Qing Che Ruyi

Chapter 18 Strangers

It's another three long days of waiting. In the boring days, I almost relied on reading to spend time with Si En. Just as I was about to wait impatiently, Li finally ordered me to get into the carriage to the imperial mausoleum as I wished.

Sitting in the carriage, my hands clenched tightly, and I only felt that my fingertips were slightly cool. I couldn't take Si'en out of the palace on this trip because Li didn't allow it. Although I have some dissatisfaction, there is no reason to blame him. Since ancient times, the emperor has been suspicious and worried, and he is not allowed to be human.

The carriage bumped all the way and walked for a long time before stopping. The waiter helped me get out of the carriage, and I was already in the wilderness. There is a clean courtyard not far away, which is thought to be Sister Ziyin's residence.

I walked to the door and gently buckled the door, but no one responded. With a long sigh, I ordered the maid to wait in front of the door, raised her hand and pushed the door and walked in alone.

The yard is extremely small, about the same size as the small yard I once lived in Yan Mansion, and the yard is so clean that it makes people feel cold.

"Who are you looking for?" The sudden sound behind me stunned me and turned around to see an old woman carrying a basket.

"Is Sister Ziyin there?" I asked modestly and politely.

The old woman's eyes jumped and said, "Are you?"

"I'm Yan Nianqing."

The old woman smiled miserably and said, "It turned out to be you. Don't you think it's enough for your wife? Is it to see how miserable she is now?

"M Mother Lan." I was about to speak for defense, but I was interrupted by the female voice behind me. Looking back, I saw Wei Ziyin, who had lost her prosperity.

"Sister Ziyin." I was overjoyed, took two steps in front of her, and pulled her hands happily.

Wei Ziyin smiled awkwardly, pulled her hand out of my palm, bent down to worship me, and said respectfully, "The daughter of the people knocked on the queen."

I trembled slightly and looked at the empty palm and the figure leaning down in front of me. I was a little overwhelmed and muttered, "Sister..."

"Ziyin doesn't dare to be. If you have nothing to do, please come back." After saying that, Wei Ziyin turned around and wanted to walk to the house.

"Wait." I reached out and grabbed Wei Ziyin and desperately wanted to know why she had such an attitude. "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Wei Ziyin looked back with a sad smile and said, "My husband died under the sword of Emperor Ye. Didn't you watch it?"

Hearing this, my strength suddenly seemed to have been pulled out. My hand slipped softly from Wei Ziyin's arm and said, "Is my sister hate me?"

"Shouldn't I hate you?"

"Brother Xian's death has nothing to do with Che." I suddenly calmed down and decided to tell her everything.

"I know." Wei Ziyin said lightly. I was stunned, looked at her with some surprise, and then smiled. I took the jade flute out of my arms and handed it to Wei Ziyin and said, "Brother Xian wants me to give this thing to you."

Wei Ziyin picked it up and looked at the jade flute for a long time. Tears slipped down. She looked up at me and suddenly smiled strangely, close to my face and whispered, "I will give him what he wants, and my husband's life is no exception. He wants you, and I can't wait to put your hands on it. But you have become someone else's woman. Do you know his suffering?"

I looked at Wei Ziyin incredibly and could hardly believe that this was the person who used to sleep with me. I stepped back and roared, "Are you crazy? How dare you say such a thing. Have you ever thought about Brother Xian under Huangquan? Have you ever thought about Si En in Nanzheng Palace?

"Sage, he is also a miserable person, and such an ending may be the best for him. As for Si'en, he is his child. Is there anything wrong with him leaving Si'en in the Nanzheng Palace? Wei Ziyin's low voice was like a dream, but like a thunderbolt, I couldn't say anything.

I can't count, and I can't count that Si En is Li's child. It turns out that the stupidest person in the world is still me after all.

"Sister, that's all for you and my sisterhood. After that, we have been strangers. You can take care of yourself." After a long silence, I finally squeezed out this sentence and turned around and walked out.

Wei Ziyin was still saying something behind her, but I couldn't hear it clearly. I didn't expect it to be like this. What happened to Wei Ziyin in the two years after I left, so that she became like this. I pressed my sore forehead, walked out of the courtyard, got into the carriage and ordered the waiter to leave quickly.

I laughed at myself in the car and suddenly understood the deep fatigue in Brother Xian's eyes at that time. His half-brother, beloved wife, newborn daughter, he knows everything, but he can't do anything. I'm afraid death is also the way he chose.

Back to Yongning Palace, I curled up and lay down**. The longing for Che rolled up like a tide, almost drowning me. Tears soaked the brocade quilt, but they kept pouring out.

"Miss, please drink some tea to warm up your body." Suddenly, there was a crisp voice on my side. I looked up and saw that it was Chuntao, which had been serving me for several days.

"Okay, thank you." Unable to brush her kindness, she took the porcelain cup in her hand and took a few sips symbolically.

Chuntao retreated, but I gradually felt weak. I thought it was because I was too tired today. I was about to go to bed, but I heard the voice of the waiter outside. He tried his best to get up, and the waiter had entered the bedroom.

"Miss Yan, the emperor ordered you to sleep tonight. Please wait for me in Yongning Palace." The shrill sound of the chambermaid sounded to me as if it was from hell.

"Waiting?" I almost fell to the ground in shock, but fortunately, the maid around me quickly supported me.

After the maid left, many maids came to the bedroom. They were busy helping me dress up. I wanted to resist, but I was unable to lift my hands. I tried to shake my hand and found that I couldn't do it at all. I turned my mind and now understand the reason of the matter. I swept fiercely to Chuntao beside me. As soon as she touched my eyes, she quickly lowered her head and dared not look at me again. Suddenly, my heart was desolate. Li, didn't you hesitate to drug me in order to get me? How much do you want me to hate you?

I was dressed as gorgeously under the fiddling of the maid of honor, and my clothes were even more enchanting. When the maids looked at my bulging lower abdomen, they were all frightened and were looked at by my resentful eyes, but they did not dare to squeak again.

In the end, I was half dragged and half supported by the maids**, and Chuntao gently covered the brocade on me. Tears kept flowing down my cheeks. Chuntao couldn't bear to look away from her face anymore. After putting down the veil, she hurriedly left.

I lay**, and an unprecedented sense of fear surged into my heart. I tried to move my arm, but after countless attempts, I found that it was all in vain. Time passed unconsciously after I tried again and again. When I could finally move my finger, I found that the sky had already darkened.

The door of the bedroom was suddenly opened, and through the gauze tent, I vaguely saw the slender figure in a dragon robe slowly coming towards me. I closed my eyes and heard the sound of clothes falling to the ground. My heart tightened, and Li had opened the veil and walked to me.