All magic

Chapter 83 Rereveal

Nangong Linu learned the beginning and end of the matter from Nangongji. It turned out that Nangongsi and her mother were originally childhood sweethearts and a pair of lovers who really loved each other.

However, Nangong Si had to give up this relationship because he wanted to inherit the Nangong family. No matter how Nangongji resists, his fate will not change. In the end, the Nangong family and Nangongsi compromised at the same time. Nangong Division broke up with his mother and inherited the Nangong family. However, he had to choose the marriage partner in the home of several candidates. At the same time, such a tragedy can no longer happen to Nangong Zhi. However, to the surprise of the Nangong family, Nangongji has never been close to any women and has no contact with those candidates. Many elders had no choice but to think that he could not give up that relationship for the time being, and he would get better after a while. But who knows, Nangongsi has continued like this since then.

Until more than 20 years ago, when Nangong Zhi took his girlfriend home, Nangong Si was dumbfounded. He never thought that his brother's girlfriend was her. It turned out that his mother wanted to revenge on the unrighteous Nangongji and deliberately approached Nangong Zhi. Fate played a big joke with the three people, and Nangongji personally sent his favorite woman into his brother's bridal chamber. And his mother did not have the pleasure of punishment, but shed inexplicable tears when she was in the wedding.

The days began like this, but Nangongji couldn't bear the feeling of facing her every day. Finally, one night, Nangongji took advantage of Nangong Zhi's home. After getting drunk, he broke into her room and made all his pains and secret. At this time, her mother knew that she had always been wrongly blaming Nangong Zhi. The two chatted for a long time and gradually found that feeling, and then something that shouldn't have happened.

Later, it was similar to what I knew. After the incident, my mother went crazy and died soon after. Nangongji and Nangong Zhi reached a consensus to hide this matter, and Nangongji also told Nangongzhi what only the owner of the Nangong family could know. Disappointed, the sad Nangong Zhi left Nangong's house, and he was found to have understood spiritual magic and sent to church.

However, these are only superficial things that Nangongji did. Including in the Nangong family, he deliberately alienated himself. In fact, he is very concerned and loves himself very much. He was afraid that if this matter were known, it would involve himself. Although he is usually lull and warm to himself, he secretly gives himself meticulous care through Lin Bo. Because only in this way, if the east window incident happens, all the blame will be on him. He will bear the curse of thousands of years, and he is just a poor child, and he will be sympathized and understood by everyone. Otherwise, the Nangong family is likely to sweep themselves out of the house because they are evil. Sending himself to the church was also indirectly protecting himself, because his spiritual magic at that time was inspired by Xuanyuan Qinghong invited by Nangongsi.

Nangong Linu smiled bitterly in her heart. Unexpectedly, a kind practice at that time brought so much trouble to herself now. However, it doesn't matter. I have broken through the holy level, and there will always be a way to lift this shackle.

But at present, Nangong Linu looked at Nangongji in a complicated manner, and she couldn't tell the feeling in her heart. This father, who has hated him for so many years, is actually a poor man.

"Li girl, I don't expect you to forgive me." Nangong Si sighed, "I just want you to grow up safely and get married." After a pause, Nangongsi continued, "Your future husband will inherit the huge family business of our Nangong family, which is also what I discussed with A Zhi at the beginning. It's a compensation for the innocent you.

Of course, Nangong Linu also knows this matter through spiritual magic that she doesn't care about who the future owner of the Nangong family is. I just didn't expect that the owner of a thousand-year-old family would one day be a stranger. Nangong Linu also saw how guilty Nangongji was about herself. However, she is asked to say a word of forgiveness now, but she can't say anything.

"The person you let go today, shouldn't it be..." Nangong Si's sudden sentence interrupted Nangong Linu's meditation.

"No, I have nothing to do with him." Nangong Linu subconsciously refuted, but how did she look like three hundred taels of silver here.

"Ha ha, you don't have to worry about anything." After Nangong Linu knew everything, Nangong seemed to put down all the burdens in his heart. Without pressure, he seemed to be much better. "I won't let the tragedy happen again on you." Nangong Si continued to say kindly, "In my heart, that boy's strength is good and good-looking. He can be regarded as a talent. Although he embarrassed our Nangong family today, I can eliminate all obstacles for you.

"It's really nothing..." Nangong Linu was a little overwhelmed, but after all, she was no longer a child and soon regained her composure. "As long as you don't pursue him any more, I still have to deal with the aftertibi of my father... Nangong Zhi." After saying that, Nangong Linu turned around and left, but Nangong Si's heart hurt. For more than 20 years, I wanted to hear her call herself father, but...

