The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 213 Unrivat

Beiqiu Yin's voice, like a basin of cold water, poured down from the head.

Shi Yun'er didn's seem to believe that the gentleness of the past turned out to be just a mirror. They all said that Jun's heart was unpredictable. Today she knew what it means to accompany you like a tiger.

Shi Yuner's heart is full of pain. No matter how careful she is, after all, it is only a glass heart. How can she resist the tenderness of Beiqiu Yin, and how can she compete with the emperor's heart like iron.

The voice was released again. She smiled foolishly, and the bodyguard dragged her out of the Zihua Palace.

Shi Yuner's laughter suddenly made Yu Mei feel sad. She stared on the seemingly warm man's face in front of her. At a glance, she felt a pain in her heart and looked at her eyes and felt a little tired.

"Beauty, how are you?"

Beiqiu Yin stretched out his hand and held Yu Meiren from Xinyu's arms. His face was clearly sad, which was completely different from the indifferent king just now.

"The imperial concubine is thin, and it is not easy to conceive. The emperor should take good care of it to avoid similar things. Lord Fan, I still have something to ask you, and come with me."

Lord Fan immediately met when he heard the words, saluted Yin in Beiqiu, and went out with the empress dowager.

Xinyu and Shulan looked at each other and also withdrew from the hall. In the empty Zihua Palace, only Beiqiu Yin and Yumei were left.

The atmosphere was a little strange. Beiqiu Yin originally pretended to say something, but looking at the woman's quiet face, he suddenly couldn't say it.

"If the emperor is really worried about the beauty, he will give the beauty a grace."

Beauty Yu opened her mouth and broke the silence.

Beiqiu Yin was slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, he thought that Yu Meiren would take the initiative to talk to him and immediately said with joy, "You said that as long as you want, I will completely satisfy you."

Do you satisfy her? Beauty Yu smiled lightly, and her smile was weak like a silhouette in the water. It was frail, but it was also much better than the indifference in the daytime.

"I heard that on the day of the execution of Lord Youcheng and his wife, their bodies were left on Xingtai all night, and finally their heads were taken away by hungry wild dogs and their whereabouts were unknown."

Yu Meiren said, with tears in her eyes, which made the smile on her face look extremely bitter.

"Your Majesty, they are, they are the relatives of the beauty. In the case of the loan, what is the truth? The beauty doesn't want to pursue it any more. The deceased is over. The beauty does not ask for anything else. The beauty only asks the emperor to send someone to find the bodies of the Youcheng couple, find a quiet place, and restrain them for burial.

Beauty Yu looked at Beiqiu Yin with bright eyes. Seeing that his face was difficult, her heart was cold. The other party had grabbed her hand and smiled slightly.

"I thought you would tell me that you would never let me set foot in the Zihua Palace. Don't worry, what you heard is not true. Lord Youcheng is actually..."

It was only a little, and almost blurted out. Beiqiu Yin sounded an alarm in his heart, remembering the promise the Empress Dowager had given by the Empress Dowager before, and what he wanted to say stopped.

"Actually, what?"

When Yu Meiren saw him hesitated, she suddenly felt doubtful and always felt that he had something to hide from her, which might be another gorgeous conspiracy.

"After all, Lord Youcheng is guilty, and it is not easy for me to come forward to bury it, so I have to let people restrain my body, and I have ordered someone to bury it."

"Since the emperor has ordered someone to do it, why didn't you tell me?"

Yu Meiren didn't believe it. If Beiqiu Yin really wanted to do so, she would not kill her parents cruelly.

"I have always wanted to explain it to you, but your attitude towards me does not give me a chance at all."

It turned out that it had always been her fault. Beauty Yu was cold in her bones. Thinking of what the Empress Dowager said, she did not want to be a desireless concubine in the harem because of Beiqiu Yin. Others owed her, and now she is more and more difficult to forgive.

Really, in her bones, she is still the incarnation of Yu Yue in her previous life. She thinks she is the embodiment of justice and fights with the mistress around her husband, just for the considerable property behind her husband and loses her loving function. Now, is she waiting for Yu Yue's awakening?

"What are you thinking about?"

Beauty Yu came to her senses, looked at the man's warm face and smiled.

For Beiqiu Yin, his most precious thing is nothing more than his world. He can sacrifice everything and give up everything. Only his world is painstakingly. If she takes it, it must be a sharp blade to revenge him.

"I was thinking, what did the emperor's heart do?"

The voice was with a trace of anger and weak breath. At a very close distance, Beiqiu Yin's heart was blocked, and the words came out.

"Since I understood my heart, my heart has never changed. I know that I have done a lot of wrong things before and hurt you very much. I swear that I will treat you well in the future. Believe me, I would rather use the world to stay with you for a lifetime of your smile."

Beiqiu Yin said the solemn thing, but Yu Meiren smiled coldly in the bottom of her heart. The man's oath could not be believed. The emperor's oath would have some true feelings. Indeed, Beiqiu Yin's heart for her has never changed, but in his heart, she was just a pawn.

