Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 641 The first half of Xingping's first year

Since the imperial edict of the emperor of the Han Dynasty and changed the first peace to Xingping, the sky did not seem to have heard the humble wishes of the emperor's heart. The fragmented thirteen states of the Han Dynasty have fallen into a fragmented and battle since Dong Zhuo's rebellion.

Yuan Shaoxiong controlled Jizhou, Gongsun Zan controlled Youzhou, Ma Chao controlled the extremely Sili District of Yongzhou, Yuan Shu occupied Yuzhou and the northern part of Yangzhou, and Jingzhou was still controlled by Liu Biao. In addition, Tao Qian formed independent forces in Xuzhou, Liu Zhang in Yizhou, and Zhang Lu in Han. The situation of warlords before the establishment of the Three Kingdoms was so chaotic. It seems that a chaotic era is waiting for the arrival of the great hero.

And in this way, all the princes are still not satisfied. At the moment when WeChat has dropped to the freezing point in the center of Han Dynasty. They showed their ferocious claws and fought for self-interest. Under natural and man-made disasters, the whole first year of Xingping was completely contrary to the long-cherished wishes of the people.

At the beginning of this year, Yuan Shao had another dispute with Gongsun Zan. After the battle between Jiyou and the two states, he focused on the competition for Qingzhou. After Cao Cao welcomed back to Liu Xie, the princes of all parties no longer paid attention to the Han Dynasty. Yuan Shao privately took his eldest son Yuan Tan as the assassin of Qingzhou and ordered him to attack the Qingzhou assassin Tian Kai placed by Gongsun Zan. Tian Kai led troops to fight and was repeatedly defeated by Yuan Tan. Soon, Hanting sent his envoy Zhao Qi to Guandong to make peace for Yuan and Gongsun. So the two armies went on strike and truceed, and Yuan Shao's forces entered Qingzhou.

In the spring of this year, Wei County, Jizhou, mutiny, joined forces with tens of thousands of the Black Mountain army in the drug year to capture Ye City and kill the governor of Wei County. In May, Yuan Shao marched into Chaoge and attacked the Black Mountain army near Luchang Mountain. He besieged for five days, beheaded the poison, and killed more than 10,000 people of the Montenegrin army. Yuan Shao then followed the mountain, broke through the Black Mountain army in the beard Zhangba, Liu Shi, Qingniu Jiao, Zuo, Guo Daxian, Li Damu, Yu Digen and other departments, and beheaded tens of thousands of levels. He also fought with Zhang Yan of the Black Army in Changshan. Zhang Yan's army was very powerful, with tens of thousands of elite soldiers and thousands of horses. The two armies fought fiercely for more than ten days. Both sides were killed and injured, and the soldiers were exhausted. So he stopped the war and led his troops to retreat.

It can be said that the first half of the first year of Xingping was a dazzling moment for Yuan Shao to shine under the fourth generation and five public families. Under the situation of internal and external troubles, Yuan Shao worked hard and with dignity to resist the internal rebellion and the invasion of external Gongsun Zan, and completely laid down and developed his power in Jizhou.

It can be seen that Yuan Shao's original entrepreneurial plan - the river in the south, Yan in the north, Dai, and the people of Rongdi in the south to compete for the world. - Like Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, it is feasible to first unify the north of the Yellow River, then take Hebei as the base, and use nomadic cavalry as an auxiliary to go south to compete for the world. What's more can be seen is that Yuan Shao is talented and powerful, and he is not an ordinary second generation of officials.

And this year, Yuan Shao is not the only one who also shines. Cao Cao, the new noble of the princes, has no earth-shaking achievements. However, he continued to implement the policy of instigation and appeasement, and incorporated the main force of the yellow scarf of Jibei. Therefore, Yanzhou under Cao Cao's rule reached the peak of faith under the loyal and beautiful name of serving the emperor.

Not only that, at the beginning of the first year of Xingping, Cao Cao was under the influence of the Ma family's imperial examination. It was said that more than 40 participants were admitted to the Han court, and the second one was given to the crown prince, and the next one was dismissed. Although the number of people in this palace examination is very small, it can be seen that Cao Cao is also actively changing his identity from a prince to a Ma family, with a vision that regards the world as a great cause.

In the same year, Cao Cao also ordered to farm to support the people and restore Yanzhou's agricultural economy. This article makes Cao Cao one level higher than other princes in strategy and foresight.

The first half of Xingping's first year was a very important half year for Cao Cao. He obtained the two decisive strategic decisions of "Fengdai Tianzi" and "Tuntian to raise the people", and also incorporated 300,000 Qingzhou troops, which established Yanzhou's decisive position, and seemed to have gradually begun to move towards the superior ruling tendency under one person and ten thousand people. Moreover, in early April, he gave birth to a romantic, talented and very precious son, Cao Zhi.

This year, Cao * was 39 years old. Although the first half of this year is not Cao Cao's most glorious half year, it is definitely Cao Cao's most proud and comfortable half year.

