Qing Che Ruyi

The second time so it is

I sent Ziqin to invite Yan Yingchen, and I slipped to my yard. The yard is not big, but it is very neatly tidy. Some flowers and plants have been planted, and there are many tea trees. It is quite strange to plant tea trees in their yard.

The hibiscus flowers here bloomed just right, but I was distracted when I saw the flowers. I remembered that I sat behind my mother's bicycle in my childhood and watched the hibiscus on the roadside retreat from my side. I couldn't help but feel a little wet. "What are you thinking about? So distracted." After the beautiful voice, I turned around and saw Yan Yingchen behind me, and quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of my eyes.

said, "Nothing, think about something depressing."

"Depressed? Oh, I just heard from Ziqin. Let's go and talk about it slowly. After saying that, he walked to a pavilion not far away. I followed him and asked Ziqin to pour a glass of water after sitting down.

Yan Yingchen was silent for a moment, smiled bitterly, and said leisurely, "It seems that this disease is really unusual. I didn't think it would be so much."

"Brother, I really don't understand something. Can you answer it for me?" I didn't answer Yan Yingchen's words and asked my own questions directly.

Yan Yingchen nodded slightly and smiled warmly at me, "nian er, ask, you must have a lot of unclear things."

"First of all, I want to know what other countries are there besides our Nanyuan country?"

"In addition to our Nanyuan Kingdom, there are also Linsheng Kingdom and the Northern Warring States. We are in the south, Linsheng is in the east, and the Northern Warring States is in the northwest. There are also some barbarian tribes in remote places that make their own countries, but they are all small countries, which are not popular and often pay tribute to us. What I said is just a general idea. If you are interested, you can read the books in my study, which have detailed records.

I took a sip of tea, but Yan Yingchen suddenly asked me, "Are you still literate?" After listening to it, I almost spit out a mouthful of water. Although there was nothing wrong with this, it sounded so awkward. But this is indeed a problem. Who knows what magical words are used here?

I hesitated for a moment, frowned and said, "This is not clear. I'd better take the book and read it first." After listening to me, Yan Yingchen was slightly surprised and said, "When you woke up, you felt a little different."

"Ah...hehehe (-_-||), I don't remember the past, but now it's a start again."

"Do you want to start over? Then some people will be in trouble." Yan Yingchen narrowed his amber eyes, raised an unpredictable smile, and said lightly.

I felt a little cold on my back and quickly interrupted him, "Brother, I heard that you often take me out. I want to know what we are going to do. Why does Yan Xiu turn a deaf ear to this?"

"Now, I can only say that this is just my mother's wish. If you are better in a few days, I will take you out, and you will understand. Also, how can you call your father's name? Anyway, he is your father, and you still have to respect him as your father. As for why he doesn't care, it's probably a shame in his heart. You will understand in the future. This Yan Yingchen talked for a long time but seemed to have said nothing. Then I'll ask something else, "So, brother, what about our Yan family and the Nangong royal family?" What kind of relationship is it?"

"This is not a strange thing. When our Yan family reached the peak of power from the Nangong royal family, they had an unspeakable connection with the royal family. Since three generations in our family, our fathers have married the daughter of the Yan family into the royal family. In our generation, it still seems to be an inevitable fate. This banquet of the Empress is actually the selection of princesses for the prince. It seems that this matter is indeed as I thought. I'm afraid the foundation of the Yan family in the court is deeply unshakable.

Thinking about this, a cyan figure quickly walked into the garden from the outside, walked to Yan Yingchen, and said respectfully, "Young master, sir, has returned to Qinyuan." I looked at the person. The green clothes were clean and meticulous, and they looked like a boudoir.

