The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 212 Framed

In the middle of the night, the Zihua Palace was suddenly brightly lit. Someone ran out of the hall anxiously, pale, panicked, and staggered towards the Imperial Hospital.

In the void, the silver moon hangs high, and a large ice wheel reveals a trace of chill. I don't know when the edge of the full moon was covered with a layer of red fog, reflecting half of the sky, as if the sky was about to change.

Outside the Zihua Palace, there were occasionally maids who went in and out. Soon, the maid who had run out hurried in with the imperial doctor.

The expressions on the faces of the palace were very solemn, and they pressed uneasily on their chests. They couldn't help sweating for the man in the hall and their future fate.

About half a column of incense, not far from the Zihua Palace, a group of people came towards this side. Although the leader was a little old, he was still full of fenghua, with a sense of nobility all over his body, condensed into a sense of oppression, which made people dare not look at it.

When the Empress Dowager stepped out of the palace, her face was also a little serious, and the corners of her mouth were tightly squeezed on the line. She accelerated a few steps, and the old M Mother behind her also quickly followed.

"What's going on?"

As soon as the Empress Dowager stepped into the inner hall, she saw the person lying on her forehead, with crystal sweat on her forehead, pale as snow, and even her lips turned white.

The maid on one side seemed to cry. She was shocked to find that the Empress Dowager stared at her and immediately held her breath and bit her lower lip.

"Xinyu, you said."

"In the words of the Empress Dowager, Empress, Empress..."

There seems to be a nasal sound in the voice, which is intermittent, which makes the listener anxious.

"I'm hesitant, Lord Fan, come and tell my family what's going on?"


Lord Fan hesitated slightly, but replied, "The Empress just ate something unclean, causing pain in the abdomen, and the fetus in the abdomen was scared, but it was nothing serious."

"What's unclean?" The voice of the Empress Dowager has been able to hear a little anger: "The meals in the palace have always been careful. How can there be unclean things? Is it possible that someone has touched it?"

As the Empress Dowager said, her eyes suddenly turned to Shulan, who had never spoken. Although her face was not good, she was calm.

"Come and tell your family, what did your master eat today?"

"The Empress's meal has always passed through the imperial dining room, and the palace people in the imperial dining room should not have the idea of harming the Empress. The maidservant thought that since it is not poisonous, it may be that some palace people did not pay attention and stained some unclean things and had no intention, but almost hurt the fetus with abdominal pain."

"I'm not careful, I'm afraid I'm going to do it." The Empress Dowager snorted coldly, and the warmth in her eyes faded away: "If the people in the imperial dining room really had this kind of mistake, I'm afraid they have already lost their heads. What else did you eat besides your master?"

While the Empress Dowager spoke, she had caught a glimpse of half of the pastry on the table and looked carefully. It was not made in the palace. She suddenly became suspicious. She went to the table, reached out and picked up half of the pastry and asked harshly, "What is this?"

The pastry shook in her hand and fell some white crumbs. Xinyu seemed to recognize it immediately and said, "I remembered that this is the pastry brought by Yun Guicubine when she came to visit the Empress at noon. She said that it was sent by her family to the palace. The Empress had a better appetite at that time, so she ate a little. Could it be..."

Xinyu said half of his words and saw that the empress dowager's face was no longer good, so she dared not continue.

"Come on." The Empress Dowager shouted the order, looked at the ** person, and immediately someone came in from the outer hall.

"Go and bring the noble concubine, and the family will ask her in person."

"Empress Dowager." ** suddenly made a sound, and Yu Meiren gradually opened her eyes, as if begging, but her voice was extremely weak.

"Forget it, my concubine thought that even if it was really done by Yun Gui's sister, it was just a moment of anger. She must not really want to harm me. I guess she didn't like my style before, so she wanted to use this method to make up for me, a crazy woman."

According to the performance in the ancient costume play, she must say things like "the empress dowager, my concubine feels that Yun Gui's sister is not intentional" or "Empress dowager, my concubine thinks that Yun Gui's sister is not intentional", but this empress dowager is a shrewd master. If she does this, it doesn't look like her style. What's more, she can't guarantee that she can't see what's going on.

"In Yi Ai's family's opinion, you are still too naive." The Empress Dowager said coldly: "Which woman in this harem does not want to be favored by the emperor? If she has her own child, which one does not want her own child to ascend the throne. Now that you are pregnant with the noble concubine, she will not be willing to have a child.

"If you have to forgive others, I only admit this truth. Moreover, I don't want to intervene in the battle of the harem at all now. Please forgive me."

The meaning of Yu Meiren's words is just to warn the Empress Dowager that even if it is punishable, it can't be too heavy.

After a few words, she was out of breath and sweated again. Yu Meiren could always feel the sight of the empress dowager and stayed on her body all the time.

"Well, as a woman and the emperor's woman, this deep palace is irretrievable. If you take a step back, others will take a step forward. If you retreat for a long time, you will be in a cold palace, or in hell. You are still young and should know how to go. Today's incident, my family will give you justice. Even if Yun Guicubine is unintentional, she should be punished. Otherwise, if this matter spreads, the harem will really never have peace.

The Empress Dowager's words were like a warning. Yu Meiren was not panicked, but coughed slightly. Xinyu poured a glass of water from the table and walked over to help her up and feed her to drink.

Beauty Yu got up, and her face became more and more ugly. After drinking water, she raised her head: "There are more than one or two women in the harem. I have no intention to fight, but they have become a thorn in the eyes of everyone. The words of the empress dowager will be remembered in my heart and be careful, but I don't like to fight. I always believe that and take a step back. The sea and the sky."

