Qing Che Ruyi

The first time

At two o'clock in the morning, I dragged my tired body back to my home in Beijing, and the empty house was full of loneliness. He took a lazy shower and threw himself into the comfortable big**.

Looking at the ceiling, he laughed at himself. I don't know what I have been sticking to. After graduating from college, most of my classmates have gone abroad. However, I insisted on working in Beijing and didn't go to the postgraduate entrance examination. Even the teacher sighed a little and felt that I should continue my studies.

In his junior year, he worked as an intern at the advertising company where he was now working, and he took on some cases intermittently until he graduated from college and became a regular employee.

It's so calm. This is my life. I didn't want to use my parents' money to complete my dream anymore, so I stubbornly started working. However, my father still asked my mother to prepare this house for me. When I first went to work, I couldn't accept it.

My friend asked me why I didn't go back to L City to help my father take care of the company, and I couldn't answer. Because I don't even know why, I just insist on making my own world.

It's not easy to work in Beijing. As my friend said, only I know my own sadness. In an advertising company, working overtime until the early hours is as normal for me as going to the toilet every day.

I can't stop thinking nonsense. Although I am tired, I have insomnia anyway. I don't know how long it took, and a strong sense of powerlessness suddenly came, like fainting in front of the hospital bed without warning.

Before losing consciousness, familiar faces turned around in front of me, father, mother, sister, Tang Yu, Fan Zhen...

It's dawn, and it seems that you really won't let me go for a day. When I opened my eyes, I felt something was wrong. I lay on my back and found that the spotlights around my room were gone and replaced with a wooden roof. Move your fingers and pinch yourself. It hurts, not a dream.

When my brain was running rapidly, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a person lying beside me, which scared me into a cold sweat. I turned around and took a closer look, and I was shocked. The girl around me was clearly dressed in ancient times.

Stabilize my emotions, I told myself that this must be the crew of ancient costume TV series. I moved and felt a little weak, but woke up the girl around me.

Miss...are you finally awake? You scared Ziqin." The girl who was awakened by me had a slightly tired face and tears in her eyes, but she couldn't hide her excitement and looked at me.

I can't help thinking that this actor is really good, acting like and full of emotion. Seeing that there was no camera around her, she asked her, "Miss, what kind of TV series set are you? Why am I here? I obviously slept at home yesterday.

As a result, I almost bit my tongue as soon as I opened my mouth. This is not my voice. The voice is soft and beautiful, but it is extremely strange. What the hell is going on?

Who knew that when I finished speaking, the girl looked at me like a ghost. He said, "Miss, what do you want to say? Why can't you understand Ziqin? You suddenly fainted three days ago and woke up today. This is your room. Why don't you know it?"

After hearing this, I felt even more confused, but I continued to comfort myself that the girl was too into the play. So I simply sat up by myself, but suddenly I felt dizzy and my chest was stuffy. The girl was shocked and rushed to me to hold my shaky body.

"Miss, what are you doing? How can you sit up?" This dizziness made me feel even more wrong. I was still alive yesterday. Why did I wake up so uncomfortable? Isn't what she said a line, is it true? This is ridiculous and impossible.

In order to find out the facts, I suppressed the shock in my heart and said, "I want to stand up. You help me." The girl named Ziqin propped up my body worriedly, but said nothing more. I slowly stood up and walked to the mirror. After seeing myself in the mirror, I suddenly shouted "ah" and almost fell to the ground.

The girl in the mirror has a thin melon seed face, big watery eyes, and delicate snow skin, which looks at most fourteen or five years old. And I am not only 23 years old, but also have the figure of Sanshun. How could this be me? So I had an extremely ridiculous idea, and I wore it. After discovering this fact, I suddenly felt very vulgar, and my originally nervous heart flew back to its original position.

"Miss, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable? I'm going to invite Langzhong." Ziqin looked at me nervously, and I guess my call scared her.

I quickly grabbed her and said, "No, you help me lie down first."

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside the door and said, "Ziqin, is the second lady awake?"

Ziqin got up and went to the door to say something to the people outside. Then he quickly went back to the room and watched me by the bedside. Now I'm more sure that I unfortunately went back to ancient times, but I don't know what dynasty it is. Only Ziqin's clothes can't be seen.

Thinking about it, a man pushed the door and came in. I looked up and saw that the person was dressed in a moon-white robe, with jade crown and hair, and there was a faint warm atmosphere on his body, but my eyebrows made me a little familiar. I don't know who this handsome man is?

The "second young master" Ziqin blessed him.

The handsome man in white nodded slightly and quickly walked to my bedside, sat down on the round stool in front of the bed, and said to me:

"Nian'er, you finally woke up. It really worries my brother. Do you feel better now? Do you still feel uncomfortable?" It turned out to be the brother of "my" body. No wonder I feel familiar with him. He and "me" are indeed a little similar.

