abandoned and turned over

Chapter 167 Explanation of Three Life and Two Life Delay

Chapter Summary: Yu Qingshu was about to ascend the throne, but Fu Wei was seriously injured for General Fu at the enthronement ceremony. The shadow guard suddenly appeared to save her, but in the heavily defended palace, there was an unpredictable Yu Qingshu, and then there was General Fu, the god of war. With the shadow guard alone and a seriously injured Fu Wei, can he really escape smoothly?

Sometimes, no matter how divine the fifth master is, he can only guess in the future, but he is always a mortal and his ability is limited after all.

I couldn't close my eyes, and the loss of blood made my brain have some hypoxia. The shadow guard took me to run quickly in the thick smoke, but was stopped by Xiaoyu coming from high above. His eyes looked at us with ice, and his thin lips squeezed into a straight line.

"Put her down." Xiaoyu gave the order coldly.

"Princess..." The shadow guard's voice was a little anxious, and he also knew that the smoke could not withstand it for long. At this time, only Xiaoyu could stop him. He turned his eyes to me and his eyes hidden in the mask flashed with a little pleading.

"Let's go." I turned my head and looked at Xiaoyu with a smile. I won't be with you. You know this result better than anyone else. Even if what happened today, I still can't be with you..." I paused, took a deep breath to relieve the suffocation in my heart, and continued, "Even for my cheap life, let us leave, otherwise I will really become a corpse. It's physical."

"Weiwei..." Xiaoyu called in pain, but her figure began to regress. I knew he was ready to let us go. Finally exhausted, he slowly lowered his eyelids. Although I closed my eyes, the sound was still audible.

I only felt that there was a roaring wind in my ears, and the shadow guard took me like when I was running up and down on the edge of the cliff to find Junyu that day. However, at that time, he was not as respectful to me as I am now, and even with a trace of pity.

Actually, I didn't want to leave, but I couldn't watch the shadow guard appear and die because of me. In this world, there are too many people who have died because of me. Why add another soul to the dead?

"Princess, don't sleep." The shadow guard ran fast and didn't forget to talk to me to distract me. Holding my hand was obviously so hard, but I didn't feel any strength from him, and the force was used just right.

"I didn't sleep." I slowly spit out three words. There was never-ending black in front of me, and my eyelids were heavy as if they were filled with heavy lead.

"The emperor is in Liaohua City, and you can see him right away." The shadow guard was probably afraid that I would be in a coma and threw this blockbuster bomb.

I don't know where the strength came from. I suddenly opened my heavy eyelids and stared at the shadow guard in disbelief. All I see is a black mask. I closed my eyelids heavily, and I was surprised that the shadow guard was here. It turned out that he also came.

However, shouldn't he be in Bafang City during this ** period? Why are you here? As if he could see what was thinking, the shadow guard whispered, "The emperor is here to save you and Prince Mufeng."

When the shadow guard's words fell, I suddenly became clear. Yes! He came to save Mu Feng, and while saving Mu Feng, he also took away the delicate. What he did at this time was just like my father's bargaining chip, and he also threatened Xiaoyu with fiber.

If Jun Yu knew what I was thinking at this time, he would definitely show a crying and laughing expression.

I don't know when I fell into a coma and woke up in a hut.

The hut is not big, but it is well decorated and exquisite. I opened my heavy eyelids, moving and sour eyes, and slowly looked at the room. Maybe I was woken up by my subtle movements. The person in front of the bed hummed softly, and the voice was not loud, but with a lazy crispness. The sound alone made people's hearts rippled.

I looked at the person lying on his arm doubtfully, and now he was looking forward blankly. The straight bridge of the nose must have been pressed for a long time, with a little playful red, white cheeks with light powder, and the thin lips look appetizing. The blank eyes are not as domineering and lonely when they are awake, and they are covered with a faint fog, like a child who has been wronged, which makes people want to cherish it. .

In the face of such an appearance, Jun Yu obviously looked into my dull eyes before he reflected, and then gently hooked the corners of his mouth with a little smile in his eyes. You're awake!" After saying that, I breathed a sigh of relief, as if it was not easy for me to wake up.

"Hmm!" I answered faintly and then closed my eyes. At this time, there may be no hatred for Junyou, but he also feels that there is no love.

"I'm sorry..." He suddenly apologized and even sighed. Just when I was very confused, he continued: "I already knew that Huangfu Xiuyuan was going to kill General Fu, and even he had poisoned the hidden weapon. I'm afraid that you will be sad after you know it, so I will let the shadow guard secretly drop the poisoned hidden weapon, but I didn't expect that this move happened to save your life. If it hadn't been for Yu Qingshu's fairy feather clothes, you..." He explained it hastily and didn't go on.

