Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1020 Similar Camp

The wolf rushed, and the bereaved dog can no longer describe the formation of the Yuan family's escape. The soldiers who have lost their fighting spirit can only turn the battle into an uncontrollable collapse. At this time, the Yuan family had only one last thought left in their hearts, which was to escape and escape desperately, although they didn't know where to escape for safety. But in fact, they have no idea other than this idea.

Go back and fight? Just kidding!

Tens of thousands of robes are scattered, and one person's return is tantamount to death. During the period of cold weapons warfare, it is based on a stream of blood. As long as you have the courage in your heart, you dare to throw your body into the sea of knives and fire. But if you don't have the courage, one person is brave, but he just lives in vain.

Behind the 20,000 Yuan army, only 200 riders really chased the tail rank. However, it was the momentum of these 200 riders that made the whole battlefield more and more rotten. Who in the world doesn't know the reputation of the Ma family? If tens of thousands of people rush up, they will definitely follow up. However, now when everyone faces the killing gods alone, they can only hope that their pace can be faster and the robes around them can run slower than themselves.

Human nature is always selfish. When they are stimulated to be noble, they can dedicate their lives to the robe. However, at the time of life and death, although they did not say anything, they sincerely hoped that the death of Paze could give them a few more steps to escape...

At this time, Ma Chao has deliberately adjusted the speed and rhythm of the pursuit. He knew that the pursuit of these 200 riders could continue to bring psychological pressure to the Yuan family and bring blood to the Ma cavalry behind him. But at the same time, he knows that it is impossible for his 200 people to completely break through Yuan Shao's 500,000 military camp!

Therefore, he always maintains a delicate distance from the generals behind him, which can not only show their invincible posture, kill those frightened defeated soldiers, but also gradually meet the Ma cavalry in the front of two miles.

This is because Ma Chao's plan this time is not small!

He knew very well the fable of losing a battlefield because of a nail, and when the fable was placed alive in front of him, he decided not to let the fable end without illness - Yuan Shao vomited blood and fled. Such a scene is enough to defeat the Yuan army in the battalion and make the soldiers who returned because of these escapes be disrupted and rioted. The failure that made them like homeless dogs gave extremely strong stimulation to those camp soldiers in an instant, so that they also instinctively chose to flee with them. Finally, the snowballs rolled bigger and bigger, completely annihilating the camp of 500,000 troops!

Such a result naturally requires those soldiers in the camp to see the brave pursuit posture of the Ma army. Therefore, Ma Chao is now very glad to see that the 10,000 cavalry behind him has kept up with him and began to break into the defeated infantry of the Yuan family and kill wantonly!

Two-legged people can never run on four legs.

Everyone knows the unbreakable truth on the battlefield, but not everyone can avoid it.

At this time, Ma Chao could already show a smile before the victory: those poor defeated soldiers did not even have the intention to resist. Even if someone was frightened to fight, they were just fighting alone. At the same time, they also screamed in horror and infected their colleagues next to them, who were Ma Jiajun's favorite enemy.

Many Ma knights rushed in with *, killed two or three people, then roared into the other end, re-teamed, and then stepped in from the other direction, making the enemy at a loss. Ma Chao's eyes were full of enemy blood and blood. And none of the Ma knights are disdain to pick up those soldiers' armor weapons: those things are comparable to the Ma family's standard equipment? They are not the yellow scarf thieves ten years ago! It is Yuan Jun who picks up their weapons and equipment, but they will never have that chance!

At this time, the overall situation has been decided, and there is no need for a commander-in-chief. Therefore, what Ma Chao has to do is to catch up with the Chinese army array that surrounds and protects Yuan Shao, kill some generals of the Yuan family, or if he is lucky enough to cut off Yuan Shao's head, the whole Ma Yuan war can be completely concluded!

Daqi and Panlong Crouching Tiger Gun came out again, and Ma Chao once again showed his majestic posture of the vertical and fully controlled battlefield. After the whole person was completely released, it was like blood killing lightning, creating a tragedy imagined by Superman in every move. The gun will never stop without penetrating the bodies of four people. The big crossbow was broken, and the left-handed Yuanrong crossbow and the meteor poisonous snake took action. The red rabbit galloped, and what was left behind was only a bloody death road. He immediately hissed, and the face of the enemy was full of fear.

Picking up a Yuan Jun's body again, Ma Chao waved his hand and threw him into Yuan Shao's central army in front of him like a burden. However, at this time, Ma Chao suddenly found that something was wrong. 50 steps away from the Yuan army camp, all the defeated soldiers began to kill each other one after another!

Yes, they are indeed killing each other. They roared and pushed each other. Everyone seemed to be looking for something. They did not hesitate to kill the robes of the past and rushed to the camp in front of them! Even the generals Yan Liang and Zhang Qian were also obliquely adjusting the angle of running back on the way of the straight escape, scolding and driving away the enemy who had been in chaos in front of them!

This strange scene made Ma Chao's heart move, and he quickly raised his right hand: it was an order to stop the pursuit.

"Lord!" Zhao Yun, who has always been steady and cold, showed his anger at this time. He picked up his gun and turned around and approached Ma Chao: "At this time, the morale of the enemy army collapsed. It was the time when we expanded the results of the war. Why are you? ..."

Ma Chao did not answer, but Zhao Yun also stopped talking: the Yuan Jun in front of him, in the chaos, actually formed several straight lines and rushed back to self-operated. And those Yuan Jun, who are 20 steps away from the gate of the big camp, even if they can step into the camp in one breath, will fight angrily to grab those straight torrents!

Such a strange scene suddenly ignited a terrible mark in Ma Chao's mind: I remember that when he fought against Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, those ghosts also behaved like this. And the reason why they behaved like this is that there is a trap 20 steps wide in front of the camp!

Recalling some small details carefully, Ma Chao thought that Yuan Shao retreated three miles and recamped after three days in Wuzhi. In this way, this is the place where Yuan Shao once camped!

"Withdraw! Pull it all back!" Ma Chao was afraid to shout, because he knew what a terrible thing would happen the next moment!

Just after Ma Chao gave an order, and also after Yuan Shao's army hidden into the Yuan camp, there was an overwhelming sound of bowstrings in the opposite Yuan camp. The strong sound was definitely a sound that could only be made by 400 stone crossbows or bed crossbows! In addition to this sound, countless huge stones flew out of the air, hitting Ma Jiajun fiercely with the roaring wind!

Fortunately, Ma Chao's forced stop, the Ma cavalry did not break through to the stage that could not be pulled away. Then, after those huge crossbows penetrated the body of the Yuan family, which was still crying and shouting, the Ma family army made a beautiful turn and looked at the boulder at the rise of the horse's hoof, and they began to win.

After running away for 500 steps, Ma Chaole stopped the war horse. He turned his eyes and whispered orders to the generals around him.

Then, outside Yuan Ying, a thunderous voice suddenly sounded neatly: "Yuan Shao's child is smart, and he still doesn't know how to marry!" The voice was first small and then loud, and gradually like thunder came into Yuan Shao's ears, who had been slightly in a coma. Suddenly, Yuan Shao, with a pale face, suddenly raised his eyes, coughed, and another mouthful of blood spewed out...