Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 76 Chaos paragraph, so far away

"What Uncle Feng said is the first to build armor." As soon as he finished speaking, he said awkwardly, "But... I don't have an iron armor forging pattern..."

Lu Chengfeng moved his finger, took out a yellow scroll and handed it to him: "I'm ready for you, um, and all the materials needed for forging." With that, a large number of iron ingots and some auxiliary materials were taken out.

Lu Feng said gratefully, "I'm grateful to take advantage of Uncle Feng's care so much."

Lu Chengfeng sighed and said, "Your burden is very heavy."

Lu Feng stressed and said, "Feng'er understands it."

Lu Chengfeng said, "What do you understand?"

Lu Feng said, "My mother is trapped in the Yueling clan. To save my mother, I must be strong as soon as possible."

Lu Chengfeng was silent for a while and said, "Your mother certainly wants to be saved, but... before that, you have to save your father and Shuier's father."

"What?" Lu Feng's heart trembled and said, "Is it my father and Uncle Zhengyun..."

Lu Chengfeng said, "My uncle sent five people, but only one came back. He said that after finding them, he met several strong men of the scorpion clan on the way back together..."

", why, why is it like this?"

Lu Feng couldn't control it anymore and suddenly stood up.

Lu Chengfeng stretched out his palm and patted his shoulder and patted him, "Don't be excited. Your father is a forger, and your uncle Zhengyun is a pharmacist. They are fine. They are just caught by the Scorpion to forge equipment and prepare potions for them..."

"I beg Uncle Chengfeng to save my father and Uncle Zhengyun." Lu Feng's eyes were covered with blood, and he asked for someone for the first time in his life.

"This..." Lu Chengfeng shook his head and said helplessly, "Uncle is difficult to say. I can't help you. It's up to you."

"I see."

Lu Feng's voice was much lower in an instant.

Lu Chengfeng said, "You should know that uncle has been concealing his cultivation and identity. There are many strong people in the demon scorpion clan. If uncle takes action, his identity will inevitably be exposed. Once his identity is exposed, uncle..."

Lu Feng still didn't understand why Lu Chengfeng refused, but now he really understood. He looked up and said, "Feng'er, I understand. Feng's not embarras my uncle."

Lu Chengfeng coughed dryly and said, "Your father and your uncle Zhengyun will not be life-threatening for the time being. You don't have to worry. They will suffer and be a little tired, but this is also a kind of training for them. After experiencing this hardship, I believe that their cultivation, forging and preparation level will be greatly improved."

Lu Feng was a little relieved and said, "What level of strength can I reach to save my father?"

Lu Chengfeng said, "At least the chaotic section."

Lu Feng was silent.

Lu Chengfeng said, "The chaotic section is like ascending to the sky for ordinary people, but it is not far from you. Uncle believes you."

Lu Feng said in a franx, "It's really far away."

Lu Chengfeng said, "My uncle believes in you. Within eight years, you can definitely get involved in the chaotic section."

"Eight years..."

"Eight years, if you can get involved in the chaotic section within eight years, I think your father will be willing to suffer no matter how much."

"But I'm restless, I..."

"What's the use of turning grief into strength, lifting your chest and facing difficulties. What's the use of being entangled in pain and being depressed? Uncle, your father and Uncle Zhengyun all hope to see you turn grief into strength, hatred into motivation, and see you on the road of the strong. Why did they go to the Red Wind Desert? For you, if you repeatedly struggle with pain, it will only make them more disappointed, and they will be imprisoned in the Scorpion clan for a lifetime and be a lifelong hard worker..."

"Don't say it, uncle, don't say it. I know what to do. Over the years, I have experienced everything. This pain is nothing. I can stand it." After saying that, he knelt down and looked up to the sky and said sadly, "Father, Uncle Zhengyun, you wait. Feng'er will definitely go back to save you. Even if the chaotic section is far away, Feng'er will definitely work hard and not relax for a moment. Feng'er will never let you work hard for a lifetime."

"Good!" Lu Chengfeng got up and helped Lu Feng and said, "My uncle really didn't see the wrong person."

Lu Feng gritted his teeth and clenched his fist and said, "Okay, from today on, let this anger burn in my heart. Sooner or later, I will burn them to ashes with this anger." His tone changed and he turned to Lu Chengfeng and said, "My uncle's teachings will be remembered in my heart and will never forget them for the rest of my life."

Lu Chengfeng didn't say anything, just looked directly at the child and looked at him. The child's figure suddenly became tall and powerful, like a giant standing in front of him...

The night is still going on.

Lu Chengfeng left.

Lu Feng lay on the big egg and looked up at the night sky.

He didn't move, as if he were asleep.

Lying for a while, he suddenly opened his mouth and let out a long roar, screaming, as if to pierce the dark night.

