Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 523 Spring Flower Secret

Listening to Shen Zigui and Li's words, everyone thought that there was such a thing as before. If it was really what they said, it was really possible that the wall had ears. Their words were heard, and then it led to a disaster.

Shen Zi'an stood up and walked to the door and shouted Dahui.

Dahui immediately ran over. He stood in front of Shen Zi'an and looked up at him. His big eyes were full of joy. He had just finished eating a lot of meat and was playing with Xiaohei to grab bones.

Shen Zi'an asked, "Dahui, have you ever bitten someone these days?"

The people in the room were speechless when they heard this. They wanted to ask a dog, can he understand?

He shouted loudly and wagged his tail.

Shen Zi'an asked again, "Can you smell it next time I see that man again?"

Dahui blinked his eyes and didn't wag his tail.

Shen Zi'an patted Dahui's head and let him go out to play.

The people in the room watched Shen Zi'an do this, thinking whether it was a question or not. Mu Chengzhi thought that when he first entered the door, Su Zhi and Dahui were like talking to someone. At that time, Dahui seemed to be able to understand. His eyes lit up, and he wondered if Dahui could understand what Shen Zi'an He immediately asked Shen Zi'an what Dahui meant by the two shouts.

Shen Zi'an said, "Dahui did bite people, but it didn't quite understand my second sentence. It seems that it is a little difficult for him to smell which one he bit."

Dahui couldn't understand this. It could remember the smell of that person, and it was impossible to tell them when it smelled.

Mu Chengzhi thought it was okay. The dog still had something he couldn't understand, otherwise he would really become a master. He said, "As long as Dahui bites that person, it is a clue. If you bite it, there must be injury on your body. Although you can't check all the people, you can use this to verify those who are suspected in the future. Brother Shen, tell me the time of that day. I'll ask someone to check what was suspicious on that day.

Shen Zigui quickly told Mu Chengzhi that he thought that it was really possible that his couple accidentally let people eavesdrop on these words, and then caused a big disaster. He felt sorry for his fourth brother and sister-in-law. Now all he had to do was to provide everything he knew. If someone really listened to them and then framed the fourth brother I hope everything he said can bring that man to justice.

Li apologized to Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi, saying that they were all careless, which made people listen.

Su Zhi comforted, "Second sister-in-law, don't blame yourself too much. Maybe it's not that there is a leak here. The person bit by Dahui has nothing to do with this matter at all. When you meet the Qian family tomorrow, ask them, and then investigate. I believe it can be investigated clearly.

Shen Zigui and Li still blame themselves. Even if the people who bite the big ashes have nothing to do with this matter, they are too careless.

Seeing this situation, Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi quickly changed the topic, called a group of juniors sitting in the wing and began to send them gifts. This time, the things they brought were all good things, the girls were all jewelry and clothes, and the gifts of the boys had already been given. She also gave Liu Siniang jewelry. Her two children, like Li's children, brought long-life locks made of white jade.

All the gifts were very happy, and then they naturally talked about the capital before the atmosphere relaxed.

When Chunyun was sleepy and began to yawn, Li Shi and others got up and left.

He sent the person away and closed the garden gate. When Shen Zi'an came back, Mu Chengzhi also got up and said goodbye.

The house was cleaned up when everyone left. Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi cleaned it up and went to bed. They were also tired today.

Lying on the warm kang, covered with a soft quilt and smelling the faint fragrance of lotus flowers, the husband and wife whispered, analyzing who was most likely to be a suspect in the village. As they spoke, Su Zhi fell asleep. Shen Zi'an listened to Su Zhi's soft breath, covered the quilt for her, and closed it. Eyes, but he didn't fall asleep. He was still thinking about who was most likely to be the black hand behind the scenes. Finally, I thought about it and fell asleep.

The next morning, as soon as Shen Zi'an came together, he heard a message from Liu Jin outside, saying that Chunhua wanted to see them. Shen Zi'an asked him to let her in.

Su Zhi also woke up and heard that Chunhua was coming. She slowly sat up and said, "Why did Chunhua get up early? I haven't seen her for a long time, so I just gave her the gift I brought her.

