
Chapter 16: Attack Jiankang 3

In the night. A long dark shadow drove forward along the river. Although it was against the current, the speed was not slow.

On the ship in the front, two figures stood in the bow, with a low voice: " boss, there are still a few hours to go to the West Water Gate of Jiankang City. The brother in front of me sent a letter that the owner of Dingzhai has successfully ambushed in Shitoujin. It turned out that the stone city was not the Jin people stationed, but some northerners, and there was no fighting. Li, Dingzhaizhu said that they could be solved in an hour at most.

"Well, Xiao Yan nodded and didn't say anything. He just looked at the river in the distance and was thinking about something. Xiao Qi didn't disturb Xiao Yan any more when he saw this.

After arriving in Wuhan, Xiao Yan and others plunged into a tributary and followed this tributary until Wuhu before entering the Yangtze River. Although they walked for a few more days, they successfully avoided the Song army, which was constantly marching from Jiujiang to Xiangyang. In recent years, the Jin people invaded the south, burned, killed and looted everywhere, and along both sides of the river, except occasionally Some officers and small bandits have basically been desolate, so it was slower to walk some small tributaries this time, but there was no accident in the middle. Even if there were some small bandits, they were cleaned up by Ding Sheng.

According to the information from Hou Ying, the imperial army has been assembled outside Xiangyang and is ready to attack. According to the news in Jiankang City, the Jin people in the city have gathered a lot of people and are ready to provide food and fodder support to Xiangyang.

Thinking of this, he ordered Xiaoqi: "Sign up and land in front of you." Xiaoqi arranged for a person to pick up the torch prepared earlier, lift it up at the stern of the boat, and immediately throw it into the water. Then he saw that a flash of fire behind him kept passing down, that is to say, it was dark again in a few words, but this short firelight shocked several flies in the reeds by the river. Bird, seeing that the signal was conveyed, Xiao Yan waved his hand, and the people on the boat immediately leaned against the reeds by the river and slowly landed on the shore from some places that could be rowed into the boat. After a while, all the boats had reached the shore.

Xiao Yan stepped on the muddy ground, went ashore, found a relatively dry place, and stood down. At this time, Xiaoqi's collective signal had been sent out. After a few cooing birds, the sound of birds slowly came to this side. With half a column of incense, Xiao Yan saw that all the people had gathered and lowered his voice. Zi: "Has the ship been hidden?"

After hearing the answer, he said, "There are still two hours before dawn. Let's take a break and eat something quickly. We even

At night, there is a mountain called Xiaochanggan in the southwest of Jiankang before dawn, where our people will respond. Let's talk about it. I found a place to sit down. Everyone immediately sat down to rest and refresh their spirits.

Xiao Yan took out the map and looked at it for a while, calculated it, and identified the direction. After a while, Xiao Yan stood up and gently waved his hand and ran forward. After several months of training, these hundreds of people, among other than that, the run was unambiguous. Three people followed in an orderly manner. Run, although the road is muddy, the speed of the march is not slow, and there is not much movement. Listening carefully, there is only a rustling sound, like the sound of wind blowing reeds.

When it was almost dawn, Xiao Yan could also see the hill in front of him, and occasionally hear a chicken call or two. After calculation, there were still about four or five miles away. In order not to have an accident, Xiao Yan turned around and said to speed up, and saw that this group of people who ran in the middle of the night seemed not The tired speed suddenly increased. Xiao Yan also looked back and couldn't help smiling when he saw that no one fell behind. The training in the past few months was not in vain.

Soon Xiao Yan and the others approached a village at the foot of the mountain, and the receiving place agreed with Wang Yuancheng was in this village. It was still early and there was no one in the village, but Xiao Yan did not dare to take it lightly. He waved his hand and signaled the crowd to disperse and hide. At this time, Xiao Qi led these people around and followed a path to the village. After walking deep, Xiaoqi led a man in his thirties and ran over: "Little Wang Yuangui has seen the owner of Xiaozhai."

It seems that Xiaoqi told him when he came. Xiao Yan waved his hand: "Don't be polite, lead the way." Wang Yuangui didn't say much about leading the way. Xiao Yan and others quickly followed. This small village can't reach a total of 100 families. It is built on the mountain. The whole village is built from east to west. More than ten miles to the east is the hedge gate of Jiankang. To the northwest is Waguan Temple. The place where Wang Yuangui led them to is behind the village. In a pass of this hill in the northwest, it turned out to be a military camp of the previous dynasty. It was originally inside the outer city. Later, the wall was destroyed by the war. In this dynasty, it was not repairing the outer city, but a fence wall was built outside, but this place was separated from the outside. According to the fence wall, there are still about ten miles away. .

After Xiao Yan came, he stood high and took a look. He was not grateful for his good luck. After the golden man stood in Jiankang, he did not make great efforts in Jiankang's urban defense. It seemed that he was ready to continue to invade the south along the current. Maybe he didn't expect that the Song court would rise up to fight Xiangyang, which left such a big gap.

After looking for a while, Xiao Yan returned to the temporary accommodation. Seeing that Xiaoqi had all been arranged and everyone had gone to rest after dinner, he called Wang Yuangui to learn about the current situation in the city. Roughly the same as a few days ago, he ordered to go back to prepare and enter the city tonight.

Waguan Temple is a small temple covering an area of more than ten mu. Usually, the incense is not bad, but since the Jin people came, they have lived in the army. At the end of Hai, Xiao Yan quietly took people to the place less than 50 feet of Waguan Temple and ambushed there. And asked Xiaoqi to take a few people to grab a tongue. After a while, Xiaoqi came back, not Jin Bing, and brought back a monk.

The monks in the temple stayed in the temple to cook for the Jin people. Xiao Yan asked, after knowing their purpose, the monk told Xiao Yan all the situation after calling for my Buddha's blessing several times.

It turned out that after Wanyanchang left, most of the military food supplies were stored in the Houzhu fence between the outer wall and the Qinhuai River. The Waguan Temple was just south, so the Jin people lived here with two hundred people. Except for a few people who cooked for them, the rest of the monks were killed. The monk said that he was a monk here. All four of them couldn't help showing hatred in their empty eyes.

Xiao Yan asked about their duty situation again and understood that he comforted him and sent him to the back to hide. Xiao Yan asked Xiaoqi and several little leaders to arrange it, and finally said something to take action.

Each went as planned. Xiao Yan quietly came to the main gate of Waguan Temple with 20 archers and hid behind the big tree in front of the temple and observed carefully.

Only two golden soldiers are standing in front of the gate in front of the temple, and if the distance is not far away, it can be solved immediately with arrows. But Xiao Yan always feels that it's not that simple. The golden people have been tortured for many years, not just on bravery. Moreover, this is equivalent to the guard of the military food supplies, which should not be so loose. Xiao Yan thought that the TV series of later generations said that the sentry was bright and rarely drank the secret whistle. Now he is still looking at the golden man and there is no secret whistle. If there is, then find him first. Xiao Yan hid behind the tree and stared at the sentry in front of him, and from time to time looked around the sentry, looking at where it was best to arrange a dark whistle to look at the guards in front of the door.