"You haven't recovered yet. Take more rest." Nangong Linu opened the door of the study and stood still for a moment without looking back. Then she quickly left and gently closed the door.

Hearing his daughter's concern, Nangongji finally couldn't help shedding tears. I wanted to ask her about the smuggling of Dean's company, but it doesn't matter at this moment.

"This is not true!" At the same time, the Dongfang brothers and sisters also quickly found out the reason why the police came to Qin Gu. The reason why it is so simple is not because they used the power of the family, but because Qin Gu has become a wanted criminal across the country. Dongfang invited Lingmou to sit on the chair and muttered to himself.

Dongfang Yuhuang looked at his sister and could only shake his head helplessly. Although the contact with Qin Gu did not last long and there was friction between the two, Dongfang Yuhuang did not believe that Qin Gu would do such a thing.

"Let Qin Gu hide first, and I'll check what's going on." Dongfang Yuhuang patted his sister on the shoulder, told her, and left.

Like waking up from a dream, an oriental invitation, a spirit stood up and ran quickly to Nangong Li's home. Xiaogu, don't be fine. He restored the sober invitation of the East, but he was more worried about Qin Gu.

"Bumb-bang!" Soon, Dongfang invited Ling to Nangong Li's house and knocked on the door crazily, "Xiao Gu, open the door quickly."

Qin Gu, who was studying the Pangu axe, heard the sound of the invitation from the east outside the door, put away the axe and got up to open the door.

"Otani, come with me." As soon as the door opened, Dongfang Qiling grabbed Qin Gu's arm and wanted to take him away.

"What happened?" Qin Gu was shocked, but he could only close the door and go out with the invitation of the East.

When he came downstairs, Dongfang invited Ling to look left and right nervously, then turned around and said to Qin Gu with a serious face, "You take me to fly to Shanghai now, and then I will find a way to smuggle you abroad."

"Hey! What the hell happened? Do you need to exaggerate like this?" Qin Gu was really thundered this time, not to mention how tired it was to fly from here to Shanghai. I can't stand it alone, not to mention bringing another person. It's just that what day is it? Why does everyone let me go abroad? Can't you tolerate me in China?

"Exaggerated?" Dongfang invited Ling with a worried face, "Do you know that you are now a first-class wanted criminal in the country?"

"Wanted criminal? Who? Me?" Qin Gu was shocked. He usually abided by the law. How did he become a wanted criminal and return to the first level? There is a sister Li in the Nangong family. It should be all right. Then who came to frame himself like this? Xuanyuan family? Qin Gu suddenly thought of Nangong Xun, who helped Xuanyuan's family. Isn't that guy trying to silence me to cover up the fact that he committed the crime? If he can't beat it, he will come to the dark. Fortunately, he has lived at such an old age that he actually came to do this.

"I'm not kidding you." Dongfang invited the spirit to see Qin Gu's leisurely appearance and was about to die of urgency. "You must leave China now to avoid this limelight. Do you know how much crime you have committed?"

"Ha ha, I really want to know what name they gave me." After confirming the person who framed himself, Qin Gu despised the middle-aged uncle to see what tricks he could do.

"You are the devil who killed thousands of people. This is the biggest case in China in recent years." Dongfang invited him to beat this guy up. When is it? It's still so slow. But then, he asked uneasily, "Otani, you didn't really kill thousands of people, did you?"

Hearing the words of Dongfang's invitation, Qin Gu was completely stunned. Shouldn't it be... Qin Gu thought of the only possibility. Qin Gu felt deeply guilty when he indirectly killed Lei. Now he completely opens the forbidden place in his heart that he least wants to touch.

Seeing Qin Gu's reaction, Dongfang invited spirit's heart "clucked" and said with some horror, "Xiao Gu, can't you really..."

"Maybe I really should turn myself in." Qin Gu remembered the previous mood again and said mocking himself. Unexpectedly, this Nangong Xun suddenly poked his pain. But why didn't Grandpa Xuanyuan stop him? Didn't he promise himself that this matter was over? Or is there also the shadow of Grandpa Xuanyuan in all this? Why on earth did they treat me like this?

"No, absolutely don't turn yourself in, never let you go to prison." Unexpectedly, the Oriental Invitation Spirit suddenly jumped into Qin Gu's arms. In an instant, Qin Gu did not respond at all.