Shen Zi'an combed Su Zhi's hair, just simply tied it up and inserted another jade hairpin. Even if he hadn't washed his face, he couldn't see it at all. There was also a different kind of lazy beauty, with her green jacket, like a white begonia. Shen Zi'an kissed Su Zhi's face and With his body, he became all ugly, but his daughter-in-law looked better.

Su Zhi was suddenly kissed, looked at him, and he waved. When Shen Zi'an came again, he also kissed him on the face.

The husband and wife were lingering here. Chunhua had gone outside and whispered to the fourth uncle and fourth aunt.

"Spring flowers, come in!"

Su Zhi called Chunhua, and her voice was clear, which made people feel comfortable. Chunhua thought that she really liked this fourth aunt more and more. I hope she was right to come this time. She really didn't want to live such a life. She also wanted to live such a relaxed life of the fourth aunt. It was such a relaxed day in her heart I am also willing to take a risk.

Chunhua agreed and picked up the curtain and went in. As soon as she entered, she felt that the room was warm, with a light fragrance, which made her feel full of energy. Looking at the fourth aunt sitting on the kang, I thought that I haven't seen her these days. The fourth aunt looks better, and I heard that she is still the daughter of the marquis. She is simply a noble identity that can only be heard in the drama, which is really enviable.

Chunhua came this time, it was precisely because of Su Zhi's identity that gave her courage in her heart. She thought that there was nothing she could do with a young lady of the marquis's family. As long as the fourth aunt was willing to help her, she would really have a way to live in her life. Thinking of her suffering in that house, Chunhua's little fists clenched more tightly, and her determination was firmer.

"Fourth uncle, fourth aunt, I'm really sorry to bother you so early."

Chunhua apologized first. Because she was angry at home, she was also polite outside. Now she relies on her fourth uncle and others to give them a good impression.

Shen Zi'an nodded, pointed to the chair beside him and said, "Sit down."

Chunhua thanked and did not sit down. She still stood there honestly. Su Zhi saw it and thought that the child was still restrained. Although Chunhua is a child of three rooms, since she told them the secret and turned to them, Su Zhi also observed her and found that the child was also very pitiful. Dad didn't I don't love her. She obviously has a home, but she is trampled like a weed. She is a child-loving person. She is also happy that Chunhua can not learn from Sanfang and can go on a good road, and does not reject her.

"Spring flowers, you came just in time. I brought you a gift when I came back from the capital. You can take it back on the way. Keep it well and don't let your parents see it."

Su Zhi took a small cloth bag from the cabinet beside him and handed it to the spring flower.

"Take it. Chunlan and others all have it. They are jewelry and cloth. I thought it was not easy for you to collect the cloth, so I gave you a small silver medal."

"Thank you, fourth uncle and fourth aunt."

As soon as she heard that Chunlan also had some Chunlan, she took it down. She saw that the cloth was made of silk, light green color, which was hard inside, and felt slippery in her hand. She held it tighter, and she was very moved. She thought that the fourth uncle and others did not hate her because of her parents, and She was so careful that she was afraid that her things would be robbed by her parents and replaced them with things that were easy to collect. No one in the world has been so good to her!

Su Zhi waved her hand and said, "Thank you. We are all a family. What are you doing out so early? On a cold day, don't stay at home for a long time, and then get sick from the cold. Stay here for a while and leave after dinner.

Chunhua shook her head and said, "I have to go to collect firewood quickly. If I can't go back early, my mother will scold me. There is other work for me to do at home. I have something to tell my fourth uncle and fourth aunt now. Now I'm afraid that I won't have time to come out for a day, and I'm afraid that it will delay your big things.

When Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an heard this, they looked at each other and thought that this little girl was here to report the news, and they were afraid of delaying their big event. What could this big event be? The two of them were moved, thinking that the biggest thing for them now was the poisoning case of the restaurant. Is it related to this matter? But what can a girl know about Chunhua?

"Spring flowers, what do you know? Tell me about it."

"Fourth uncle, fourth aunt, if I say, if what I say is useful to you, can you ask my parents for me and let me be your maid, so that they don't care about my business in the future? I'm afraid that I will be sold by them in the future. I don't want to be a concubine for others.

