The Bright Moon Ballad

Chapter 41 Deep mountains and clouds, lovesickness has nowhere to go

Chapter 41 Deep mountains and clouds, lovesickness has no place to return (Part 2)

When Wu Jing received the letter, I felt that my breathing suddenly stopped for a few seconds. A voice told me that my peaceful life was over and I could no longer deceive myself like an ostrich.

Last night, Xiu silk and I stayed at a vigil. In the middle of the night, the Empress Dowager woke up in a daze, and Xiu silk and I fed some porridge. The Empress Dowager woke up this morning, took medicine and fell asleep, but she still had a fever.

I opened the window to open the wind, and I didn't feel it when I stayed inside. I could smell an unknown smell inside when I came in from the outside.

"Sister, the wind is cold, what are you doing when you open the window?" Xiu silk came in from the outside to close the window.

"Let it open, so that the virus will stay in it, which is even worse for the Empress Dowager." I said.

"Virus? Sister, it's not good to blow such a cold wind.

I ate the porridge and steamed buns brought in by Xiujuan and said, "You also come to eat something. The window will be closed after a while, and there is no blow to the bed. There are only good and no harm. I remember to close it later."

Xiu silk still hesitated, and yesterday's doctor Ouyang came in: "Mu Nian said that ventilation is very important. Don't think it's good to keep the doors and windows closed all the time."

Twilight? When did I get to know him so well that I could call him by his name?

"Morning, Dr. Ouyang." I stood up and smiled and said, "The Empress Dowager woke up last night and took medicine again today, but she hasn't been very awake."

"Call me Xizhou. Why do you have to look outside like this?"

I'm not as familiar as you. I nodded and followed him to the Empress Dowager's bed.

He took his pulse and said, "It seems that it's okay. I have to wake up tomorrow, and this time the disease will be cured."

"This illness? What does Dr. Ouyang mean? I asked.

"Call me Xizhou," he stared at me and said, "People have life, old age, illness and death. This is something that no one can escape, whether it is royal nobles or ordinary people."

I know that he is saying that the empress dowager will die soon. Naturally, I am very worried that if this person is a magic doctor, he should have a way to extend the life of the empress dowager. The Empress Dowager has treated me like a granddaughter in recent years, and I have already regarded her as my grandmother. If she left, what should I do to marry the fifteenth master?

"Don't think I can help you. No one can change the birth, old age, illness and death, and it is futile to find any way. As he spoke, he walked out of the door and said, "Well, since this illness can probably be cured, I'll go first and delay me for a moment. I'll save one less person."

"Doctor Ouyang is called a magic doctor. Why is it so diffuse? It's probably okay. Can it be said by a doctor?" I hurriedly said, and then felt that my tone was too strong, and then said, "D. Ouyang, can you stay and wait for the Empress Dowager to settle down before leaving? You said to save people, but you know that if the Empress Dowager has a mistake, the 20 or 30 people in this manor may have lost their lives."

He stopped leaning on the door and put his hands on his chest. He looked at me with a lacky attitude and scrutiny and said, "You are afraid of death, so you want me to stay here to die with you."

How can this person challenge people's patience like this: "Mu Nian has been betrothed to the fifteenth brother. It will be fine, but there are also a girl, Uncle Wu's family and guards here. Can Dr. Ouyang stay for their face?"

He raised a finger and shook it and said, "You are betrothed to the brother in the Forbidden City. Oh, it's really a waste of materials. There will be another deep palace resentful woman."

He lowered his voice again and said, "You are also forced, aren't you? They love the Xinjue Luo family to do this forced thing."

This man boldly meant that the Empress Dowager's life would not be long ago. I have sighed at his courage. This time, I don't know if he is an idiot or thinks it's too bad to live.

"Dir Ouyang, the life and death of the Empress Dowager is more important than thinking about yourself. Please be cautious." I saluted.

"What are you doing so seriously," he said with a smile, "it's okay to stay for the lives of those people, but I just heard you call me Dr. Ouyang four times and called 'you'. I'm very unhappy to call me so old. In this way, you call me Sisheng Xizhou, and I will stay until the Empress Dowager recovers.

Looking at his ridiculous laughter, I knew that this man must have done anything ridiculous, and it's better to think about the Empress Dowager first. I coughed: "Xizhou...cough, Xizhou... Xizhou, Xizhou."

"Haha, okay," he laughed and said, "You're serious. Remember to call me Xizhou in the future. I'll go to the mountain. It's boring here."

Looking at his wide robe and swaying back, I told myself that I must be patient. He is a magic doctor. I want to think about the Empress Dowager and for myself. His prescription is still very effective, but he is not good. He should look at his medical skills and don't care about his ruffian appearance.

The Empress Dowager woke up at noon. This time she seemed to be much more awake and called my name: "Mu Nian, what day is it today? On the ninth day of the first lunar month, the Empress Dowager was in a coma for a day and a night, which scared her.

"It's common for this person to get sick and grow old. I have lived a long life, and I have prepared myself." The Empress Dowager's hoarse voice depends on the coldness of the world.

"Empress do not say that. What do you want to do? Don't you want to miss it?" I cried, just like when my grandmother died that summer.

