Ask for Magic

Chapter 1274 Mourning the dead

"Mourning..." Su Ming's eyes flashed, looking at a large number of faint light lines condensed above, outlining another person in this world in the shape of a butterfly, and the afterglow swept over the ten mourning souls around him.

For this so-called mourning, Su Ming does not know what it is, and does not know why this soul is called mourning, but he can feel that there is a long sense of vicissitudes in these ten mourning souls.

Especially the three words just now, the moment they were said seemed to echo from the years, containing a rule that Su Ming did not understand.

At the moment of these three paragraphs, another Su Ming in this world, as a mulberry, his eyes flashed coldly, and his whole body turned into a huge butterfly and went straight to Su Ming to roar.

Su Ming snorted coldly, waved forward under the formula of his hands, and immediately countless peaks appeared in an instant. These peaks were all illusory, blinking at a billion, full of infinite nothingness. Under the staggered, they overlapped each other for a moment, turning into nine mountains around Su Ming.

This is the strongest way to move mountains that Su Ming can show under his almost great will now. During the roar, with Su Ming's wave, the nine mountains went straight to the coming mulberry.

The roaring sound was earth-shaking at this moment. The nine mountains collapsed in an instant, but the butterflies transformed by the mulberry collapsed and split in this moment. Another Su Ming in this world spewed out blood. When his body suddenly rolled down a hundred feet, Su Ming's eyes were full of murder, and the remaining five peaks The arrow went straight to the mulberry.

All this is described for a long time, but in fact, it is only for a moment. When the roar is still spinning, the five peaks are close to the mulberry, and the momentum is like breaking bamboo, and it is about to go away.

But at this moment, suddenly, from the ten mourning souls.

In the flash of the faint light, a huge secluded whirlpool suddenly appeared around the mulberry. During the silent rotation of the whirlpool, a face suddenly appeared inside.

The face is clear and can be remembered at a glance, but the strange thing is that when Su Ming looks at it, he has the illusion that he clearly remembers it but can't be branded in his mind, and he will forget it in an instant.

Almost at the moment when the feeling emerged, deep words immediately came from the whirlpool face.

"Everything exists.

Because it exists, it can be lost... This is death."

At the moment when this sentence came out, it was the five peaks roaring.

The moment he touched the whirlpool, at this moment, Su Ming's eyes suddenly shrank. He clearly saw that the five peaks disappeared directly out of thin air without any vibration and abnormality!! Don't leave at all.

As if like that sentence, because of its existence, it can be lost! You can't break Su's mourning. These ten people are not real mourning. They just had some blood in their lives, and after their death, they were inspired by me to inherit.

Everyone has only got a real power of mourning.

Mourning... That was the ethnic group that was once in the pan in the Sangxiangzhen world before the ancient years, and the people of this ethnic group were rare.

But it caused a sensation in the whole world, so it seems that the clan is born to integrate into the rules, and can be born to become a part of the rules, but wherever mourning exists, there is nothing they don't know! There are still many of their strange powers.

It was Lord Sangsang who personally erased this clan! But what this clan has been erased is only the body, and its inheritance cannot be erased.

Even the Sangsang can't do this, so the clan is an alien, and its inheritance is long. When Su became a mulberry, I summoned it out of nothingness and turned it into my... mourning!" The spirit of this world is Su Ming, and the voice of the mulberry youth is swirling, with gloomy, and there is a touch of ferociousness gradually revealed.

Su Ming's eyes flashed and looked at the soul in the whirlpool. Without saying a word, he stepped forward in an instant. In an instant, he appeared beside one of the ten mourners in the four weeks. He raised his right hand and suddenly grabbed it, but... grabbed it! The mourning did not exist, and Su Ming's right hand swept through his body.

"They just don't exist. It's because they don't exist that... they exist!" When Sangzi's laughter echoed, the eyes of the face in the whirlpool suddenly flashed, and immediately the ten mourning figures around Su Ming disappeared under the distortion.

"The interesting ethnic group reminds me of a strange force I have encountered before."

Su Ming's eyes fell coldly on the whirlpool face. When he opened his mouth faintly, his whole body flashed in an instant. It was the instant catharsis of the polar light, which instantly turned into the polar light source, and even more like rolling into a sea of light, roaring straight to the whirlpool face.

"All the dead have thoughts from nothing because the living miss them. This is a mourning."

At the approaching moment, at the moment when the words of the whirlpool face swirled, from the mulberry after the whirlpool, another Su Ming in this world, a low roar with a strong murderous intention suddenly came out.

