Ask for Magic

Chapter 1208 The meaning of the spirit

"Looking for death! Don't say you wait, even if you are the strongest evil, you are still not the opponent of this sect!" The man in purple robe sneered and raised his right hand as he stepped. In an instant, three incense sticks immediately came out. After igniting fiercely, he roared at the three eldest brothers.

The eight yellow-robed people behind him made a stubborn voice, with a greedy expression. In a flash, they turned into eight yellow lights and went straight to the 200,000 monks below, as if for them, these monks were their best tonic.

Seeing that the magic power of the man in purple was close to the three big brothers, the three of them each of them unfolded their magical power to fight to death. Suddenly, the big tree transformed by Su Ming'e's split body was fiercely twisted and disappeared in an instant. When it appeared, it was in front of the three big brothers, using its bodies against Force.

With a bang, Su Ming's E Cang split was shocked, and the three big brothers immediately fled hundreds of feet away. Just as the man in purple sneered and stepped forward. At the moment when the breath of the three big brothers burst out again, Su Ming's E Cang split suddenly opened his mouth.

"I'm back."

This simple sentence immediately shocked the eldest brother's body. The second brother suddenly looked at Su Ming's Ecang's split. Huzi also looked stunned, but soon there was excitement.

"I'm back." E Cang looked at the three people, looked at their eyes that seemed to need certainty, and slowly opened his mouth. At the moment of his mouth, he didn't look at the man in purple robe who was galloping behind him. He raised his right hand and grabbed the sky empty. Under this grab, the sky shook, and a ripple immediately dispersed and .

The man sneered, and his footsteps did not stop at all. After directly colliding with the ripple, the ripple suddenly collapsed and seemed to be unable to hurt it at all.

"The little skill of carving insects, the ninth sect is destroyed today. You can also return to the ruins. When the sect destroys the South Africa League, from then on, there will be only one new Taoist sect in the real world of Daochen." As the man in purple walked, he was about to approach Su Ming's split. Suddenly, a calm voice swirling faintly in the sky.

"What my split is not a small skill of carving insects, but a mark of condensing a delicate place for Mo." At the same time as the sound appeared, the man in purple suddenly shook his whole body, and his body suddenly stopped. When he suddenly looked up, he saw the two figures that came out of thin air in the ripples above and the ripples before that.

One of these two figures is a young man and the other is an old man. The old man looks numb and indifferent. As for the young man, his eyes showed coldness in his eyes. When he opened his mouth faintly, he walked to the strength of the elder brother. Looking at the three eldest brother, looking at the excitement of the tiger, the Su Ming looked guilty.

"I came back late..." Su Ming opened his mouth softly, raised his right hand and waved to the elder brother. Immediately, a soft force suddenly poured into the elder brother's body. The sound of cracks echoed. Under the shock of the elder brother's body, the injury in his body recovered in an instant, and a more pure

Huzi was also integrated into his body by this soft power. Under the roar of the sky, he injured his soul due to the collapse of the formation. He fully recovered in an instant, and even faintly more powerful than before.

As for Su Ming's Ecang split, when Su Ming looked at it, the Ecang split immediately stepped in, merged with Su Ming's body for a moment and overlapped, and disappeared.

This scene made the purple-robed man's look change immediately. His body subconsciously stepped back a few steps, showing unprecedented solemnity in his eyes. Even the eight yellow-robed monks returned in an instant. Beside the purple-robed man, the bloodthirsty in his eyes turned into caution and stared at Su Ming.

Compared with them, the remaining monks of the ninth sect immediately trembled after seeing Su Ming. Su Ming's appearance was extremely strange, but they saw the melting body of the evil spirit and heard the meaning of the split in Su Ming's mouth!

"Who are you!" The man in purple robe opened his mouth in a low voice, but at the moment he opened his mouth, Su Ming turned his head and looked at him faintly. With just this glance, the man in purple robe immediately roared strongly. Su Ming's eyes were like two sharp swords. In an instant, he penetrated the man's eyes and fell directly to his Zi trembled and spewed out a large mouthful of blood, and his body immediately retreated rapidly.

His heart is full of astonishment and disbelief. He is the cultivation of extinction, but his cultivation is immediately damaged by the other party's glance. In his opinion, there is only one possibility. The cultivation of the other party exceeds the destruction of the realm!!

