Qing Che Ruyi

The 19th brief reunion

"Qier." Li's originally quiet eyes were full of tenderness, as if he wanted to indulge in it.

There were still undry tears on my face. I looked up and saw that my eyes were distressed. I reached out to help me wipe it gently. Then the delicate kiss fell on my lips, and my tears gushed out almost at the same time and rolled down my cheeks to my lips.

"Don't be afraid, you will be my queen and my only woman." Li looked at my crying face and raised her hand to untie my clothes as thin as cicada wings.

"Brother Li, no." I shook my head desperately to stop Li's next move. Li ignored my words and continued to smile gracefully. With a finger, the clothes slipped from my shoulder, and the body outside the brocade was clearly displayed in front of Li.

"Brother Li, please, don't, don't touch me." I cried and begged, but he just wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes and then kissed my neck. Li's hand slowly walked down on me. When he touched his lower abdomen, he suddenly stopped and looked up at me. After a moment, the corners of his lips raised a sarcastic smile, "Do you already have his child?"

"Brother Li, please, will you let me go?"

Li pressed my body, gently hooked my waist and said, "I have asked you to leave me once. Do you think there will be another time?"

I looked at Li's extremely serious expression, and there was a trace of despair in my eyes. I smiled lightly and said, "Brother Li, if you want Qing'er, you can do whatever you want."

Li narrowed his eyes and seemed to see my determination. "Do you think I will give you a chance to die?"

"There are many ways if a person wants to end his life." After seeking and struggling was useless, I finally chose to face Li with a calm attitude.

"Do you hate me so much?" The pain flashed in Li's eyes, and his fingers pinched my jaw.

"All I know is that my brother Li, who I am familiar with, will not force me like this, nor will he threaten me with Yingchen." My faint eyes swept at Li, and his fingers trembled slightly and slipped on my long hair.

Li closed his eyes and was silent for a while, and said slowly, "I will let him go, but you have to bed tonight." After put away the drip just now, Li raised his hand and pressed my wrist, and there was no room for a change in his tone.

I smiled softly, "If you can keep me in the Nanzheng Palace for five months, I will serve myself in five months, but not now."

"Are you afraid of him?" Li's fingers stroked my lower abdomen, and the playful smile slipped through my eyes.

"Lang Zhong once said that I can't get pregnant, otherwise I will worry about my life. But since I'm pregnant, I'm afraid I won't even be able to survive tomorrow morning. Brother Li, won't you want to wake up early in the morning with a corpse in your arms?"

Li looked at me for a while, and more and more pain in my eyes covered up the original desire. After tidying up his clothes, he sat up from ** and said in a low voice, "Come on."

"What's the emperor's order?" The waiter pushed the door in and bowed to stand in the hall.

"Doctor Xuan Sun, Dr. Zheng, Dr. Hu came here."

"Yes, your Majesty."

The waiter withdrew from the bedroom, and the house returned to tranquility.

"Brother Li, you don't have to do this."

"I want to make sure you will be safe."

"So how to explain the origin of the child?"

"The child is mine, and you will also be the queen. What's wrong?"

I sighed when I heard this. Although I escaped today, what should I do in the future?

In a short time, several imperial doctors came in. Under the consultation, the conclusion reached was no same as what Zhang Min said. Li heard that there was a layer of frost on the back. After the doctor prescribed the prescription, he waved his hand to let everyone retreat.

Li sat by the bed, stroked my cheek painfully and said, "You shouldn't take such a risk."

"Brother Li, let me go, okay?"

"Will you stay?"

"Do I still have a choice now?"

Li pondered for a moment and said, "In a few days, I'll take you to see Yingchen."

I nodded, closed my eyes tiredly, and kissed me gently on the forehead. I smiled bitterly, but finally couldn't resist fatigue and fell asleep.

In the next few days, Li will come to Yongning Palace to see me and Si En every day. Every time I see Li holding Si En's happy expression, my heart is extremely sour, but I don't want to break this layer of paper. Now, it's the best for anyone.

Four days later, Li announced that I would go to Tai'an Palace without warning. Before I arrived at Tai'an Palace, I always felt uneasy, but when I thought about what Li would do to me, my heart was relieved.

When he entered the Tai'an Palace, Li seemed to have been waiting for a long time. Seeing me, a comfortable smile appeared on my face.

"Qier, I'll take you to see Yingchen." Li took my hand and walked to the bedroom. I was slightly stunned, but I didn't shake off his hand. I don't want Li to feel that I was still resisting him at this time.

When I arrived at the bedroom, Li led me straight to the bedside. My heart skipped a beat, and my feet subconsciously stagnated. As if feeling my hesitation, Li held my hand tightly, and then smiled calmly at me. My face turned red and I scolded myself for thinking too much.

Li groped in the bed, and then heard a low rumble from the wall. After the sound disappeared, a dark room appeared in front of him.

Li let go of my hand, smiled and said, "Yingchen is inside."

I looked at Li gratefully. Now I didn't say much. I lifted my skirt and walked into the dark room. The dark room is not big, but although the sparrow is small and complete, the interior is not inferior to the bedroom outside. I bypassed a row of bookshelves and stopped, and tears gushed out unconsciously. The elder brother, dressed in white, was leaning on the couch and turning over the book in his hand. He didn't seem to care about someone coming in the dark room.

"Brother..." I called softly, and my voice was a little choked.

Yan Yingchen was shocked, and the book in his hand slowly got up from the couch and looked up at me incredulously.

"Brother." I took two steps forward and threw myself into Yan Yingchen's arms. I buried my head in Yan Yingchen's chest, swept around with the corners of my eyes, and found that Li hadn't come in yet. So he hooked Yan Yingchen's neck and whispered in an inaudible voice, "Yi Wangfu, order the underworld sword to return to Yanyun quickly."

Let go of my brother. His eyes were full of clear meaning. I took Yan Yingchen's hand and said, "Brother, it's not good to make you suffer."

"Stupid girl." Yan Yingchen rubbed my hair, and his smile was as warm as the sunshine in May.

"Yingchen, you can leave the palace tonight." Li said in a low voice behind me. I turned around and saw his clear eyes, and my heart was a little sad.

Li took my hand and held me gently in my arms. I looked at Yan Yingchen with a smile, but tears flowed down unscrupulously. My brief reunion with my brother ended like this, as if Li didn't want me to leave him for another second. Since that night, I obviously felt Li's worry, and there were more meanings in his eyes looking at me.