Chunhua's eyes turned red when she said that, and she hated her parents in her heart. It turned out that in the marriage between her sister-in-law and Mr. Qian, because Mr. Qian's leg was broken, her sister-in-law did not want to marry. Her parents wanted to push her out regardless of her young age. At that time, she was a little scared, but she thought they were dazzled by money, so she talked nonsense. But not long ago, they said that the little uncle became an official in the capital. If he can find a good marriage for his aunt, he can also find a favor for her. Even if he can't be a wife, he can be a concubine for others. He also said that the concubine doesn't need to give a dowry, which is the She was so chilled when she heard it.

Chunhua is not very old, but she also knows that it is not good to be a concubine. Maybe she used to think that as long as she eats well and dresses well, but since she knew the final end of Aunt Yue and heard the misery of some other concubines, she no longer wants to be a con Now that she is young, her parents have calculated this. She is really afraid, so she wants to make plans for herself.

The fourth aunt is Chunhua's most envious person. She used to be jealous, but later she knew that it was useless to be jealous, and the fourth uncle and fourth aunt were good people. It's better to let them help her get rid of her current life. And she also successfully hooked up with her fourth uncle. Now God has given her a good opportunity. She doesn't want to miss it. Although this opportunity will sacrifice someone, she still decided to do so.

Shen Zi'an frowned when he heard Chunhua's words. He thought that the third brother and his husband were too ridiculous. Chunhua was still so young that they talked in her ears all day long about being concubines. It was too serious to be a son preference for a girl. Being a concubine is not a glorious thing.

Su Zhi said to Chunhua, "What kind of maid is not a maid? As long as you make up your mind to leave your parents and stop getting involved with them, we can still reach out to help you."

Chunhua thanked me repeatedly. She thought that before she said what she knew, the fourth aunt agreed, which was very kind to herself. The last trace of hesitation in her heart disappeared. As soon as she gritted her teeth, she told her what she knew.

"Fourth uncle, fourth aunt, you came back this time for the poisoning of many people in that restaurant! I heard that the seasonings used in those restaurants are poisonous, and the seasonings are made by you, right? What I want to say has something to do with this. I suspect that this matter has something to do with Sanlang.


Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi were a little surprised when they heard this. They thought that the three rooms had just come back. Is this causing trouble again?

Shen Zi'an asked, "Chunhua, do you think it has something to do with Sanlang, does that have anything to do with your parents?"

Chunhua shook her head and said, "I only know that it has something to do with Sanlang, as if my parents don't know about it."

Su Zhi thought of what Sanlang had done over the years, especially when he was in the capital before. In order to rely on them, he almost suffocated his own brothers. That kind of vicious mind, he may do this kind of thing to frame them again. In particular, they saved Goro and proposed to completely break off the relationship with Sanfang, so that Sanfang was driven back to Riverside Village by Shen Youfu and others, and even Shen Ziju and Shen Zhu did not attend the wedding banquet. It is also possible for them to hold a grudge.

"Chunhua, please tell me carefully why you suspect Sanro."

Chunhua said everything she knew. It turned out that when Shen Ziping and the others came back, Wulang was ill again. Huang Langzhong said that he had to use the medicine well and gave him a prescription to go to the town or the county to catch the medicine. Sanlang wanted to go, but he all left. Sun found that he didn't take the prescription and let Chunhua go again. Chunhua didn't find Sanlang when he arrived in the town, and then went to the county seat. Before he arrived at the pharmacy, he saw Sanlang. Sanlang was meeting a person. The two quietly touched into the alley. Chunhua saw that the man gave Sanlang a piece of silver.

"That person is Zhao Daliang, who now opens a restaurant in the county. I just wondered why he gave Sanlang money? Thinking that someone was poisoned in this restaurant, Zhao Daliang also opened a restaurant. Does it have anything to do with him? Fourth uncle, fourth aunt, do you think what I said is useful?

Chunhua looked at Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi, afraid that they would think what she said was useless. In case she didn't care about her again and let Sanlang know about it, she couldn't live. RS