Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 635 The Great Migration

"Please come back. There is no need to mention the temporary stationed in the northern part of Jingzhou!" Liu Watch shook his hand and retreated angrily.

Seeing this, Xun Yue, Han Song and Qin Yu knew that it was useless to say more, so they also returned to the station. Naturally, along the way, Xun Yue and Han Song looked at Qin Yu with strange eyes. It seems that Qin Yu, whom they knew before, is not the same as the person in front of them. Qin Yu thought about the task given to him by Ma Chao, so he did not pay attention to the strange situation of the two.

It was not until he returned to the post station room that Qin Yu closed the door and said to the air, "Come out."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Yu saw a dark shadow quietly floating under the beam. After the shadow stood down, he held his fist at Qin Yu and said, "Mu Yuanfeng, see the master."

"Your hidden skills have grown again." Qin Yu praised Mu Yuanfeng, then waved his hand and said, "Don't call me the master anymore. Since I entered the Ma family, I will be called the official position of the Ma family. Although Ma Chao is not afraid of the formation of his subordinates, he will always have feelings in his heart. Now he is no longer the one who begged us for the divine gate.

"My subordinates are obeding." Mu Yuanfeng listened to Qin Yu's words and nodded to himself to write it down: After all, the two of them share the same lineage, and Mu Yuanfeng was very clear about the wisdom of the 'door master'.

Since then, Qin Yu has not spoken much. He just took the paper and pen, wrote a few words, dried the ink, and handed it to Mu Yuanfeng and said, "You know the importance of this letter. Use the shadow channel to send it directly to the master as soon as possible."

"I understand!" Mu Yuanfeng carefully folded the letter, put it close to his arms, and then disappeared.

Seven days later, this letter was placed on Ma Chao's desk. After reading the content, Ma Chao looked sad or happy, but casually picked up another letter and said to Mu Yuanfeng, "You know the importance of this letter and send it to Qin Yu as soon as possible. He will be interested in the above content and will understand what I mean..."

"I obey!" Mu Yuanfeng smiled bitterly and couldn't help but feel deeply sad about his role as running errands. However, just as he was about to leave, he heard Ma Chao say another sentence: "Be careful on the road. Thank you for your hard work."

Mu Yuanfeng paused, and then saluted Ma Chao before he left.

"My husband has just recovered from his illness and can't work too hard anymore." Diao Chan only met Mu Yuanfeng, and then came in to see Ma Chao's tiredness clenching his temples, and couldn't help comforting.

But as soon as the words fell, before Ma Chao replied, Pound stepped in and hugged Ma Chao and told him, "Lord, the disaster victims outside the city have gathered. I don't know..."

"Wait for me to give them a ride." Ma Chao got up defiantly, passed the things around Diao Chan, and whispered, "Millions of disaster victims have migrated thousands of miles to Yongzhou. Such a huge thing may not happen in a hundred years. The whole Ma family had to walk on thin ice and be thoughtful... So, how can I stay out of the matter?"

When Diao Chan heard the words, he couldn't help but look gloomy. But looking at Ma Chao's tired back, she smiled and quickly followed Ma Chao and said, "As a husband and wife, you and I will overcome this difficult time together!"

Ma Chao looked back at Diao Chan's firm eyes and couldn't help smiling. He was speechless, but he walked out of the Shangshutai hand in hand with Diao Chan. However, the two were warmly moved, and after a sting of incense, they were extinguished by the black and pressing wave of disaster victims outside the city. Therefore, Ma Chao gave up his intention to say goodbye to these disaster victims: this time, the Ma family sent all the officials in the group, and hundreds of people among the more than 100,000 disaster victims in Chang'an, they were like water dripping into the boundless ocean and could hardly find a shadow at all.

Even if Ma Chao is dazzling and his voice is louder, in the face of more than 100,000 disaster victims, his voice can't be heard at all: the sad feelings of saying goodbye to the disaster victims can only leave a final memorial in his compassionate eyes.

Ma Jiajun dispatched all this time to cooperate with Zhong Yu's officials and distributed five days of rations to these victims. At the same time, all the soldiers of the Ma army also polished the knives and guns in their hands: this is the most dangerous moment. The hometown is difficult to leave, especially the regional plot of the ancients, which is even more difficult for Ma Chao to estimate. Although Ma Chao repeatedly promised that this was only a temporary separation, the Ma family worked hard to bring these victims together, not hoping that they would oppose the Ma family together at the last moment.

Fortunately, the simple Li Shu was not as angry as Ma Chao expected. Under the maintenance of the Ma family army, they showed extremely excellent discipline. When the peripheral alert Ma family army beat the drum, the Ma officials shouted the quiet slogan. Countless disaster victims carried the dross cakes just distributed to them by the Ma family, looking at the people who could give them the last hope of survival with a trace of prayer and hope. The Ma Jiajun, in twos and threes, symbolically held water and fire sticks and cleared up some small open spaces to let officials preach the decree arrangements during the migration.

Fortunately, the Ma family has done a full job in the early stage. During the preaching, there was no sign of deterioration in the tide of disaster victims. When the officials of the Ma family explained all the laws and orders hoarsely, more than 100,000 disaster victims silently expressed their obedience.

Until this time, Ma Chao's heart hanging in the air suddenly came to reality: getting such an effect is inseparable from Zhong Yu's excellent administrative ability. He found that all the victims were actually automatically gathered by regional clans, which seemed to be chaotic, but in fact they were very xenophobic. Most of the people who control those disaster victims are the elderly or Lizheng in the clan.

Therefore, before gathering, Ma Chao ordered the Ma army and officials to try their best to have a good relationship with those Zong Lao and Li Zheng, and support those Zong Lao Li to freely manage their disaster victims, among which Ma Jiajun only played a role in maintaining justice.

For the same migration, Ma Chao still relied on those Zong Lao and Li Zheng. After the officials announced the legal order, the patriarchs and Li Zheng stood up one by one, knelt down in public to accept the temporary appointment of the Ma family, and then commanded the young and young of the clan to help the old and the young, and followed the instructions of the Ma family's iron horse to march towards Yongzhou.

The grouping work in the Sili area lasted for three days and three nights. In these three nights, Ma Chao did not close his eyes once, watched the vast wave of disaster victims, neatly discharged countless echelons according to the clan area, and left the Chang'an field one after another. In this activity, there was no riot and *, but only the helplessness of the victims and the cloudy eyes of tomorrow.

Countless livestock were driven by the people, and countless victims dragged a simple wheelbicle, loaded food and various rag boards and walked on Chang'an Guandao. From Chang'an to Hangu Pass, all the remaining large families in all counties in the area controlled by the Ma family were ordered to build porridge sheds, prepare well water, and provide home assistance within their ability.

When the last wave of disaster victims disappeared in Ma Chao's eyes, Ma Chao couldn't help bursting into tears. He held the hand of Diao Chan, who had been with him all the time, choked and asked, "Do I do this? Is it right or wrong?

Along the way, Diao Chan witnessed the tragic scene of many disaster victims falling by the roadside, and also saw those disaster victims continue to move forward on the road of survival paved with similar bones. And those who died silently had to be burned and buried by the Ma army in order to prevent them from becoming the source of the plague, erasing all the traces of their survival in this troubled world...

"My husband, Cicada doesn't know whether you did it right or not. But Cicada knows that you have saved at least millions of Li Shu's lives..." Diao Chan kissed Ma Chao affectionately and finally said, "You are not a god. You have tried your best..."

"Yes, I've tried my best..." Ma Chao suddenly said to himself silently. Then he began to walk back step by step, stepping on the black and lifeless land.