Ask for Magic

Chapter 1207 Six Years

The ninth peak, the sixth year of Su Ming's disappearance...

In the past six years, the ninth peak of the real world of Daochen has gradually gained a new name. This name was not named by the ninth peak monk himself, but by the names of the other two major forces in the real world of Daochen.

The ninth!

This is the name of the ninth peak in the eyes of outsiders, which represents a huge force in the real world of Daochen now, the existence of nearly a million monks. In the transmission point of Daochen Sect chosen by Su Ming in those years, the magnificent mountain gate is spread around, which has become more and more majestic in the past six years.

The nine peaks that rush to the sky are the most prominent buildings in the ninth peak sect. The nine mountains are like swords, standing in the sky. From a distance, you can feel a fierce atmosphere, full of sharpness that can't be seen directly.

The dissipated pressure enveloped all directions and turned into layers of white ripples to spread, making the radius of 100,000 miles into a forbidden area without hurricanes.

These nine peaks are the symbol of almost worship of the Ninth Peak monks in the past six years, especially the elder who has been closed all year round in the Ninth Peak and is called Evil. This person is mysterious and is the strongest of the Ninth Peak.

There is also another headless elder at the first peak, who is responsible for the ninth punishment. This man's cultivation is so great and evil that the first peak where he is located is also filled with a strong murderous atmosphere at any time.

Compared with the two of them, the most popular elder at the Ninth Peak is Huzi, Huzi's simple appearance, coupled with his straightforward personality, and the fact that he took a large number of monks out to fight a few years ago, so that he often has a large group of Ninth Peak monks follow him wherever he goes

The most painful thing is actually the second brother. Because Su Ming's Er Cang's split and the eldest brother don't care about the affairs of the suzerain, he has no choice but to accept the identity of the suzerain. In the past six years, he has been quite unfree. He has to consider his words and deeds in The identity of the Lord.

Originally, the development of the ninth sect will continue, but a few years ago, another rising force in the north and the Taoist world, the battle of the new Taoist sect, made the ninth sect stop. At the same time, the sect, which claimed to be the new Taoist sect, was also contained within a certain range and could not expand the sphere of influence

If this sect pursues its origin, it is one of the large number of monk legions that fought with the Immortal Alliance from the Daochen sect in those years. However, because of some luck, it was well preserved under the catastrophe, and now it has become one of the three major forces in the current Taoist real world.

Its suzerain claims to be the Taoist sect, and his cultivation is friction. It is under the battle between this person and Su Ming's Ecang's split, both sides are injured, but it can also be seen from here that this is the Taoist sect's cultivation. After all, Su Ming's Ecang's split is It is not to be constant by the cultivation of the Three Wastes, but by the similar realm in the dark morning against the saint.

If it is placed in the three wilderness worlds, if you want to defeat Su Ming's Ecang's split and hit it hard, it needs to be destroyed!

It was also because of the war a few years ago that the Ninth Sect and the New Taoist Sect are extremely hostile to each other. Although there are not many big battles, the small unpredictable ones are staged in the place of handover almost every day.

Compared with this new Taoist sect, in the south of the ninth sect, in addition to the hurricane explosion formed by the gap in the three wilderness worlds, there is also a more magnificent sect. If the gap in the three wildernesses of the Taoist real world are compared to a dividing line between the Taoist real world, then On the other side is the South Africa League, which is composed of the remnants of the Immortal Alliance!

Because the SAARC is on the other side, there is no other force that can fight against it except this alliance, so the SAARC has developed very rapidly and can be called invincible, sweeping half of the Taoist real world, making its power accumulation more than the Ninth Peak and the New Taoist Sect.

However, due to the existence of the hurricane explosion, although the SAARC is costed, it has always hesitated to approach, and slowly formed a fragile balance in the three major forces in the morning real world.

But this balance lasted for a year and a half, and it was broken due to the sudden strength of the New Taoism...

For half a year, it was a hard struggle and resistance for the ninth peak. In this war of breaking the balance, the monks from the New Taoist Sect launched a crazy attack on the Ninth Sect.

This kind of crazy attack, originally the ninth peak would not care, because the strength between the two sects is almost the same. Whether it is a strong man or a disciple, if he really fights, there must be no real winner, and the final result must be both losses.

But in the first month of the battle in the past six months, three monks in yellow robes appeared in the new Taoist sect. The cold breath from the three monks all over their bodies, and the bloodthirsty in their eyes was extremely strong. Under the action of the three of them, the ninth peak was the first strong man to be hit hard But it's the big brother!

