Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 769 Ugly Brother is back

Back to Chang'an, Brother Ug has wiped his eyes three times.

And holding a solid and lovely child with an obvious maternal smile on his face, he couldn't help saying, "husband, what's wrong with you?"

"Like snow," Brother Chou was still like falling into a dream until he entered the city. He couldn't believe it and said, "In those days of the disaster victims in Chang'an, you raised your fetus at home. I didn't see the tragic situation of Chang'an. But now, this is still Chang'an, obviously Fufeng!"

"Help the wind?" When Huang Zhong behind Brother Chou heard the words, he couldn't help asking, "Nephew, Fufeng County is actually more prosperous and rich than Chang'an?"

"Uncle, you don't know." Brother Chou scratched his head. After he couldn't think of anything to describe Fufeng, he simply said, "My ugly brother has also traveled south and north for more than ten years. I can pat his chest and tell you that Fufeng County is the most prosperous place my ugly brother has ever seen, and that was a year ago..."

"What ugly brother said should be true." Wen Ping frowned and meditated for a moment and said, "Han Sheng, although I have seen the natural disaster in Chang'an for half a year. But think about it, Chang'an is so flaming now. It can be imagined that Fufeng, the rising place of the Ma family, will be worse?

After hearing this, Huang Zhong also nodded silently. The group, like ordinary tourists, listened all the way with the memory of Brother Chou. However, even so, Chang'an's change is too big. Brother Chou has lost his way several times. Finally, there was nothing she could do, so Miss Ruxue had to whisper, "husband, if it really doesn't work, let's show the identity of the shadow..."

"Absolutely not!" Brother Ug's face immediately turned a little dark. Thinking that I was also one of the best characters in the shadows, I couldn't find a way when I got home. I really answered that sentence: I'm ashamed...

Fortunately, Huang Zhong and Wen Ping were also very popular. After hinting that Brother Chou didn't have to rush to see Ma Chao, the group of people strolled around again.

And this visit, Brother Chou was even more shocked. Walking through the streets and alleys, I obviously feel that this Longxing city is not what it used to be. Even if Brother Ug accidentally was careless, he found that there were much more crowded people here.

When they first entered the city, the group saw that the wall of Chang'an had not only been repaired, but also raised and thickened by a foot. Moreover, on the outside, there is no longer the potholed masonry. But it is clean and as if it has experienced several years of natural handwriting. As soon as you look at the appearance, it gives people an unbreakable and solid psychological impression. It really makes those foreigners who only have cavalry sigh.

And the shops on Chang'an Street are much dense, and the facade of each house is simply outrageous. Each store hangs eye-catching signs, guises, and even tall colorful buildings built with colorful silk... Brother Chou is not unfamiliar with those, which were first used to solicit business in brothels, but now, ordinary merchants are also used to attract people's eyes.

Looking along the street, countless colorful and colorful shops compete for beauty. Under the Gaomen shop, it is as if all the disaster victims have moved back. These people, with obviously different accents, are also strangely dressed, and there are aliens with deep-nosed faces... Some of them come to make a living, some come to buy goods, and some come purely for fame.

Brother Ug can't figure out why Chang'an City was suddenly reborn in just over half a year. After chatting all the way, I realized that this was all the master's handwriting.

After Ma Chao wrote the Outline for the Development of the Ma Family in the coming year, the Ma family launched an economic battle of 'Zhongxing Sili and restoring the glory of the heart of the Han Dynasty' under the leadership of Ma Chao.

The first thing to do is to enforce the new policy and collect the hearts of the people. After the Ma family once again surveyed the population and reissued the land and housing,

began to transport winter wheat into Chang'an and began the battle to increase production and income in Sili. What follows is the promotion of new tools, the transformation of farmland water conservancy in various places, and other sprouts that give people hope.

Immediately after that, the Ma family launched the second round of imperial examination. In this imperial examination, the scope of talents is wider and the number of people taking the examination is larger. Scholars and capable people from all over the country regard the Ma family to carry out the imperial examination in Longxing Treasure Land in the Han Dynasty. Countless people rushed thousands of miles to the heart of the Han Dynasty with dreams.

This is the first small sensation in Chang'an from the outside to the inside. The second sensation was that when the Ma family attracted investment, merchants from all over the country came to settle in. Driven by huge interests, Chang'an gradually revived and had a new atmosphere of fireworks.

After that, there is no need to say that Chang'an suddenly burst into his energy under the accumulation of hair. Factory workshops, farmland water conservancy, shop commerce, post-disaster reconstruction and other matters have made efforts. And those second batch of scholars who were picked up almost took office as soon as they entered the list and threw themselves into the hot construction of the Ma family.

Until this time, Brother Chou had already made a plan in his mind. He turned around and smiled at Huang Zhong and Wen Ping and said, "Let's go out of the city. The lord is definitely not in the city today."

"Why?" Huang Zhongwen didn't say anything yet, but Ru Xue asked first.

"Since winter wheat has been sown in the Sili area, how can the lord sit in the city when the spring harvest is busy?" Brother Chou explained that he knew how much women fell in love with their families and said, "Ruxue, you go back first. Let's see if Wang Ling has treated our little daughter badly..."

Wang Ling is naturally the daughter-in-law of the ugly brother who snatched his apprentice and daughter from Wang Yue's swordsman. After more than a year, the flower-like girl was finally savagely conquered by the ugly man, the ugly brother, and was very obedient to the ugly brother.

And it was at this time that Brother Chou suddenly saw a black horse roaring in Chang'an City. Immediately, the knight was quite skilled, and his riding skills could be described as amazing. Although it was bustling on Chang'an Street, the man was able to see the needle passing through the cracks and was not shocked.

It's just that his riding is over. Because the location of Brother Chou and his party is still in a residential area, and there is not much flow of people. Further ahead, there is a crowded commercial area. Even if he rides around, it is impossible for him to leap over the turbulent crowd.

But even so, ugly brother, Huang Zhong and Wenpin also had a fire in their hearts: under the rule of the Ma family in Chang'an, there were such arrogant people riding rampant on the street, which was simply dizzy!

But gradually, when Brother Chou and Huang Zhong saw the dazzling brocade clothes behind the knight, their faces couldn't help but become extremely strange. After looking at each other, they showed an incomprehensible wry smile. Only Wenpin strode forward and seemed to be about to intercept the knight.

It was at this time that the knight jumped over a child who fell to the ground and did not hurt him at all. But Wenpin can't see it at the moment. He grabs the first step and punches to attack the strong dark horse like a dragon!

"Zhongye, no!"

"General Wen, don't do it!!"

Huang Zhong and Brother Chou shouted at the same time, but they were shocked. Hei* was about to be hit hard by Wenpin! But the next moment, Huang Zhong and Brother Chou saw that the knight actually flew up. After catching Wen Ping's fist in the air, he turned over and twisted it and directly threw Wen Ping out!

"Lord!!" After all, Brother Chou is the Ma family, and what he cares about is still Ma Chao.

"Zhongye!!" Huang Zhong was different. Originally, he had a good impression of Ma Chao and the Ma family. Seeing Ma Chao's arrogant performance, he couldn't help but look cold and quickly came forward to help Wen Ping.

Wen Ping, who fell down, heard Brother Chou shouting and coughed twice. He looked at Ma Chao, who was as gentle as jade and as strong as a tiger, and said, "How can such a domineering lord follow him?"