Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 522 The leak in the second room, big ash

Da Hui ran to Su Zhi's side, jumped a few times in front of Su Zhi, and then obediently squatted on the ground, raised his head at Su Zhi, and looked at Su Zhi with docile eyes. Even without the big tail swaying and sweeping the floor, it could be seen that it was happy.

"Dahui, you are not thin at all. It seems that you don't want me. I won't give you meat at night."

Su Zhi said with a smile, teasing Da Hui.

Hearing this, Da Hui seemed to understand Su Zhi's words. He lay on the ground and whined. His eyes became pitiful, and his tail did not shake, like an eggplant hit by frost.

Su Zhi looked at it and laughed out loud. She was in a better mood. She quickly said, "I'm teasing you. I'll give you meat and bones at night. Get up quickly. If you lie down again, I'm leaving."

Da Hui immediately got up, came over and gently arched Su Zhi with his head a few times, and his tail shook happily again.

Mu Chengzhi was very surprised to see it. He already knew that Xiao Hei Xiaobai was very human. He thought that the holy beast was born to be smarter than ordinary animals, and he had been trained since he was a child, so it was like that. I didn't expect such an ordinary dog to be so spiritual now. The scene just now has fully explained that this dog named Dahui can understand Su Zhi's meaning!

"Zhner, have you raised this dog since you were a child?"

"Brother, I didn't raise Dahui. I've only been in Fuyuan for a year. Are you surprised that Dahui can understand my words? Dahui is a very smart dog.

Su Zhi said that Dahui was indeed a smart dog, but she was not smart enough to understand her words. It was all because after Dahui came to Fuyuan, she also drank Lingquan for Dahui, which made Dahui smarter. Although it can't fully understand everything she said, it must know the general meaning.

Mu Chengzhi nodded, thinking that some dogs are indeed very smart, but this must also have something to do with his sister's blessing, otherwise no matter how smart he is, he will not be so smart. What's more, let the holy beast accompany her, and it is still the family of the holy beast. After all, the wolf is a wolf. It can live with people, which only shows that this person is very great. Mu Chengzhi is proud of his sister and sad. Thinking of the timid and gentle sister, after so much pain, she has become like He really prefers her to be the ordinary woman she used to be.

Mu Chengzhi felt sorry for his sister, so he hated the person who framed his sister even more. If he wanted to find out the truth this time, he would definitely not let the other party go!

At this time, several people in different places suddenly felt cold behind their backs. They thought it was cold again. They tightened their tight clothes and didn't take it seriously. They didn't know that the disaster was coming.

White Wolf and Da Hei also came over with leisurely steps, looking at Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi, which was a greeting.

Mu Chengzhi and the people he brought were all shocked when they looked at the white wolf. When they got closer, the white wolf made people feel even more chilled.

Those horses didn't even dare to scream, and they were almost lying on the ground. Shen Zi'an asked Liu Yin to take the horse away.

Liu Yin took the coachman and his entourage to the stable. Shen Zi'an's family also raised a few horses, and there were more than one cow. He thought that the workshop at home would be expanded in the future. Even if he could deliver goods with other people's carriages, he needed more horses, so the barn was very large. Now Some of the accompanying horses will not be crowded again. Not only those drivers, but also those attendants looked at the barn and felt that although the young lady was living in the countryside, she was really living a good life.

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi first took Mu Chengzhi to their newly built house. They could not live in the quadrangle courtyard, and it was inconvenient, so they let them live in the new house.

Mu Chengzhi already felt that the garden was really well cultivated. The grass, wood, brick and stone were exquisite, and what surprised him most was that although it was early winter, the scenery in the garden was still very good. Obviously, the grass outside had turned yellow, and the grass in the garden was yellow and green. Although the leaves of the tree are yellow, they still refuse to fall on the tree. The most amazing thing is that there are still some **s that are still tenaciously open on the branches. Although they are about to wither, it is too dazzling compared with all the flowers elsewhere.

Mu Chengzhi suddenly remembered that it seemed that he had met with Grandpa Shen once. He inadvertently talked about the strangeness of his sister's family. Speaking of the year of the drought, there was a dry lake in his sister's house. Does it have anything to do with the lake? Thinking that this garden is called Fuyuan, it may be a blessed place.

When he saw the house in front of him, Mu Chengzhi raised his eyebrows. No wonder his sister always wanted to come home. His sister's home is really no worse than Hou's house. Although the house is not as much as Hou's house, this house looks more unique than Hou's. Living here, there is such a good scenery, accompanied by It's really a pleasure.

"Zuer, my brother is beginning to want to live here. Your blessed garden is really a blessed place."

"Then my brother should stay here. There is nothing good about being a general. How can it be better to live leisurely here? At that time, I will cook delicious food for you every day, which is better than the craftsmanship of restaurants in the capital.

Su Zhi said with a smile that she liked this brother very much.

Mu Chengzhi nodded with a smile and said, "When my brother doesn't want to stay in the capital one day, he will come to you."

