Ask for Magic

Chapter 1273 The Battle of Destiny!

In the world of innocence, there was a fateful battle. With Su Ming and another himself in this world, the two looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes, and they were doomed to unfold.

There is no need for any verbal communication, no need for any temptation, so they look at each other silently across the starry sky.

Everything, in mind.

In order to make himself stronger, to protect the people he wants to protect, to exist under the catastrophe, and in order to make a scene in the sky impossible, Su Ming must become stronger. He has no other choice to become the strongest in the world. This is the road he is determined to take.

Integrating the spirit of this world is like synthesizing two people inside and outside the mirror into one person, so as to condense the power of the two worlds, make yourself perfect, and then obtain the power to dominate fate. This is Su Ming's choice.

In order to wake up his lover, in order to let Sang Xiang's will meet his own requirements, and even to make himself stronger, so that he can reduce the counterattack, and even no more counterattack, fight against the five drawbacks and three shortcomings, and go backwards. This is another Su Ming's choice in this world.

He has no other way, only this one, and in fact, there are two roads given to him by Sangxiang's will, but he will not choose the first road. In this heaven and earth, under this sky, even in the two worlds of Sangxiang and Sanhuang, there must, and there is only one Su Ming.

This is his cognition!

"This is the world of Sangxiang. Here are my top ten mourning, and here is the will of Sangxiang. If I can't integrate this person here, then... What's wrong with being integrated by him!

I am him, and he is me. I have Yuxuan as my wife in this world. In his world, there must be Yuxuan. He will never let Yuxuan die.

This is the battle of fate, me and his fate, or... it's our fate!" Su Ming, another person in this world, as one of the three mulberry children, ignited the fighting spirit when he looked at Su Ming.

"Ten mournings!" With the turn of his words, the mourning souls of the ten strongest people around him suddenly dispersed and scattered in an instant, appearing in Su Ming and another of his own directions in this world.

It is like a blockade, covering the starry sky.

Almost at the moment when the ten mournings were around, the ten of them sat down cross-legged together, pressed their hands on their chests, and immediately raised all the heads of the ten people, and there was a faint light shining between their eyes,

"All nothingness does not exist because of its nothingness."

"Everything that does not exist becomes nothing because of its resentment..."

"All nothingness, everything that does not exist, because of its existence, because it is not nothingness, it can be sacrificed eighteen times, and it can become eighteen... spiritual prison!"

The muttering voice talked about the ancient vicissitudes of life. At the moment of the starry sky, a dazzling faint light suddenly burst out from the ten mourning bodies. The faint light climbed rapidly, like ten silk threads were immediately staggered, forming a tower base in an instant. Under the staggered again, layers were superimposed Husband, immediately a tower composed of ten faint light lines stood in the starry sky.

This tower is divided into eighteen floors, emitting a faint light that enveloped Su Ming and another one in this world, instantly condensed into substance, and became an ancient tower full of death!

"Su, today ** I fight, this is fate, do you dare to fight the fate of you and me in these eighteen spiritual prisons!" Another Su Ming in this world, a young man, one of the three mulberryes, shook his big sleeves and opened his mouth to Su Mingsen.

During the words, the man shook forward and went straight to Su Ming in an instant. Where he passed, his feet were like a sea of fire. After sweeping all directions, there was a raging sea of fire immediately rolled up behind him, forming a huge flame butterfly. On the first floor of the spiritual prison, he went straight to Su Ming.

Su Ming looked up, and his eyes were full of war. He did not open his mouth, but used his actions to express his own respect for the spirit of this world, that is... fight with all his strength.

With a shaking of his body, Su Ming went straight to another self in an instant. Their bodies approached in an instant, and they punched each other. The roaring sounded at this moment. From the sea of fire behind the mulberry, the flame butterfly formed went straight to Su Ming. In an instant, it directly burst out a repair comparable to the Jade Emperor For the sake of it.

In this roar, Su Ming's will suddenly dispersed. Under the confrontation, the tower shook, and the eighteenth floor suddenly collapsed. Another Su Ming in this world, the mulberry spewed out a mouthful of blood. When he retreated, he shook his body and stepped into the seventeenth floor. His right hand raised a roll. The wind roar Fire butterfly, go straight to Su Ming.

Su Ming's eyes flashed sharply, and his body shook. At this moment, the will of the two worlds gathered. In front of Su Ming, he suddenly turned into a big hand and slapped the coming wind and fire butterfly.

The roar was so loud, the seventeenth and sixteenth floors... all the way to its seven layers of the spiritual prison collapsed and were broken at this moment, and were directly smashed by Su Ming's will. The mulberry in this world, his body kept regressing, his eyes were red, and the blood spewed up to the sky The powerful butterfly was revealed. As soon as the butterfly came out, it directly spread to three times, like an unspeakable atmosphere of terror.

The butterfly waved its wings, approaching Su Ming in an instant. At the moment of touch, the roar was earth-shaking, and the butterfly collapsed and torn apart. Su Ming's whole body also turned into a butterfly, like being reborn in destruction. At the moment of rushing out, he opened his mouth and flew out in an instant, roaring ... Until the second layer of the spiritual prison collapsed, only a low roar came from the first layer of the spiritual prison. It was the mulberry of this world who retreated there. He opened his arms and looked up to the sky and roared, and his body suddenly burned, forming the faint light silk line of the eighteen spiritual realms twisted and went straight to this person.

In an instant, it surrounded the other Su Ming, making the tower disappear, the eighteen spiritual prison disappear, and replaced by the mulberry that turned itself into a butterfly!

He lowered his head suddenly and went straight to Su Ming in an instant, and there was a strange murmur in his mouth.

"Mourning for the death of the family!!"

At the moment when this sentence came out, Su Ming immediately mourned around the ten people in all directions. His body shook together, and he muttered when he lowered his head.

"All existence, because it exists, so it can be lost, this is death..."

"All the dead have thoughts from nothing because the living miss them. This is a mourning..."

"Mourning the dead, take the thoughts of the living, take the existence of the dead, take the sustenance of the pursuit of the spirit, take the power of this life and the afterlife, condense it into incense, so as to... turn mourning into death, let the existence, continue to exist, let the passing... return to nothingness!"


The third update, don't ask for a monthly ticket, just ask for heartache...RS