Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 800 The Rise of the Tuoba Department

"Who can tell me how this Tuoba department appeared out of thin air!"

In the former grassland royal court, the most powerful united tribe of the Xiongnu was seriously damaged in the melee for more than two months. And this. There is no doubt that it has brought opportunities to other ambitious people on the grassland!

Yuvro had expected this situation for a long time. Therefore, in addition to the war, he has been paying close attention to every move on the grassland. For those tribes with signs and strength, Yuvro always likes to eradicate them when things sprout.

Of course, what Yuvro prefers is to annex those tribes to make them their own people and be completely conquered by themselves!

Yuvruo has always thought so. At the same time, he has always done so.

But today, when he migrated to the grassland next to Hedong County, Bingzhou, he suddenly found that there was a rapidly rising tribe on this not very vast grassland: the Tuoba Department!

What's more hateful is that Yuvruo was stunned to find that this tribe actually had a large number of Ma goods to support its rise and growth!

is tolerable!

Yuvro immediately decided to annex this Tuoba department at all costs!

Because, vaguely, Yuvruo found that he might have fallen into a trap. A conspiracy that was unconsciously brewed because of his own conceit, and a trap that was definitely written by General Chang'an Qiqi!

So, Yuvruo thought of it first with his wolf-like intuition. He has to break free and bury the trap before he is swallowed up by this trap. Then, pretending to be completely ignorant and quickly went to Chang'an Ma's house to surrender!

This time, no matter what the conditions are, Yuvro can agree!

Whether it is sending Wang Huayu back to Chang'an and promise that we will never see you again in the future, or letting Luan Tifu completely submit to Ma Chao's feet, Yu Flow can agree!!

Because he has seen what the situation of the grassland is today. And under this situation, with the goods of the Ma family, what kind of rapid development can be achieved!

Two months ago, Tuoba was just a 10,000-person tribe that Yuvro had never heard of. In the past two months, it began to use the Ma family's goods as bait and penetrated into every corner of the grassland step by step. Moreover, he also directly said his own conditions: Shunchang's rebellion!

Of course, at the beginning, the Tuoba department was not so arrogant. The first thing it did was to buy wool and sell Ma's goods from those tribes of the same size as him, and on this condition, it tied those tribes tightly to his chariot. Then, after a slightly stronger tribe learned the news, it quickly robbed a small tribe that defected to the Tuoba tribe.

The Tuoba Department, which got the news, quickly reacted. It immediately united the small tribes that had been tied to the chariot and attacked the slightly stronger tribe! Moreover, after the victory, all the strong, women and children of that tribe were incorporated into their own tribe, with men as soldiers and women as slaves!

After this war, the Tuoba tribe announced their hierarchy: all the first tribes to accept the kindness of the Tuoba tribe were second-class tribes recognized by the Tuoba tribe. And those tribes that are enemies of the Tuoba tribe will never get the goods of the Ma family and exchange wool for wealth!

Such an oath looks like a joke in a month. Those slightly powerful tribes on the grassland are busy getting a piece of the pie on the grassland after the death of the old king of the Xiongnu. No one pays attention to the words of the Tuoba tribe: an alliance with only a few tens of thousands of herdsmen, a whimsical words of an alliance tribe that can only send more than 10,000 cavalry, and they also want to rely on force like them. That boundless grassland?

After you come to your senses, you can pinch it to death with one finger...

But it turned out that this was not a whimsical big talk at all, but a horrible nightmare! Because of wealth and Ma's goods**, there are many more tribes that want to join this alliance than those who are still immersed in the dream of the 'Grassland King'.

What's more, the sooner you join, the more you can occupy a higher level and enjoy more benefits in the ranking level of the Tuoba Department: this is an opportunity to reshuffle and an opportunity to completely subvert the grassland order!

Smart guy, no matter whether Tuoba's bold words can come true or not, for the face of wealth and Ma's goods, rushed to Tuoba's department as soon as possible and made a request to join the alliance.

The stupid guy, regardless of why the Tuoba Department is so arrogant, also in terms of wealth and the face of the Ma family's goods, rushed to the Tuoba Department at the first time and put forward a request to join.

And those weak and quickly annexed tribes were like grabbing the last life-saving straw and rushed to the Tuoba Department.

And for the tribes he joined, Tuoba has never had any prejudice. He only agreed with who arrived at the first time, regardless of the strength of the tribe or other relatives. Of course, the consequences of this have led to the dissatisfaction and looting of many tribes. Unexpectedly, the Tuoba tribe resisted in the attack again and again, and then gave different treatment to each tribe according to the efforts of the tribes during the war.

In just one month, the Tuoba tribe was integrated into an alliance of medium-class tribes. The top layer is naturally the original team of the Tuoba Department. Later, there are the peripheral tribes that joined the Tuoba tribe for the first time, and the lowest level are those who dared to attack the Tuoba tribe and were defeated.

They will live forever and become slaves at the lowest level of the pyramid of Tuoba, and will always be enslaved and exploited to death!

And now, the Tuoba Department has begun the next round of expansion.

This time, the Tuoba Department has not met the tribe directly. If the new tribe wants to join its alliance, it can only accept those peripheral tribes and become third-level vassals!

It is foreseeable that in this way, such snowballs will roll bigger and bigger!

The support of the Ma family, coupled with such an unprecedented hierarchy, has become the key to winning the grassland!

Although the Tuoba Department has not yet shown the ambition and majestic posture of the hegemony grassland, Yufro has seen that this Tuoba Department will definitely go that far. Because that's what the horse general behind him wants!

The Tuoba Department has no ambition, but Yuvro never underestimates the ambition of the cavalry general!!

But!........ The most resentful and desperate thing is that Yuvro found that he had completely fallen into that trap!

The day after he decided to send troops to attack the Tuoba Department, Yufro was stunned to find that there were two more letters on his tent case: a letter from the leader of Xianbei Budugen, and a letter covered with the seal of the general of the Han Dynasty!!

When he saw the two letters, Yuvro's whole body cooled down for a moment: he did not read the content of the letter, because he knew that the sudden arrival of these two letters had explained everything!

Moreover, Yuvro also immediately separated the two forces behind this: Bu Dugen accepted his own glass wolf sculpture. It can be imagined that without completely surpassing the benefits of the glass wolf sculpture, Bu Dugen could not turn to support the Tuoba department. Unless...

Not bad! The only explanation is the essence of wool for wealth and Ma's goods**!

It seems that the primary and secondary relationship is very clear!

That is to say, the cavalry general in Chang'an set up a seamless conspiracy at the beginning. In the case of ignorance, slowly and slowly cut off all my vitality. It only took him two months to cultivate a new grassland wolf who is more loyal to the Ma family to check and balance, and even... Devour yourself!

With the support of Bu Dugen and the Ma family, Yuvruo knows very well that if he is single-handed, the result can be imagined...

Therefore, after his rage, Yuvro could only drink a bottle of strong wine and look at the stars in the sky, so that all the sparks in his eyes turned into silky cold light and hidden into humble stagnance.

"Where is the family now? Let her come and see me quickly!"

This is what Yuvro can think of at present, and it is the only way to save Luan Ti's department. However, the fate of the Huns on the grassland rests on that woman again, which is really unwilling and has to sigh...