Qing Che Ruyi

Chapter 22 Warm

One night, my body was always warm, and my stomach did not hurt too much. I slept soundly and soundly, and as soon as I opened my eyes, it was dawn the next day. When I woke up, Che was no longer around, and only the faint fragrance of dragon saliva on the quilt was left. I smiled and felt warm in my heart. He got up and changed his clothes, opened the door and walked to the courtyard.

As soon as I went out, I was stunned by the scene in front of me. Che was wearing a thick cloth dress and standing in the yard with an axe to chop wood. When he saw me coming out, he raised his head and smiled at me and said, "Wake up? Did you sleep well last night?

I nodded, then pointed my finger at the firewood piled in front of him and asked stupidly, "What are you doing?"

"Can't you see it?" Che smiled as a matter of course, as if I were the number one idiot in the world. I was speechless, so I had to walk over, pull the axe in his hand and say, "You don't have to do these." Anyway, he is also a prince. Although he wants to be self-sufficient, after all, this is an ancient time with a strong concept of superiority and inferiority. If this is known by the Xuanyi guards, I can imagine my miserable days in the future.

"Because I'm a prince?" Che lowered his head and looked at me with a serious expression.

"I..." I twisted the corners of my clothes and didn't know what to say. Che smiled, rubbed my long scattered hair and said, "Go and have some breakfast. I'll be fine soon." The tone was as soft as a faint cloud in the sky. I was stunned. Is this Lin Fengche? The man who is like the king of Shura on the battlefield in the mouth of the sword? Such gentleness makes people want to fall into it deeply.

I slowly exhaled, and I lowered my head and smiled. After all, I was a person who had nothing to do with me, and then turned around and walked to the kitchen.

I simply ate something and went to Aunt Zhang's room to chat with her. Seeing me coming in, Aunt Zhang hurriedly asked me to sit next to her, and I smiled with relief. Her spirit has been getting better and better recently, and she looks like she is several years younger.

"Aunuch, Qing'er is causing you trouble again." Of course, I mean Che. There are twice as many people in the Zhang family for no reason, and the burden is naturally much heavier.

"What are you talking about? You two are your own people. What's the trouble? Aunt Zhang laughed, but I had a feeling of five thunder and blurted out, "What kind of little couple?"

"What's the embarrassing thing to say? It's not Huanghua's daughter."

"Ah?" I was completely stunned. Che, who was stabbed thousands of times, didn't know what rumors were made outside. But at present, I can only make mistakes, and I'm still worried about how to explain that I live in the same room with him. However, it seems that this is not a good excuse. My reputation has been completely destroyed. Forget it, I don't care. I guess I'm not so good to meet a good man and be willing to marry me again. Thinking of this, I had to laugh at Aunt Zhang and admit it.

Aunt Zhang looked at my bitter face with satisfaction and said, "I'm not stupid when I look at the child Che. Why do you say he is stupid?" I was happy. It turned out that Aunt Zhang regarded Che as the stupid young master in my lies.

I pretended to be sorry, sighed and said, "He is sometimes good and sometimes bad, and sometimes he is a normal person. It would be scary if he fell ill. That's why I ran out of his house. I was sad and paused and said, "Aunuch, I'm sorry, I've been hiding it from you. In fact, we are married, and I escaped from the night of the bridal chamber. I was afraid that you would dislike me and send me back to their house to hide it from you. I obediently lowered my head and admitted my mistake. Aunt Zhang took my hand and said, "I know in my heart that your child is also suffering. I also said that Che looked good and was happy for you. I didn't think so. Why don't you wait for your tiger head brother to come back and ask the tiger head to drive him out?

"Don't, don't, don't." I waved my hand quickly. If I kick Che out, I guess my death will not be far away. At least it's a husband and wife. As the saying goes, marry a chicken with a chicken, and marry a dog with a dog. Since he worked so hard to find it, I also accepted my fate. I sighed again. Aunt Zhang was full of heartache, but there was nothing she could do. Probably ancient women could still reach a consensus in this regard.

As he spoke, Che pushed the door in from the outside. Aunt Zhang looked at him with a sad face. Probably sighing, why is such a good child a fool? Thinking of this, I laughed out loud and looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

Che looked puzzled and cast a questioning look at me. I held my joy and turned to Aunt Zhang and said, "Aunuch, Che and I will go up the mountain to pick tea and come back before noon." After saying that, I pulled Che out of the door. As soon as I walked out of the door, I couldn't help bending down and laughing.

Che looked at me puzzledly and asked, "What makes you so happy?" I smiled and didn't answer him. I threw the basket to Che and said, "Go up the mountain." After the "firewood splitting incident" just now, I decided to let Che work calmly from now on. He doesn't care if the prince is not a prince. Why am I such a bitch? What's more, he ruined the reputation of such a pure little girl, and he should make some compensation.