Mu Chengzhi himself was not interested in being an official. The reason why he became a general was that Su Zhi's death made him heartbroken, so he went to join the army. At that time, he even thought that it would be dead, but he didn't expect that he didn't die and came back as a general. Fortunately, I'm not dead, or I don't know my sister is alive!

Between the brother and sister, Su Zhi arranged Mu Chengzhi and his attendants and let Liu Jin take them here to familiarize themselves with the environment. She was helped back to her room by Shen Zi'an.

"It's better to be at home!"

Su Zhi sat on the kang. Although she didn't make a fire, she sat on the mat and didn't feel cold at all. She looked at the decorations in the room and felt happy no matter how she looked at it.

Shen Zi'an looked at his daughter-in-law's smile and thought to himself that his daughter-in-law still liked it here. He asked her to sit on the kang, said to burn the kang, and then went out.

The room was very clean. At a glance, she knew that people often came in to clean. Su Zhi took her sewing basket from the side and saw that half of the handkerchief she had embroidered inside was still there, and her hands could not be idle, so she picked it up and began to embroider. The white wolf and black also came in and lay With the loud cries of big gray and the cries of little black, you know that they are playing in the yard.

Su Zhi likes this warm atmosphere, but when she thinks that none of the three dolls are around, she is a little frustrated. She wants to deal with the matter soon.

The kang soon warmed up, and Shen Zi'an also boiled water and made tea for Su Zhi.

At this time, Liu Jin and Liu Yin were all back, saying that they had arranged Mu Chengzhi and his party, and even the water had been boiled, and the group was drinking water.

Su Zhi asked the two of them to rest. Along the way, the two children were also tired.

In less than an hour, the second room of the big room and Li Shi came. In the middle, Wang Huazhi, Wang Xiuyun and the sister-in-law of the root of Wang Huazhi also came over, but they left after a while. Su Zhi and the others just came back, and they didn't want to disturb them too much. What' After all, they are outsiders and are not suitable to get over. Knowing that Shen Zi'an and others came back with an imperial envoy, and they were sure that the case would pass from Su Zhi's mouth, they were at ease.

After Shen Zifu and the others returned home, they took a rest and drank a sip of hot water. The two daughters went to the second room at night, and they could come back to clean up during the day, which was the same as when they left. They just asked what happened in the village, and told their daughters about the capital. When they saw the envious eyes of the two daughters, they told them that they would take them to the capital when they had a chance in the future, and told them about their fourth aunt. The two little girls said that they went to live with their fourth aunt after they arrived in the capital. They I don't want to live with my grandfather and others, and I don't want to see Shen Zhu.

Shen Zigui also talked to his daughter-in-law's daughters. His daughter-in-law also met him these days and knew that he had not suffered, that is to say, he talked about family affairs, and then held his son for a while.

Waiting for Li Shi and Liu Siniang to come to them with a child in their arms. They looked at the time, and then they came to Fuyuan.

As soon as several women came, just like when they had arrived at their own home, they began to clean up the vegetables Shen Zi'an bought in the town. They made a lot of dishes, sent them to those Mu Chengzhi's followers, and let Shen Zi'an eat, and they had finished eating at home. They didn't want to be in Su When I was a child, I brought so many people to my home to make trouble.

Shen Zi'an told them that they couldn't move, so they could only eat with Mu Chengzhi and Su Zhi. After eating, they sat together and talked about the poisoning case.

"I think the person who does this must have something to do with the restaurant, because this seasoning makes the business of the restaurant good, so I came up with such a negative trick."

Li Shi said.

Everyone else nodded, thinking that what Li Shi said was possible.

Mu Chengzhi said, "There is another possibility, that is, the other party is rich, the kind of person who is very rich and wants this seasoning. I want to take this opportunity to reap the benefits of the fisherman. It's just because Zhier hasn't come back yet that they didn't show up.

Everyone nodded again and felt that it was also possible. As long as there were seasonings, they could make the food more delicious. Food is the first of the people. With seasonings, it is equivalent to making money in this industry. As long as you are a businessman, you will definitely be jealous. You think it is a cash cow and want to get it.

Shen Zigui looked at Su Zhi and asked, "Fourth brother-in-law, what do you think?"

Everyone also looked at Su Zhi, Su Zhi is smart, which is well known, and she is very lucky. Maybe this matter will be solved from her.

Su Zhi looked up and said, "Have you ever thought that this time, four restaurants were poisoned at the same time, and it was also confirmed that there was something wrong with our seasoning. But those four restaurants are in different places, and not everyone can enter the back kitchen of this big restaurant. Especially the seasoning can't be touched by everyone, right? How did others put the poison in?

Everyone frowned when they heard this. Someone looked at Shen Zigui and said nothing. Shen Zigui's face changed a little.

"Fourth sister-in-law, when you left home, you gave me some seasonings and asked me to give them to Qian's family according to time. Is there something wrong with this seasoning in my hand?"

