Qing Che Ruyi

Chapter 17 Truth

"Brother!" I rushed into the room and shouted, signaling that my guardian had arrived.

Yan Yingchen turned his head and looked at me, and the anger on his face calmed down a little. I hurried over and asked him, "What's going on? Why are you so angry?"

Yan Yingchen rubbed his eyebrows and said, "You can ask Huai Shu."

I turned to Huaishu with a righteous face and said softly, "Huishu, what's going on? Why is my brother so angry?

"Today, I came back from learning swordsmanship. On the road, I heard the third sister and Tianyu speak ill of my sister, so I couldn't help arguing with them. Later, they told the aunt, who scolded me and called Yingchen's brother to teach him a lesson.

"Huishu, you have always been an angry child. What did you tell your sister that made you so angry?"

"They... They said that their sister was a watery woman. It turned out that they were good with His Royal Highness King Li. When they entered the palace, they seduced His Royal Highness, saying that their sister was willing to climb the branch... In short, what they said was unbearable."

I was not angry after hearing this. It was reasonable for them to think so. I did everything myself, and I can't blame others. It's just that Huaishu is so reckless that I'm very worried that he will suffer losses. Presumably, Yan Yingchen scolded Huaishu as I thought. However, Yan Liang just called Huaishu to reprimand him, and he was not too embarrassed. He must have seen the thin face of my prospective prince's side concubine.

"Waishu, I'm glad that you can care about your sister so much. It's just that you should know that people live in the world and can control their own mouths, but they can't control others. So if others want to say something, they can only go. I sit upright and walk straight, and I'm not afraid of what others say.

"Also, my brother scolds you for your own good and worries you. I'm not blaming you. Don't remember to be angry with your brother.

"Huishhu understands that Huaishu will keep in mind the lesson of his brother and sister, and he will never do it again."

I touched the head of the book with satisfaction. What a good child. All right, the problem is solved. Let's get ready to eat. I'm starving.

Yan Yingchen looked at me with a warm smile and said, "Your sister is very competent." I proudly raised my eyebrows at him and laughed happily. It feels good to have a home.

Ziqin brought the food. I saw that sweet and sour spareribs, steamed mandarin fish, fried bamboo shoots... Wow, they were all my favorite food, and I suddenly felt that my saliva was leaving behind.

I didn't care about the table etiquette, so I started by myself. During this period, I hardly spoke, just buried my head and watched the other four people stunned.

After the wind and clouds, I touched the round stomach that I had already eaten and said to Yan Yingchen, "Brother, I have something to ask you. Let's go out for a walk later."

Yan Yingchen didn't say a word, but nodded silently. When the four people finally finished eating gently, Yan Fu helped Ziqin deal with a table of leftovers. Huai Shu reviewed the homework he learned today, and Yan Yingchen walked into the courtyard.

"Nian'er, didn't you wear your mother's jade hairpin today?" Yan Yingchen asked when he saw my casually tied long hair.

"I also gave it to my husband so that he could think about it."

"Do you... know it?"

"Well, I know, but it's still not clear, so I came to ask you."

"How do you know that I must know?"

"Brother, in fact, I have always vaguely felt that you have hidden something from me about your husband. Based on what I know about you, you will never be so close to a person without fully understanding him. So when you simply tell me that you only know that you are from Linsheng, I feel something wrong. But I can't continue to ask. After all, it's something you don't want to say. However, since my husband told me today, I want to know clearly.

"I have always been secret from this matter because it is related to my mother and our Zhao family. I don't want you to be implicated in too much, but with your nature, I'm afraid it's hard to hide it now. Yan Yingchen sighed and finally decided to tell the beginning and end of the matter.

The cold moonlight shrouded the yard, and Yan Yingchen's figure looked a little tired under the moonlight. I don't know what kind of secrets he has endured over the years? Although he is three years older than me, he is still a child under 20 years old.

"Mr. is indeed a native of Linsheng, and his real name is Mu Jin. Sir was a counselor of Emperor Ming of Linsheng. Of course, this also involves a past event in Linsheng. Yan Yingchen paused and then said, "Nian'er, it's inconvenient to talk here. Come to the study with me."

In Yan Yingchen's study.

I put a pot of tea on the table, looked at Yan Yingchen with my chin, and prepared to listen to his story with interest.

"Do you remember when you asked me about the Battle of Xianping?"

"Of course I remember that you said you were not quite clear at that time."

"In fact, before Emperor Ming's accession to the throne, Linsheng was ruled by Emperor Ming's brother, Emperor Zhao. But Emperor Zhao is incompetent, cowardly and afraid of things. He appointed some treacherous ministers, and in just five years, he was smoky in Linsheng's country.

"The Ming Emperor couldn't bear to watch his ancestors' foundation being destroyed like this, and his ambition had nowhere to show. So he recruited talents and took advantage of his prestige in the army to force Emperor Zhao to death. However, Emperor Ming still claimed that Emperor Zhao had died of a serious illness, and Emperor Ming's serious statement was to kill his brother and usurp the throne.

"It was when Emperor Xuan got the news that he was able to force Emperor Ming to retreat. At that time, Emperor Ming had just ascended the throne for a few years, and the power in the court was still unstable. Some of the princes inevitably coveted this position. If the real cause of Emperor Zhao's death is known to the world, then Emperor Ming will not only lose this throne, but also his life. So the Ming Emperor retreated and sent money to make peace, and even sent his son as a proton.

I can't help but feel sad when I hear this. It's really unfortunate to be born in an ancient imperial family. If you accidentally lose your country in a war when you were young, you may be sent away as a proton. How can this life be fun to grow up and want to win the position?

