Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 747 Pound's Revenge!

Liangzhou horse is large and sprinting fast, although it is not good at long-distance combat. But other war horses can't compare with the charge on the battlefield.

The world has never doubted that Xiliang's charging ability is the strongest. Correspondingly, the Ma warriors also have the same spirit, especially under Pound, who has endured his anger, and are extremely manic and angry: since its establishment, the Ma family has never been forced to hide in the valley for half a month!

Fortunately, at this time, they can finally vent their grievances. Looking at the Cheng Yijun at the foot of the mountain, who had been devastated by the call of the people of Liangzhou, Pound clearly felt that it was time for him to wash away his previous shame.

"Let's attack, general." Fa Zheng opened his mouth gloomyly. At this time, his face was full of regret and hatred.

"Filial, don't worry too much. Although you were greedy and aggressively in the previous period, if you hadn't been bravely and carefully, you could find out that Chengyi's army was a miscellaneous crowd and infiltrated into the living room, even if Gaixun's reputation was quite high, it would not have been possible to achieve the effect of making Chengyi's army chaos at once. After Pound finished speaking, he patted Fazheng on the shoulder, then raised the big knife in his hand, and suddenly roared, "Children, it's time to be ashamed. Can you raise your head in front of the lord in the future? Let's see what's battle today!!"

"Kill with me!!" Under a command, Pound took the lead in charging down and broke through the formationless brigade of Chengyi's army with a drum. Its sharpness was like cutting a piece of butter with a fierce knife.

"The Ma family is powerful!" At this time, the rear of Cheng Yi's army suddenly rushed out more than 10,000 Ma's army. Zhang Xiu, Ma Dai, Wei Yan and Li Yan, like four pythons, led their infantry and cavalry, either surrounded or plundered, and surrounded by Cheng Yi's army!

"To join the Ma family and live the prosperous life of the people of Yongzhou is today!!" Gai Xun is full of martial arts, although his body has been tortured to the point of fighting. But his longing battle cry immediately awakened the rebels who had been called back by his neighbors' parents. After crying one after another, he picked up the blade in his hand and returned to kill the enemy!

"Quick, hold on to me!!" Cheng Yi was under the strong assault of the Ma army and was confused. Looking at his subordinates starting to be confused**, he scolded sadly: "A group of white-eyed wolves raised by their mother will work hard on women! Hurry up and rush to me!!"

However, as soon as the words fell, Chengyi saw that Pang De was like a fierce god, rushing straight to himself with fierce momentum: "Congyi, bring your head!"

"Break!" Pound roared and waved his knife. A Liangzhou soldier with a wooden shield in front of him was cut into two sections with a shield, and blood splashed out rapidly, like a spring. Even those who are used to killing rarely see such a bloody scene. All the blood in the human body spewed out in the blink of an eye, and Pound's black armor was dyed red by the whole child. The Liangzhou soldiers in front of him were stunned one after another, and they didn't know when the blade in his hand would fall. The first thing I realized was to escape from Pound's fierce gaze like crazy.

At this time, Pound didn't care about these miscellaneous fish at all. He stared at Cheng Yi, turned his wrist, and the BMW swept across, and a huge head pulled a blood tail to the sky. In the face of Pound like a murderer, no matter how detailed the calculation is, it is useless to think calmly. When that kind of mountain-like domineering rushes towards you, it will make people lose the ability to think and lose the power to fight.

Cheng Yi was stunned to see Pound's violently kill a personal defender and suddenly felt a great danger. In the face of the Ma family, the earliest general to become famous, Cheng Yi knew how lucky he had won at the beginning. And face-to-face collision, Cheng Yi felt that the three of them tied together could not be Pound's opponents at all. However, the Ma army led by Pound came too fast and rushed so fiercely that they rushed to him in less than a blink of an eye.

Poor Cheng Yi looked around and found that the front and back were all the unstoppable generals of the Ma family. Zhang Xiu, Ma Dai, Wei Yan and Li Yan came together. Cheng Yi felt that any of these people could easily cut off their heads.

In desperation, Cheng Yi, with red eyes, killed several retreating generals and ordered his troops to line up to stop him. But before the blocking position was completed, it was broken through by the Ma army layer by layer.......

The flow of people around him** was so chaotic, and the drums and shouts on the battlefield were so noisy and complicated. The soldiers huddled beside him and shouted something. There are those who want to escape, those who kill red eyes and shout, and those who are scared on the battlefield, messy, everything.

"The Ma army is so strong that we can't win at all!"

"Don't want to disturb the army! Let me attack!"

"Oh, my God, the Ma army has attacked from the mountain, and there are many people! We are surrounded!"

"Don't mess up, don't mess up, get close to me... Bastard, I was trampled down and pulled me up... Stupid, I'm a captain... I... I... Ah!"

"Escape quickly. The Ma army is coming, and the officials are dead. Brothers are running for their lives!"

"Don't kill me, I surrender, I surrender!"

Finally, Cheng Yi roared in fear at the moment when he was about to collapse. After knowing the outcome of this fiasco, he suddenly seemed to think of something and quickly waved the arrow and ordered his remnants to disturb him. When he opened his mouth again, he shouted a sentence that made all the Ma army's offensives sluggish!

"Don't fight, I'm Cheng Yi and all my soldiers, willing to join the Ma family!!"

This roar was really sharp and powerful, breaking through the layers of chaos in the battlefield and clearly reached everyone's ears. At this time, Pound, who raised his knife and was about to cut, seemed to be slightly stunned after hearing this shout. However, when he reacted quickly, he changed it to a beat. After patting the soldier in front of him, he opened his mouth and responded, "All Liangzhou soldiers, put down the blade. If you don't obey, kill him!"

Even though Pound was defeated once, he is still the highest military man of Ma Jiawuxun on this battlefield. As a result, under his order, all the Ma army began to slowly contract and condense into a tight defensive formation. After seeing this scene, Liangzhou Jun didn't understand what had happened. As all the Ma soldiers repeated Pound's persuasant slogans loudly, for a while, the sound of ping-pong weapons falling to the ground was like a series of fried beans. What's more, there were some veterans who directly covered their heads and knelt on the ground. Obviously, they were very proficient in this business.

Some things can't be easier when things get here. However, when Cheng Yi came to meet Pound with a humble smile, Pound suddenly cut off Cheng Yi's head without saying a word, making the poor general's face fly to the air with a shy smile and unbelievable!

"Don't worry!!" Pound raised his hand and motioned his men to roar at his words at the same time: "I only kill the first evil, and I will never kill innocents indiscriminately!"

With a timely and decisive sentence, the vague Liangzhou army was immediately appeased. Then, Pound's words burst into their eyes like a wolf!

"I'm going to rescue the lord. There are people who accompany me. Since then, it's Ma Jiajun!" Speaking of this, Pound's always firm face also rarely smiled: "I'm afraid you also know that Ma's army's combat achievements are extremely good, all of which can be obtained from the enemy's head!! If you want to fight, today is my Pound's subordinate, come with me!!"

"Let's go!!!" How can the Liangzhou army not be sincerely admired when they see Pang De's demeanor at this time? The enemy who had shouted to kill at this time looked at each other and smiled, clenched the blade in his hand, and followed Pang De to find the glory of these soldiers in troubled times!