
Chapter 25 I'm not convinced!

As soon as Xue Hao said this, the air here seemed to suddenly stop, half-sound, and another lament resounded around, which made Xue's sea suddenly change color, and there was a kind of prelude to the mountain rain, like the kind of breath of forbearance and wanting to explode!

The invisible pressure made Xue Hao tense. Perhaps the next moment, this virtual shadow should tear his face, which is not good for him.

Half a sound, the extreme pressure receded like a tide, and the sound of the virtual shadow slowly came...

"I only have a trace of will to become gods, so how can I harm you? But you are a junior, but you are not affable. When did my disciple Feng Tianzong become so disrespectful?

Hearing this, Xue Hao snorted coldly: "If the ancestor really has the intention to help the disciples of Feng Tianzong get inheritance, why is he so persistent to let the disciples unfold their divine thoughts? Is it possible? What's the secret of this?"

"Don't you believe me? If there is no old man's help in this forbidden mountain, with your small three-level cultivation of practice, you can't compete with other people at all, because other people are like this, and there are ancestors of the clan to help!"

Xue Hao snorted coldly when he heard the words: "Senior, the younger generation said directly. Although the younger generation's cultivation is low, but if the seniors sincerely help each other, what's the matter? It can appear from the predecessor's blood and jade. Although it tells the forbidden way of prohibition on the surface, it has actually stared at the younger generation's body and has some plots!"

Xue Hao's words are sonorous, and he has already said his doubts in his heart. If this virtual shadow answers fluently and still does not reveal the real purpose, then this matter is not what he guessed. If there is anything wrong with this virtual shadow's answer, it proves that his intuition is true. In fact, Xue Hao has always been unable to understand this virtual shadow. What are you looking for, but if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. He never believes that this virtual shadow does not see that he is not a disciple of Feng Tianzong. Even if it is just a trace of incarnation will, it can exist for tens of thousands of years, isn't it so easy to deceive? Previously, ' Elder Wu' could see that his body was extraordinary, so in contrast, how can this virtual shadow not be seen?

If you have seen that you are not a disciple of Feng Tianzong, why did you tell yourself about this forbidden road and the cause and effect of the past? It is even possible to do this matter in advance. Until the end, this virtual shadow turned around and let himself relax and his mind unfolded. Obviously, he wanted to gain Xue Hao's trust and achieve a certain purpose. Xue Hao did not know the real purpose, but he knew that it was absolutely not a good thing.

"Don't waste your lips and tongue. Now that you have fallen, the dust returns to the dust and the earth returns to the earth, there is no need to fight any more thoughts of giving up!" Xue Hao showed cold eyes and stared closely at the location of the virtual shadow. In fact, although he did not understand the matter of taking away, he had experienced the pursuit of Elder Wu. How could he not guess? However, he was not sure that he said this just to deceive the other party.

"Son, you have torn your face with me so quickly. After all, it's too young. Although I only have a trace of will, it's more than enough to clean up your three-layer practice!" The cold voice is very different from the previous gentleness, but in Xue Hao's view, this sentence is not much deterrent.

"Since the seniors have other plans and are not really helping the younger generation, the younger generation has to be disrespectful, and since the seniors say that it is easy to clean up the younger generation, the younger generation is naturally convinced..."

"Oh? What do you want to play? You might as well say directly. I don't have the patience to fight with you. Don't think that I really dare not touch you. I said bluntly, borrow your body. What do you want? I will try my best to satisfy you!"

Hearing this, Xue Hao sneered even more: "The senior is really joking. It's not a waste of time. If the senior does the truth, even if he does it, why waste his lips and tongue so!"

So you agree? Don't worry, after I take away your body, I will definitely treat your family well!"

"If the senior wants to take it, even if he comes, is it really that important whether the juniors are willing or not?"

"You... what a crafty boy. You won't volunteer to go around. It seems that you are determined to die!" For a moment, this virtual shadow was full of murder, and patience was still exhausted.

"Since the predecessor thinks that the younger generation is cunning, does the younger generation have no cards?" Xue Hao said coldly, in fact, he does have a card, but he is not sure whether this card is reliable or not, but at present, he has no choice but to do so.

Hearing this, the virtual shadow stopped making a sound. After a breath, the laughter of the evil sycophant came: "Kid, I have touched you clearly. Not only do you have no cards, but your mind is seriously damaged. I'm going to decide your saint's body!"

"How can the predecessors see that the younger generation is the body of saints?" Xue Hao has heard about the saint's body more than once, and even the previous 'Elew's' plan for him. However, when the scene reappears, Xue Hao does not understand why his body has been repeatedly targeted and wants to take it away.

"Oh? Is it that you don't know? Is it possible that this Xiaoyaozi is not your ancestor?

Xue Hao was moved and said, "The younger generation doesn't understand what the seniors are talking about!"

