Qing Che Ruyi

Chapter 19 Come to Qinyuan

Although I think so, a writer once said in the novel: Imagination is always beautiful, and reality is always cruel. So it is really difficult for me to implement my idea. First of all, Yan Yingchen may not be able to pass, let alone let Yan Xiu promise me to move here. Secondly, even Yan Yingchen and Yan Xiu have no objection (of course, there is basically no such possibility.) Then it seems that this is not in line with any system. First, I am a big daughter who has not yet married, and second, I am the side concubine who is going to marry the prince. It seems extremely unreasonable to move to a place with only two men.

So, I came to the conclusion that if I want to move to Qinyuan, I must deceive the top and the bottom. Of course, it is impossible for Yan Yingchen to hide it, but I can play tricks on him, and he can't do anything about me. The rest of the people can basically hide it. As long as Yan Xiu doesn't know, then others should not know. Yan Xiu will hardly come to our backyard, and the two ladies and young masters will not come. In this way, my plan will be easier to succeed. Just take down Yan Yingchen...

After made up my mind, I asked Che, "What time is it now?" It's almost time." He said lightly.

"Oh--did you tell my brother to pick me up?" Well, I have let Li Bo go. If you are tired, take a rest for a while." It's really strange. Che also speaks normally, which makes me a little unaccustomed.

"I don't sleep. It's uncomfortable to sleep too much." I stopped for a moment, or decided to ask the question in my heart, "Che, have we... ever met?"

A playful smile appeared in Che's eyes and said, "Why do you say that?" I... think you are very familiar." I can't say that I often dream of a child who looks like you, so he definitely doesn't know what to say.

"We have never seen each other before. It's the first time we've met in Qinyuan."

Is it because I made a mistake? They just look alike, but they are not the same person. If so, then who is the person in my dream?

"Nian'er." While thinking about it, Yan Yingchen hurried in from the outside.

"Brother, you're here." I smiled at him with a clever smile.

"Why did you faint again? He is so weak and still running around. Looking at Yan Yingchen's slightly reproachful eyes, I smiled gently.

"I'm fine. I just felt too tired, so I took a short break. After a pause, I continued, "Brother, it's getting late. Let's go home." With that, I was about to pull the quilt and get up from above.

"Nian'er, don't move." Yan Yingchen stepped over and stopped me. Then he wrapped me in a thin quilt and held me in his arms

"Son Che, thank you for taking care of Nian'er." When Yan Yingchen walked past Che's side with me in his arms, he said lightly, and Che also smiled at him with self-restrained smile.

In the carriage.

I leaned against the wall of the car and looked at Yan Yingchen with a smile and said, "Brother, did you worry you again?"

"You really don't know how to take good care of yourself. How can I rest assured that you will leave?"

"Brother... Don't worry about me, I'm just tired today."

"What the hell is going on? Xiaowu got 100 taels of silver from the house today and gave it to Yan Fu.

"I know everything about the front and back of Qianwei Pavilion. I returned it to Li, and then asked Fubo to give me the silver I took at that time first, and I can return it later.

"You girl, it's always like this. Do you stick to your own ideas without thinking about Li's feelings?

"Of course I know how Li feels, but I can't let each other continue, which is not good for anyone in the end. I don't want to live in the emperor's house. I just want to live a quiet life.

Yan Yingchen did not refute me, but sat down and hugged me and said, "It's okay anyway, but you have to learn to take care of yourself." In my brother's heart, you will always be the most important.

I leaned my head on Yan Yingchen's shoulder and suddenly felt very sad. Yan Yingchen knew that I was leaving, but he didn't scold me. He gave me cat's eye beads representing happiness, and he gently hugged me when I hurt his friends. I have never thought about whether Yan Yingchen is working hard, is it lonely, and whether he is reluctant to let me go...

Tears fell down again, and I said to Yan Yingchen in a slightly nasal tone, "Brother, I really feel so tired. Can I... stay in Qinyuan for half a month?"

Yan Yingchen didn't say anything for a long time, and finally sighed, "That's all. When I say that my father will go to Qinyuan with you, I don't worry about you alone there."

"Brother, I'm sorry. I'm too selfish to make you work so hard."

"You are my sister, and I don't love anyone. Stop talking nonsense. As long as you can live happily, I will be satisfied.

The car swayed and finally arrived at Yan's house. After Yan Yingchen helped me back to the house and asked Ziqin to take care of me, he went to Yan Xiu by himself.

I don't know what Yan Yingchen said to Yan Xiu and let Yan Xiu agree to our request. Yan Xiu's only condition is that he can't let the fourth person know about this matter, and he can only live in Qinyuan for half a month, not more than a day. Because in a month, I will go to the palace for etiquette training.

