Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super


Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Author: hidden in late autumn

Category: History

State: Completion

Historically, he is not a loyal and filial son. Now, he is a filial son, but he is by no means a loyal minister. Historically, he is said to be brave and invincible. Now, he prefers conspiracy and tricks to killing and set fire. Historically, he said that he was ambitious and both literary and military, and now he shamefully admitted these two points. Historically, he is not a fierce general, but a hero. Now, he really has 100,000 Xiliang iron riders and stares at the world. However, the reason why he did this...' Fuck, you can't rob your wife with Lv Bu, Cao Cao, Sun Ce, Zhou Yu and other bigwigs!'

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