Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 431 Succession

Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang returned to the riverside village, and life still had to continue, but the village was still lively for a while. Every day, people went to the Shen family to talk to the old couple, asking what they were like in the capital, and thinking about the place they might not be able to go for a lifetime. The scene came one after another.

Shen Youfu is not very good-tempered, but it is for his family and outsiders. As long as the other party does not look down on him, he is still very easy to talk. If the other party is more polite to him, his attitude can be said to be more polite than to his own family, and Shen Zhang is a very good person

Although the husband and wife had lost a lot of fame in the village because of some things, since Shen Ziju became an official in the capital, they have also followed to see the world, and their reputation has risen again.

Shen Youfu is very proud that someone came to chat with him, which shows that he has a good reputation.

Shen Zhangshi is also very happy that someone came. Since Mrs. Li told others that she may have killed Shen Zi'an's mother, she has very little contact with people, and no one has come to talk to her. Now she sees that the woman has come to chat with her. She wants to go on like this. Sooner or later, others will not It will become the same as before, so she is very polite to the people who come, whether they come to Shen Youfu or her. They always serve tea and melon seeds. In this way, some people are willing to come.

Seeing that Shen Zhang's tea and melon seeds are always endless, Sun's heart is a little distressed. He thinks that it's also money. If only she were given to her.

Looking at the style of her parents, Sun Shijue's parents must be living a good life in the capital these days. She wondered when they can also go to the capital. Even if they are not allowed to go, it will give them some benefits.

On the day Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang came back, he distributed the things he brought back to his family. The adults had no share. Every child brought things from the capital. The boys were jade pendants, the girls were shaking handkerchiefs, and even the little sun and moon of Shen Zi'an's family had a share.

The Sun family passed all the things of Silang Goro and Chunhua, but only Sanlang didn't get it. Sanlang was big and didn't give it to her.

Sun got the benefits, but she became more and more greedy. It's already so much for her parents to bring some things to the younger generation. She didn't know how many good things she had in her hand. She couldn't wait to get them all to be happy.

Shen Zhang's attention to Sun's attention is naturally in his eyes. What's more, he feels that letting such a woman go to the capital must have an impact on Shen Ziju's future. He still wants them to stay in the countryside all the time in the future, and just gives them a house. Just thinking about how to convince them, Shen Zhang Shen Ziping and Sun are all greedy. They want more to get good things. If they give them things, they will think that they will get more when they go to the capital.

It's not impossible to order the third room to stay and watch the house, but the old husband and wife of the Shen family don't want the only son who hasn't proposed to separate the family to make trouble again.

Shen Youfu wants to stay for a longer period of time and has to arrange the family of the three sons.

Shen Zhang also wants to stay for a longer period of time. What she wants is to go back to the capital, and maybe she will see the people she doesn't want to see. Although so many years have passed, she has changed her appearance for a long time, but she is still worried. If there is a little difference, she will be doomed, and even her family will have a hard time!

Shen Zhangshi thought about whether to stay in the riverside village forever, but she finally raised her son into an official. She wanted to be an old lady and enjoy the respect of others, and she was reluctant to give up that extreme psychological enjoyment. In her life, what she wanted most was to be respected and held by others. It was hard to achieve and let her give up, but she didn't want to.

There is also one thing that their sons and daughters have not been married yet. Their marriage is imminent, and they have to have their parents around them.

Shen Zhangshi thought that she had adjusted her mood this time, took good care of her body, and had to go back, and then go back. She was the respected old lady. In the past, she tried her best to make it a dream.

"Mom, there's someone outside again."

Sun was very unhappy when she saw her mother-in-law talking to her. She was just trying to ask Shen Zhangshi to promise to take their family to the capital, but Shen Zhang didn't listen. She wanted to wonder if her mother-in-law was pretending, but she didn't want to take them to the capital. Thinking about it, she She just heard that someone was coming outside, and she could only stop here. She didn't dare to provoke her mother-in-law. This mother-in-law is usually gentle, but she can also gently clean up her daughter-in-law.