"I don't know whether the emperor used the heart of the emperor or the heart of the earthworm when he said this?"

Beauty Yu smiled and quietly condensed the man's expression. Beiqiu Yin guessed her thoughts and answered without thinking, "For you, I am still the first earthworm under the peach tree."

When Yu Meiren heard the words, her heart became colder and colder. Beiqiu Yin may not have guessed that the heart belonging to the earthworm hidden in the bottom of her heart had already died, and there was nothing left. If he had just answered "the heart of me" or "the heart of being an emperor", she could still believe him a little, but now, his lies are invisible in front of her, and she smiles and sighs thinly.

"Your Majesty, I'm tired and want to rest earlier. Doesn't the emperor still have a memorial? Let's go back earlier."

Beiqiu Yin was still a little reluctant, but he saw the pale and tired face on the woman's face, and he couldn't bear it. He had to help her lie down**, cover the quilt, and then said gently, "Have a good rest. I'll come back tomorrow."

Beauty Yu nodded, closed her eyes tiredly, turned her face, as if she were gradually falling asleep.

After staring for a long time, Beiqiu Yin had to sigh and walk out of the hall.

The sound of footsteps gradually faded away. For a long time, the woman who had been sleeping suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the void of the hall. A cold light flashed in her eyes.

The footsteps in the hall sounded again, and someone closed the door of the hall and hurried in.

Beauty Yu got up and was about to sit up when someone reached out to hold her and whispered, "Mother, your body..."

"I'm fine." Beauty Yu interrupted: "For good, the heart pill will only hurt the mother, not the fetus."

This sentence is a kind of self-comfort. Only when she took the condensation pill earlier will cause today's qi and blood deficit and fatigue. Normal people know that the medicine, especially this condensation pill, will cause a lot of harm to the body. The fetus and the mother are integrated, and the injury she received is likely to have been passed on to the fetus. Son.

Reached her hand and pressed it on her lower abdomen. This time, she was cruel enough to herself, but she didn't want to really hurt the child.

Since the case of Youcheng Mansion, she has been framed and went crazy by the Empress Dowager, the concubines of the harem have become less and less and less attention to Yu's veins, and her own sister is thinking about how to deal with her. Even the title of queen, she is just her enemy.

The small punishment of the noble concubine is just to establish prestige. In any case, she is still the most favorite woman of the emperor and the most beloved concubine in the eyes of the empress dowager. The dignity of the imperial concubine is still there. Whether it is true or false, the concubines will take it as a warning and dare not dare to ride on her head easily.

The biggest purpose of punishing Yun Guilin is also to make Beiqiu Yin's heartache, which is his flesh and blood. Beauty Yu really wants to see how he will choose. In the current ending, she thought she would feel happy. Unfortunately, the so-called pleasure does not exist at all. She even sympathizes with the teacher Yun'er, the woman in the harem. In the middle, she is smart, but she is also as stupid as her, moved by a man's rhetoric.

Beiqiu Yin should not have been sincere. That woman is the best end.

"Wan, how's the matter that I asked you to investigate?"

Beauty Yu raised her eyes and looked at the woman standing quietly on one side.

"Lady, I have sent sisters outside the palace to help inquire, but the bodies of Lord Youcheng and his wife have never been missing."

No whereabouts...

The hand holding the cup tightened, and the strength between the teeth creaked. Did what Beiqiu Yin just say was the truth, or was her parents' body being divided by wild dogs and there was no trace?


Xinyu grabbed her hand, held it hard, felt the coldness of her fingertips, and looked uneasily at Shulan who had just spoken.

"Mother, the overall situation is important. At this time, it is time to let go of the hatred and unwillingness in your heart. At least at this moment, you must settle down. When I was in Baihualou, I heard about the experience of many sisters, but no matter how miserable the girl's experience is, my mother has paid the money, and she will not do a loss of money. . Therefore, every girl has a scarred past, but in the end, they will not be happy and sad again. It is said that the girls in Baihualou are cold by nature, but which one is born to be like this.

Shulan said this, paused for a moment and took it again: "The maidservant saw the emperor's behavior today, and it was clear that she was different from ordinary people. It's better to take advantage of the emperor's remaining friendship to seize the high position and plan for the fetus in the womb in the future.

"You're right."

Beauty Yu slowly let go of her hand, raised her head, raised her eyebrows, and her eyes condensed with a sharp color.

"I really didn't get you wrong, and I can remind you at the most critical moment. Although the emperor is not benevolent, I can't be unjust. After all, my heart is not cruel enough. They are forcing me to be content with the status quo.

"What does the Empress want to do?"

In the face of such a beautiful woman, Xinyu is a little nervous.

How to do it? Yu Meiren snorted coldly before she slowly opened her mouth.

"No matter how big the world is, it can't resist the imperial power. However, this world does not allow women to make their own decision. If I want to be big, I must cultivate my own followers in the harem. Only by stabilizing the harem can I do what I want to do next.