Yan Yingchen pondered for a moment and said to the visitor, "Yan Fu, you go to prepare horses, and we will go to Qinyuan." Then he turned around and said to me gently, "Nian'er, I'm going out to see my husband, and I can't accompany you. Have a good rest. Brother, try to come back to see you as soon as possible. I smiled and looked at his handsome face and said, "Brother, go. Don't worry about me. It's much better today." With a smile on his face, he thought about who the "sir" was. I heard Yan Yingchen mention it yesterday. It seems that he has an unusual relationship with our brother and sister.

After saying that, Yan Yingchen turned around and left. As a result, he walked halfway and turned around and said to me, "Nian'er, let Ziqin accompany you to me. You can look through my books and ask me if there is anything unclear." After Yan Yingchen left, I ate some simple meals and asked Ziqin to take me to Yan Yingchen's place.

Out of my yard, I found that Yan Mansion was not as elegant as I thought, but had few appearances and was so cold. I look at Xiang Ziqin, but she can understand my thoughts very well. He said understandingly, "Miss, this is the backyard of Yan Mansion. In the past, the backyard was not separated. Later, the young master and the young master grew up. The young master felt more inconvenient, so he asked the master to separate the room and circle it into two separate courtyards.

"That's also good. On the contrary, our brother and sister look clean. I'm afraid that letting us live alone in the backyard is not simply unfavored. While talking, he came to Yan Yingchen's yard.

Yan Yingchen's room is simply furnished, but there are many books in the study. I picked up a book casually, opened it and scanned it roughly, and found that many words were recognized by me. So I carefully turned over Yan Yingchen's books, found a few books I needed, and sat in front of the case and slowly looked through them.

The book I took out basically describes the countries and ethnic groups mentioned by Yan Yingchen, which seems to be very interesting. It turned out that the Linsheng Kingdom and the Northern Warring States mentioned by Yan Yingchen, together with the Nanyuan Kingdom where I am now, are indeed the three largest countries, and most of the surrounding places are inadequate. Nanyuan has a vast land and rich products. The emperor governs the country well, the army is brave and good at fighting, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

Linsheng has a developed maritime industry and has many contacts with some foreign countries. Domestic commerce is prosperous, and the national strength has been strong in recent years. The Northern Warring States is inferior. The Northern Warring States is located in the northwest. Some areas of the territory are rarely visited due to weather and terrain, so a large amount of land in China cannot be used. The Northern Warring States was weak and rarely fought wars with Nanyuan and Linsheng. It only attacked some small countries and tribes and seized arable land and materials. Only Nanyuan and Linsheng have fought wars from time to time, mostly because of the problems of some tribes and lands on the border. However, since Emperor Xuan, the current emperor of Nanyuan, led troops to Shengguo in 12 years, there has been no war between the two countries until today.

About this section, what is written in the book is very unclear. It only focused on promoting the greatness of Emperor Xuan, and there was not much mention of the battle of Xianping and the reconciliation between the two countries after the war. I'm afraid we still need to wait for Yan Yingchen to come back and ask about it. In addition, there are many ethnic groups and complex terrain in this place. The description in the book is not very clear, and there is no real map. So I read a few books, all of which are a little short-to-understand, but I have generally understood them. After closing the book and rubbing his swollen eyes, he found that it was getting late.

Ziqin saw me put down the book and said, "Miss, I've been reading it for an afternoon. Let's take a break."

"Well, it seems that it's not early. Let's go back first." Back to my small courtyard, Ziqin will prepare the food soon. When I sat down to eat, I insisted that Ziqin eat with me.

As soon as I took a bite of the dish, I felt that it was difficult to swallow. This dish has no other taste except salty taste. So I put down my chopsticks and asked Ziqin, "Did you cook the rice? Are there any other cooks?

Ziqin shook her head and said, "Without Miss, there used to be a mother Hu who took care of the second lady. But he went because of illness. Since then, I have been taking care of your food and clothing.

I nodded and said to her, "Starting tomorrow, we will cook together." Ziqin was shocked when she heard the words and said to me quickly. I patted her hand and said with a smile, "There's nothing you can't do. Just listen to me." I promise to surprise you." Ziqin nodded in a while, and then said to me, "Miss, you are really a little different."