I opened my eyes and looked at him blankly without any feelings, just like looking at a stranger. It's unnecessary." There is no need to explain this to me. I won't thank anyone or hate anyone anymore. For these people who cheated on me, they have also been kind to me. Whether it's true or not, I can repay some and don't want to owe anyone.

"Come back to Vietnam with me!" He held my hand. His hand was so big, so warm, so gentle, and his movements seemed to be afraid of breaking a good porcelain.

"No, I still want to watch Xiaoyu ascend the throne." I shook my head and left when I was sure that Xiaoyu would not harm the hundred races. What about Mu Feng? How is he? And why did you take the fiber away? Do you want to have the same idea as my father?

My sudden jumping thinking made Junyou slightly stunned. He frowned and said, "Mu Feng has been brought back to the State of Yue. As for the girl you mentioned..." Saying that, a strange color suddenly flashed on Junyou's face.

"We didn't catch her at all." He was not angry at all about my doubts and contempt, but slowly explained it to me. I asked Yingwei to take Mu Feng away when everyone was not paying attention, but the girl followed him all the way out of Dingyuan Houfu. But she didn't do anything to Yingwei. Later, Yingwei finally couldn't help asking her why she followed. Guess what she said? Jun Yu sat at the head of the bed with a flattering smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes. What on earth does this girl want to do!" Maybe she doesn't know who you are and wants to take back Mu Feng, but she doesn't have the ability!" I know the delicate kung fu. The freezing method can't be used casually to the shadow guard, because he carries Mu Feng on his body. Besides, there was no one else around her at that time. It's really bad to be in a coma.

Jun Yao shook his head and touched my pale face. At this time, the shadow guard came in with porridge. Jun Yu took it from his hand and waved his hand to let him retreat, even to feed me in person.

I took a bite of porridge and motioned him to continue.

"She said that she knew who Yingwei was and that it would be safer for Mu Feng to go back to her home with him. She followed the shadow guard because she also wanted to go. She wanted to know whether Yu Qingshu would come to save her. Jun Yu said that there was a funny expression on her face, and obviously felt that there was something wrong with the girl's brain.

He said, "Almost everyone who knows you know that Yu Qingshu likes you. In my opinion, that girl has no chance. But don't worry, she saved your life, and I will treat her well.

"How do you know?" I looked at him with some vigilance, as if he knew everything around me. Now Junyu makes people feel more unfathomable. Even his father, who has lived for hundreds of years, can repeatedly lose in his hands. This man is really too strong to make people unable to see his weakness.

In those years, he suddenly gave way to the third prince because of me, and now that I think about it, it is completely full of conspiracy! Fortunately, my heart trembled a little at that time. This person will not be useless to do anything, and he will always lay the foundation for something in the future.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Jun Yao shook his head slowly. At this time, the porridge was almost drunk. He called the shadow guard to clean up and lift the general up.

"Weiwei, I have lived for more than 20 years. Anyone dares to calculate, and anyone dares to deceive. Only my mother and you have never cheated. My mother treated me very well. For my gentleness, she went to confront the empress dowager. For me, she did not forget to leave me food when she was punished to be a raccoon girl when she was misunderstood by her father. She has suffered too much for me, so I am willing to do anything for her.

As for you, she is the woman I care about the most besides her.

At this time, don't you explain for the first life? You know I'm in the army, and a lot of news comes late. Although I was the emperor at that time, many people did not support me, and there were also bad things secretly..." He lowered his head and took a deep breath.

"If I had one-third of my ability at that time, I wouldn't have sacrificed my own women, and I didn't even have room for redemption." Almost at the moment he finished saying this, a drop of clear tears rolled down his straight nose, and then fell on the back of my hand. The temperature almost burned the back of my hand, which was hot.

The back of my hand trembled uncontrollably, and then raised my hand uncontrollably. Half rational, half pity, hesitant, and finally fell on his cheek, slightly burning.

Jun Yu still lowered his head. Even if he showed such a fragile side at this time, he was still a king who made people's hearts tremble. Sitting there alone, he naturally carried the domineering and arrogance of being a king, and a trace of cold determination. He still had a contradictory warmth on his body. At this time, he was like a complete gentleman, with long dark hair on his shoulders, meticulous, and the golden dragon staggered from the collar of his back neck, opening his teeth and claws, adding a stream of The fierce spirit of killing.