When he stepped back, the man in purple thought of the split that the other party had said before. His heart thumped. Originally, he didn't believe it, but at this moment, how could he not believe it? Thinking of the battle with himself in the past few years, he was regarded as a strong enemy. When he was just a split, his The outbreak of.

"God let you die, you must die." Su Ming looked at the man in purple robe, who retreated and turned almost pale. He did not chase him, but opened his mouth faintly.

At the moment when this sentence was said from Su Ming's mouth, the sky and the starry sky suddenly seemed to shake, as if it had been stripped from the real world of Daochen, it no longer belonged to the real world of Daochen, but became Su Ming's will.

As a spiritual first, Su Ming is the heavenly will of this sky. His words are slow, but at this moment, when he falls into the ears of the people around him, it has turned into a thunder of the heart and a magnificent will that makes it impossible for everyone to fight.

The strength of this will is the embodiment of the starry sky and the attention of the sky, and his eyes are the origin of all this. His words are the will to replace the idea of the sky here!!

The man in purple made a sad scream. He trembled and saw that his body was disappearing rapidly, and his soul was also dissipating rapidly. At this moment, no matter what his cultivation was, even if he was a strong man, no matter how he operated his cultivation in his body, he could not stop the disappearance of his body and soul. Unprepared fear breeds infinitely in his mind, which is a kind of willpower that he can't fight against at all.

"What kind of cultivation are you!!!" The sad roar came from the mouth of the man in purple robe. His body was now translucent, and there was little left in his soul. Until he shouted this sentence, all his existence, as if erased, completely disappeared under the will of this sky.

The voice of the man in purple before his death was still echoing. In addition to this sound, there was a dead silence around him. The 200,000 monks on the ninth peak now looked at Su Ming with enthusiasm and reverence in their eyes one by one, and they immediately knelt down one after another.

The eldest brother was stunned there. In his impression, although Su Ming was strong, he was absolutely not strong enough to say a word. With a glance, the will could erase the extent that the will could be destroyed. To this extent... Even Xuan Zun could not do it, but everything he felt was so real, which made him have a sense of disbeliev Jue.

The second brother was a little short of breath. He looked at everything in front of him in a daze, and his eyes fell on the place where the man in purple disappeared, muttering.

"At that moment, the sky here was changed, which gave me the illusion that the starry sky here was the breath of the little brother everywhere..."

Huzi scratched his head. He didn't think too much. At this moment, he looked at Su Ming with excitement. The stronger Su Ming was, the happier he was.

Compared with the people at the ninth peak, the hundreds of thousands of monks of the new Taoist sect who broke through the formation came. At this moment, they retreated one by one in this embarrassment. The scene just now was so strange that they could not believe it until now. Their suzerain, the old monsters in their eyes, can ...It was so easy to be erased.

At a time when tens of thousands of new Taoist monks were howashed, the eight yellow-robed men showed strong fear and slowly retreated to each other. When they stared at Su Ming, their eyes were unbelievable.

"The meaning of spiritual first!! This is the meaning of spiritual first!!" The eight people opened their mouths almost at the same time, both in tone and expression, which were exactly the same. At the moment when the voice came out, the eight people turned around without hesitation and were desperate to escape.

Su Ming's spiritual intention completely shocked them. At the same time, it also made them feel a strong fear. Because they knew the existence of the spiritual meaning, their fear was almost full of despair.

"Damn it, damn it, isn't it said that there are only a few Lingxian in this three wilderness worlds? Why did I meet one, Lingxian... That's a Lingxian!!" The eight yellow-robed monks galloped like crazy. Su Ming's eyes fell on the eight people and snorted coldly.

This cold snorting immediately made the eight people roar, and their seven orifices suddenly flowed of blood. Their bodies suddenly collapsed directly. In the blur of flesh and blood, a large number of locusts flew out of the collapsed body of each monk.

These locusts condensed together in this buzz and turned into a huge figure composed of locusts. Its pressure was strong, but even so, it did not dare to look back and fled in a hurry.

"It turned out to be you." When Su Ming opened his mouth faintly, his right hand raised and let go of his palm. A round ball appeared in the palm of his hand. Under the trembling, the ball suddenly shattered and turned into a group of the same locusts. When it flew up in the buzzing, the figure of the locust in the distance stopped, but Under Ming's will, the figure composed of locusts screamed bitterly.

"Seniors spare their lives, juniors are willing to surrender, seniors spare their lives!!"


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