Shen Zigui's face turned blue when he thought of this possibility. This is about human life, especially now he is afraid that the fourth brother will suspect that it has something to do with him. He is really wronged.

Li also thought of this layer. He was a little anxious and was about to say something when Su Zhi gently raised his hand and interrupted him.

Su Zhi said to Shen Zigui and Li Shi with a smile, "Don't worry, second brother and second sister-in-law. I believe you, otherwise I wouldn't have given you things in the first place."

The people in the second room were all relieved. They were really worried that it was a big deal, but they were even more grateful to think of Su Zhi's trust in them.

Shen Zigui frowned and said, "If someone really adds something while I'm not paying attention and let me know, I'll interrupt his hand!"

Shen Zi'an said, "It may also be an accident from the Qian family."

Mu Chengzhi said, "Let's ask the Qian family tomorrow."

The people in the second room couldn't wait to ask the people who came to the Qian family immediately, but they also put up with it. However, one thing can be confirmed. Nine times out of the poison in this seasoning is not that someone went to the restaurant, but there is a mistake from Shen Zigui and the Qian family, so the scope of search is small.

"Second brother, I'll ask you another question. Don't think too much. I'm just looking for a suspect." Su Zhi said, "You think, if there is something wrong with this seasoning from you, how does the other party know the seasoning in your hand? We do the noodle business on the surface, and the seasoning business has been going on secretly. I told the Qian family not to tell others that I made the seasoning. In order to cooperate with us all the time, they will not say it casually. Think about it, have you accidentally revealed this?

Su Zhi asked, because she felt that it was unlikely that there would be a problem with the Qian family, because the restaurants that happened were all nearby, and Su Zhi also asked. The Qian family got the seasoning from Shen Zigui and gave it to these restaurants almost immediately. The middle time is very short, and the Qian family attaches great importance to these seasonings. It is not very likely to be poisoned. However, it is easier for Shen Zigui to start here, but how do people who know that Shen Zigui has seasonings in their hands know?

Li said, "It's impossible to reveal this. Only our couple know about this matter. We didn't even tell Chunyue. We were afraid that people would talk too much and say it carelessly. Fourth sister-in-law, your second brother and I don't have much ability, but this mouth is also very tight. I won't tell others. Since your second brother took what you gave, he doesn't even dare to drink wine with others. I'm afraid that he will spill the matter!"

Shen Zigui said, "I can take my life to swear this. I really haven't told anyone about it."

"Second brother, second sister-in-law, don't worry, I'm just asking."

Su Zhi was really afraid of hurting the hearts of two honest people, but she couldn't do it without asking about this matter. Now that she heard that they were so sure, did she really have an accident with the Qian family?

Shen Zifu said, "Do you think it will be seen when Zigui gave this seasoning to the Qian family? Even if you don't see it, think about it, Qianjia has the seasoning, but where did the seasoning come from? As long as someone with the intention must stare at it, he may find that it was given by Zigui. As long as this person keeps an eye on a person, he can definitely find out the other person's secret.

Everyone nodded as soon as they heard it. It's really possible.

"Wow, wow!"

The cry of big gray sounded outside, followed by the sound of Xiao Hei, but everyone who was familiar with them knew that it was not someone coming, but that they were playing, and everyone didn't care.

Shen Zigui's face suddenly changed and said, "I remember! Maybe there is really a leak here!"


Li Shi was shocked when he heard this. He hurriedly looked at Shen Zigui and thought that what happened here really involved the fourth sister-in-law? How can this be right for the fourth brother and the fourth sister! She could hardly sit still.

Shen Zi'an said, "Second sister-in-law, don't worry, let the second brother tell me what's going on."

Mu Chengzhi also said, "Yes, tell me, as long as there is a clue to catch the murderer, it will be all right."

Everyone looked at Shen Zigui. Shen Zigui said to Li, "Daughter-in-law, you still remember that one day we came here to clean the house for the fourth brothers. That day, we talked about the seasoning. Did the seasoning be baked on the kang because of the kang? Then we discussed how to move the place?"

Li Shi nodded repeatedly and said, "Are you suspicious that someone listened to us that day?"

Shen Zigui nodded and said, "If there is really a leak here, that's the time, just that time, the blackhearted not only knows that we have seasonings, but also knows where to put them!"

Shen Zigui smashed his thigh with hatred, and then said, "Someone must have heard it. I just heard Dahui's cry, and suddenly remembered that when we were talking that day, Dahui also shouted like this. We didn't take it seriously, but do you remember it? That day, we saw Dahui's mouth with blood I thought it had caught its own food. But now think about it, the sound of Dahui's cry that day was obviously very urgent and scary. Did he see someone at that time, so he went to bite the man?

"It seems to be true when you say so!" Li also exclaimed, "The big gray saw us that day, but he kept wagging his tails, as if he was going to take us somewhere!" It's just that we didn't take it seriously! At that time, did it bite the man and report it to us?" RS