"Well, boy, although your cultivation is weak, but your mind is not simple. To tell you the truth, since I came out of this bloody jade, I have already seen that you are a saint. As for whether you are a disciple of Feng Tianzong, you and I know this!"

"What about the younger generation? So what if it's not?"

"Since it's not, I will fight and take away your body. I still have a little chance to take away, but because there is only a trace of divine thoughts left, I don't know if I can succeed. Unless you are voluntarily taken away, the probability will greatly increase. Now at this third level, with your cultivation, my mind will be damaged and will definitely fall. Chenglao, what do you wish for? I will definitely complete it with you!"

At this moment, this virtual shadow has really had a showdown. In fact, long ago, it tried to gain the trust of Xue Hao, and then it came to seize it. But I didn't expect that the boy with low cultivation in his eyes was so scheming that he was not at all out of the hook. But now, it has become clear that he is determined to get this body. Even if Xue Hao does not comply, because he is not a disciple of Feng Tianzong, he forcibly gave up, and there is no psychological burden.

When he said this, his patience had reached a critical point.

"Old man, you have finally torn your face. You are using it!" Xue Hao roared, which was as if he had eaten him. Even if his cultivation was low and abuse, so what? If he died, he was not Xue Hao.

"In my eyes, you are already a dead person. Since you are so ignorant, I will let you disappear into the world. In the next life, be smart!"

The next moment, his whole body trembled, and a strong pressure rushed into his mind. The pressure was so strong that Xue Hao didn't even have a chance to resist, so he could only be captured.

"In my eyes, you are just an ant. In the past, the old man ruled the world of practice. You killed thousands of people like this at will. If you are so ignorant of praise, I will torture you severely and take it away!" This voice was evil and echoed in Xue Hao's sea of knowledge, making Xue Hao cover his head, with a painful expression and great torture.

"Old man, if you do that despicable thing, even if you succeed, you are still a native chicken and a dog. If I, Xue Hao, are really a saint, then no matter how strong you are, you will be crushed by our clan! You don't have the courage to attack the sky! It's just that I live another life!" Xue Hao roared with a ferocious expression. The next moment, his eyes were red and his blue veins were exposed. It was hard to imagine what great pain he was suffering at this moment.

It was Xue Hao's words that made the virtual shadow in the sea more indignant and exposed. Because he sealed the cliff, he fell into the hands of the saint's family. Even as Xue Hao said, in those years, he was indeed like a chicken and a dog in front of Xiaoyaozi, which is not worth mentioning. He can only become the foot of the saint's family. Stone.

"What a hard bone. The more stubborn you are, the more I will torture you. Even if your resistance makes it impossible for me to succeed, the old man will not give up. In those years, I will retaliate against his family for what Xiaoyaozi did to me!" This virtual shadow is crazy at this moment, constantly destroying Xue Hao's sea of knowledge, making him staring.

"Ah! I, Xue Hao, are unwilling!" With this roar, Xue Hao's eyes were already bleeding, and his palms covered his head, with an extremely ferocious expression!

"Are you convinced?" The hysterical anger of the virtual shadow is the hatred in his heart. Today, he wants to make Xue Hao give in, that is, to vent his resentment for thousands of years!

"I'm not convinced!" As soon as the words fell, Xue Hao's ears were already bleeding, like rain. Although his body and mind were severely damaged, the roar was sonorous and heroic, spreading all over Montenegro!

"You give me clothes!!!" This virtual shadow is extremely ferocious and violently destroyed!

"I'm not convinced!" The next moment, Xue Hao's seven holes bled, his roar was full of hoarseness and pain, and his body kept trembling. This kind of pain, if anyone had been disarmed and surrendered, ordinary people, even if they knew that they would die, would die a relaxed way, but Xue Hao was not, because of his character, it was like this!

Between this world, life and earth are not the biggest. Sometimes, a vast and righteous life is the dignity of this world that can never be bent and never wavered!

Therefore, in the face of the torture of this cliff, he did not give in, so he would die worthy of himself!

If you have worked hard and fought for it, you still can't, and you still have to die, then at least, leave no regrets!

Perhaps, Xue Hao's unwillingness to bow his head is not a good thing in the practice world, but he can bow his head to people and shake his tail to beg for mercy. He can't do it, saying that he is paranoid or naive, but he just can't do it!

This is his character. He is the boy who persistently and naively chased his captured sister in the past. He was a hot-blooded teenager who knew that there was danger but resolutely went to rescue Shen Xuan. Now, he is a devastated and stubborn person!

He is unwilling, because he wants to prove that he is right with reality! He wants to prove that such a character is valuable. He wants to have strong strength and destroy it to prove it! This is his unwillingness!

Full of anger, carrying the memories of the past and today's unwillingness, are intertwined into a incomplete picture, flashing in his heart. If there is an afterlife, he will still go on this road of practice! If there is an afterlife, sister, he must bring it back!