I have been recuperating at home for two days and look good. Yan Yingchen seems to be very idle every day. He has been with me from morning to night and doesn't go out, which is very different from before. As soon as Huaishu saw Yan Yingchen, he was very happy. At one moment, he said let his brother study together, and at another moment, he said that he would let his brother practice swords together and have fun.

I finally couldn't lie down in **. I rushed to Yan Yingchen's side and asked him with a smile when you could go on vacation. Yan Yingchen was stunned, and then rubbed my messy hair, saying that he could leave whenever he wanted.

In this way, I packed my simple luggage and sneaked out through the back door with Yan Yingchen. Although Yan Xiu repeatedly told me not to let others know, I still told Ziqin, Huaishu and Yan Fu where I was going. I think if something happens, they will come to me, and I unconditionally believe in the three of them.

When we arrived in Qinyuan, Yan Yingchen and I told him that we would live in Qinyuan. He smiled kindly and readily agreed.

Mrs. Li sorted out two rooms for me and Yan Yingchen, and I ran in happily with my little bag in my arms. The room is very clean and the furniture is also very simple. Except for a bed, a set of tables and chairs, there are almost no extra things. If there is any decoration, that is, there is a pot of hanging orchid-like plants on a carved case and a bamboo painted by a gentleman hanging on the wall. However, I like this style. There are not so many fancy things, and people will be more comfortable to live in.

Out of the room, I stretched out. Originally, I was going to move my muscles and bones, but I saw Yan Yingchen and Che, who were looking at each other with a smile. I couldn't help shivering. What are they doing? Yan Yingchen, there are no girls I like; Che, I don't feel so much about girls, won't they be...?

I shook my head vigorously. No, no, they are definitely not. They are just showing friendship. ( In fact, only Miss Yan Er, your eyes are clumsy. If anyone else can see the unfriendlyness in the eyes of these two people~~~~~) I tried to make myself smile and walk over to them.

"Brother, what are you two doing?"

"Nothing, I'm chatting with Mr. Che."

"Oh..." Obviously, it's not chatting. Brother, do you think I'm blind or stupid? Forget it. In fact, I'm not interested in what they do. Let them go.

"What would you like to eat for lunch?" I'd better go and cook.

"It's up to you." The two of them spoke with one voice, and I sweated wildly.

"Well... take your time. I'll go to the kitchen first."

Roll up my sleeves and come to the familiar kitchen. After wearing it, I found that I liked cooking more and more, and almost regarded it as my biggest hobby. But liking cooking reminds me of housewives. I remember a friend once said that her ultimate goal was to be a housewife. At that time, I didn't understand why a woman put everything on her home and her husband. Of course, I still don't understand.

I don't cook for many days. I'm very interested today, so I'm going to get something I like to eat. I have a lot of tossing in my own kitchen, and I guess it will be almost two hours. After it was done, I called Mrs. Li to help serve the dishes. Because I was afraid that I would not have enough, I stir-fried eight dishes, such as garlic shredded shrimp, eggplant box, sesame tenderloin, four rare cabbage, fried chicken, stir-fried pork with chili peppers, fried bamboo shoots with mushrooms, and chestnut braised chicken. I cooked two soups, kelp barley sparerib soup and snow-eared lotus seed soup, one sweet and one salty, so that it was difficult to adjust. Finally, I made my husband's favorite spring rolls and my brother's favorite shrimp dumplings.

When Mrs. Li and I brought the food to the table, the three men waiting for dinner were already a little eager. The gentleman looked at a large table of dishes and asked me, "Nian'er, are you preparing all this alone?"

I nodded proudly, and then turned to Yan Yingchen and said, "Brother, I made your favorite chestnut braised chicken, four rare cabbage and shrimp dumplings. Try it."

Yan Yingchen smiled with some embarrassment, and then I realized that I was not suitable. After all, I'm a guest in Qinyuan, and I only care about Yan Yingchen, which seems impolite.

I stuck out my tongue and said to my husband, "Sir, Nian'er also made your favorite stir-fried pork and spring rolls with chili peppers."

Mr. laughed loudly, tapped my head with his hand and said, "You girl are really clever and strange. But it's rare for you to have such a heart.

"I couldn't taste your craft last time, and I must not miss it today." Che also looked at me happily.

I was stunned. What's wrong with this guy? Turn around? Or have you been hit by a ghost? To be honest, I'm really not used to the way he speaks normally. But when I think about it, I have shake hands with him, and he may also feel that there is nothing to fight with me.

I feel relieved when I think of this. After all, one more friend is better than one more enemy. So I happily stretched out my chopsticks to the chestnut braised chicken and thought to myself that I must ask Che why he was so stinky when he first met me in the future.