Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1099 Assassination?

Yang Xiu still stared at the street corner in front of him, which was originally a courtyard mansion. After the baptism of war, there were broken tiles and ruins everywhere, full of desolation, and there were no residents. In late summer, the green vines are growing wildly and overgrown with weeds, making the mansion compound more gloomy and weird. However, the flowers in the middle released a few traces of fragrance, covering the desolation with a layer of vitality.

Yang Xiu looked at it for a while and saw that there was no movement, so he said in a trance, "Lord... Son, did you feel it wrong just now? Is there someone there?

Ma Chao did not answer, staring at the distance and turning his fingers cleverly. Yang Xiu's face changed when he saw this, and then took out a rocket from the package and put it on the Yuanrong crossbow. In Anyi County, where the curfew is about to be imposed, once the harsh sound is heard, Wei Yan's army stationed next to the surrounding area will act immediately.

Although this seems safe, it is actually more dangerous. Because Yang Xiu was very clear about the meaning of Ma Chao's gesture, he ordered the shadow to check it. However, there was no movement at this time, and it was obvious that the dark shadows had been quietly solved.

"I'll go and have a look. Your camera will act." Ma Chao whispered, and the horse wanted to rush away. But Yang Xiu refused, grabbed Ma Chao's rein and shouted, "Sir, no!"

Ma Chao is the lifeblood of the whole Ma family. Even if Yang Xiu leaves himself here, he can't let Ma Chao take risks personally. But Ma Chao also had his reason. With a shake of his wrist, he got rid of Yang Xiu's entanglement and said, "The enemy has surrounded us on all sides, and now it's too late to turn back."

And just as Ma Chao said this, his ear suddenly moved and he looked back at the upper right corner. Yang Xiu was stunned with Ma Chao's movements and looked at that place quickly. He saw that there was a wine shop, and a cloth with 'Drunken East' floating, and there was nothing unusual in the coldness.

"Prem?" Yang Xiu asked again.

"It's nothing." Ma Chao shook his head, but then couldn't help looking at the place. He clearly felt a vague word from there before: Could it be him?

After that, Ma Chao saw the window lattice of the wine shop shaking slightly, and it seemed that someone had just closed the window to avoid being seen.

However, when Ma Chao was thinking about turning over a restaurant, several people stumbled around. The six or seven strong men who came out of the corner all wore fur coats, revealing a pinch of black hair on their chests, which looked rude and barbaric. And there is also a machete hanging around his waist.

Ma Chao immediately came to his senses and shouted at these people, "Who are you?"

A few messy voices replied, "Who are you? Do you want to take care of it?" The voice is strange. Although it is Chinese, it has a Hu tone. Moreover, all the tongues are hard and curled in their voices. Obviously, they have drunk too much.

Yang Xiu looked at this situation and immediately admired Ma Chao's sensitive feeling, but he felt a little funny: it was just a few barbarians who came into the east of the river. They were used to the grassland and did not know the rules of the Han people. He rested in this desolate place, so that Ma Chao thought it was an ambush.

But Ma Chao didn't seem to think so much. He looked up and down at the barbarians, but because the night was dark, he couldn't see the faces of these people clearly. He had to say, "There will be a curfew soon. Wherever you should go, go, don't stay here. Han people's rules are different from those of the Xiongnu, and they are not allowed to walk around at night.

The first tall Xiongnu was obviously stunned when he heard Ma Chao's words, but then shouted loudly: "I can go wherever I want, except Kunlun God and the Grassland King. No one can control me. What are you?"

The attitude was extremely arrogant. With that, he pulled out his waist knife and split it at Ma Chao. This knife was crooked, but it was so powerful that it almost split the elephant dragon BMW in half.

However, Ma Chao is even too lazy to deal with such brute people. He shook the big gun in his hand slightly, easily held the man's machete, and then spiraled forward and flew directly to the man's machete. The next moment, the long gun fluttered like a black python, scratching the sound of 'woo' in the air. The Xiongnu barbarian couldn't react and was shot in the face by Ma Chao and directly pumped away!

