The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 148 The Magic of Nangong Fu

Entering the hall, Yunyao was adding spices to the incense burner as usual. Yu Meiren stopped and her eyebrows tightened gently.

The meaning is very clear. If you have something to do, you can find Yunyao, but isn't Yunyao from Xue Feizi? What's going on? Should she believe it? If she guessed correctly, the reason why she pretended to be Yang Er before was Nangong Fu's intention to monitor her.

At present, there is something that needs to be helped, but whether Yunyao can be trusted or not, will it be Nangong Fu's trap this time?

"Madam, what's wrong?"

Maybe she stared at Yunyao for too long, which made Wuyue suspicious. As soon as Wuyue's voice came out, Yunyao had turned around and immediately saluted when she saw Yu Meiren: "Madam."

Beauty Yu's heartbeat obviously accelerated, and she came to her senses like an alarm bell ringing on her head. She was just too careless to show her doubts. Fortunately, she had not aroused the other party's suspicion.

"No, I just saw you and thought of one of my good sisters, Wu Yue. Is your relationship with Yun Yao always so good?"


Wu Yue and Yun Yao made a stunned voice at the same time. They didn't expect that Yu Meiren would ask such a question. Yun Yao was about to answer, but Wu Yue had already opened her mouth.

"Why did Madam suddenly want to ask this question?"

Really, she was stuck, and the beauty's smile on her face did not diminish, but she was determined in her heart: "There are many people here who can't see you have such a good relationship, just like sisters. I have a sister and a good friend who is like sisters, and I don't know if they are doing well."

"Actually, Yunyao and I were brought back from the outside. Because we had been bullied alone before, we felt sorry for each other as soon as we met. Naturally, we would be so good."

When Wuyue spoke, Beauty Yu looked at Yunyao inadvertently. Although there was not much change on her face, her hidden fingers moved clearly. Yu Beauty pretended not to see it and faced Wuyue: "I don't know why, my stomach suddenly got hungry. Wuyue, go and help me get something to eat. Yunyao, you stay Come down and talk to me about your past."

When Yu Meiren saw Wu Yue nodded and walked out, she took Yunyao's hand and sat down at the table in the inner hall. Yunyao was obviously a little uncomfortable with the sudden intimacy between Yu Meiren. Just as she wanted to get up, she heard Yu Meiren's voice.

"I just saw it."

The movement that was about to get up suddenly became stiff. Yunyao raised her head and looked at Yu Meiren alertly. For a moment, her eyes had returned to their original innocence and simplicity.

"Are you talking about the gentleman beside the palace owner?"

It doesn't seem to be a simple person. Yu Meiren can't help sneering. It turns out that she will also be blind.

"There is no outsider here. Just tell me if you want to find him through his sister in the future, but I don't know if Miss Yunyao is willing to help me with this?"


Yunyao's expression changed briefly, but it soon changed back to the former predecessor's respect: "Madam's words, Yunyao dares not disoience. I don't know what Madam wants Yunyao to do?"

Although Yunyao said this, there is still some room in her heart. After all, she doesn't really know the beauty of Yu, and she doesn't know how true what she said is. It's better to deal with it carefully.

"You don't have to be so nervous about me. You can prove that what I said is true or not soon, can't you? As I just said, I have a good sister who wants to ask me to bring her a letter and tell her that I'm fine.

Yu Meiren stretched out her hand and poured a cup of hot tea, sent the teacup to the other party's hand for the other party to hold it. Her fingertips touched a different warm breath, and her lips unconsciously raised: "Your hands are so cold. It seems that you should wear more clothes."

"Where is she?"

Yunyao lowered her head and looked as if she was looking at the teacup in her hand.

"Beiqiu military camp, give it to a man named Yinghong."

"It's a death crime to be known by the palace owner to give letters to the enemy camp privately. You are asking my brother to take risks."

Yunyao got up, and the teacup in her hand fell to the ground. With a click, it broke into countless small crystals. Yunyao looked at her with obvious hostility and seemed to be firm.

"It seems that you are indeed a sister."

Yu Meiren also got up. Just now, Yunyao's performance was clearly caused by worry, and it didn't seem to be fake, which made her a little relieved.

"Are you testing me?"

Yunyao's voice is a little sharp, not like the usual innocent girl.

"I didn't test you, but don't worry, I asked your brother to send a wordless book. Even if he was intercepted into the hands of Nangong Fu, your brother will not do anything. I just want to report safety and bring me a sentence by the way."

"What are you talking about?"

Yu Mei turned around, as if she hadn't made up her mind. After a long time, she slowly opened her mouth. Her voice seemed to be far away, and it seemed to be from a distance: "I want to see her."

After saying this, there was a sound of footsteps outside the hall. Wuyue came in with the food. Beauty Yu turned around, and Yunyao had squatted on the ground to pick up the broken teacup.

"What's going on?"

Wu Yue put the food on the table, and then squatted down to clean up with Yunyao.

"My wife poured me a cup of tea just now, but unfortunately I burned my tongue and accidentally knocked it over."

Yunyao said and spit out her tongue at Wuyue, as if she had returned to the original lively and careless maid.

