The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 149 Fear of Loss of Voice

Tears slipped down the corner of her eyes. Yu Mei knew that this was a dream, because the person she saw now was Peng Bin, her husband of her previous life, who was kneeling in front of her grave to repent.

is repentance, at least she thinks so, because she sees traces of tears on the other party's face.

Yu Meiren is a little confused. Has she traveled through time again, or is it just a dream?

By the way, she remembered that she was shocked by Nangong Fu's internal force and flew out. Before she fainted, she remembered that Nangong Fu had taken action against her, so now, whether the body that belongs to Yu Meiren is dead or not.

I don't know, but now she desperately wants to open her eyes and try her best to break away from this space.

"Left Guardian, Madam seems to be conscious."

Hearing the sound, Xue Feizi put the silver needle back in place, turned around and walked to the bed. He reached out to the woman's pulse. My heartbeat had calmed down, and there seemed to be a strange force. When he felt it carefully, there was nothing.

It's an illusion. Xue Feizi let go of his hand and looked at the woman's pale little face, which looked a little painful. Yesterday, it was only a little short. It was difficult for him to imagine such an ending. If he slowed down, I don't know if she would disappear like this.

Dangerous, Xue Feizi sighed, with a pain in the cone of his back, and his internal organs seemed to be entangled in pain. His fingers clenched, and he felt dizzy in front of him, and he was about to fall forward.

"Left protection."

Wu Yue screamed and held the man in white, with a solemn look on her eyebrows. It was time to be exhausted after holding on for so long. This man, who took over the palm of the palace master so desperately yesterday, was simply desperate.

Is it worth it? Wu Yue turned her head and looked at the woman with her eyes closed on the bed. At a moment, she couldn't express the feeling of hatred. She really wanted the ** person to die like this, so this person should be more relaxed. At least she would not see such a painful expression.

It's just that she has such a face. What else is more special than a woman in the world? Wuyue doesn't understand, but she knows the person in front of her, and the man she cares about has forgotten her heart on that woman.

"I'm fine."

Xue Feizi pushed the woman's hand away. His steps were a little pale and slowly disappeared into the hall.

Is it really okay? Wuyue laughed at herself. Nangong Fu's palm wind should have slandered him even if she didn't do her best. Wuyue knew that this person would never make others feel like a trouble. She just quietly disappeared and hid all her emotions well. However, the more so, the more distressed she felt and the more she hated ** People.

The seeds of jealousy have spread, secretly transporting her internal forces and approaching ** step by step. As long as she is a little more cruel, nothing can become a burden for that person, and no one can take away that person's sight.

Die, let her die in her own hand. The person whose fingers had not touched ** were interrupted by the sudden footsteps behind her, and the hand that originally wanted to kill the other party became to cover the quilt for the other party.

"What's the matter? Panic."

Wu Yue turned around and looked at Yun Yao, who was gasping slightly, making kind accusations as usual.

"Something happened. No, it was the left guard. He fainted and fainted."

When she was shocked, Wuyue's face changed greatly. She couldn't wait to listen to her. Her body already had an instinctive reaction.

Yunyao shrugged, and then looked at the beauty behind her, thinking that nothing should happen, and then chased her out.

When both of them left, a figure suddenly swayed into the hall, which seemed to appear by the bedside with a faint sigh, reached out and gently touched the forehead of ** people, and smoothed the broken hair aside.

The person came in a plain white dress and covered with tulle. Her eyes were soft with infinite compassion, but her voice was a little hoarse: "Your child must be very confused about who the person who pretended to be you. As a teacher tells you that your master is not dead yet. He is the person who impersonated you, but unfortunately I can't let him see him like this."

"Beauty, wake up quickly. You are always disobedient and make yourself like this, but this time you must wake up quickly."

sighed one after another, and the talking woman took out a small bottle from her arms, poured out a snow-white pill, and then sent it to the mouth of ** sleeping woman.

"Don't worry, the Beiqiu Yin as a teacher has placed him in a safe place. In fact, you don't have to be so stubborn. You think you don't know as a teacher. Although you never lie to me, you have never completely told me your sincerity."

After the woman in white finished speaking, her fingers had hung beside her body, knowing that it was not easy to stay here for a long time. If she was found, she was afraid that it would cause more trouble to Yu Meiren. She sighed faintly, turned around and walked out of the door.

The hall seemed to be lonely again, quietly, only the lights on both sides were intertwined. The expression of the person who was sleeping in ** suddenly felt unspeakable pain, and his body also began to tremble. A gust of wind blew, and the candlelight on one side was suddenly extinguished, and the woman of ** suddenly cried out in pain, suddenly, suddenly Open your eyes.