Ma Chao's blow was enough to make a strong man unable to climb up. But the man was really stubborn. After spitting blood on the ground, regardless of the pain and burden of his body, he stood up with the power of alcohol. He shouted at the Xiongnu words that Ma Chao and Yang Xiu couldn't understand, and once again attacked Ma Chao fiercely.

At the same time, the six people under him seemed to have received this order and attacked Ma Chao together. Yang Xiu was shocked when he saw this, and immediately shot an arrow into the air before he could think about it!

The sharp sound immediately pierced the silence of Anyi County, and the Huns were stunned by the situation. But the leader didn't seem to want to give up. He roared again, and then besieged Ma Chao.

To be honest, Ma Chao has not even brought out three points of strength. He is half thinking about it and still puts it on the drunken oriental restaurant. However, seeing that these people are so good and evil, they are not polite at the moment. The big gun in his hand swings slightly, and the big gun trembles. Six people came forward with machetes in their hands. Ma Chao just smiled contemptuously at the corners of his mouth and didn't see how he took action. He only felt that a strong wind seemed to blow in the night. A strong airflow surged around Yang Xiu around him, and then there was a burst of silence.

Yang Xiu felt that his fingers were a little stiff. He saw that the person closest to him was about to get close to his mount. The ferocious expression on his face was clearly visible, but just as Yang Xiu had time to pull the trigger, he felt the strong wind. Then, the ferocious and hateful face only left a moment of consternment.

The next moment, the blood suddenly flew, and Yang Xiu couldn't see what kind of attack the man had been attacked, and was blinded by the warm and smelly blood. He only felt from his consciousness that the man was directly cut between his waist and abdomen, and finally the impression in his mind was that his intestines were still flying in front of his eyes...

After opening his trembling eyes, Yang Xiu could no longer see the six people. There are two corpses everywhere, and the * rickly between the waist and abdomen flowed out, which is particularly unpleasant. Yang Xiu suddenly couldn't accept such a close-range cool kill. At present, he couldn't help it. He bent down and vomited directly.

One move,

Just one move, Ma Chao dismembered the six people. In terms of shock alone, he deserves to be the god of killing.

The head of the Xiongnu man also seemed to be dumbfounded and stared at Ma Chao slowly coming to him, as if he didn't even know how to hurt the swollen bag on his face. However, to Ma Chao's surprise, this man did not kneel down and beg for mercy, nor did he turn around and run away. Instead, after waking up, he jumped up and jumped down from the horse!

That's the method of the Huns to deal with the enemy's co-desperation, and Ma Chao is very familiar with it, let alone let him get what he wants. At the moment when the man rushed, Ma Chao relaxed the ape's arm and wanted to capture the man's hair, fell the man to the ground, and then captured him alive. However, just as the man was about to touch Ma Chao's body, Ma Chao suddenly saw the man's face and immediately wondered, "Are you?"

The man seemed to be stunned in the air, but his movements still did not stop. And Ma Chao did not relax his uniform at all under the conditioned reflex. He used a force on his left hand, like an eagle falcon, and slapped the man to the ground with one slap. Then, Ma Chao wanted to put a big gun in his right hand against the man's throat and cut off the way he wanted to escape.

However, at this moment, Ma Chao suddenly felt a piercing chill all over his body, and a strong sense of crisis came for no reason. He suddenly turned around and stared at the high window facing the street of the restaurant like a ghost fire!

"Is it you?!" The Huns also exclaimed, but then got up in pain and quickly fled away. As soon as Ma Chaofu wanted to move, the murder in the high window was immediately locked, so that Ma Chao could only watch the man run away.



Two crossbows sounded at the same time, and the next moment, a group of cavalry rushed over and shouted, "Who dares to fight in Anyi City?"