"Okay, eat quickly. The food is getting cold." After dinner, Ziqin lit the light. I'm not used to it. It's really not easy to go back to ancient times. You have to adapt to a life without electricity. I miss my TV, my computer, my mobile phone, my... After a sigh, I asked Ziqin, "Is there anything to play?"

"Play?" Ziqin looked puzzled and then said, "Miss, you used to stroke the piano or read books to pass the time."

"Qin? Where is it?" I feel very curious, but I have never seen this guqin.

Ziqin led me over. I glanced at the antique lyre and suddenly lost interest. Although he also learned musical instruments in modern times, it is a harp. And somehow I always feel confused, and I really don't have the idea of studying it.

"It's not fun. Let's go for a walk in the yard." I turned around and went out of the house first. The moon is my hometown Ming. In ancient times thousands of years ago, it may really be my hometown. The moonlight has a breathtaking beauty. Slowly walk in the flower garden planted by Ziqin and recall the modern life. Except for my parents, there is no one I care about.

The man who once vowed is now holding another person in his hand. I can't help but feel sad. Tang Yu, has it finally been my toughness to let you retreat? Thinking of the birds around him, he looked at my anger and said that I ignored his self-esteem, but he still couldn't tolerate it. I turned around and left, but I refused to shed a tear. Deep sigh, when can there be a man who is willing to stand side by side with me?

"Miss, miss?" Ziqin's voice pulled me back to reality from my memories.

"Hmm? What's the matter?"

"Miss Hui's words, there is nothing. It's Ziqin who sees you alone here and wants to talk with you."

"Good Ziqin, thank you for caring about me so much. I'm fine, just a little melancholy. But I have a request. I don't know if you can agree?

"Miss, please say that your request must be fulfilled by Ziqin." There is a burst of comfort in my heart. In this strange place, Ziqin is often accompanied by me, and Yan Yingchen sincerely loves her. It won't be too difficult.

"Miss, I just want you not to use the word 'you' to me in the future, just call it 'you'."

"But you are always a young lady." Ziqin still doesn't change her name. This is not good for the ancients. The concept of superiority and inferiority is too strong, so I have to give it to her.

"Ziqin, it's very awkward for me to listen to this. I don't have so many hierarchical concepts. Just think it's for my own good and change it." The tone softened, and I looked at Ziqin pitifully. She is embarrassed to look at it directly.

Ziqin didn't say anything for a long time, and then made up her mind and said, "That Ziqin will listen to you." I was happy after listening to it. I glanced at the scus next to me and suddenly remembered the tea trees I saw during the day. So I asked Ziqin, "Are the tea trees planted in our yard for our own drinking?"

"Miss, what is a tea tree? There are no tea trees in our yard.

"Oh? It's not a tea tree. What do you call the green trees over there? Ziqin looked along my hand with doubts in her eyes.

After she saw it clearly, she said to me with a smile, "Miss..." She was interrupted by me with a muffled hum before she finished speaking. After Ziqin was stunned for a moment, she suddenly woke up and said, "Miss, your amnesia is really serious. I don't even remember the most ordinary "green leaves" and gave it a new name, but it's nice to call it a tea tree.

After listening to it, I was almost crying. It turned out that people in this country didn't know how to grow tea, so they could be used in the future. I calculated secretly in my heart, and then asked Ziqin, "What kind of tea do people usually drink?"

"Our people often drink rice tea. Do you want Ziqin to make a pot of tea for your lady to taste?"

"Well, bring a pot to the gazebo." Ziqin turned back to the room, and I sat down in the pavilion. After carefully stringing up the events of the past two days, I can't help but feel that this Yan Mansion may not be my place to stand for a long time. I don't know why I have such an idea, but this bad feeling is lingering. However, judging from the food cooked by Ziqin and the people of Nanyuan who don't know about tea, people in this place are not rich in material life.