When I came to my senses, I asked Yan Yingchen, "But what do these have to do with your husband?"

"Mr. was originally a born wizard, but he was felt by the righteousness and ambition of Emperor Ming, so he vowed to die. When Emperor Ming took the throne, although it was smooth, I'm afraid it would be difficult to succeed without the support of his husband and others. Just before their plan was implemented, the gentleman was suddenly plotted. It must have been the followers of Emperor Zhao who also noticed it, so he made this move. Just because they knew that his husband was the key to the implementation of the plan, they must take his life. Later, he got rid of the assassin's entanglement and changed his plan to Emperor Ming. After that, Emperor Ming successfully ascended the throne of God.

"The remnants of Emperor Zhao knew that they could not compete with Emperor Ming, so they regarded him as an irreconvinent enemy and chased him everywhere. In an assassination operation, the gentleman was inadvertently seriously injured. He fled to Nanyuan and finally escaped. It was at that time that the husband met his mother.

After his injury, he returned to Linsheng. Just because he knew that Emperor Ming had just ascended the throne, the hearts of the court were turbulent, and Emperor Ming needed someone to assist him. As a result, Mr. went there for more than a year. More than a year later, the domestic situation in Linsheng has gradually stabilized. The gentleman said to Emperor Ming's request to return to the mountains and forests. Emperor Ming agreed, and then he returned to Nanyuan to find his mother.

"But just after the Battle of Xianping, Emperor Ming was worried that things would leak. He killed the people who knew about it one by one, and even Mr. After being found by the killer, the husband finally escaped after a lot of fighting. But it affected the old wound and has fallen to the root of the disease since then. The last time you fell ill, your husband went to Yuzhou to treat the old disease.

"So that's it. No wonder when I saw my husband that time, I felt that he didn't speak well enough. But why did the mother marry her father? What are the unknown secrets?" I asked Yan Yingchen like a curious baby.

"This will involve a public case in Nanyuan that year. Our grandfather Zhao Rencheng was a second-grade official and was also an important minister in the court. My mother is the eldest daughter and has been loved since she was a child. The Yan family and the Zhao family are very familiar with each other, and I'm afraid their father has long been deeply in love with their mother. Later, after his mother's ceremony, the Yan family proposed marriage to the Zhao family. But my mother refused to agree with death, which must be for the sake of my husband. As a result, the Yan family lost their face, and their relationship with the Zhao family for many years also came to an end. A month later, my father married Lord Liang's daughter as the main room. At this time, the Zhao family was suddenly accused of treason, his grandfather and uncles were imprisoned, and the rest were placed under house arrest. In this way, the case has been dragged on, and there is no conclusive evidence, but no one will be released. Finally, one day, the emperor suddenly ordered to kill without mercy. That night, my father found his mother and said that as long as his mother was willing to marry him, he would keep the Zhao family free.

"Mom agreed? Is that why you have to marry?"

"Of course, my mother had to agree. Just before my mother got married, she gave one of the jade pendants handed down from the Zhao family to her husband. It was with this jade pendant that I believed in you, sir. This is the cause of the matter. In fact, it is not complicated.

"So what is the final result of the Zhao family?"

"Naturally, he survived, but he changed his name and secretly lived in a corner of the world. During the execution that day, my father secretly replaced my grandfather and others with other prisoners, which saved them. It's just that even I don't know where they live now.

"So that's it. The feeling about my father is really contradictory. He makes me think he is a gentleman for a while, and makes me feel that he is a villain."

"A word of love will always make people do something that others can't understand."

"This is 'ask what the world's love is, and directly teach life and death to make a promise."

Yan Yingchen smiled and said, "I didn't expect Nian'er to say such a thing."

I gave him a white look and said, "I'm also a woman with thousands of soft intestines."

"Yes, Nian'er is the most quiet and virtuous. But now that it's past Xu, it's time for you to rest, right?"

"No, let me ask two more questions. Tell me and I'll go back right away."

Yan Yingchen looked at me helplessly and said, "Thusiper me."

"First, why did Empress Yun give me money? Second, I'm very interested in whether you know the proton or not.

"Then I'll answer your first question first. I said that the two families of Yan and Zhao used to have a close relationship, so Princess Yun has been her mother's best friend since she was a child. Do you understand by saying this?

I nodded, "I see. What about the second question?"

"As for Lin Fengche, I have only met him once and I don't know him well. You should know that life as a proton in other countries is very bleak, and no one will approach him to make friends with him. When I saw him that time, I still found you everywhere and finally found that you were with him. Later, Mother Qian took us back to Yuncui Palace, and Empress Yunfei angrily taught you a lesson. Of course, you can't remember these."

"Well, that's all right. I'll go back first. Thank you, brother. Good night. Have a good dream.

Back to my side, Huaishu has fallen asleep. I can't sleep lying in **. I'm really curious about what kind of experience the proton will have and what kind of person it will be. But it seems that no one can give me an answer.

Lin Fengche, clear, brain-damaged... Linsheng Kingdom. No one will approach him and become friends with him." "Go away. Don't touch me" "You're annoying"... I suddenly have an incredible idea. Will it be Lin Fengche?

But I quickly denied this idea. According to Yan Yingchen, after the husband returned to seclusion, Emperor Ming wanted to kill him, and he came to Nanyuan. In terms of time, we should not know Lin Fengche. But the brain-damaged man obviously knew his husband well and respected him very much.

Thinking about it, my head began to knot again. Insomnia, if you can't figure things out, you will start to insomnia. It seems that I can only stare at this long night and feel the moonlight outside. I don't know what kind of situation I will have after leaving Nanyuan. Can I find the person who is willing to stand side by side with me?