I looked up and saw his gentle eyes with deep pity.

"Brother, don't worry, I'll be fine. I feel much better when I wake up today. You can fully recover after a few days' rest. It seems that I entered the role very quickly.

"Brother" pulled the corners of his mouth slightly and then said to me, "Sir, I will be back soon. Don't worry. At present, the most important thing is to take good care of yourself.

I'm confused and don't understand what he's talking about, but on second thought, I guess I'll go back to modern times soon, whatever he says. He suddenly became cheerful, so he pulled away a big smile and looked at his brother's handsome face.

was happy, but two people opened the door and walked in, a majestic man and a dignified woman. The "brother" beside me quickly got up and said respectfully, "Yingchen has seen his father and aunt." In this way, a serious man should be the "big boss" of this place.

"It turned out that Chen'er was also here. After being here for so many days, he came here early this morning. Your brother and sister are really good." The dignified woman popped up such a sentence in a bad tone, which made me immediately disgusted.

"Nian'er," the serious man meditated and said. Dad has something to say to you.

I was stunned for a moment, so I quickly said, "Yes, please tell me." Then he lowered his eyebrows and leaned against the bedside. "Mian'er, your illness was suddenly and extremely fierce. After a walk around the ghost gate, you were finally saved. It's also a big life. But now that you wake up, Dad has to tell you about it. On the first day of next month, the Queen will hold a banquet. You have already saluted, so you have to go to the palace with your father to attend the banquet. After listening to it, I began to mutter in my heart. Maybe the dignified woman saw that my expression was wrong and continued to say, "Nian'er, and your elder sister are here, don't care."

"But I..."

"Your aunt is right. You don't have to care too much. You just need to take good care of yourself and go to the palace with me. I couldn't see the warmth and cold on my serious face, so I quickly closed my mouth.

"Chen'er, come with me to the Qinshu Pavilion." After saying that, the serious man left with the dignified woman.

"Brother" whispered to me before leaving, "I'll see you later."

"Miss, the old lady has left, so you can lie down and rest for a while." The little girl in yellow came to me with a concerned face.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Looking at the current situation, the only thing I can do is to wait and see if there will be any turnaround tomorrow.

I lay down for a day. I ate porridge for three meals, and I couldn't eat anything else. And to be honest, this porridge is really not good.

Graduated into dusk, but the "brother" did not come. After waiting for a while, I suddenly felt extremely tired and my eyelids closed uncontrollably.

After falling asleep, I began to dream in a trance. In the dream, a man in very casual clothes called me, "Long Xinyi."

Who are you? How do you know my name? I don't know you." I shook my head and looked at him.

"Hmm...~~, I'm Lord Nine Heavenly Destiny. Today, I came to you in person to tell you something important.

"What's the matter, say it." Why does it seem to be very serious?

"That's it." Lord Jiutianming clapped his hands awkwardly, "Don't be surprised when you hear it. I checked my life book two days ago and found that you and Yan Nianqing are the names of your current body. I made a mistake at that time. You should be Yan Nianqing. She should be Long Xinyi. So I changed it back for you. That's it"

"What are you talking about?" I was so angry that I squeezed these words out of my teeth and stared at him fiercely. If my eyes could send any rays, he would have been burned through countless holes.

"Don't be excited. If you have something to say. In fact, you don't have to change it." Lord Minggejun carefully took several big steps back. "Unfortunately, your fate is too strong, and your breath will suppress the people around you, which is not suitable for Long Xinyi. So I can only send you back to where you should be," Lord Minggejun looked at me carefully with the afterglow of the floor. "And Ziwei Xingjun said that you will help others achieve hegemony in Yan Nianqing's life, and you will also reach the peak. This is your life." He stopped and took a sip of water.

I couldn't stand it anymore and shouted at him: "Pervert!" He bravely rushed to Lord Jiutian Minggejun, grabbed his collar and shook it for 5 minutes... After calming down for 1 minute, he said viciously, "What about my parents? Are you asking my sister to shoulder the responsibility of the family alone? If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, even if I return to Yan Nianqing, I will make you regret it.

After seeing my fierce eyes, Lord Minggejun protected his untily dressed robe tremblingly, couldn't help but take three big steps back, and then began to nag again.

"Okay, okay, don't stare at me. I feel chilled. So what do you want?" This stinky guy stared at me with his eyebrows.

"I want to keep Long Xinyi's memory."

"Well, it's a little difficult. But if we get together like this, I will make an exception and promise you. I'm such a good person~~~~~~" He began to look forward and narcissistic.

"I haven't finished yet." I slowly said, "I have another request," then narrowed my eyes and continued to look at him fiercely.