"The imperial concubine is kind-hearted and kind to the Beiqiu Dynasty, which is the emperor's blessing." The Empress Dowager smiled and suppressed the anger that was about to pour out from the bottom of her heart. Her eyes were completely cold. She looked at the woman quietly: "But the most urgent thing is that the imperial concubine still takes good care of herself so that she can give birth to a future grandson for her family."

After the Empress Dowager finished speaking, there were continuous footsteps outside the door. Shi Yuner walked into the hall with her stomach and was a little nervous.

Just wanted to rest, but someone broke into the Anle Palace and said that the Empress Dowager ordered her to come to Zihua Palace. She vaguely felt that something bad would happen, but she did not dare to resist.

As soon as Shi Yun'er entered the inner hall, she saw the Empress Dowager with her dignified and luxurious empress dowager with her back, as well as the pale face of the palace maid, and the royal doctor standing quietly on one side.

Shi Yuner panicked and turned her eyes and saw the leftover cakes on the table. Her heart skipped. She had guessed what might have happened. When she was afraid, she knew that she could not argue and didn't care about her heavy body. She knelt down at the feet of the empress dowager and reached out to grab the other party's hand. Hua Rong said palely: "Tai The empress dowager, my concubine didn't poison me. I really didn't do anything. It was her.

Shi Yuner stretched out her hand and stared fiercely at the ** beauty Yu: "She must be going to frame my concubine."

"My family hasn't said anything yet. How do you know that someone has done something in this pastry?"

The Empress Dowager said coldly, and Shi Yuner immediately realized her gaffe. Indeed, no one was present who poisoned her in the pastry. She was just too scared and had already lost her usual calm. At this time, it was impossible to explain.

He was soft and fell down, but his eyes stared at Beauty Yu and couldn't wait to skin her.

"How can Yun Guicubine be so flustered? It's really heartbreaking to look good." The Empress Dowager said and leaned over to lift the woman from the ground.

Shi Yuner stood up from the ground, but her body couldn't help trembling.

"Actually, my family also knew that Yun Guicubine did not poison the pastry."

"Really? Does the Empress Dowager also believe me?

This sentence seemed to make Shi Yuner grab the life-saving herb and smiled on her face, but the following words made her fall from a cliff and fall into the abyss.

"Of course, I believe that the noble concubine Yun is just jealous of the emperor's favor, so they made some dirty things in the pastry and wanted to treat the imperial concubine and let her vomit and diarrhea, right?"

"I don't have a concubine, but I really don't."

The suspicion was not determined, and the shock rose again. Shi Yuner explained in a panic, but was gently stroked away by the Empress Dowager.

"I mourn that you are a first time to commit a big mistake. Let's not care if you have made a big mistake, but the palace has palace rules. If the harem is not rectified, it will turn upside down."

"Come to move Yun Gui's concubine out of An Legong, temporarily move it to the wall of the cold palace, wait until the day of repentance, and then move back to An Legong."

The Empress Dowager has said a word, which is a for sure thing.

Shi Yuner wanted to break free from the bodyguard who restrained her, but she was unable to break free. She could only shout with tears in her eyes: "It's wrong, the empress dowager, the minister and concubine is wronged, and the concubine has done nothing. Moreover, there is the bloodline of the emperor in my concubine."

Shi Yuner thought that when she mentioned the child in her womb, the empress dowager would at least miss the love of her ancestors and grandchildren and would not send her to such a cold palace. However, the empress dowager just looked at her indifferently and said coldly, "If you hadn't looked at the fetus in your womb, the mourning family would have put you into the cold palace. Do you know your Lu today? Mang almost caused the fetus in the emperor's womb to slip. When you do such a thing, have you ever thought about the child in other people's womb?

Black and white have been reversed, and the ending has been decided. This trap has already been planned. She has stepped into it and has no chance to get out.

It's just that she is unwilling. Why is everyone helping that woman, the woman who used to be crazy?

The sound of footsteps hurriedly entering outside the hall, a bright yellow man passed by, and Shi Yuner seemed to see a glimmer of vitality again. She actually broke away from the shackles of the bodyguard and ran over to hold the man's arm.

"Your Majesty, you have to make the decision for my concubine. I don't want to harm the imperial concubine. Yes, it's that woman, it's her, she who wants to frame my concubine."

Beiqiu Yin stagnated, turned around, looked at the woman's tearful face, and looked at him in panic and fear.

"Your Majesty, this woman has done something that hurt the fetus in the emperor's womb, and her family is punishing her as a warning."

When the Empress Dowager's words fell, Beiqiu Yin immediately felt the pain of being pinched and was very hard, as if to separate his bones. Shi Yuner struggled and kept shaking her head: "Your Majesty, you have to believe in my concubine. You are also present at noon. Besides, it is impossible for me to send cakes by myself. Do it, your Majesty..."

Beiqiu Yin frowned. He was indeed present at noon and hesitated. The woman who was grasping his arm hard was also the mother of his child.

Beiqiu Yin turned his head and looked at the woman. Seeing that her little face was bloodless, she looked thinner and thinner. Her eyes were black and white. She was looking at him quietly. She did not avoid his sight, but raised a light smile on her lips, which seemed to be sarcastic and faded into her heart.

Maybe this is what she wants. Since it is what she wants, he is satisfied with her.

For a long time, the bright yellow man made a sound, and his voice was as silent as a sigh.

"Take her away."