All magic

Chapter 82 All kinds of ambiguity

This is very similar to the original legend of Pangu Kaitian, but in this "new world", Pangu's axe splits a magical world. Qin Gu thought to himself, but he didn't expect that this axe was a little similar to himself, which could condense the power of elements.

"Beauty, will the power of the element at the end of this ancient axe have anything to do with what is in my body? Just now, the power of the white light element was formed in my body, and this axe suddenly appeared. Qin Gu asked the question in his heart.

"No." Meimei shook her head, "Pangu Axe is the first of the ten artifacts. Only when the remaining nine artifacts appear in the world will it gradually recover its strength. Each of the nine artifacts represents a series of magic elements. Meimei pointed to the ball at the end of the Pangu axe, "The red and white like this means that the artifacts of fire and light have appeared."

"Then when you asked me to find the Pangu axe, wouldn't I never find it if there were no other artifacts in the world?" Qin Gu wondered, "Just like when you first saw the Pangu axe, didn't you recognize it?"

"Well... I forgot it at that time." Meimei was a little embarrassed. Now think about it, the requirements at that time were indeed a little unreasonable. "Let's not talk about this, Gu, you have to be careful." Meimei suddenly said to Qin Gu very seriously.

"You'd better call me a nerd and get used to it." Qin Gu scratched his head and then asked, "What happened? By the way, haven't you said anything about bullying you yet? Isn't it because I didn't take you out today? Are you kidding me? Qin Gu didn't look bullied at all, and he couldn't help but feel that this girl was playing tricks.

"I'm not kidding, although I was like that before..." Meimei was a little shy again, "However, many people in the same clothes did come at that time. I hesitated to seal most of my strength, so I couldn't beat them and was caught by them. They put a pair of strange bracelets on me and locked me in a cage. Meimei said seriously, "However, the point is that these people are going to arrest you. Look at their fierce appearance, Gu... nerd, you should be careful."

"They shouldn't be wearing blue uniforms, right?" Qin Gu's head has a black line, shouldn't it be...

"Yes, do you know them?" Meimei asked in surprise.

"I don't know." Qin Gu sighed in his heart that Meimei was talking about the police, "Did they say what to do with me?" Qin Gu asked, didn't he do anything? Is it the people of the Nangong family who want to trouble themselves? Qin Gu guessed, but with Sister Li, I believe she won't do this to herself.

"They didn't say anything, but kept asking me where you were. I said I didn't know, so they took me away." Meimei shook her head and said.

"Are you all right? Did they do anything to you?" Qin Gu asked with concern that since Meimei was not making trouble, it was true that Meimei cried bitterly just now. Qin Gu subconsciously touched the beautiful head with habitual pity.

"It's okay." Meimei lowered her head and whispered, her face was red like a ripe apple.

"It's okay. I won't let you encounter such a dangerous thing alone in the future." With the lesson of Xiaoxi, Qin Gu decided to protect the beauty in the future. Are you going to be outside in the future? Or continue to go back to the world in my body?" Qin Gu asked, "Do you know why that world suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared? And why did this ancient axe suddenly appear in my hand?

"I'd better go back." Meimei smiled sweetly, and then said helplessly, "As for other questions, I don't know now. Maybe I will remember them in the future."

"Then go back to rest now. I'll do something." Qin Gu decided to check. How could the police find himself?

Meimei nodded, and then returned to Qin Gu's body.

Qin Gu began to think about who to ask? You can't run and ask the police by yourself, "Why are you looking for me?" . Forget it, Ahao and Sak, they are busy enough now, and so are Sister Li and Xiaoyi. Only then did Qin Gu find that his friends were simply pitiful. By the way, there are also Oriental brothers and sisters, ask them to help check it. Thinking that the Dongfang brothers and sisters were younger than himself, Qin Gu was depressed for a while.

After taking the phone, Qin Gu noticed that there were many unreleeve calls. After talking with A Hao just now, Qin Gu, who blamed himself, didn't pay attention to anything else and threw his mobile phone directly aside. Looking at the un Answered Caller ID, all of them were all Dongfang Invitation Spirit.

"Qin Gu, are you all right? Where are you? I'll come to you." As soon as the phone was connected, Dongfang invited to shout excitedly and almost shattered Qin Gu's eardrums.

"I'm fine. Don't be so loud." Qin Gu pulled out his ear and said helplessly.

