
157, handwriting flying in the air

Huangtingjing is a Taoist classic in ancient China. Many people may not know such a thing, but when it comes to the calligraphy Huangtingjing, people who understand it will immediately think of a famous figure - Wang Xizhi.

Compared with the preface of Lanting Collection, although Huang Tingjing is also Wang Xi's handwriting, its popularity is much lower. If it hadn't been for the first generation to be involved in these health classics, it would not be easy to imagine.

Wen Ting recalled the man's movements and danced in front of the tombstone: "He wrote like this... Then he turned around and wrote a few words here. I thought I was dazzling, so I approached and looked at it. As a result, I accidentally made a sound, and he immediately flashed into the woods over there and disappeared."

Dong Xiaotang and Huang Qi are familiar with this craft of writing in the air. At the beginning of the year, Situ Changqin drew a charm on the helicopter and re-reduced the prisoners at the bottom of the sea.

So will the person Wen Ting saw also be a member of the Situ family? Or is it Situ Changqin?

"No, absolutely not, that's a man," Wen Ting shook her head after listening to Tang Xiaotang's description. "It's 1.8 meters. It's not a cheongsam, but that kind of... um... the robe worn by college scholars in the TV series, smoky gray."

The first said, "Tao Robe?" In ancient times, Chinese scholars did often wear Taoist robes. Of course, this Taoist robe is not the kind of clothes printed with gossip in Taoist temple, but the appearance is basically similar.

Wen Ting glanced at him and seemed to be unsure whether to pay attention to him. First, she turned around unhappily.

Huang Qi replied, "Go and ask the people of the Situ family? Situ Yan is not here. Can you see Situ Changqin?

"It's hard to say. I'll call Xiaoyan to see if she can arrange it for us."

Tang Xiaotang hung up the phone to Situ Yan, and then waited for a while. Situ Changqin ordered his assistant to call.

The assistant said at the other end of the phone, "Mrs. Changqin said that Miss Wen Ting must have read it wrong. Although there are some people outside the Situ family who can draw charms with their bare hands, ordinary people can't see such charms."

It was very quiet around, and the assistant's voice clearly came out of the mobile phone. Wen Ting immediately retorted loudly: "Impossible! I even read the words clearly. How can I make a mistake?

The assistant was shocked by her and whispered something to Tang Xiaotang. Tang Xiaotang nodded and hung up the phone. Wen Ting asked depressedly, "What did she say to you in the end?" I saw it and saw it. What does it mean to be wrong? I can't explain that I don't know if it's over. Why did you put the blame on me?

"Don't be angry. Just think that the old man can't stand on his face and tolerate it." Tang Xiaotang quickly put his arm on her shoulder. "We believe you're right, right?"

The flowers were also offered, the paper was burned, and the four of them went back to the dock together. This time, Wen Ting did not insist on taking a bus, but squeezed the bus with them, which was a small compromise. However, today is Zhongyuan. The car from the cemetery is overcrowded, and it is too hot even if the air conditioner is turned on.

Wen Ting and they were separated from each other, holding the ring and swaying irritably with the turning of the car. In summer, she wore less clothes. As soon as her arm touched the fat middle-aged uncle beside her, she got goose bumps, but it was not easy to show on her face. She could only try her best to narrow the space she occupied and keep a distance from the people around her.

The beads of sweat flowed down her back, and she wanted to scratch it. At this moment, she suddenly felt a warm and sweaty hand touching her waist maliciously!

Wen Ting mentioned it and hurriedly dodged, but the hand did not intend to let her go, but continued to touch her buttocks. Wen Ting suddenly panicked and was about to squeeze through the gap to escape. Suddenly, another hand was stretched out in the narrow space behind her and only heard a "ah" scream. The salted pig's hand left behind her At his waist, a half-bald middle-aged man was picked up with his wrist.

"If you dare to pick up my bag, I'm impatient to live!" First, it made people powerful, almost took the human body's feet off the ground, turned around with angry eyes and shouted at the driver, "Stop at the next stop!"

The middle-aged obscene man was so scared that he almost peed his pants and shouted injustice, but the first time he was very cunning. At the same time he grabbed him, he stuffed his wallet into his hand. At this time, he held his right hand high and held a wallet in his hand, saying that he did not steal it. Who believes him?

No matter how the man cried unjustly, the first thing was not to let go. As soon as the car stopped, the people around him immediately gave way out. The first thing was to get the person out of the car, and Tang Xiaotang and the other two naturally squeezed down immediately.

"I didn't pick up your bag. I don't have the courage!" The middle-aged obscene man was so skinny that he knew that he would never stand the young man in front of him, so he had to beg for mercy.

First, he took out his wallet and put it back in his pocket and groaned coldly, "I don't have the courage to pick up my bag, but I have the courage to touch my girlfriend?"

When the middle-aged obscene man saw that the matter was exposed, he had to lower his head. Wen Ting was so angry that she rushed to him and kicked him. If Tang Xiaotang hadn't pulled it in time, she would have had to use high heels and stilettos to make it up twice.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, but I have no eyes! I will never dare again, I will never dare again!" The middle-aged obscene man covered the outside of his kicked thigh and jumped straight, crying and pleading.

First, let him drag him behind the platform billboard: "You wait here, don't come over."

Tang Xiaotang was shocked: "Hey, don't mess around!"

Huang Qi replied with a treacherous smile and raised her fingers and shook them: "Don't worry, you should treat this kind of person with the legendary broken hands, click, dislocating all five fingers, hum! I won't do it again."

