Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 77 Continuous Promotion

With the rapid rotation of the whirlwind of war, countless wild spirits poured into his body crazily. After filtering by the moon spirit beads and the whirlwind of war, they turned into the spirit of war and sank into the whirlwind of war.

"Do you have to advance?"

Putting down the hammer and chest armor in his hand, Lu Feng immediately sat on his knees cross-legged.

With the influx of the spirit and the conversion and injection of the war spirit, the dry war spin slowly bulged like a balloon, and finally completely opened, with blood red light.

At this moment, the whirlwind of war has almost reached the limit of the spirit of war that can be accommodated. The injection of the spirit of war slowed down and finally stopped completely. Although it stopped, the spirit of civil war did not stop, but boiled rapidly. With this boiling, he felt that the whim of war slowly began to contract. Under the contraction, the boiling atmosphere of war was squeezed...

With this squeeze, the boiling and surging spirit of war gradually stabilized like countless fierce horses held by the reins. At the same time, he felt that his strength began to climb, and the skin of his whole body became more and more dense and strong. Even with a fierce whip on his body, it left a red mark at most.

Attack, defense, body method... are all climbing. For the specific climbing value, he has not paid much attention to it since he knew the existence of roots and bones, because no matter how high the attack and defense of the entry section is, it is just a numerical illusion, and the final bone values that can be transformed are the most real.

At this moment, he was immersed in the rising joy, feeling extremely energetic, and almost couldn't help shouting...

After a while, this sense of pleasure completely stopped. The whirlwind of war floated in Dantian. It was quiet and felt that it was not so dry. If he could look inside, he could see that there was one tenth of the gray spirit of war in the whirlwind of war. If these spirits of war were full of the whole whirlwind of war, they could step into the grinding. I have practiced.

The ice source crystal in the whirlwind of war seemed to melt a little more under the excitement of the spirit of war, which was his most excited. As soon as he stood up and boxed out, he found that the faint ice blue color wrapped in the gray war air wrapped on his fist deepened a little. He waved a few punches, and felt coldly. The harm has changed from +1 to +2.

"2 stars, Uncle Chengfeng is really right, and forging is also a kind of exercise for the body."

He moved his limbs, felt his full physical strength, walked to the anvil again, picked up the hammer and jingled to build his breastplate.

Forging is indeed a time-consuming, laborious and expensive profession. It took him 32 days to build a pair of iron armor, which is only forging. After forming, he still needs to add a very special ore to the armor - "stone". Fine stone is a very special ore. After adding armor, armor has the magical effect of changing at will with the size of the human body. In this way, people do not have to buy armor like buying clothes. They must buy the right size.

"Fine stone" is indeed amazing, but the price is also quite expensive. A fine stone needs 10 gold coins, a pair of armor, and 90 gold coins for nine large pieces. Such a price can't be afforded in a lifetime, so in Shaming Village, except for guards and escorts, few villagers in armor can be seen.

Of course, armor does not have to be integrated into the "precision stone", but if it is not integrated into the fine stone, it can only be tailored, and it can only be suitable for itself, but others can no longer wear it and lose its trading value.

Lu Feng made a lot of dead money, some of which were gold coins, so he did not hesitate to integrate the pre-prepared "stone" into the armor.

After melting into the "stone", the next process is to link the discrete equipment accessories with an iron ring, which is also an extremely important link. If the process is not in place, in the fight, when the equipment is hit hard, it is easy to get rid of and become discrete fragments.

This link is a delicate work and a test of patience. Lu Feng sat down and squatted and connected the equipment with 246 iron rings, which took a day and a night. Of course, this is also due to his unfamiliar craftsmanship. A skilled forger took an hour at most in this process.

This process is completed, and Lu Feng's first pair of armor will be completed. He looked at the ugly armor, smiled faintly and shouted, "Come on." As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the armor and put it on his body.


The dull metal sounded, and the armor had been worn.

The sound is only dull, because there are too many armor impurities. Before it is strengthened, the armor will become shiny and emit the light of the original metal.

At the moment he put on the armor, a strong pressure pressed down, and he almost sat on the ground. With a strong leg, he stabilized his body and sighed, "No wonder Uncle Chengfeng asked me to familiarize myself with the equipment as soon as possible. As far as my current physical condition is concerned, the equipment is completely my burden. I am like a heavy old cow, and I can't fight against people at all." He tried to move his footsteps, and the armor made a tinkling sound.

"It seems that my forging level is really bad." He heard it in his ears and sighed again.