Have you finally woke up? Beauty Yu's panic has not retreated. She looked around. This is where she lives. The pain of her body is clearly rubbed into her senses because of awakening, which is very painful, so everything that happened before is not an illusion.

The throat is thirsty, but there is a fragrance of medicine, which is Qiongyu Baihua Pill, which can relieve pain and accelerate wound healing. The master has come. Yu Meiren was happy and wanted to scream, but the sound seemed to be extinguished in her throat, cooing for a long time, but she could not make any sound. Yu Meiren's eyes widened. Did she lose her voice?

Sitting up from **, he didn't care about wearing shoes, staggered to the front of the table to get a teacup and pour it into the tea. He didn't care about the ** hot, and poured it down in one breath.

There was a hot feeling in her throat for a while, but Yu Meiren couldn't take care of it. She can't care about anything now. She only knows one thing. She can't lose her voice, absolutely impossible.

But the fact is always outside the tolerance range. Even if she swallows water, no matter how hard she tries, she can't make a sound. The anxiety in her heart is unimaginable. Her only idea now is to see Xue Feizi earlier. Only he can tell her what the reason is, why and why she is now I can't even say a word.

Her body tripped around. She didn't know what she bumped into, no matter how painful and weak her body was. She tried very hard to step out of the door barefoot, allowing the gravel on the ground to cut the soles of her feet. The idea in her mind was her only consciousness.

At the corner, the person who bumped into him wanted to make a sound but could not make a sound.

Yunyao looked at Yu Meiren who ran out in a panic. Her face was fiascocious without any blood. She was only wearing a middle coat on her body, her hair was scattered on her shoulders, and she did not wear shoes on her feet. Such a beauty had never been embarrassed, but she only cared about closing her mouth. There was no sound, nothing. She The action was anxious, and even impatiently pushed her away in the direction she had just come.

It's not good. Yunyao has guessed where Beauty wants to go, but just now Zuo Hufa has ordered her not to let his wife know his injury and not to tell her what happened, but if she runs over like this, she will definitely break it.

There was no time to think about it. Yunyao had run over and hugged the almost crazy beauty Yu. At the moment before she was about to step into Xue Feizi's room, the beauty Yu didn't expect that Yunyao suddenly hugged her and wanted to struggle but couldn't exert her strength.

The people inside seemed to have heard the movement outside. Wuyue helped Xue Feizi dress up, cleaned up the mess and walked out of the hall. She said to Yunyao, "Why don't you let go of your wife?"

Yun Yao thought that Wu Yue would stop Beauty Yu with her, but she didn't expect to let her go. She was stunned for a moment before she let go.

Lost the original confinement, Yu Meiren pushed away the people next to her and walked directly into the hall. She saw Xue Feizi, dressed in white like snow, rushing directly up and grabbed the other party's collar and shaking hard.

The sudden pain strongly devoured Xue Feizi's senses. Seeing this, Wu Yue was about to rush up and stun the crazy woman with a palm, but Xue Feizi shook his head, frowned a little tiredly, and looked at the anxious and panicked little face in front of him.

What happened? Otherwise, how could she behave like this, holding back the pain on her body and making her voice sound as usual: "What's wrong with you? Can you calm down and tell me?"

I don't know that the sentence touched the nerves, which made Yu Meiren's originally crazy nerve begin to collapse. She stepped back in panic, then reached out and pressed her hand on her neck, and tears flowed down.

Even Beauty Yu never thought that she was also a weak woman in her bones, especially in the face of losing her voice, and her body's senses were gradually destroyed. So how could she live in this law-f society? She used to be a woman who pursued perfection in her bones, but was ignored by her. She never cares about her beauty and thinks that she can no longer know everything. It turns out that what she doesn't care is just because she has never lost it.

It hurts, like a crack in her heart. Everything around her is dark. She began to be confused. Who is she is, why she here, and why she endures pain. It's not like her, not her.

Xue Feizi looked at the lost woman in front of him. The moment he saw her movements, he guessed what had happened. Did she lose her voice? Such a proud woman must not know what to do at first.

slowly walked to the woman, then gently held the other person in his arms, reached out and gently stroked the back of the other party's head, like coaxing a child's voice: "Cry, cry, don't worry, I won't let you have anything."

Abrupt warm embrace, dream-like voice, Yu Meiren seemed to be pulled by something, leaned her chin on the man's shoulder, and then opened her mouth to vent and bite down very hard.