It was an extremely tragic fight. The eldest brother was severely damaged and almost died. Under the action of Su Ming'e Cang's split, he killed a yellow-robed man and rescued the elder brother. This battle made the pace of the new Taoist invasion even crazier, because, although Su Ming's Ecang's split killed There are three more yellow-robed people who appeared on the battlefield.

There are a total of five people in yellow robes, each of whom has a cultivation that is not weaker than fate, which is the real fate.

In just one month, the sphere of influence of the ninth peak contracted by more than half. In the second month after that, Su Ming's Ecang did not choose to retreat, but continued to fight. With the monk of the ninth peak, according to the plan of the second brother, he launched a counterattack battle with the new Taoist sect.

When the war lasted until the third month, Su Ming's Ecang split was forced to fight one day by the strong Taoist sect of the new Taoism and the five yellow-robed people. In that battle, Su Ming's Ecang's split body was seriously injured again, but there were three yellow-robed people who died in his hands Taoism was also traumatized, but the price was Su Ming's split, and the first time was almost dead.

Although Eocang was separated and deserted, when he returned to the ninth peak, his body directly turned into a tree that was almost broken.

But the war is not over. Although Xindao Sect said that three yellow-robed people died, a month later, that is, the fourth month of the war, yellow-robed people appeared again in their monks. The same cultivation, but the number of people soared, directly became as many as eight.

A decisive battle against the Ninth Peak began. Hundreds of thousands of monks, under the leadership of more than dozens of strong men of the New Taoist Sect, launched an endless battle towards the Ninth Peak!

If it's just like this, but what made the second brother's heart rate haggard was that at the same time as the new Taoist sect's large-scale attack, the spies arranged by him next to the southern hurricane were aware of a message that silenced the second brother.

There are a lot of fluctuations hidden in the hurricane explosion. There is only one possibility of this fluctuation, that is, the South Africa, which is on the other side of the storm, invaded in the direction of the ninth peak!

This is the first time that the South Alliance has been dispatched, but they have not moved for several years. Obviously, this departure must be a thunderbolt. Fortunately, from the ripples, it will take several months for them to shuttle through this hurricane explosion. If it is normal times, they may be able to prepare the ninth peak, but now in the face Jiufeng can't prepare anything at all.

Therefore, Huzi gave up cracking the formation, and he had to give up. In his judgment, it would take at least a year for him to start the formation, but one year is impossible for the ninth peak.

Judging from today's war, even if they can drag on to a year with the New Taoist Sect, the result is the death of all the disciples, and even some of their brothers will definitely return to the ruins. More importantly, they can't have a year. Two or three months later, when the South Alliance comes, everything will be over. Bundle.

Huzi, who no longer studied the array, immediately used his talent for the array to protect the Ninth Peak Sect. After constantly improving and strengthening the array he had arranged before, he personally integrated into the array, turned into the spirit, and held up the dozens of strong men of the hundreds of thousands of monks of the New Taoist Sect for a month Time.

But this is also the limit. With a roar, when all the formations outside the ninth peak collapsed, Huzi spewed out a mouthful of blood. When he staggered back, he grabbed the big brother's tomahawk, and his eyes were red. Although he injured his soul due to the collapse of the formation, he had to fight at this

Because behind him is the seriously injured elder brother, and because behind him is the only split left by the little brother after his disappearance, this split can't die, because Huzi doesn't know whether this split is the coordinate that Su Ming can return one day. If so, once the split dies, then he is afraid that the little brother will not find his home

The monks of the ninth peak have died a lot in this half-year war, and now there are less than 200,000 left. They surround the Ninth Peak sect and silently watch the new Taoist monks roaring after the collapse of the formation in the distance. Above them, the second brother sighed softly.

"The ninth sect... Destroy the sect on this day!" When the cold voice suddenly came from the coming monks, a few sharp roars were harsh, but I saw a middle-aged man in purple robes striding straight to his second brother. There were eight yellow-robed monks behind him. They looked different, but their cold breath, the coldness and bloodthirsty in their eyes. The meaning is exactly the same.

"Der your grandma!" Huzi roared, took the eldest brother's tomahawk, and rushed out. Behind him, the eldest brother's body moved, and his breath was tired and weak. At the same time, he also rushed out. The second brother tore off his patriarch's robe, and his face was twisted and there seemed to be ferocious faces overlapping, and his whole He turned into three long rainbows and went straight to the coming man in purple robe of the new Taoist sect.

At this time, Su Ming'e, who turned into a big tree, suddenly opened his eyes on the pole of the tree, and his eyes showed a cold light and a strong grimosity. It seemed... On it, at this moment, it was obviously different from before, a spiritual breath. , faintly appeared from him!!


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