Sun is not afraid of heaven and earth, but he is a little afraid of Shen Zhang's mother-in-law.

Shen Zhang recovered from his meditation, heard the voice of people outside, and asked Sun to make tea.

Sun went out reluctantly, said hello to several women who came, and then asked Chunhua to make tea.

Shen Zhang's reputation in the village has always been very good. The people in the village are really true. At a glance, she is so gentle to Shen Zi'an, who is not her own child. She raised Shen Zi'an, and she eats a lot and wears a lot. They all think that she is a good person, but later Shen Zi It's not that I think it's because Shen Zi'an married a sick daughter-in-law and spent all the family's money, so he divided it less. Or he thinks that Shen Youfu doesn't like this son. Compared with Shen Youfu's own father, Shen Zhang is a more loving stepmother.

Some people believe Mrs. Li's words, and some people don't believe it. These days, there are all those who don't believe them very much. Shen Zhang's pair of them are kind, so they don't care much. They think that Shen Zhang's family has harmed Shen Zi'an's mother. Wait for Shen Zi'

A group of women gathered together. In addition to Shen Zhang's talk about the capital, that is to say, about the riverside village, the east and the west were short, and they talked about Fuyuan.

Fuyuan is now the most worth talking about in Riverside Village. If the people in Riverside Village don't talk about Fuyuan once a day, it seems to be missing something. Some people envy some people are jealous and some people hate, but there are holy beasts, and they are also honest. In the end, they are all more honest in order to make money

Speaking of Fuyuan, in addition to how beautiful the Fuyuan is, how big the Fuyuan is, how profitable the vermicelli workshop in the Fuyuan is, the holy beasts and the pond in the Fuyuan, that is to say, how well Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi live, they are all good words, and the listeners also nod and

Shen Zhang listened and thought to himself that Shen Zi'an was really getting better and better. If he had known that he was living so well, he would not have separated their families and let him live under his own control all his life. Although it was a little awkward to think of his mother, he has endured it for so many years. What if he can he continue What's more, they have made so much money and so many houses now. As long as they don't go to see each other on a special occasion, I guess they won't be able to see each other in a day.

Shen Zhang sighed in her heart. The more she listened to it, the more uncomfortable she felt. The more she listened, the more she thought that Fuyuan was her.

"Actually, you only saw that Zi'an and his daughter-in-law were doing well, but you didn't see that they were not going well."

In the sound of envy, a special voice suddenly appeared.

This is Mrs. Wang, who lives in the north of the village.

Some people asked, "In Zi'an, they have so much money, they have a lot of houses to live in, and there are servants who can make money. So many people in the village work for their families, and even the officials have a good relationship with them. It's just that someone provokes them. As long as the holy beast is there, just let it out and take a bite. What else do you think they can do wrong?

Other people are also attached. They are all jealous of Shen Zi'an. If they are given to them that kind of day, they can wake up happily in their dreams. How can they feel unhappy? People can't be too insatiable!

Mrs. Wang said with melon seeds, "The young couple have been married for three years, but they don't even have a baby!" So what if there are Xiao Sun and Yueyue? It's not my own. Maybe one day I will be brought back by my family like Xing'er. At that time, it won't be two people. Look at me and I look at you. There is no one who wants to talk to a third person.

When Mrs. Wang said this, others also reacted and thought yes, the marriage time of Shen Zi'an and his wife was not short, but there was no child.

"Isn't that Zi'an's daughter-in-law very good at it? She was cured by many women who could not give birth, like the noble daughter-in-law, the fourth mother, and the rich man Zhang's family in the town. Didn't she also let her see it and immediately conceive her wife and concubine? There are still several families, and now they are all holding the big fat boy.

"Yes, can she treat others, but she can't treat herself?"

