
158, who is the traitor

Looking at the woman who had been knocked unconscious and had not yet woken up in front of him, he had a sense of unrealism.

Did you really take her back? After so many years of separation, the way to meet again is not to say hello with a smile, but to knock the other party unconscious and then carry it and run away - this is something he never thought of in those years.

B brought her back... What should I do? I don't have any plan in my heart.

Looking out of the porthole, the indigo ocean and the dark blue sky merged in the distance. The navigation lighthouse rotated and emitted a bright beam of light, and the whistle penetrated down from the deck with a strong smell of oil.

This is an old ship. It is not difficult to see from the thick dust that it has been put on hold for a long time. After bringing the person back, he deliberately took off a coat and spread it on the chair, and then put the person on it to lie down.

Compared with almost every change at the time of separation, human beings who have cultivated into the body of golden immortals can also live immortality, and more than a thousand years have left no trace on her face.

However, after all, she is no longer a lively girl in those years. Her brown eye shadow and dark red lip gloss are the favorite colors of older women. Sure enough, people still can't get rid of the shackles of limited life expectancy. Even if the body does not age, the heart will age.

"I haven't deliberately looked for you for so many years. This is a coincidence," he crossed his fingers, held his chin, and stared at the person lying on the opposite seat. "Since you're awake, don't pretend to sleep. At least get up and ask your brother, okay?"

Knowing that she couldn't hide it, Situ Changqin obediently opened her eyes and sat up from a chair with a musty smell.

She looked at the gray man sitting opposite her in the dark cabin and asked calmly, "What did Brother want to bring me here?"

The man in gray smiled and said, "Don't do anything to see if you are doing well."

Situ Changqin revealed mercilessly: "Are you trying to force me to ask me about the whereabouts of Shennong Ding?"

The man in gray shrugged his shoulders without any possibility. Situ Changqin said indifferently, "The Shennong Ding was entrusted to Master before Yiqi's death. Since Master didn't pass it on to you, you shouldn't have thought about it."

The man in gray sneered and said, "Don't forget that Master died to save you," Situ Changqin frowned and did not comment. The man added, "When Master was alive, Shennong Ding was placed on the Langya platform. As soon as Master died, things were gone. Changqin, I only asked you once to ask you if the things were taken away by you. , where did you hide the Shennong Ding?

Situ Changqin snorted coldly, picked up her arm and replied disdainfully, "I don't need to answer you, you are a traitor."

"You and I know who is the traitor," the man in gray also showed no weakness and said in a more unremitting tone, "Master, he has eaten Nuwa grass and has long been ranked among the three emperors. Except for gluttony, no one can hurt him - even this only Fuxi Emperor and Empress Nuwa know this only weakness. How can you know? Who asked you to lead the master to the front of Taoxi?

Situ Changqin smiled and said, "Did I lead the master over?" Brother, don't lie with your eyes open. I will meet gluttony. Isn't it because you deliberately threw the pen that Master planned to give me in the forest? I just want to get the pen back, how can I meet the gluttony? Langya Mountain is the territory of the Suiren clan. You should know better how Taoyi came in.

The two of them pointed to Mai Mang, and they were about to perform a scene of the same family. In the Situ family's mansion a few kilometers away, Tang Xiaotang was sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding Si Nan in both hands.

Although the door of the study is closed, the quarrels in the corridor outside the door continue to come.

"What are you talking about? Will I see Lord Changqin being hurt? This is also for the good of the Situ family!"

"For the good of the Situ family? Ha ha, aunt, you stopped from calling the police to delay the time and make Lord Changqin not come back, right?

"You can't call the police. It is by no ordinary people who can kidnap Lord Changqin. If you call the police, the police will find the problem as soon as they investigate. At that time, we will be arrested as a cult."

"Shut up. I'm the biggest in this family except Lord Changqin. I have the final say."

"Who are you? It depends on your ability. If you don't have the ability, you'd better go to cool down as soon as possible!"

"That is, Lord Changqin's life and death are uncertain. You are pretending to be the boss here. What kind of intention do you have? Isn't it the person you arranged to kidnap Lord Changqin?"

Tang Xiaotang opened his eyes helplessly and asked the female assistant for help: "Can you make them quiet? I can't concentrate."

The female assistant squeezed her mouth and nodded, opened the door of the study and went out. She whispered a few words to the people outside. Instead of making the quarrel stop, it triggered their unanimous hostility to the outside world. They accused the female assistant of being a foreigner here, and the excited women even said something. It's so unpleasant that I can't hear it.

"Well, if it hadn't been for the little girl Situ Yan, who followed Lord Changqin would have been me. I was the most talented person in this family." A man said in an uneven voice.

Tang Xiaotang couldn't stand it anymore. She opened the door with Si Nan. In an instant, everyone's expressions switched to worry neatly and asked with one voice, "How's it going? Have you found it?" Have you found Lord Changqin?

Tang Xiaotang looked at them speechlessly: "How can I find you so noisy? Can't you be quiet?"

A woman was immediately unhappy and retorted loudly: "What does this have to do with whether we quarrel or not? Mrs. Changqin is gone. Is it wrong for us to worry? Why do you blame us if you don't have the ability?

