Qing Che Ruyi

Chapter 23 The Last Night

I lay there and couldn't sleep, and my heart couldn't calm down. Feeling that Che's hand suddenly passed behind me, I stopped breathing and only heard him say lightly, "Sleep, don't to toss." There was a little fatigue in the voice. After biting my finger and saying "Oh", I didn't dare to move again.

One night, I tightened my body tightly for fear of disturbing Che's rest. As a result, when I woke up the next day, I only felt backache. I sat **, rubbing my sore arms back and forth, crying bitterly, and shouting not to sleep with him. Che looked at me with a smile in my eyes. I glanced at him and squeaked my mouth, full of grievances.

"How about we go to town today?"

"What's the matter?" I shook the neck of the pillow and asked Che.

"Choose a shop and help the tiger's head down."

As soon as I heard that I wanted to help the tiger's head plate shop, I immediately became energetic. I got off from **, put on my shoes and said to Che happily, "Okay, let's go now."

Che looked at me up and down when he heard the words, locked his eyebrows, and then threw the clothes to me and said, "Change it. I'll wait for you outside." I took the clothes and looked down at myself. There was nothing wrong with me. Probably it's just that the clothes are a little messy, a little dirty, and the hair is a little messy, but it doesn't prevent me from going out. Although the boss is not happy, I still obediently changed into the clothes thrown to me. I have seen this person's cleanliness fetish, and I'd better not mess with him.

After I dressed it inside and outside, I found that it was a white silk men's clothing that just fit me. I don't know when Che got it. It's quite careful.

I went out and stood with my hands in the courtyard, looking at the old tree that I once described as teeth and claws. I walked over, patted him hard and said, "Let's go." To be honest, my slap is completely revengeful. Who made him feel uncomfortable last night? When I got up this morning, my arms and legs were not my own.

"Hmm." Che ignored my powerful palm, but withdrew his eyes to look at the old tree and walked out of the courtyard.

I hurriedly followed him, grabbed his sleeve and asked, "Have you talked to Aunt Zhang?"

"Hmm." It was another simple syllable that sent me, so I had to shut my mouth and stop talking. I don't know what's wrong with him. It's so deep.

Out of the yard, I actually saw two horses tied outside the yard, and Che walked towards them without hesitation. I was stunned, took two steps, and asked again, "When was this prepared?"

"The Underworld Sword."

"Ah?" I instantly felt that I was weathered, the sword? Didn't he leave?

"There is a change in the dynasty, so the Mingjian turned back from Jinguan City." Che seemed to know what I was thinking and immediately answered my questions.

"Are we leaving?"

"Yes," Che paused for a moment, "Sorry, I can't do what I promised you." I smiled and knew that he meant to live with me in Fan Village, but isn't it the saying that people can't help themselves in the world? Naturally, I won't blame him for this matter." Let's go. Let's help the tiger head lay down the shop today, and we can go back to Yanyun tomorrow. After saying that, I turned over the horse and sat on the back of the horse and looked at Che with a smile.

"Do you not want to know what it is?" Che also jumped on the horseback and asked me sideways.

"No, you know I hate these the most." I'm not interested in any national political facts, and I don't want to join the intrigue. Che squeezed his lips and smiled indifferently and didn't say anything. He just rode his horse forward side by side on the country road.

With nothing to say, Che and I came to the town. The town is not big. We took the horse around twice and finally chose a store on the street from Boss Zhou's shop.

When Che negotiated the price with the boss, I slipped to the street and walked back and forth. I have no doubt about Che's negotiation ability or worry about his financial resources, so in this situation where I don't have to bother, I'm naturally happy.

"Miss, how are you?" As soon as I walked to a small stall selling rouge gouache, I heard a low male voice behind me, which was the sword. I put a big smile on my face and turned to look at him.

"Are you all right?" I didn't answer his question. I think he should know that I'm doing well, but I don't know how he is.

"The sword is very good. Thank you for your attention." Ming Jian smiled and saw a slightly relieved expression on his thin face.

I turned my eyes and looked at the sword and said, "I don't think so. Have you suffered a lot to find me? It's my fault for causing you so much trouble. Why don't I make some delicious food for you tonight?

Ming Jian lowered his head and smiled shyly. My face was warmer. He grabbed his sleeve and said, "Let's go and buy some ingredients with me."

Ming Jian and I walked around the town, carrying chicken, duck and fish in our hands. The sword walked behind me, just like a mobile shelf. When we returned to the shop happily full of ingredients, Che Zheng stood in front of the door with his hands and a black face, as if others owe him money. The shopkeeper talked to him with a smile on his face, but he ignored it. When the boss saw me coming back, there was a happy smile on his face. I guess he wanted me to get rid of this door god quickly.

"Where have you been?" Che asked in a low voice.

I shook a duck in my hand and said, "Buy ingredients. Don't you want to eat it at night?"