There was a pig-like scream behind the advertising version. Many passers-by looked at it in horror and saw a tall young man grabbing a thin middle-aged man's wrist and pinching his fingers at him a few times. The middle-aged man twitched like an electricity and screamed for his life.

"This is just a small lesson. If you dare to molesect a girl on the bus in the future, you will be caught by me and tear you apart. Remember!" First, let him ask aggressively.

The middle-aged obscene man grabbed his wrist and cried with pain: "Remember it, remember it, never again!"

"Get out!"

After punishing the obscene man, the first one returned to the platform and waited for the bus with them as if nothing had happened.

"Don't be straight, huh? Go and talk to him," Tang Xiaotang pushed Wen Ting and whispered in her ear, "At least thank you."

Wen Ting looked awkward and didn't want to go. Tang Xiaotang said again, "They have saved the beauty. Why should they praise them? Tingting, if you do this again, I can turn to support Su Xinyi.

Wen Ting was still hesitating. Tang Xiaotang's mobile phone rang, so she had no time to persuade her and turned her head to answer: "Hey?"

"Hey, is this Miss Tang? I'm Mrs. Changqin's assistant. Could you please come over immediately? The female voice on the other end of the phone was the female assistant who called on behalf of Situ Changqin at the cemetery. I don't know what happened there. The female assistant looked panicked, and her wheezing sound came from her mobile phone.

"What happened?" Look at the sky. It's almost time to go back. What's the hurry to invite her over at this time?

The female assistant choked and said, "Mrs. Changqin is missing!"

If we talk about the expertise of several families that have been passed down for thousands of years on the land of China, the people in the circle can be as rare as many families. For example, the Bashu Tang family is used to summoning gods, and the Lingnan Situ family is full of Shenzhou with spells. The Su family in Anyang is familiar with fate, and the first in Hanzhong is proficient in medical skills. The Huang family in Huizhou maintain the yin and yang worlds. The balance is the only one who can communicate with the dead soul without the help of Fu Xiqin...

In addition to these famous families, there is also a family that has fallen and is extremely inconspicuous more than a thousand years ago. The descendants of the Longjue family are not as good at fighting as the Situ family of the Tang family, nor are they as proud as the other three families. Their only capital is the strength handed down from ancient times, which is second only to ten. Si Nan of the artifact!

Whether it is gold, silver, jewelry, or relatives and friends, as long as you want to find it, Si Nan can guide you, so Long Jue's family is also known as a tracker.

It's a pity that Si Nan of the Long Jue family is very stingy. A person can only ask for one thing in his life, and people's desires are always endless. Therefore, the Long Jue family is far less popular than other families. At the end of the Han Dynasty, it has completely declined, and the only heir also lived in seclusion in the mountains. Only a few people know her Luo, I will go to ask her for advice.

After the meeting in Longjing Mountain, Yanru, the last blood descendant of the Longjue family, gave up the ancestral Sinan. After nearly 2,000 years, the heir of the Longjue family became a little girl with a foreign surname, and this little girl was once a useless talent rejected by the Tang family.

"...I understand," Tang Xiaotang patiently listened to the female assistant talk about the history of the disappearance of Situ Changqin. In the distrustful eyes of the descendants of the Situ family, "Lord Changqin is kind to me, and I will definitely do my best."

Situ Changqin lived for more than a thousand years and has always been a strong woman who has been in charge of the family. At this time, she suddenly disappeared, and even a person in charge could not be arranged in the family. The only female assistant was so anxious that she cried. She held Tang Xiaotang's hand tightly: "Miss Tang, the safety of Mrs. Changqin depends on you!"

Tang Xiaotang nodded firmly: "Don't worry, can you take me to her study first?"

The female assistant wiped her tears and got up to lead the way. The Situ family in the reception room whispered to each other. When Tang Xiaotang heard a few words, they all doubted her ability and suspected that her intentions were not to obey. When she entered Situ Changqin's study - that is, the place where she disappeared, the female assistant closed the door, and Tang Xiaotang asked: "Si Why don't the disciples look less anxious?

"Alas, all of them are looking forward to Mrs. Changqin's early death so that they can be in charge. Who is really anxious?" The female assistant was also nearly 40 years old. She had a few white hair on her temples and sighed, "In this family, except for the eldest lady, everyone else regards Mrs. Changqin as a monster. But isn't it? Ordinary people can live so long, even their ancestors are just an old monster in their eyes.

Tang Xiaotang nodded. There are many ordinary people who cultivate immortals and prolong their lives, but there are too few people who cultivate the body of golden immortals like Situ Changqin and Yan Ru.

She has been to Situ Changqin's study before. In addition to the bookshelf and desk, there is also a large root carved table with a full set of tea sets - Situ Changqin is such a person who advocates Chinese classical culture.

The desk is facing a large Spanish-style window. The window glass has been completely broken and fell all over the ground. There are also many windows on the table, and several window lattices have also been broken. Looking at the direction of the break, it is the result of being hit inward by a huge force.

"Where were you at that time?" Tang Xiaotang asked.

The female assistant honestly replied, "I called you in the corridor. As soon as I hung up the phone, I heard a bang in the study, which scared me... I thought Mrs. Changqin had hit something, but I opened the door and rushed in to see that the lady was gone."

The current situation still looks quite straightforward, that is, someone broke into the window and robbed Situ Changqin.

However, if you want to say who did it and who can do it, Tang Xiaotang can't help but put a question mark in his heart. Situ Changqin is a golden immortal who is more than 11,800 years old. Who can break in so openly and take her away?