Mrs. Wang said, "Didn't someone say that? The more you treat yourself, the more you can't cure your own illness. I think Zi'an's daughter-in-law is also that kind of person!"

When other people listen to it, it's the same when they think about it.

"It's reasonable. Isn't it the same with fortune teller? If you can count others, you can't count yourself.

"Zi'an's daughter-in-law is very lucky, but didn't she say that? This blessing is too big, and it's always a little bad. Maybe this Zi'an's daughter-in-law can't give birth to a baby."

"Do you think God sees that they have a little sun and moon, and the women's doubles here are all gone, so they are not going to send their babies?"

"This has made so much money. With such a large family property, there will be no biological baby to inherit in the future. It's really a loss to return all to the children!"

"Cough, cough!" Someone began to cough dryly. This is still in front of Shen Zhangshi. The more they talk about it, the more ridiculous it is. Shen Zhangshi's relationship with Shen Zi'an has been a little stiff recently. If they separate, it will also be a family.

Several people who were talking about the lively also reacted that they were all a little uncomfortable. They immediately drank tea and drank melon seeds.

Shen Zhangshi said, "You can say whatever you want. I heard it. To be honest, I'm also worried about this. Although Zi'an was not born, and he had some disagreement with me recently, it was just that he was deceived by a bad-hearted person. It's just that it was a coincidence, and I don't blame him. Seeing that he is so sad, I feel very sorry for him. But no matter how distressed I am, he won't appreciate it. Fortunately, he still has a daughter-in-law with him.

Shen Zhang's face showed a worried and sad look, which attracted several women to sympathize with her. Where do you want to find such a charitable queen? Shen Zi'an treats her so much that she still misses him.

Shen Zhangshi continued: "But no matter how good the daughter-in-law is, it will be better to have another baby. They have a lot of marriages, and there has been no movement, and I am also anxious. It's just that I can't say it. If I say it, it will be said that I provoked the relationship between their husband and wife. I beg God to give them a doll every day. I hope it will come true soon.

Several people praised Shen Zhang.

Mrs. Wang said, "Don't worry. They are still young and there will be some. You see, the rich man Zhang's son is almost thirty years old. That's not having a son. I heard that the concubine also gave birth to a daughter. At that time, Zi'an may hug two at once, both of them. It's really not. Don't they still have small suns and moons? If you think they are not kissed, don't be afraid. There are so many boys in your old Shen family. Isn't it enough to adopt one at that time?

As soon as Mrs. Wang said this, no one followed her.

At the beginning, Shen Zigui had three daughters in a row, but he had never had a son. Shen Ziping's house made trouble to give his son a second room, but in the end, it didn't work. The second house was divided, and the family gave birth to a son.

Now Shen Zi'an has only been married for a few years. It's not that he is too old to give birth. How can he have a stepfather's child? Don't think about the big room and the second room. The third room has many sons, but Wulang is also old. Besides, the character of the third room is really bad.

Shen Zhang ignored this and suddenly broke up again. Her heart was also moved, thinking that this was a way. She had always regretted disting Shen Zi'an and others out because Shen Zi'an and the others were rich. If you give them a child, it won't be a contact again. I don't know who will the money belong to at that time!

Shen Zhang smiled in her heart. She could marry Shen Youfu at the beginning. From ordinary wife to wife, naturally she had her means. She dared to clean up Shen Zi'an's mother, and naturally she also dared to clean up Shen Zi'an and his daughter-in-law. At that time, all their things were not hers again?

Seeing that her words were cold, Mrs. Wang quickly mentioned something else and heated up the scene again.

After a while, Shen Zhangshi looked a little tired. Those people were very knowledgeable and all got up to leave.

When these women left, Shen Zhang sat in the room and meditated. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that the method of succession could be used.

After Shen Youfu came back, Shen Zhang called him over to talk about this.

Shen Youfu also meditated when he heard it. To be honest, he was also moved. He always listened to others say that Fuyuan made more money and made more money. How could he not be jealous? RS