"Let's go." Che didn't answer my words and walked straight forward, but he didn't look angry. He must have been worried about me just now.

"Are you really willing to go back to Yanyun City with me?" Walking on the way back to Fan Village, he asked me lightly.

"Of course, I always keep my word."

"You know I never want to force you to do anything."

"I will also force myself to do what I don't want to do. What? Do you regret it?"

"I'm just worried about you."

"Are you afraid that I will run again?"

"Can't you?"

"Do you not believe me like this?"

"I believe it, because it's you." A warm current slipped through my heart, turned my head to look at Che, and felt extremely calm.

When we returned to Zhang's house, it was already time to apply. I asked Mingjian to help me with the ingredients and hurried to the kitchen to prepare. This was the last meal I cooked for Hutou and Aunt Zhang, and it was the only thing I could do.

Ming Jian volunteered to help me. I was busy in the kitchen. An hour later, I finally made eight dishes, four snacks and two soups. Eight-treasure chicken, steamed mandarin fish, salted duck cubes, cabbage soup, cucumber duck rack soup, golden shredded cake... I used all the ingredients I bought today and made a big table of dishes.

When he returned to the room, Hutou had also returned from the town. Che is having a good talk with him. He must have told him about the next shop. The two are discussing their future business. I invited them to come over for dinner, looked at the dishes on the table, and looked at me again. There was some distress in my eyes, but there was still his signature smile on his face.

Everyone talked and laughed at a meal, just like a family. I never said I would leave, and the ostrich also hoped that this peaceful atmosphere would last longer. But people often say that happy days are always short, and what should be said must be said.

After dinner, I summoned up the courage to say to Hutou and Aunt Zhang, "Aunuch, Tiger Head Brother, we are going back tomorrow."

"What? Are you leaving?" The tiger's head stared at me.

"Well, it's time to go back after coming out for so long." Che said as he said, and there was no emotion in his tone.

"But I can't bear to part with you." With that, the tiger's eyes were a little red. Seeing this, Aunt Zhang pinched him behind him and said, "You silly boy, hasn't your sister come back? Right? Qing'er."

After listening to Aunt Zhang's words, I couldn't help but feel sad. Maybe I really won't come back again, but how can I say it? I tried to squeeze out a big smile and nodded to Aunt Zhang and Hu's head, "If there is a chance, my father-in-law and I will definitely come back to see you." Although the word "husior-law" made me get goosebumps, the sadness of parting still filled my heart.

Aunt Zhang looked at us with loving eyes for a while, took Che's hand and me and said, "You young couple should have a good time," and then she looked at Che, "Don't bully Qing'er anymore." Che smiled and nodded, and I secretly glanced at him. Hey, the perfect jaw line, this is my fatal injury, so I fell again.

Aunt Zhang explained all kinds of things to us, and the tiger's head was also full of sadness. The four of us talked for more than half an hour before Che and I returned to the room to prepare to rest early and go on the road tomorrow.

"I don't know when I will really settle down." I leaned against ** and looked at Che sitting beside me and said. Probably because my mood is occupied by depression today, so I stayed lazy with ** and didn't feel any discomfort.

"That day won't be far away." Che said firmly, and I glanced at him helplessly. I didn't know what the man was thinking.

"How about Huaishu and Ziqin?"

"I didn't know about it until now?" Che raised his eyebrows and looked at me sideways.

"That's because I believe in you." I simply pulled the pillow over and lay on it to make myself chat with Che comfortably.

"They are fine."


"You asked yourself."

I didn't know anything right away. Yes, I asked it myself. Obviously, I asked a retarded question. I want to know how Ziqin and Huaishu are. Why don't I just go to see it by myself? Why do I ask this stinky man?

"You have never asked about me in Linsheng Country." Che's tone is still faint.

"I said I'm not interested."



"You haven't asked about my arrangements for you after Yan Yun.

"I don't want to know."

"Are you sure?"

"What if you are uncertain? Will you let me live freely in Yanyun City?

"If it were in Yanyun, I wouldn't."

"I really don't understand whether I know you better or you know me better?"

"Is it important?"

"You will always ask yourself questions that you already know the answer."

"Oh? How to say?"

"You asked me why I didn't ask about you in Linsheng. Why do you say that when you know I don't like these?"

"What do you think based on what you know about me?" Che's eyes narrowed, which made me suddenly feel that he was very cunning.

"You are brain-damaged." After saying that, I pulled up the quilt and covered my body, turned around and said to Che, "I'm tired, go to bed."

There was a smile on the corners of his lips. I said that he was stupid and he was not angry. I don't know if he didn't understand or didn't mind. Help me tweak the corner of the quilt. He also lay down and turned off the candlelight. He said in an almost inaudible voice, "Because I hope you can care about me." I suddenly seemed to have been struck by lightning and stiffened straight in the quilt. I really didn't expect this reason...