He once heard from his father that the armor forged by a real forging master wears his body and will never make a sound while walking, and the sound will expose his deeds and intentions, which is fatal.

"That's all. Let's make do with it first." He looked down at the armor on his body and said to himself, "After months of forging day and night, my forging level has improved a little. I should be able to reach the level of a 7-star junior forger. In the past few days, let Lai Liu get some strong spiritual stones to try to strengthen the equipment and see how my forging level is. " With his mouth, he stretched out his palm and gently put it on the armor.

As soon as it was put on, a hazy data message was transmitted to his brain. He felt that the defense value of iron armor should be between 30 and 40. At least this defense power can never be broken by ordinary swords. This hazy data information is very subtle, which also gives him some confidence. If the detected hazy data information only relies on the control ability and sensing of metal atoms, it is nothing. If it is Jin Lingli, he has the potential of an equipment appraiser.

"Is I dreaming?"

He shook his head with a smile, shook his shoulders with difficulty, took a deep breath, and adapted to his first pair of armor.

From walking, to running, to push-ups, bouncing, and using blades, he spent a full month.

It took him a month to barely get used to this armor. When he first put it on, he even felt hard to walk and gasped like a cow. He even had enough strength to jump on the big dark egg in armor.

The big egg is still a big egg. Except for the stronger and stronger vitality, there is nothing that breaks through the shell. He can't help but want to punch it open and have a look.

It has been two months, and it has only been five months since it was opened here. If the things in the egg do not come out within five months, he will really have a big head. Eggs are also living things. He can't put them into the spiritual ring, and he can't carry them anywhere. That's too conspicuous. Maybe this egg is really a treasure. If he is seen by people who know the goods, he will directly kill him.

He looked at the big egg helplessly and said, "Big egg, big egg, come out quickly. I have injected you with spirit for two months without interruption. Why haven't you made any movement?"

Eggs are eggs and will not talk to him for the first time. He had no choice but to wait patiently.

Day after day, he still wears armor, which has become a part of his body. Since he put it on, he has never taken it off.

After another ten days, he was finally able to easily use his basic combat skills in armor, and he was also happy to feel that the basic combat skills had been tested, and his attack power had increased by 5 or 6 points. He understands that this is the result of refining under pressure. Without armor, it may be difficult for him to get this breakthrough. He even felt that if he took off his armor at this time, his body and mobility could be doubled. If he fought with Lai Liu again, he would not be so embarrassed.

Since last time I asked Lai Liu to get some strong spiritual stones, Lai Liu hasn't been here for several days. I don't know what's going on. If Lai Liu comes, he can make another comparison. He is very confident in himself.

After a few days, his level was actually upgraded again. He was promoted to a 3-star entry-level warrior, and even the spin of the underworld in his body also seemed to have been upgraded. This feeling is not very strong, but according to the wizard level, he should also be a 2-star wizard.

The upgrade of his level has improved his strength a lot. With the basic combat skills, the damage value can reach three-quarters of the overall damage value. If the level is upgraded again, the basic combat skills should be able to exert all the power, and then he can practice real combat skills.

He was also surprised by the speed of his level improvement. Generally speaking, it took nearly a year for ordinary people to upgrade from 2 stars to 3 stars, but he reached it in just one month. This speed of promotion made him happy and a little worried. However, thinking about the refining pervert on the Manling Continent in Lu Chengfeng's mouth, he felt that the speed of upgrading his level was nothing. On the contrary, he felt that it was too slow.

Lu Chengfeng came twice during this period, the first time was to bring him three copies of Linpi; the second time was to explain the fighting spirit value.

With an understanding of the fighting spirit value, he deeply realized how important the fighting spirit value is to the refiner. The fighting spirit value is equivalent to energy, and the use of fighting skills depends on fighting spirit. Without fighting spirit, no stronger fighting skills can be exerted.

When the gas refiner is promoted to the entry stage, because the skills he has practiced are the same, they are all the same, so the fighting spirit value in the body is the same. At 1 star, it is 100 points. Every time the level is increased by 1 star, the fighting spirit value increases by 10 points, and the level is improved, such as the entry stage promotion and training. At that time, the fighting value will double. As for the improvement of the fighting spirit after stepping into the training stage, it is different, which is related to the skills learned during the promotion.

The skills are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, which are not as simple as fighting skills. When he asked Lu Chengfeng about the skills, Lu Chengfeng did not explain much, saying that it will happen in the future. Let's talk about it later.