
Chapter 15: Attack on Jiankang 2

Hou Ying and Xu Yang took their own orders.

Xiao Yan said to Xiaoqi again, "Take your 1,000 people. In the past few days, you have been practicing climbing the wall. You should be able to climb at least five feet high of the wall in one breath, and then there will be a sneak attack. Ten days later, 500 people will be selected to lead the feather arrows of Xu leader. 20 of 500 people will be selected, 25 good archery per person, to be able to have no arrows. False hair. Go and get ready. Let's go with me in ten days."

Xiaoqi answered. Fat Dragon and Fat Fish saw that they had arranged nothing for a long time and were anxious. " boss, what do we do? Everyone else has something to do. You can't let us be idle!"

Xiao Yan looked at the two people and said with a smile, "This time you guard the village." Before he finished speaking, Ding Sheng was also a little anxious: "Master, this is unfair. Everyone else has something to do, but we are fine. From now on, how can we stay in the water village?" "That's right," he shouted together.

At this time, Yang Tai also smiled and came to meet each other: "Everyone, don't quarrel. This is a big move since the reconstruction of our water village. How can we not have your share! Not only you, men, women and children will have tasks as long as they are active, but according to the situation, everyone's tasks will be different.

After hearing Yang Tai's words, everyone calmed down. Fat Fish and Fat Dragon asked urgently, "So, what are we doing, military division?"

Yang Tai looked at Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan motioned Yang Tai to continue: "Master Ding, after Wei comes back on Tuesday, you will lead a thousand people from them, drive out of the Yangtze River day and night to look at Jiankang all the way, and keep in touch with Hou Ying's people all the way. If you reach the west of Jiankang, there is a stone Jin on the edge of the Yangtze River, Find a place to hide, and send people to inquire about the information in the city at any time. Once the village owner gets it, find an opportunity to quietly occupy the nearby Stone City, which is a military camp monitoring the Yangtze River at the west gate of Jiankang. There are about 100 people stationed. After the occupation, 100 people are left to defend. The rest immediately follow the river until the West Water Gate of Jiankang waiting to pick up the others of the village owner. If there is any situation, Dingzhai owner can see the opportunity to act"

Ding Sheng didn't say anything when he saw that he had a task, "Don't worry, you must complete the task."

Fat fish and fat dragon said urgently at this time, "What about us!"

Yang Tai said again: "Fat fish and fat dragon each lead 500 people, and go up to Luzhou along the land road to hide upstream and downstream by the river and spread outshaos for 30 miles each. While waiting to receive the village owner, they prevent the golden soldiers from supporting from Xiangyang. If they encounter Jin people's reinforcements as much as possible, they can't withdraw east and Ding Shenghui. It depends on the situation before making a decision. .

When the two heard this, they just answered, not to Jiankang, and suddenly breathed a sigh of breath. Just as he was about to speak, Xiao Yan said, "Do you think there may be no war? It's boring. I'll tell you." Xiao Yan said that the voice here was unconsciously loud: "This action is not small. Everyone's task is very important. From Dongting to Jiankang thousands of miles, even if everything is as we want, we don't know how much we will lose. If there is another problem in which link, we will be doomed. If there is a mistake in which link this time, no one will forgive it.

Only then did the two cheer up, because once Xiao Yan's voice was raised, it meant that if you didn't listen, it would be ugly. Both of them knew it.

In the end, there were only Xiao Yan, Yang Tai and Wang Yuancheng left in this hall. Wang Yuan's cost is water and fire, but since Xiao Yan took control of the cottage, he has not done anything to them. As long as these people don't do anything out of the ordinary, Xiao Yan has always turned a blind eye, and there is a Yang Tai beside him. Although he usually does not leak, he can do anything. The water did not leak. As soon as I saw that there was no chance to get up in Dongshan, I was given up. I took the initiative to find Xiao Yan and Yang Taishen to talk once. It turned out that Wang Yuancheng had been secretly preparing a way out for himself for him. He opened several restaurants in Lin'an, Jiankang and Yangzhou. He wanted to wait until he couldn't get along in the water village, so he simply slipped away to do it. My own rich man. As a result, he became greedy and was caught by Xiao Yan. He felt that there was no way to live. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yan not only did not kill them, but also took good care of them. Although he was very strict at the beginning of the training and made him have the idea of leaving the water village, later some of Xiao Yan's actions made him change his attitude towards Xiao Yan, so he took the initiative. After looking for Xiao Yan, the three of them had a heart-to-heart conversation and lost all their previous feelings. Xiao Yan also told Wang Yuancheng what he thought. Later, Wang Yuancheng took the initiative to ask to open a store. It was already agreed that it was enough to show it to others on the surface.

Xiao Yan then pushed the boat along the water. Unexpectedly, Wang Yuancheng not only had two skills in opening a store, but also collected information, which made Xiao Yan and Yang Tai sigh for a while. Fortunately, they were not cruel at that time, otherwise a good person would have disappeared. At that time, Xiao Yan couldn't help sighing, which made Yang Tai, a self-respecting literati, depressed: "It's gold that will always shine."

Why haven't I seen this sentence in a lot of books, so I asked, Xiao Yan is still the same, reading in an ancient book, asking the book! It's gone. At that time, Xiao Yan laughed secretly: "Where can I find a book for you? This is a thousand years later."

"Uncle Wang?" Xiao Yan asked at this time, "Are the people in Jiankang City ready?": "Are you all ready? This Jin people's rule is Wanyan Shouyi, the nephew of Wanyan Chang, who supervises the southern army. He is brave but brave, but he is reckless. With Wanyan Chang's arrogance and domineering, he is unpopular in the army, and he is lustful and greedy, cruel and abnormal. Whipping soldiers after drinking. Wanyan Chang was worried that he stayed behind this time, but this time Marshal Yue and General Han, 200,000 troops attacked Xiangyang. The military situation was urgent and he couldn't think much about it. He felt that our Song Dynasty was mobilized nationwide this time, and there was no spare time to mobilize troops to attack Jiankang. Even with 5,000 military strength, he felt that he could support it. The reinforcements came, so when they left, they specially told Wanyan to be righteous. In case something happened, they could only wait for help and not to attack without permission. For the sake of safety, he left a group of military staff around him to help. Unexpectedly, Wanyan Chang had just left, and the marching staff on his back foot was a Han man. When he dissuaded Wanyan Shouyi not to whipped the sergeant after drinking, he was also beaten. Later, when he came to our hotel and got drunk, he muttered so many people. The people in the hotel were afraid of the golden people to cheat. , I didn't dare to contact him too much. I just sent him home, and then sent someone to keep an eye on him for a while before slowly getting some information.

The Jin people hurriedly rescued Xiangyang this time and set out lightly. Most of the grain and materials were in Jiankang, and in order to help Xiangyang in the future, they were all placed near the water gate in the west, and there were only 2,000 guards.

Xiao Yan and Yang Tai sighed at the same time when they heard this. Wang Yuancheng looked at them puzzledly and sighed. Xiao Yan saw Wang Yuancheng's doubts and explained, "This news is good news, but it also shows that the Jin people are disdainful of our Song Dynasty. So many materials are stored in Jiankang. There are not only 5,000 defenders, but also the materials in the west gate with the weakest defense."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yan's tone became a little cold: "This time we will ask Jin Ren to taste the consequences of despousing the Song Dynasty and make him feel painful."