The reason why I don't doubt that Ziqin's cooking skills are not high enough is that since she has taken care of "me" for so many years and is also a girl in the prime minister's mansion, I don't think it's too bad. Even if she is not good at cooking, the poor taste of the food is clearly caused by the lack of materials and improper matching. Although our brother and sister are not favored by Yan Xiu, it seems that they are not short of food and clothing, so there should be enough ingredients.

It didn't take long for Ziqin to bring the tea. I took a sip of tea, which tasted light, and tasted the taste of black rice tea. The smile gradually came to the corners of my mouth, and I said to Ziqin, "Ziqin, let's rest early today. We will be busy from tomorrow. Be prepared.

After saying that, I didn't have the surprise on Guan Ziqin's face, so I took her back to the house happily. When I got to the inside room, I lay down with a smile and said, "Ziqin, shall we sleep here together in the future? I'm so lonely."

"Miss..." Ziqin looked surprised again.

"Okay, don't say no." I jumped down from ** to see the temporary collapse where Ziqin slept yesterday. Everything else is fine, but it's a little hard.

I thought about it and said to Ziqin, "Do we still have bedding?" Bring me a few more beds if you have something to say.

Ziqin didn't say anything, but nodded, and then quickly ran out of the house. After a while, I came here with a few beds of bedding. I took it from her and was ready to collapse the upper bunk. Seeing this, Ziqin hurried to stop me and said, "Miss, let me do this kind of rough work."

I straightened up and looked at her seriously and said, "Ziqin, you have to remember that there is no difference between noble and lowly people. You can do these things, and so can I. What's more-----" I deliberately lengthen my voice and winked at her. "I've lived in the school dormitory for nearly ten years, and I take care of myself." Presumably, Ziqin didn't understand what I said and was stunned.

Without the Ziqin standing beside me, I continued to make the bed. I first put two mattresses on that **, plus the original ones, there are three floors in total. After laying it, hold the whole shape with your hand, and then pat it with your hand, which is just right. Then pick up the sheets and shake them, fall down and flatten them. Just like when you used to live in school, put the extra space neatly under the mattress. I nagged Ziqin, "Ziqin, look, it's not easy to wrinkle when the sheets are made in this way. This bed must be comfortable. Sleeping is a great enjoyment of life, so the bed is very important. I don't have anything else to ask for, but I must be very good at eating and sleeping. The men keep putting on the quilt and finishing the work.

I turned around with a big smile on my face. When I was about to brainwash Ziqin again, I saw Ziqin's face full of tears and crying like a tearful man. When she cried, I immediately messed up my hands and feet. I asked her what was wrong and if someone bullied her. I helped her get angry. As a result, I didn't say it was okay, but she cried even more. I had no choice but to sit down and wait for her to cry.

When Ziqin almost cried, she choked and said, "Miss, Ziqin will... in the future, if you are born to be a young lady, and if you die, you will be a ghost."

I smiled and took Ziqin's hand and said, "Fool, why is it so serious? What is life and death? You just need to be by my side, but... did I treat you badly before?" The question was a little trembling. I really don't know what kind of person Yan Nianqing used to be.

"Before Miss got sick, it was also very good to treat Ziqin, but there was something else between the master and servant. The young lady is quiet and has few words. At night, Ziqin was not allowed to accompany her. The young lady said that she liked cleanliness and didn't like others to be around all the time. But now the young lady seems to have changed a person, loves to talk, and is also like... like a relative to Ziqin.

"That's right. In the future, we will be relatives, like sisters. How about it?" I looked at Ziqin with a smile. Ziqin nodded vigorously when she heard the words. The children's love was long and the hero was short of breath. After talking to Ziqin for a while, I felt tired. I washed it hastily and fell asleep in **. Before falling asleep, my heart was calm, and it was peaceful. Whether it was cloudy or sunny in front of me, my days in Nanyuan began like this.