Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 38 I swallowed

Lu Dong's cheeks became more and more solemn.

He slowly withdrew his palm attached to his son Dantian and stared at Lai Liu, "Try what's going on? How could this happen?"

It's about Lu Feng's life, and it's not easy for Lai Liu to hide anything. He hurriedly told the whole story.

However, he still hid the matter of touching the corpse. He just said that he thought it was fun for someone to commit suicide by jumping into the lake, so he ran to see it. As a result, he encountered the Queen of Bone Spirit, and such a tragedy happened.

After listening to this, Lu Dong asked in disapprove, "Ice and Fire Dragon Heart Fruit? Queen of Bones?"

Lai Liu nodded.

Lu Dong shook his head and sighed, "You actually encountered the evil star of the Bone Queen. Alas, it's a miracle that you can come back alive."

Lai Liu wanted to know what the Queen of Bone Spirit was, so he asked Lu Dong.

Lu Dong stood up, paced with his hands behind his back and said, "The Queen of Bone Spirit is the queen of the Bone Spirit clan. It is rumored that the realm of gas refining has reached the fighting sky many years ago. This bone queen hides a knife in her smile, is cruel and extremely difficult to deal with. Few people are willing to fight against her. In the whole Red Heaven Empire, there will never be more than ten people above the Bone Spirit Queen. If she succeeds to advance to the anti-sky stage this time, recast her body and transforms into a human, there will be fewer people who can compete with her.

Lai Liu said curiously, "Recast the body and transform into an adult? Isn't the Queen of Bones a human?

Lu Dong said, "The bone spirit is naturally a bone spirit, but how can it be a human being?"

Lai Liuqi said, "What kind of race is the bone spirit clan? Why have I never heard of it?"

Lu Dong explained, "Bone spirit, that is a form between the skeleton and the soul. After death, the soul leaves the body and turns into a ghost, and the body slowly decays into a skeleton. The skeleton constantly absorbs the spirit of the earth and accumulates energy. When the energy reaches a certain level, the bone spirit comes out of the skeleton and becomes a new body. After the birth of the bone spirit, there is a growth process, from small to large, and the mind gradually matures from a blank. Just like human beings, there is no difference in this point. However, the bone spirit does not have a body, but only a erratic body. Only with the improvement of the level will the shape and outline of the body become clearer. After the bone spirit reaches the fighting sky stage, it is absolutely impossible to distinguish between human beings and bone spirits. Once the bone spirit breaks through the fighting sky section and reaches the anti-sky stage, it can recast meat. It's the body."

Speaking of this, Lu Dong paused and said, "The promotion of bone spirit to the anti-sky witch emperor, and the recasting of the body is a bottleneck of the bone spirit clan, which is extremely difficult. If you don't rely on elixirs or rare fruits, the success rate of promotion is extremely slim, and one will be distracted. The Queen of Bone Spirit got the ice and fire dragon heart fruit, and the risk of advancing to the anti-sky witch emperor was naturally reduced a lot.

Hearing the interest, Lai Liu couldn't help asking again, "Has the Queen of Bone Spirit been promoted successfully? Why did she suddenly explode?"

Lu Dong said, "Well, this is called breaking and then standing. Only when it is broken first can the body be recast. After the bone spirit recasting the body, it will become a baby and lose its cultivation. However, the bone spirit behind the recasting body grows very fast, generally 12 hours. After 12 hours, it will grow to the state before promotion, and the realm will also be heavy. The new stage has been rapidly upgraded from the entry stage to the anti-sky stage. These twelve hours are the most weak state of the bone spirit. In a sense, at this time, the bone spirit is still a soul state. Only after the cultivation is fully restored can it really cast flesh and blood..."

Lu Dong also learned about the understanding of the bone spirit clan from Lu Zhengyun after coming to Shaming Village.

The bone spirit clan was conceived in the west wind Gobi.

It was the bodies of millions of soldiers buried in this Gobi more than a hundred years ago that gave birth to the bone spirit clan.


At this time, Lu Feng, who was lying in **, woke up and called his father.

Lu Dong was overjoyed and hurried forward to hold his son's hand and said, "Feng'er, what do you think?"

Lu Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "It seems that you can only open your mouth to talk. You can't move your whole body, and you can't even twist your neck."

Although Lu Dong is a little disappointed, it is a great creation for his son to wake up. He stroked his son's face and comforted him, "It's okay. Your whole body is just frozen by a chill. When your father comes to your uncle Zhengyun tomorrow morning, he must have a way to resolve the cold in your body."


Lu Feng nodded.

Lai Liu came forward and said, "Are you sure you are Lu Feng?"

Lu Feng said, "Nonsense?"

Lai Liu said, "Do you know the young master Gu?"

Lu Feng said, "Of course, I also know that Master Gu has a two-forced friend who is a tomb robber."

Lai Liu smiled. He was sure that Lu Feng was not swallowed up by the bone queen and occupied her body. However, he still asked, "Where is the Queen of Bone Spirit?" Didn't devour your soul? It's not in your body?"

Lu Feng really wanted to speak, but suddenly a cold air surged up in his body, and his teeth shivered up and down.

He clenched his teeth stubbornly and suddenly broke his mouth, "I swallowed it back."

Lai Liu said in horr aston, "Have you swallowed back? How can it be? That's the Queen of Bone Spirit.

Lu Feng seemed to be in the ice cellar at this time, and he could not open his mouth. In response to Lai Liu's rhetorical question, he could only grit his teeth and smile bitterly.

Lai Liu made a slight association and believed Lu Feng's words. What is it for a pervert who can swallow the soul of the god dog and the soul of the devil and the soul of heaven, and devouring a bone spirit in a weak state?

Lai Liu believes, but Lu Dong does not believe how powerful the soul of the Bone Queen is. Even in a weak state, it is by no means what his son's soul can compete with. He would rather believe that the Queen of Bones left his son's body. Or is the Bone Queen just temporarily lurking in her son's body? Thinking of this, Lu Dong suddenly took a deep breath and asked his son, "Feng'er, what's special feeling in your body?"

Lu Feng endured for a while, and the cold was already gone down. He felt a little better, so he said, "The cold and heat alternately, and the attack is as cold as if he is in the ice and snow, his breath is frozen, as hot as magma, and his whole body is about to burn."

Lu Dong said, "In addition to this feeling, is there anything else, such as uncontrolled thinking?"

Lu Feng knew that his father was worried about the Bone Queen in his body, so he said, "Dad, don't worry, the Bone Queen did let me swallow it. As for why this happened, I don't know the reason."

Lu Dong nodded slightly.

Although he agreed on the surface, he did not agree in his heart. He still suspected that the Queen of Bone Spirit lurked in his son's body. However, at present, he can only defuse the cold and violent airflow in his son's body first, so that his son can not suffer from this kind of suffering.

As for the Queen of Bone Spirit, she can only take her son back to the family and ask her father and the family's antiques to take action. Although he will receive cruel punishment when he returns to the family, he can only plan for his son. If Ina is here, she will definitely let him do this for her son...

For a moment, Lu Dong thought of his son's talent, experience, and his wife Ina, and his heart suddenly felt a sense of sadness.

The feeling was so strong that his body couldn't help trembling.

He stood up, took heavy steps, and walked step by step into the courtyard.

In the courtyard, the sand and dust are still raging.

He raised his head, looked at the gray and white sky, and sighed, "Is this the punishment of fate for me? If so, why don't you fall to my Lu Dong's head..."