"Silly child, the last thing I worry about is you," the Empress Dowager touched my head and said, "You have been with me for so many years, and all your good time has been wasted on me, but fortunately, 15 is a steady child. You, forget everything that should be forgotten. Life is not satisfactory.

"As long as the Empress Dowager gets better, she can do whatever she wants."

"Sister, the medicine is here." Xiu silk came over with the medicine.

When I fed the empress dowager medicine, she seemed to suddenly think of something and asked, "How old is Xiu silk this year?"

"I'm only 20 years old this year." Xiujuan replied.

"Oh, that also means a good person. He has been with me for many years."

"I am willing to take care of the Empress Dowager all the time." Xiu silk knelt down.

The Empress Dowager pointed to me and said, "Don't learn to be stupid. I think the youngest son of the martial arts family is good."

It seems that the empress dowager is really a bright-sighted person. I can also see Xiujian's thoughts about Wu Jing. Although the empress dowager does not often leave the house, she also knows it. I don't know if A Xing and I have seen that a person who understands like her should know, but she didn't say that although she is the empress dowager, who can talk more in the palace? She is no exception.

Xiu silk's whole face turned red, and she lowered her head and said, "It's all up to the Empress Dowager."

"That's good. When I get better, let Mu Nian choose some good dowries. If you go out from me, you will definitely be beautiful." The Empress Dowager laughed.

The Empress Dowager's illness is getting better and better, and the old man seems to be very ill. The Empress Dowager lay in ** for about ten days before she got out of bed.

Ouyang Xizhou did not come back after going up the mountain that day. Fortunately, the Empress Dowager's illness was cured, otherwise she would have to be wanted.

A letter came from the capital, and the fifteenth master has come here with the imperial doctor, and it is estimated that he will arrive in a few days. A few years ago, the long-year-old master also sent several letters asking the empress dowager to go back. I don't know why the empress dowager found a reason to refuse. This time, there should be no reason for her to refuse to return to Beijing.

When the fifteenth master arrived, it was the last day of October, and it was already a cold north wind. Before dawn, Wu Jing knocked on my door: "Girl, the fifteenth brother in the palace is here."

"I know," I recalled a lot of the past last night and didn't go to bed until late. He called me like I woke up as soon as I fell asleep. "The Empress Dowager hasn't got up yet. Brother Wu, you take them in the front yard, and I'll go there."

There was no sound outside. I stumbled into my clothes, lit the light, and only saw the fifteenth master standing in the yard. His black robe was blown up by the wind, and it was so quiet that he seemed to hear a few snowflakes falling. It snowed, and the cotton-like snowflakes fell sporadically. As soon as they arrived on the ground, the flowers bloomed and blended into the darkness.

I saw his black eyes looking at me without blinking in the moonlight, and I just felt that I had lived here for so long, and the wind and clouds of the Forbidden City seemed to be so far away.

I approached and saw the scum on his face. It seemed that he rushed over quickly. I saluted, "Fifteenth Master, are you?"

It took him a long time to say, "I've thought about how to face you many times. Now that I know when I see you, I'm going to give it to you first, just waiting for you to make a decision."

He handed me a letter: "I wondered what was the bond between you. Later, the tenth brother couldn't resist my question and told me about you and the fourteenth brother.

A Xing and I, the fifteenth master, know about us.

I opened the letter paper and wrote eight words that I had read thousands of times: I miss you in the morning and evening, and you can know the bright moon.

How can he write these to me, fifteenth master, how embarrassed he should be.

"Brother 14 has been treating me well, but when I came back to the capital last time, I felt that he deliberately avoided me, and he became less energetic as before, and even a little decadent, as if he had lost his treasure." The fifteenth master looked at the bright moon in the sky and said, "I can't regret when the tenth brother told me about you. I can only regret why I didn't meet you before him. This may be different, right?

He looked at me, and I couldn't answer him, because I don't know if it's time to live again. I will choose not to love A Xing. Even if I know that I will love him so hard, I'm not sure that I will choose not to love him.

He looked at my eyes and turned away disappointedly and said, "That year you came to Wutai Mountain, and he also came after New Year's Eve. Defei sent someone to tie him back and told him that if he was struggling with you, he would kill you. After that, the 14th brother did everything and even ignored you, just to prevent you from being hurt.

"Mu Nian, read the letter and reply to him. He finally summoned up the courage to write it to you, because a letter may be found by Defei, which is to you and danger. He won't write, but I want you to finish it. My messenger will return to the capital tomorrow to report his safety. If you want to choose him, just write back to her. The fifteenth master left after saying that.

I was already dull with that letter. It turned out that he came all the way but didn't see me because he was tied back by Concubine De. It turned out that he ignored me because he wanted to save my life.

A Xing forgive me. Since I didn't believe you, I suspect that you no longer have me in your heart. How helpless you were at that time, but I didn't give you a comforting look or a word of understanding. How have you suffered in the past five years? Struggle between brotherhood and your own heart, between my life and your mother.

But A Xing, what else can we do? I had almost given up, but your letter pulled me back into missing. Who should I tell and what should I do?