The night is still night, and the night has not diminished at all.

He jumped from the big egg with a "dong", spread out the iron armor forging pattern, put his palms on it, and read the method of forging into his brain.

It is extremely difficult to forge armor. If there is no pattern, it is very difficult to forge it just by imagination. It is not as easy as building a sword or a big knife. Of course, this kind of weapon is just a very ordinary weapon. If you forge some high-level weapons, you still can't do without forging patterns.

Forging drawings can't be drawn by anyone, and even forgers can't draw them. If a forger wants to forge equipment, he has to spend a lot of money to buy some kind of pattern.

"Helmet, shoulder pads, breastplates, wrist pads, gloves, belts, leg pads, knee pads, boots, a total of nine pieces, enough."

After going through the composition of the trap armor in his mind, he continued to read the information: "Well, there are also buckles of linked equipment, polished grinding wheels..."

After reading, he had a big head. He thought that the forging of armor was really not easy. Even if the nine pieces were built day and night, it would take nearly half a month, which did not include forging failure.

For a while, he thought about whether to buy a set to wear first and build it later. But on second thought, how can I retreat as a forging master? Besides, my forging level has not been improved for a long time. It's time to pay attention. My father wants me to become an excellent forger. If I don't improve my forging level, won't it disappoint my father? Besides, since Uncle Chengfeng sent me materials instead of a pair of armor, he must have his intention. If I speculatively, would I live up to Uncle Feng's good intentions?

Thinking about this, he calmed down and carefully read the materials for making each piece of equipment: "Iron helmet, 5 iron ingots; iron shoulder protectors, 8 iron ingots; iron breast armor, 16 iron ingots..." After reading the material, he lit the furnace, threw 5 iron ingots, and began the forging process of the helmet...

Forging is a very time-consuming and physically demanding job, especially forging equipment, which is still a delicate job. There are more than a dozen hammers and anvils used. Lu Feng forged equipment for the first time and died. For two days in a row, a helmet alone scrapped seven sets of iron ingots. It was not until the eighth one was forged that it could take shape. Looking at the thing knocked out under the hammer, he doubted whether it was a helmet. Fortunately, there is a big hole, which is for the head, two small holes for the eyes to see, a small bulge for the nose, and a crack for the mouth. At this, it is still a helmet.

Once successful, his technique slowly became proficient and could make some time in the gap, so he asked Lai Liu to get a melting pot and start working on the two furnaces together. In this way, he is even more in a hurry. He often takes care of this heat, but forgets that end. There are more and more scrap products. Later, only two shoulder pads were built, and the iron ingots sent by Lu Chengfeng were exhausted. When building the chest armor, one chest armor was not completed, and the iron ingots he bought last time were also exhausted.

Lai Liu looked at it and said sadly, "This is really a money-burning profession."

Lu Feng wiped the sweat all over her head and poured out a pile of gold coins from the spiritual ring and said, "I have a lot of money to buy it."

Lu Feng's thumb was up and said, "The young master is the young, cool and elegant."

Lu Feng took two pieces of shaped shoulder protectors and looked carefully and said, "Yes, I know you have worked hard to run errands for me. When I am free in the future, I will build a pair of armor for you as a reward." Lai Liu waved his hand and said, "Don't, don't use that armor. I'm a hunter. What I want is speed. Why do you put a pair of armor on me to crush me? How can I fight with people wearing that thing? Lu Feng glanced at him and said, "I didn't say that you were asked to fight with people in armor. Did you forget the bone I told you? Do you still want to improve your bones?"

Lai Liu smacked his tongue and said, "The root bone is so amazing. If you hadn't told me that I really didn't know. Well, I'd better buy a set of armor and put it on. If you build it, I don't know it's going to the year of the monkey."

Lu Feng said, "It doesn't matter. It's easy for me."

Lai Liu went to buy materials, and Lu Feng lay on the big black and blue egg again. These days, although he is busy forging every day, he will never delay absorbing the light of the moon every night and injecting the spirit into the big egg. Hiddenly, with the injection of the spirit, the breath of life of the big egg is getting stronger and stronger. Even when you go near the big egg, you can hear the beating sound of heartbeat, as if the life inside may break the egg at any time.

Lu Feng is looking forward to the thing in the big egg. No matter what it is, it is his own summoning beast. He will never treat his own summoning beast like a beast like Lu Hao.

Lai Liu quickly bought the materials, and he was immediately busy between the two furnaces.

One day five days later, when he was about to shape his chest armor, he suddenly felt that the whirl of war in his body rotate rapidly. At this moment, the moon beads spinning around the whirl of war also emitted a dazzling light. The light came out, and his whole body was covered with a faint golden yellow.