"You are always careless. If you change the palace owner, how to punish you."

After cleaning up, the two got up, and Yu Meiren smiled at them, as if nothing had happened: "You can eat with me after you have packed up. Anyway, I can't eat so much alone."

"Madam, we are slaves and can't eat at your table."

Without thinking about it, Wu Yue immediately refused, but Yu Meiren was not affected at all, just sighed: "Really? I just think of my sister and my best sister. Just take it as a wish to satisfy me.


Wu Yue was still a little hesitant. Yunyao had already said: "I will always be a maidservant. It's better for my wife to eat alone. If you really want to find someone to accompany you, I will go and invite the palace master to come."

She refused coldly and bluntly, and even Wu Yue beside her was shocked. Yu Meiren had understood the meaning of the other party's words, smiled and did not refuse: "Okay."

It seems that this girl doesn't want to help. She should be worried. The only relatives in the world, like her, also have something she once wanted to give. Unfortunately, those so-called empathy and compassion are not more important than her life.

After getting the response of Beauty Yu, Yunyao saluted and retreated. Wu Yue also felt something was wrong between the two, but she knew that Beauty Yu had always been kind to people. Although she did not know the reason, she also followed Yunyao to salute and retreat.


starting to change? The originally irrelevant relationship between her and Yunyao, but she will still find a way for her to cooperate with her, even if she is unwilling.

turned around and looked at the food on the table. It seemed that it was already ready, otherwise Wuyue would not have come back so soon. He was really a careful person, Xue Feizi.

After waiting for a long time, Yu Mei moved her chopsticks, like a gust of wind quickly swept into the hall. Yu Meiren could feel someone standing behind her.

"Maybe I will feel better if you can walk in a normal way next time."

She didn't look back, but just filled the rice and put it on her opposite side, waiting for the person behind her to slowly walk to her opposite side. She met those eyes again, which made her afraid most of the time.

"Let's eat. There are not many dishes. It's my habit."


When the confused and puzzled mood gradually appeared in those dark eyes, Yu Meiren suddenly found that she had some sympathy for the person in front of her, which was different from the so-called fear. Although she was still trembling in her heart, there was more continuous sympathy. This person had no feelings, so many things were His eyes are just an end, and there will never be a sincere existence, and he can't get sincere feedback.

"I want you to eat like a normal person, Nangong Fu, you said that I am your wife. I want to live a normal life. Before you have decided to divorce me, eating with me is something you must get used to."

"What is it?"

The cold voice is just like the person in front of him, and he doesn't even know how to express his feelings.


Although this word is much different from the feeling here, Yu Meiren still gives such an answer. Maybe this is also what she has always been longing for. Although a man, although it is a completely different situation, it is like something in her heart, she tells herself like this to give a little bit to those who owe money. Compensation makes him feel a little warmth before that, as if it were to return to him what he had brought to her.

"Nang Gongfu, go home."

At home, Nangong Fu looked at the woman more puzzledly and always felt that the word was a little strange, and then the position of his body became familiar with pain, which was seducing him. The woman in front of him, like the picture in a dream, was very warm and lingering, and then endless destruction. He was very lucky, and Well, that's just a dream, and the current reality is unacceptable and resolutely unacceptable.

Reaching out her hand and smashed the bowl in front of her. When Yu Meiren saw the sound and heard the sound, her heart suddenly jumped twice. The fragments cut the skin and flesh of her cheek, leaving a slight painful opening. She kept that action and gradually opened a smile on her lips: "Do you feel happy like this?"

A strange feeling hit the chest, and the red marks of blood stretched on the side of the woman's face. Nangong Fu suddenly felt a little overwhelmed, like a strange and familiar feeling.

Is he happy? Yes, when he first tortured this woman, he had never had crazy happiness, but now, nothing has changed.

"Nangong Fu, are you afraid to eat with me?"

is afraid, because there are feelings that this person himself should not have.

Nangong Fu stepped back, are you afraid? He was really afraid to stay with this woman, and then watched him slowly change him. Obviously, he should have made her suffer, but now he is unhappy.

It hurts, my head hurts, as if it was smashed by something, and then slowly climbed out. Blood, and his whole body was full of blood. He used to see such gentle eyes and the fragrance on the woman's lips, but the feeling came from the call of hell, the sound of hairpin piercing the skin, and the cry when he fell. The sound of wind.

Hell? The beautiful valley was hellish for him, but the man told him that it would be good if he stayed there for a lifetime.

No, he doesn't want to do this. Don't be trapped by her all his life. He wants to kill her.

Reaching out for internal force, he cracked the table in front of him into two sections like crazy, and flew out with the woman opposite in pain.

The moment the body hit the wall behind her, Yu Meiren groaned uncontrollably. The tiger's mouth seemed to be shaken to crack, and the wound on the shoulder blade tore the pain nerves, and then a fishy sweetness surged up in her throat.

The man was crazy, the only thought in his heart, and the approaching footsteps. The fear was so strong for a while that she didn't even have the strength to move.

Are you going to die? Suddenly, it was dark in front of you. At the moment before Nangong Fu's big palm was cut off, his body had reached the limit of pain and slowly fainted.