Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 39 Solution

As soon as Dongfang turned white, Lu Dong hurried to find his brother Lu Zhengyun.

Lu Zhengyun has already got up and is practicing skills in the hospital.

Lu Zhengyun was quite surprised by Lu Dong's arrival. This should be the time for this brother to train his son. How could he have time to come here? He got up and said, "Is it important for Brother Dong to come here in a hurry this morning?" Lu Dong nodded and was about to talk about his son. When he saw Jieya and Shuier coming out of the inner room, he smiled and greeted Jieya. The topic changed, saying that his fists and feet were a little itchy, and he wanted to find this brother to compete.

Jieya was not surprised. The two brothers have been fighting at the border for a long time. Now that they have been back for a long time, it is inevitable that their hands and feet are itchy. She smiled and said, "You guys, haven't you fought enough battles for several years?" Lu Zhengyun turned around and smiled, "It's precisely because I'm used to fighting that my hands and feet are itchy when I'm idle."

Jiya smiled and said, "I had guessed that you would say so." With that, Yingying went to the courtyard, picked up Lu Zhengyun's clothes hanging on the tree and put them on, and said, "Go, don't just care about your competition. You should guide Fenger more." Lu Dong heard that Jieya was so worried about Feng'er, and his heart was warm. He hugged his fist and said, "I miss you. If Feng'er knows that you miss him so much, you will definitely work harder."

Shui'er ran forward and pestered her father to follow him. Lu Zhengyun couldn't resist his daughter and had to agree.

The water was very happy, like a cheerful bird running first, and the two bells on his waistband made a crisp jingle and pleasant sound, drifting all the way to Lu Feng's house.

As soon as she entered the yard, Shui'er shouted at Brother Feng, Brother Feng, but no one answered even after several shouts. It was very strange. If Brother Feng had been trained by Uncle Lu in the courtyard on weekdays, could not have been Brother Feng sick?

Shuier had a bad feeling in her heart and was about to continue shouting when Lu Dong came in and said, "Shuier, your brother Feng is in the inner room." Shui'er looked at Lu Dong suspiciously and entered the room. Lu Dong and Lu Zhengyun followed.

Lu Feng lay quietly in **. I don't know when he fainted again, and his whole body was still covered with a thin layer of ice chips.

As soon as Shuier saw Lu Feng like this, she was shocked and said, "Brother Feng is like this. How can it be like this?" Although Lu Zhengyun was also stunned, he did not ask questions. He just pulled his daughter into his arms, sat down on the chair and said, "Shuier, listen to your Uncle Lu."

Lu Dong sat down and told the original story.

After listening to this, Lu Zhengyun gently pushed his already tearful daughter aside, walked to the bed, stretched out his palm and put it on Lu Feng's Dantian.

From the realm of gas refining, Lu Zhengyun's gas refining realm, like Lu Dong, is in the advanced stage of training. Fighting spirit is not spiritual and cannot bring the power of soul into Lu Feng's body. However, Lu Zhengyun is also a pharmacist with wood attributes. Years of experience in collecting and dispensing drugs have given him a special perception of wood and herbs. According to his understanding of the ice and fire dragon heart fruit, he has inferred that the cold and fierce airflows in his son's body in Lu Dong's mouth are mostly playing tricks. At this moment, he only needs to use qi to sense the two airflows and determine his inference, which is not difficult for him.

The palm of his hand was placed in Lu Fengdantian for a moment, and he took it back and affirmed: "The two cold and fierce airflows in Feng'er's body are indeed caused by the ice and dragon heart fruit. The ice and fire dragon heart fruit is a strange fruit of heaven and earth. Even with the cultivation of the bone spirit queen, it is impossible to absorb and refine all the medicinal properties and energy contained in it in an instant. As I expected, it should be that the bone spirit queen brought into Feng'er's body.

Lu Dong was silent for a moment and said, "I don't know if Brother Zhengyun has a way to resolve it?"

Lu Zhengyun took two laps in the house and stood abruptly and said, "Yes."

Lu Dong was overjoyed and said, "I don't know what the method is?"

Lu Zhengyun said, "Six medicinal products of red heart water."

"Six potions?" Lu Dong was immediately dumbfounded and said sadly, "Only six pharmacists can be dispensed. Those six pharmacists, cough, even the whole Red Sky Empire can't find a few, even if they are found..."

Lu Zhengyun raised his hand and interrupted Lu Dong and said, "Brother Dong, don't worry. Since I can say it, there is naturally a way. Although I'm just a second-grade pharmacist, my teacher is a sixth-grade pharmacist."

"Teacher?" Lu Dong is strange. He has never heard Lu Zhengyun say that he has a teacher.

Lu Zhengyun said, "It's not that I intend to hide Brother Dong, but my teacher is low-key and doesn't allow me to talk to anyone, otherwise he will expel my brother from the teacher's door, so I hope Brother Dong can understand." Lu Dong understood and said with a dry smile, "No wonder Brother Zhengyun's preparation skills are superb. It turned out that there was a Liupin teacher and a famous teacher as a master apprentice. Brother Zhengyun's future achievements in preparation are immeasurable."