At the same time, Jiangdong is not peaceful. A rising star is announcing his coming to this era with his unique domineering posture.

This person's name is Sun Ce. The eldest son of Jiangdong Tiger, Sun Bofu.

The Han court took Liu Yu as the governor of Yangzhou. Because the state was based on Yuan Shu, Liu Yu then moved to Wu County Qu'a. After Sun Ce broke through the Lujiang River, Liu Yu was afraid that Yuan Shu would continue to take care of himself. He expelled Wu Jing, the governor of Dan Yang, and Sun Ce's cousin, Sun Ben, and took control of Dan Yang, and divided the key roads with the generals Fan Neng, Yu Mi and Zhang Ying to guard against Yuan Shu.

Wu Jing and Sun Ben retreated to Liyang. Yuan Shu made Wu Jing and Sun Ben counterattack and fought unfavorably. Sun Ce presented his jade seal to Yuan Shu. After getting 3,000 soldiers and horses, he went south to Jiangdong to help Wu Jing attack Liu Yao. As a result, Sun Ce began to advance in Liyang and collected troops along the way. There were 56,000 people in Liyang. After that, he got rid of Yuan Shu's control and began to calm down Jiangdong.

After Liyang, Sun Ce has been helped by Zhou Yu, Lu Su and others. Immediately attack the two Yangtze River ferries of Hengjiang and Dangli, which were resisted by Fan Neng and Zhang Ying. Fan Neng and Zhang Ying were defeated, and Sun Ce immediately went east through the Yangtze River and captured Liu Wei's barracks in Niuzhu Mountain, making full use of grain and weapons.

At that time, Pengcheng Xiangxue Li and Xia Pi Xiangrong took Liu Yu as the leader of the alliance. After Sun Ce broke through Muling City guarded by Xue Li and Xia Pi City guarded by Yurong, he broke through Meiling, Hushu, Jiang Cheng and other places, and directly attacked Wu Junqu'a occupied by Liu Yu. Liu Yu was defeated in the battle and retreated to Dantu. Sun Ce led the army into Qu'a and appeased the counties, which was a metaphor for the people. All those who surrendered Liu Yu's subordinates were not guilty. The people were happy to join the army, and their families were exempted from military service. In ten days, 20,000 soldiers were collected and more than 1,000 horses. So Sun Ce was based in Danyang County and Wu County, Weizhen Jiangdong.

This year was a year for Sun Ce to show his skills. Taking 3,000 soldiers and horses as the basis to sweep the east of the river is really an unparalleled achievement of the Han Dynasty. The name of Jiangdong's young lion resounded in the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty, which directly covered the trend of Ma Chao and Ma Mengqi, which was known as the "Western Liang Jinxiu" in those years. The world praised these two outstanding young talents with 'North Ma Nansun'.

This year, there was another episode, which was broken by Sun Ce and made outstanding contributions to the rise of Buddhism in later generations. Futu Temple is used for Buddhism to penetrate into the hearts of Danyang, Xuzhou.

Zhang Rong is from Danyang. During the war at the end of the Han Dynasty, hundreds of people gathered in the same county as Tao Qian, the assassin of Xuzhou. He humbly supervised the grain transportation in the three counties of Guangling, Xia Pi and Pengcheng, and served as Pi Xiang. Rong Chong Buddha and believe in floating butchery, that is, the Futu Temple is a heavy building with three counties. The pavilion is deep and can accommodate more than 3,000 people. The Buddha is dressed in gold and brocade. For each bath Buddha, there are more vegetarian meals and banquets on the road, four or five miles away, and there are as many as 10,000 people who go to eat and watch the ceremony.

This move was an indelible act after the Buddhist teachings were transmitted to the White Horse Temple until the entire Eastern Han Dynasty. Since the prevalence of Taoism and classic culture in China, Buddhism has gone deep into the Han Dynasty to the east, which is indeed a great cultural undertaking.

However, this year, even though there were so many dazzling deeds that caused a sensation in the Han Dynasty, the stormy Han Dynasty was even more precarious and its prestige was swept away. However, in the area of Sili, Ma Mengqi, the head of the Ma family, still wore the most glorious coat of the first year of Xingping with the move of moving millions of disaster victims to Sili. The rise of prestige is close to the Han Dynasty that has been precipitated for hundreds of years. As a result, it is difficult for the Han Dynasty to cover the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty.

And the following events do not seem to follow the wishes of the Han emperor. The princes from all over the world have no Han room. Yuan Shu in Yuzhou also became restless because Yuan Shao, Cao, Ma Chao and Sun Ce bombarded Tianwei. In the second half of the first year of Xingping, he set off a sword war in the four states of Yu, Jing, Yan and Sili. The whole situation of the Han Dynasty seemed to be moving towards a road of chaos without knowing the end... ..

PS: As you all know, this is a transitional chapter, and tomorrow, it will be an exciting little explosion and war content!