"Miss~~~, what else do you want to do?" Lord Mingge grabbed his collar with a generous expression. I didn't answer him, just staring at him. He put on an expression of my admitting and said, "Forget it, I'm a good person to do it to the end. I will copy your memory as Long Xinyi to Yan Nianqing. Of course, Yan Nianqing's previous memory cannot be retained. So she completely took your place." Before I could speak, he quickly said, "This is the maximum of my concession. I have to go back to sleep, and then I can't delay my date with my dear Jiutian Xuannu, that's all. Bye." After saying that, a bright light flashed and he ran away.

After that, I had no dream all night, and I slept quite peacefully. When I woke up, I found that I was still in the room yesterday, and Ziqin was lying on a seemingly temporary collapse not far away. I was shocked. Is what the man in the dream said true?

If that's the case, I can't go back anyway. But he still refused to let go of hope, so he cleared his mind and sat up gently to wake up Ziqin. Seeing that I woke up, Ziqin hurried to my bed.

asked with concern, "Why did you wake up so early?" Do you feel better today?" Instead of answering her words, I pretended to be confused and said to her, "Ziqin, I don't think there is something wrong with my body." Hearing this, Ziqin stared at me nervously and asked what was wrong.

I sighed and said, "I don't know what's going on. I felt confused when I woke up yesterday morning. As a result, I woke up early this morning and found that I only remember what happened yesterday. I only remember you and your brother, my lord and wife. I forgot all the past." I can't even believe it myself. Unexpectedly, Ziqin almost burst into tears after hearing this and was so anxious that she couldn't say a word.

I saw that the effect was achieved, so I patted her on the shoulder and comforted her, "Don't worry, you can tell me the situation at home and the situation outside first. Maybe I can remember it."

After watching Ziqin try to calm herself down, I got up and pulled her to sit at the table and poured her a glass of water, indicating that she could say it. It's strange that my weak body yesterday seems to be better today. Ziqin finally opened her mouth and slowly told me what my body should have known before.

It turns out that the country I am in now is called Nanyuan, and the country is the Nangong royal family in power. The town we live in now is Liangcheng, the capital city. My father Yan Xiu is the right prime minister. Because he doesn't know the official system of this country, he can only feel that his official position is not small. And this family has a lot of connection with the royal family and has been related to in-laws for a long time. In fact, these Ziqin is not very clear. She only knows Master Yan's sister, my sister-in-law, who is today's favorite concubine, Yunfei.

Ziqin can't tell what the Yan family was like before. But Ziqin is clear about me. It turns out that Master Yan has a total of four wives. My mother is the second wife of Master Yan, so I am a concubine. Ziqin said that my mother was gentle and beautiful and never competed with jealousy. Master Yan also treats her very well. Unfortunately, my mother had a difficult delivery when she gave birth to me. Therefore, I named it Yan Nianqing. The second lady's name is Zhao Qing. She took this name for me to miss her. When I heard the three words Yan Nianqing, my whole body was shocked. A heart fell into the ice cave in an instant. It seems that the dream is real. I really can't go back. Ziqin didn't notice something wrong with me and continued to tell me the next situation.

Master Yan, a father, did not take care of me and my brother after my mother left. Instead, he was relatively cold, so the Yan family did not pay much attention to my brother and sister since childhood. The second brother is three years older than me, and his name is Yan Yingchen.

The best thing for me in this family is Yan Yingchen. Ziqin said that Yan Yingchen often takes me out of the house, but she doesn't know what to do. She only knows that it will be a day. The eldest lady complained about this, but Master Yan never asked us without knowing it. The eldest lady is the main room, and she feels that she is a woman with great means to govern the family from Ziqin's words.

The eldest wife has a son and a daughter. The eldest son is the same age as Yan Yingchen. He is a few months older than Yan Yingchen and his name is Yan Bozheng. Miss Yan Wanru is one year older than me. I thought to myself that from the words of the dignified woman yesterday, I'm afraid that Yan Wanru is going to marry the prince. The third lady also has a pair of daughters, Yan Feihuang and Yan Tianyu, Yan Feihuang 14 and Yan Tianyu 12. According to Ziqin, these two girls don't pay attention to my sister and often look for trouble.

I can't help sighing in my heart that this ancient man is really precocious, and this is how old a child is like this, alas. A child without a mother is pitiful. Then there is the fourth lady, with only a 12-year-old son under her knees, Yan Huaishu. Although this fourth lady is the smallest room, she is not as evil as the little wife in the TV series. Instead, she is a gentle person who takes care of me and my brother from time to time and is more friendly. But in Ziqin's words, I also learned that her life was not easy, probably too weak. So Yan Yingchen and I are very close to Huaishu.

I know a general idea, and I have some knowledge in my heart, but there are still many unclear points. For example, my country is called Nanyuan, so there should be other countries, right? Also, Yan Yingchen often takes me out of the house, so where is it going? Why doesn't Yan Xiu care about this? I also have questions about Nangong, and I don't know much about my own brother. These questions can't be asked. It seems that we can only invite Yan Yingchen to come and catch up with the past.

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