Lu Zhengyun held his fist and said, "Brother Dong is flattered." After saying that, he said with a difficult face, "My teacher has no fixed place and likes to travel. It's really not easy to find him. However, a month ago, he came to me once and left me two rolls of medicine for convenience and hurried away. He said that he would go to the Flame Mountain in the Red Wind Desert to collect herbs. It seems that if I want to find him, I can only go to the Flame Mountain to try my luck.

"Flame Mountain?"

Lu Dong knew what kind of place Flame Mountain is. He heard the brother only say "I'll look for him" instead of "Let's look for him", and immediately said, "Brother Zhengyun, the Flame Mountain is deep in the red wind desert. There are many scorpions and scorpions. It's dangerous. It's better for us to go together. Don't worry, when you get to the Flame Mountain, I will wait for you at the foot of the mountain for my brother, and I will never let your teacher find his whereabouts.

Lu Zhengyun calmed down for a moment and said, "It's okay."

Lu Dong said, "Then when will we start?"

Lu Zhengyun said, "Of course, the earlier the better."

Lu Dong looked back at his son. His son was still lying upright**. He knew his son's situation very well, so he said directly, "Why don't you start?" Lu Zhengyun was exactly what he meant, so he nod and said, "Okay." As soon as he finished speaking, he said, "The red wind desert is really dangerous. I think we should go to Lu Fang and ask him to arrange some more people to go with us."

Lu Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you expect that bastard to arrange manpower for us?"

Lu Zhengyun said, "There is little hope, but let's try it. After all, the red wind desert is too dangerous. For the sake of Feng'er, we can't be angry."

Although Lu Dong has the pride of dying than bowing his head to his enemy, after all, it is his son who will die, not him, so after weighing it, he still adopted Lu Zhengyun's suggestion and said, "Well, let's go now."

Lu Zhengyun left water to take care of Lu Feng, who had passed away in a coma, and could go to the Lu family with Lu Dong.

This time is the time for the patriarch Lu Fang to discuss family matters with the housekeepers and elders every morning, so when Lu Dong and Lu Zhengyun stepped into the council chamber of the Lu family, the eyes of Lu Fang and the three elders swept over.

Lu Fang and others did not feel strange about the appearance of Lu Zhengyun, because Lu Zhengyun was originally a deacon of the Lu family, and a chair in the council hall was his. However, as soon as Lu Dong appeared, these people felt strange, because if the clan was not summoned by the patriarch, they would rarely go to the council hall unless there was something important to ask for family help.

Lu Fang stared at Lu Dong, with a pair of triangular eyes spinning. Lu Dong's face was dark and looked like he was causing trouble. Lu Fang looked at Lu Dong and wondered whether Lu Dong had found something that should not have been discovered. If so, he had to do it first and find a way to kill him.


Lu Chengfeng, the housekeeper standing next to Lu Fang, coughed and said in a low voice, "Lu Dong, you came early in the morning, but what's wrong?" On this occasion, Lu Chengfeng has always been in this tone. No matter how good his personal relationship is, he is like this.

Although Lu Dong felt that the housekeeper Lu Chengfeng was a little mysterious, he did not feel bad about it, so he saluted him and said, "My son Lu Feng suddenly got a strange disease. If you want to cure it, you need to go to the Flame Mountain in the Red Wind Desert to collect herbs called Flame Grass to adjust the pharmaceutical agent, but the Red Wind Desert is extremely dangerous. Lu Dong knows that his cultivation Shallow, so I hope the family can help.


Lu Fang gave a sound, and all kinds of speculations in his heart just now disappeared.

After listening to Lu Dong's words, Lu Chengfeng said to Lu Fang, "Patrimon, I think we can send a team of people to follow Lu Dong."

Lu Fang nodded and pinched the goat's beard and nodded, "Well, the clan should help if they have difficulties." With that, a pair of triangular eyes swept through the hall and fell on Lu Zhengyun beside Lu Dong and said, "There is nothing to be afraid of the scorpion in the red wind desert. I will send a 7-star senior forensic dea dea to accompany you. It should be foolproof."

Lu Fang said, but he smiled in his heart, and his long elegant and light blue hair appeared in his mind, charming big eyes, and a small waist like a water snake...

As soon as Lu Zhengyun heard this, he immediately said harshly, "Well, I have been fighting side by side with Brother Dong on the battlefield for many years. Even if you don't say it, I will definitely accompany Brother Dong."

Lu Fang laughed and said, "That's the best. You are an 8-star senior warrior and a 7-star senior forensic. The cooperation between the two should be foolproof. Well, then go and collect medicine quickly!"

"Hmm." Lu Zhengyun snorted coldly, shook his long sleeves, turned to Lu Dong and said, "Brother Dong, let's go!"

Lu Dong did not have any illusions. At present, he also snorted coldly and walked out of the council chamber with Lu Zhengyun.

Out of the council chamber, Lu Zhengyun said angrily, "This thief, I really want to kill him on the spot."

Lu Dong said in a low voice: "If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan, and you can't be angry. Why don't we go to find the mercenaries in the village? Just give them a satisfactory price, and I think they will go.

"Brother Dong and Brother Zhengyun, please stay."

The two turned around, but Lu Chengfeng, the housekeeper, hurried from behind.