It doesn't matter. Tang Xiaotang thought angrily that you are so noisy that I can't concentrate. I can't even hear what Si Nan said. Accurately positioning a person's location is different from finding a general orientation in the past. You can't hide in the seal. Isn't it all your fault?

If it hadn't been for the good relationship with Situ Yan and Situ Changqin had helped herself in the past, she really wanted to leave. How can these big families be so virtuous? If they don't know how to deal with the situation together, they will have internal quarrels.

According to the clue provided by Si Nan, she has inferred that Situ Changqin was kidnapped on a ship in a port along the coast, but the identity of the kidnapper was very suspicious. Sinan said that it was beyond its ability. To put it this way, at least the person born before the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was not a fairy or a demon, which is very tricky.

At the same time, the two people in the cabin have drawn their swords.

"It seems that you can't shed tears without seeing the coffin," the man in gray pulled out an iron pen and flashed in his eyes. "In this case, don't blame me for not talking about the same face."

Situ Changqin stepped back half a step, turned his right hand, and magically turned out a few runes: "Let's see if you have that ability."

The man in gray swept away with an iron pen, and a black ripple suddenly opened in the air. Situ Changqin threw out a charm, and the golden ink came out and hit it brazenly.


The quiet night of the harbor was torn by a loud noise. An old ship moored in a sheltered harbor suddenly raised a golden mushroom cloud, and a flame like an explosion quickly ignited the whole hull. The fuel tank exploded again in heat, and the whole hull exploded in pieces. The on duty patrolling on land was fiercely The strong shock wave flew far away and fell into the sea.

In an instant, the alarm sounded, and the whole port woke up from a deep sleep. The maritime security personnel hurried to organize the evacuation of the ship and cooperate with the fire brigade to put out the fire.

"Captain! There seems to be something over there!" A firefighter pointed to the distant sea and shouted.

The busy commanding fire chief looked in that direction and saw a golden light flying up and down on the sea, like a golden belt waving in the air, splashing sparks from time to time.

"Don't care so much, hurry up and see if there are any trapped people on the ship!"

His decision was wise, because if he drove the boat rashly at this time, he would see the scene of two people hanging and fighting on the sea, which made him look out of his eyes.

Although Sui Ren, one of the three emperors, has a short life span, it has played an indelible role in the Chinese civilization. He learned from the lightning to drill wood to make fire, led the tribe to dispel the darkness of the long night, and the civilization took a big step forward. After his death, his only son, the bearded daughter, inherited the position of patriarch, invented the Fulu according to Cangjie's calligraphy, and turned the spells that could only be used by immortals into complicated and profound words, which have been passed down to this day.

Because the charm was mainly invented to resist natural disasters and beast attacks, the charms in the pre-Qin era were mostly used for defense. It was not until the Qin and Han dynasties that they were carried forward by later generations, and the charms of attacks and even curses appeared. For a while, witches prevailed, and it was the first disciple of the bearded women's family who carried them up!

Although Situ Changqin started late, he also got the true biography of his master Xu Nv. The spells he learned were mostly to resolve bad luck, exorcise evil and avoid evil, which is very different from his brother.

The two fought near the harbor, one is the main attack and the other is defensive. Although it seems that the negative has the upper hand, Situ Changqin's defense has no flaws. If this struggle continues, it is difficult to determine whether to win or lose.

The negative attack could not break through Situ Changqin's golden jade array. He couldn't help but be upset and shouted angrily, "Don't be a shrinking turtle if you have the ability!"

Situ Changqin's face did not change his color and calmly said, "Master's spell is to save people's lives. If you have to do it, you will never hurt people."

He was furious and scolded, "At this time, you still have the face to take out the master to talk. If it weren't for you, how could the master die?"

"It's useless to say more," Situ Changqin's fingertips crossed the air, and another golden charm was completed, turning into several thin golden snakes entangling him. "Who has a ghost in his heart, he knows it."

The news of the explosion in the port was soon on TV. When the female assistant drove Tang Xiaotang to the outer highway, the fire had been controlled, and there were still clusters of flames floating on the sea. The smell of gasoline and burnt paint came to the nose, making people nausea.

"My God, did the kidnapper tear up the ticket?" The female assistant was so scared that she covered her mouth and asked in horror.

"Don't think about bad things first," Tang Xiaotang comforted, "You wait here, and I'll try to sneak in and have a look."

The female assistant grabbed her uneasily: "It's too dangerous! What if the gangster is still inside? You'd better ask the police."

At this time, the police are busy. Who has the time to answer you? If you don't know how to do it, you will be scolded? Tang Xiaotang agreed. While the female assistant ran to inquire about the situation, a man wiped the shadow and slipped into the wall not far behind the fire truck and hid.

The explosion occurred at the ferry terminal commonly used in Z City and X City. Tang Xiaotang was very familiar with the structure inside. When he moved, he moved out of the bathroom of the waiting hall. At this time, no one had time to go to the toilet. It should be very safe here.

It's a pity that she will think so, and so will others. Tang Xiaotang just stepped out with one foot, and an instant stretched out a hand behind her and covered her mouth: "Don't move! Or I'll kill you!"