"Where are you? I'm going to find you now." Dongfang invited Ling's voice was much lower, but he was still very excited, "Is Lily all right? You didn't do anything to her, did you?

Well... I don't know if that will be good for her... Qin Gu is a little guilty, "It's okay, we're all fine. She has gone back to Nangong's home to deal with it. I'm at her house now.

Huh? Why are you at Lily's house? Are you really all right?" Maybe it's a woman's sixth sense. There is an instant feeling that there seems to be some secret between Qin Gu and Nangong Linu.

"It's really okay." Qin Gu replied and quickly changed the topic, "What's the matter with you making so many calls to me?"

"They care... I don't want to know if you are dead, ha ha ha." At first, Dongfang invited Ling's voice was very low. Maybe he felt a little embarrassed. He blushed to hide his shyness and said with a smile.

"I'm disappointed. I'm still alive." Qin Gu did not notice the unusual words of the Oriental Invitation Spirit and replied jokingly. Knowing that she only cared about herself and had nothing else, Qin Gu wanted to ask him to help him.

"Spirit, don't come to me yet. Can you help me check something?" Qin Gu asked.

"What are you checking?" Dongfang invited the spirit to ask strangely.

"It seems that the police are looking for me and don't know what to do with me. Can you check it for me?" Qin Gu suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Although it hasn't been long since he contacted her, he has always been bothering her to help. "If it's inconvenient, it doesn't matter. I'll find someone else."

"There is no inconvenience, no inconvenience. You can come to me if you have anything to do in the future." Dongfang invited spirit hurriedly on the other side of the phone, but he muttered in his heart. When he said this, he felt that there was a lot of separation between the two. In the front, he still called himself Lingling, but now suddenly it's like this, and the Oriental Invitation Spirit is a little upset. But she knew that she didn't like such an invisible wall between Qin Gu and him.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you. I'll wait for your message first." Qin Gu was shocked by the words invited by the East. He didn't know what the girl was nervous about.

"Well, I'll go straight to you when I find it." After Dongfang invited Ling to finish speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Alas..." Qin Gu wanted to tell her to call herself, but she didn't expect that she hung up the phone directly and said she would come over.

Helpless Qin Gu shook his head and planned to go to the Magic Association to inquire about Sister Tong and Sister Lun. That's good. I can only wait for her here obediently.

"Why did you help him escape? Do you still know your last name?" Nangong Linu, who returned to Nangong's home, was called to the study by Nangong Si and just entered. Nangong Si patted the table fiercely and scolded, "No one else can see it. Don't think I don't know. You deliberately let him go. He disturbed your father's funeral. Are you worthy of him and the Nangong family? Are you so unfilial?"

"Uncle, no, should I call you father?" Nangong Linu sneered, but she was very nervous. In order to let the Nangong family let go of Qin Gu, perhaps only this matter can become a bargaining chip.

"You...what are you talking about?" Nangong Si was shocked and took half a step back in fear.

"You don't know how powerful my spiritual magic is, do you? Do you think I won't know about it?" Nangong Li's daughter will not let go.

Hearing Nangong Linu's words, Nangong Si sat on the chair with a decadent buttocks and sighed deeply, "Alas. In fact, Azhi and I have been guessing for a long time whether you have known the truth. Nangong Si said slowly, "This matter is the regret of my life. But who knows the pain in my heart?"

Nangong Linu looked coldly at Nangong. Nangong Linu had no feelings for the Nangong family owner in front of her, her real father.

"Actually, your mother, that is, my 'brothers and sisters', are childhood sweethearts and lovers who truly love each other." Nangong Si said slowly that since she already knew everything, A Zhi and her were no longer there, and it was time to let go of her burden.

What? Nangong Linu couldn't believe what Nangong Si said and subconsciously released spiritual magic to perceive. As soon as Nangong Linu took action, Nangong Si noticed it. But he was just slightly stunned and did not make any defense, allowing Nangong Linu to peek at all her inner secrets.

"How could this happen? How could it be like this?" Nangong Linu muttered stupidly, and tears flowed unconsciously.

"My good daughter." Knowing that Nangong Linu learned everything, Nangong Si also burst into tears and said with choking, "For more than 20 years, I haven't fulfilled my father's responsibility in a day. You should blame me and hate me."

Nangong Linu looked at Nangongji in a complicated way, and these things have subverted all her cognition for more than a decade. What have you been thinking about for so long? Who should I blame now? Who do you hate?