"My thoughts, born from nothing, are you... die, die, die, die, die!" With a bang, Su Ming's polar light disappeared in an instant when the first dead word came out. At the same time, at the same time, at the moment when the second dead word appeared, Su Ming's face changed in an instant, and his body suddenly retreated during the roar in his body.

But just as he stepped back three steps, the third dead word came out, which made Su Ming's whole body shake suddenly, like a reversal of flesh and blood. His face became paler and he retreated again, as if there was a strong explosion in front of him. When he retreated, the fourth dead word fell on Su Ming's heart like a heavy

The mind roared, and Su Ming seemed to be unable to fight against this force. Whether it was magic power or will, it was difficult to explore its existence. It seemed that this power was in his heart. At this moment, it was stimulated and ignited, with amazing killing in his body.

The corners of his mouth overflowed with blood. The moment Su Ming retreated, the fifth dead word bombarded. Su Ming spewed out a large mouthful of blood, and his body retreated again. This time, he didn't stop until he exited hundreds of feet. His eyes were full of blood, and his expression showed a ferocious look A self.

He raised his right hand, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his ferocious look turned into a murderous opportunity.

"It's worthy of being another me in this world. Obviously, my cultivation is not as good as mine, but I can hurt myself in this way."

Su Ming raised his head, shook his right hand between his mouths, and immediately there was a whirlpool in his hand. Under the accelerated rotation of the whirlpool, it gradually appeared like a star whirlpool.

"It's not me who hurt you, it's mourning. If you can't break my mourning soul, you can only be sealed and slowly integrated by me. I am you, and you are me."

Su Ming, another person in this world, looked at Su Ming behind the whirlpool face and did not hide the murderous intention in his eyes. When he opened his mouth faintly, he raised his right hand and shook it. Immediately, the whirlpool face in front of him shone with his eyes. In an instant, the whi

"Mourning the dead, take the thoughts of the living, take the existence of the dead, take the sustenance of the pursuit of the spirit, take the power of this life and the afterlife, condense it into incense, so as to... turn mourning into death, let the existence, continue to exist, let the passing... return to nothingness!" The voice of the whirlpool's face murmured out of his mouth, and the voice came into his ears, and there was a sense of rotten vicissitudes, as if it had existed for many years. At this moment, it circled again, making the starry sky shake.

Su Ming's eyes contracted. At this moment, he suddenly had a strong feeling. It seemed that his will, cultivation and even vitality began to decrease at this moment. It seemed that this sentence had a strange power, which could interfere with the changes of the heaven and the earth, which made Su Ming obviously feel that the true world of Sangxiang was because of his The will of the real world of the immortal sect that has disappeared unexpectedly... has a glimmer of signs of recovery.

Even Su Ming felt that the will of the inner Taoist world of the Sanhuang world, which he had taken up, had also changed so much.

This change shocked Su Ming's heart, and a strong crisis was found in an instant, but there was no fear in his look, because... Su Ming always believed that no power in the world can exist forever, and everything should be a natural enemy. This natural enemy is not one, but at the same time. If there is one, even if it is destroyed, I don't know how many years later, there will definitely be another one.

As the old man of the heavenly spirit said, Su Ming firmly believes that strong wills like the three wildernesses have natural enemies, not to mention this mourning family.

Su Ming's eyes flashed coldly, and his will burst out. It was the magnificent will of the two real worlds condensed together. It was the second strongest power in any big world, second only to the highest will in this world. The divine pressure of this will can destroy millions of monks, even if it is the other one here, unless it is The power of each other, otherwise you will give in under this will.

At the level of Su Ming's cultivation, the magic power has been ever-changing for him. It is not limited to a certain area, but as long as he thinks of it, it can be transformed into operation.

For example, at this moment, at the moment when Su Ming's will spread, a red lightning immediately appeared in front of Su Ming. The lightning carried a shocking breath. At the moment of its appearance, the starry sky seemed to fall into a relatively static and eternal state.

This is obviously the first to rob! It was just imitated by Su Ming with his will. Although it was not as powerful as the real spiritual preemption, it was enough to shock the world.

"Mourning the dead clan can be erased by the will of Sangxiang, so no matter how strong this clan is, there is a limit."

The moment Su Ming's indifferent words came out, the red lightning roared straight to the whirlpool's face.

Without looking at the result, Su Ming shook his big sleeve and immediately appeared five lightnings in front of him. These five lightnings instantly turned into five faces, intertwined together to form a colorful face, turned into a big hand, and grabbed the whirlpool face.

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