Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 440 The Reason for Return

"Dad, mom, why did you come back? I said that the magpie kept chirping in the morning. It was so noisy that I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about the happy event. It turned out that your parents are coming back. This is really a happy event! Are you tired? Hurry into the house and rest!"

Sun Shi said nice words and looked back. When he saw that there was no one in the carriage, he thought that Shen Zhu didn't come back with him, but if Shen Zhu didn't come back, it would be a delicate lady who would only be served. It's better to stay in the capital. They were also relaxed, waiting for her to marry a Follow the light!

Seeing a few burdens in the car, Sun's eyes lit up. He thought it was brought back by the old couple, and he didn't know what good things he brought back from the capital!

"Dad, mom, that's your salute, right? I'll help you get it in!" As Sun spoke, she called Sanlang and Chunhua loudly and asked them to help her. She couldn't take it alone. While shouting, she had passed and touched the burden with her hand to see if she could find out what was inside, preferably a little hard, which may be silver!

Sun touched several bags one by one and found that there was a bag wrapped in cloth, which was square and looked like a box. He thought it might be containing silver, right? Her eyes immediately smiled into a slit. She thought that there was only their family at home now, and it must have been brought back to them.

Sanlang and Chunhua came to help the Sun family take down all the burdens together.

Shen Ziping also came out at this time. He was also very happy to say intimate words with Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang. He thought that his fifth brother was short of manpower in the capital. This is to let him go to the capital!

"The handlebar style escorted us all the way back from the capital. You can arrange it and let us have a meal and have a rest."

Shen Youfu said to Shen Ziping.

Shen Ziping sighed and went to arrange the handlebar style.

Shen Zhang asked Mrs. Sun to bring all the things to the house, and she had already opened the door.

When he entered the room, he saw that the room was a little gray. Although it was not thick, it was also a little dirty. Shen Zhang was a clean person, so he immediately asked Sun to take someone to clean the room for them.

As soon as Sun heard that she had to work, she was immediately reluctant, but when she thought that it might be beneficial, and her parents-in-law could not be offended, so she could only respond with a smile, and then went to use the spring flowers to clean up. She said to report to several brothers in the east of the river, and then left It's work.

Sun Shi first went to the big room, patted the door, said to Chunlan Chunxiang who stayed at home, and asked them to go to the people in the second room that she was in a hurry to go to Fuyuan again. This time, she still couldn't enter Fuyuan, so she could only stand outside the door and wait angrily. Naturally, she also saw the white wolf waving the majestic claws of Zhao Yang and Zhao Xiaomei. She didn't dare to enter Fuyuan at will. In case she gave it to her for a while, it would be too painful.

It happened to be time for a break at noon, and Wang Shi came out, but Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi didn't come out. They still wouldn't go to the old house, but Shen Zi'an asked someone to send a jar of wine and a smoked rabbit as to welcome the return of the two elders.

When Sun saw the rabbit, her saliva was about to flow out. She knew that Su Zhi's ability to make meat was very high, and she was a little hungry when she smelled the fragrance.

Wang didn't like Sun as soon as she saw her, but she was too lazy to pay attention to her. Anyway, she couldn't let Sun eat this thing on the way. In the end, she had to hand it over to Shen Youfu and others. She raised her head and walked away, holding the wine in her hand, thinking that in fact, this wine can make Shen Youfu happy the most, and the rabbit can only be regarded as an accessory.

Wang went to call Chunlan Chunxiang. Although the two girls did not want to go to the old house, they still went out for filial piety.

Li has already given birth, and the weather is fine now, but she is reluctant to take her youngest son out. In the past, there was always an accident in the old house. She didn't want to touch her hard-won son in case something happens again. Not to mention her, even Chunyue didn't want to. Finally, she took Chuncao Chunyun to the old house, and Chunyue looked at her brother at home.

When they arrived at the old house, the group saluted Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang.

Shen Youfu saw that the three sons who went out of the family were not seen, and his face was a little dark. Before he asked, Wang said that Shen Zifu and Shen Zigui had gone out to send vermicelli, and the two of Dalang Erlang also followed. Shen Youfu's face was a little better. As for Shen Zi'an, when he saw the jar of wine and rabbit, he knew that he would not come. He scolded the son for being too stubborn, but luck, he was still filial and sent him something. He was too lazy to talk about him.

Shen Zhang's heart was uncomfortable, thinking that Shen Zi'an still remembers hatred. Has he been tracking down what happened in those years? Su Zhi's luck is really good. In case something is really found out, her trouble will be great.

Thinking of what happened when he went to the capital this time, Shen Zhang was frightened.

"Dad, mother, how about the capital? Why don't you stay there for a few more days and come back so soon?

Wang Shi asked. She thought that it would take enough time and money to go to the capital once. How long did her parents-in-law and others leave? I guess they haven't stayed in the capital for a month. She'm coming back. It's really not like their people. She thought they would live there and would not come back even if they Zi will come back to show off that they are doing well. When I come back now, I don't know what happened or something happened.

Sun Shi also said, "No, Dad, Mom, the capital must be very interesting. You have only been there for so many days. Can you have enough fun? Is there anything important when you come back? Just send a letter for us to do it. You are so tired that you can go there. Seeing that you are so tired, we as sons and daughters-in-law are also distressed.

Li held a daughter in one hand and stood aside without saying anything.

Shen Youfu said, "Your mother is a little homesick and uncomfortable. Lang Zhong said that she was overly worried, so she came back and waited for her to get better before going back."

Except for the younger Chunyun Chuncao Silang and others in the room, everyone else is a little surprised. Do you still miss home as a person as Shen Zhang?

Shen Zhangshi looked at her when he saw everyone and said, "This man doesn't leave unconsciously. When he leaves, he finds that he is really homesick. When you have a chance to go out, you will understand."

Several sons and daughters-in-law all agree.

Shen Zhang sat there with a smile on the corners of her mouth, but her heart was full of bitterness. She thought that she also wanted to live in the capital. She had been looking forward to it for so many years before she went there. Unexpectedly, she met someone she didn't want to meet in her life. She had to run back so embarrassed! RS