the backing, which will be of great help to his future promotion. Now that the holy beast is in Fuyuan and close to the fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law, he naturally wants to maintain a good relationship with the fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law.

Shen Zi raised his headache for a while and sorted it out. First, he went to visit the Qian family and apologized to the Qian family for Shen Zhu's matter. His posture was very low. He has always had a good relationship with Qian Guang, and he is very likable. Mrs. Qian, who is a big family, appreciates him very much. Now that he has won the list again and entered the Hanlin Academy, the Qian family is still polite to him. With his apology, the Qian family is not easy to care about.

After dealing with the Qian family, Shen Ziju went to Fuyuan again.

Shen Ziju had lunch in Fuyuan, and it was still Su Zhi who cooked. When the vegetables came down, he made a table of vegetarian and meat dishes and served wine.

Shen Ziju ate Su Zhi's cooking and watched Su Zhi pick up vegetables for the two children. The two children sat between Shen Zi'an and her. They were like a family of four. They were warm and happy. He had a faint loss in his heart. He could only bury his head in eating vegetables and look up to chat with Shen Zi'an.

After dinner, Shen Ziju and Shen Zi'an talked about Shen Zhang's matter. He said that he would not interfere with this matter, and also said that he believed that Shen Zhang was innocent.

"Fourth brother, my mother has been good to you over the years. You can't believe some of Mrs. Li's words. I don't ask you not to doubt her, and I just ask you not to use your conviction that it is her attitude towards your father and mother and our brothers before you prove that she did that thing.

Su Zhi thought that Shen Ziju was indeed a person who could do things. He might have great luck in the court in the future.

Shen Ziju does not hate this brother, but he will not be convinced by his few words. He is still the same statement. Before proving Shen Zhang's innocence, he will not go to the old house again and will not call her mother. But it doesn't affect the relationship between their brothers.

When Shen Ziju heard that it did not affect the brother's relationship, and when he thought that the eldest brother and the other brothers all had a good relationship with the fourth brother now, he believed it and was relieved.

When looking at the lotus leaf by the pond, someone came to call Shen Zi'an. Shen Zi'an stood aside to talk to people. Shen Ziju and Su Zhi sat in the pavilion. Su Zhi looked at the little sun and moon playing by the water with a smile, and the spring breeze was full of laughter.

"Fourth sister-in-law, have you been happy with your fourth brother?"

Shen Ziju asked, did he want to ask her if she was happy? Are you happy with Shen Ziju? He didn't know what kind of answer he wanted to get. He just wanted to ask, maybe it was still the unwillingness in his heart.

Su Zhi heard Shen Ziju's question. It was really strange for her brother-in-law to ask this question, but she still smiled and replied, "I'm very happy. The days with your fourth brother are my happiest days. He is the person I have been looking forward to in my past and this life." RS