On the way up the mountain, I told Che in detail about his transformation into a "stupid young master". I laughed and trembled. Che had a black face and was like an Iron King Kong. Who told you to talk nonsense about us as husband and wife? I curled my lips and said that it was you who asked me to become a "fool". You can't blame me.

"Do you think there is a better reason?" Che raised his eyebrows and looked at me.

"Can't you be my brother?" I tilted my eyes towards him. Obviously, there were so many excuses, but I found the worst one.

"No." He said lightly.

"Why?" Thanks to his usual cleverness, how could he drop the chain at the critical moment?

"Why not." It's still the tone of immortality.

"Why not?"

"You are very talky."

"..." After losing again, I put up with it, so the unnutritious conversation ended here.

All the way, I walked to the tea garden (I have acquiesced that this is my own tea garden.) and I asked Che to help me pick tea. To be honest, it's really a pleasure to see him pick tea with such slender fingers. Unlike my own hands, it's like a pair of chicken feet flying back and forth.

"Che, when will you return to Shengguo?" I know that Fancun is not a place where I can stay for the rest of my life, so before I fell asleep last night, I decided to return to Linsheng with Che. I don't know how much of my decision is because of my feelings for Che, and how much is because of myself. In short, I don't want to be a person who only knows how to escape.



"Help the tiger head open the shop, and we'll go."

Looking at Che's young face in the sun, I laughed softly. This guy really understands my heart and can be taught.

"Che, what's wrong with him?" I asked generously and didn't want this topic to become an untouchable pain. Che was relieved and said, "He defeated Triumph a month ago," he paused and then said, "I married your sister five days ago."

Che said it briefly, but my heart thumped. After all, he married Yan Wanru. Although this was also what I expected, when it became a reality, I couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"Xinyi, learn to fight for what you want." Che's face was full of sincerity, and his eyes were shining, like pool water in the sun.

"That's not what I want." I raised my head and looked back at Che with the same seriousness. Che's eyes were curved and beautiful. He said, "I want to eat crispy taro for lunch."

I laughed and said, "No problem, I have to reward our 'husband' who worked hard for a long time."

"Hmm?" Che obviously didn't understand the meaning of the word "husband", and I didn't bother to talk any more, so that he wouldn't pop up something to make me think about my words.

The days with Che are full of the smell of sunshine, which is summarized by Che sitting in the yard watching the stars after dinner. The day swayed by, and I taught him how to make tea with my hands, laughing at him like a housewife and a man, while willingly cooking what he wanted to eat. Aunt Zhang looked at us and laughed, and my face was full of emotion. I smiled shyly and couldn't say anything more.

Originally, I invited the tiger head to watch the stars together after dinner, but the tiger head said it was too tired and refused to come out with us. So I had to carry a small stool alone with Che, and the two of them sat in the yard and innocently counted the stars.

I taught Che what the twelve constellations looked like, and showed him my own Gemini, and the crackling foam was flying and happy. Che kept smiling and looked at me with open teeth and claws, which seemed very self-restrained, and I was obviously a noisy bird. I asked Che's birthday to see what constellation he was, but I didn't calculate it for a long time, so I had to give up and prepare to study it again in the future.

"Che, do you still have money?" I finally calmed down and rubbed my sore neck.

"Yes, how much do you need?"

"One hundred taels." Without hesitation, I opened my mouth and raised my eyebrows to look at Che.

"Good." Che's promise was extremely refreshing, and he didn't hesitate at all. Seeing that my unreasonable request was accepted like this, I stood up happily, pulled Che's sleeve and said, "Let's go to bed." Then he couldn't help pulling him back.

It's very appropriate to describe my current state. I completely forgot that Che had no place to sleep, so I happily pulled his sleeve back to my room.

When I saw the only small bed in the room, I returned to reality. How should we live? I looked at Xiang Che, who just looked at me with a smile. I pouted. Although he said he wanted to sleep on the ground, I was a kind person and couldn't watch him sleep on the cold ground.

"We sleep together in **, but you are not allowed to touch me." I said with an aggrieved face, mixed with a heroic look.

"I know." Che waved his hand and said indifferently. After saying that, he walked straight to my bed and lay down.

I had no choice but to walk over obediently. You sleep inside." As soon as I climbed into bed, Che spoke. I crawled inside again and lay down obediently. The reason why I dare not squeak is that I'm so nervous that I'm dying. I'm afraid that I'm going to talk trills. I don't know why lying beside me makes me so nervous. Thinking about those years, Tang Yu lay next to me, that's what happened. When did I become so girlish