Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1102 Cao Jun's crossbow

Tai Shici remembered a clear siege on the third day of Xia Houyuan's full attack.

On that day, Xia Houyuan was no longer the fast general, but completely became a mad demon. With red eyes, he personally beat the drums and cheered. In anger, he will also rush to the front line of the battlefield with the law enforcement team, come and go like the wind, and send all his soldiers to the meat grinder in Wending City by iron-blooded ruthless means.

After an hour passed, Shuang Convenience has suffered great casualties. There are countless corpses lying on and under the city, and blood and fire are all over Wending City. Xiahouyuan still had no intention of giving up. After the previous round of siege warriors retreated, he rotated a group of energetic reserves to continue to attack, and Taishici's troops had reached the limit, and the soldiers were fighting completely relying on their instinct to survive.

Although the power of Ma Jiajun's will is strong, when the peak of the will passes, he experienced three days and nights of sleepless suffering. Instead, the body and will collapse one after another. If this suffering has lasted to the limits of psychology and physiology, it can be imagined that the end of the Ma family army in Wending City is about to come.

Some Ma soldiers fell down while waving spears in front of the enemy and could no longer get up; some soldiers could not even pull the crossbow machine, and their heads were cut off by the enemy who rushed up in the shooting posture. The gate of Wending City has been broken through by Cao's army, and the will and life of the Ma army, as well as the fiery red flag, have almost burned out.

It seems that the loss of Wending City is irreversible.

Another row of arrows flew over, and dozens of Ma soldiers howled and fell beside Taishici. The crossbowmen on both sides immediately took a step forward and shot together in the direction of the arrow. These elite Ma military crossbowmen are still doing their final responsibility, because their existence has made the Cao army have to pay great casualties to rush to the city above.

"General, break through, this is the last chance!"

Li Chi, who is currently a deputy general under Taishi Ci, has blood on his face and doesn't know where his helmet has fallen. As he holds a shield to block Cao Jun's arrow, he turns around and shouts. Dozens of guards formed a human wall to block the mouth of the city, making Cao's army unable to come over for the time being.

And Taishi Ci supported his body with double halberd. It can be said that at this time, he completely competed with his willpower with his body. In the past three days, he was sleepless and rode back and forth with the Ma family for more than ten times. Once, he was almost completely surrounded and killed by Xia Houyuan's tiger and leopard riding.

He, who seemed to be unharmed, had already been internally injured by Xia Houyuan's long gun attack. However, his pride does not allow him to let his soldiers see that the Lord is about to die at such a critical moment.

When he heard Li Chi's words, Tai Shici's idea suddenly rose at that time was to scold Li Chi and encourage the soldiers to stand up! And Taishici was indeed preparing to do that, but when he opened his mouth, he suddenly saw the arrows on Li Chi's shield that were different from the day before yesterday, and the exit became: "Li Chi! Don't you...don't you think these arrows are very strange?"

Li Chi's eyes were immediately distracted for a moment, and his thoughts did not keep up with the rhythm of Tai Shici at that time. Only when he really noticed the arrow that had been deeply pierced into the shield, he shouted in astonishment, "This, this is it?"

Close to Taishi Ci's side and hide in the protection of Taishi Ci's guard. Li Chi only had half time to release his shock. He tried his best to pull out the arrow and said incredibly, "This is the crossbow used on the crossbow of the Ma family's bed!"

The crossbow is two feet and five inches long, with hardwood as a pole and a cluster of wild geese. This specification is exactly the same as the crossbow used by the Ma family to attack the city. Moreover, suddenly, the two also remembered at the same time that they didn't know when the enemy could shoot against each other under the city!

You know, Wending City has been equipped with crossbows that can have a range of 200. Although Wending City is not high, if the enemy wants to shoot bows and arrows, it still need a distance of 230 steps away. Previously, the two thought that the battle was fierce, and the breakthrough enemy shot crossbows, but now it seems that the enemy is beginning to use crossbows to suppress the defense advantage of Wending City and cover them for the smooth seizure of Wending City. It's settled!

Suddenly found such a huge military transformation, the brains of Tai Shici and Li Chi exploded. Although Ma Chao has mentioned the horse's bow and crossbow, the benefits of war horses will not soon become the psychological support of the Ma family army. But this transformation came so quickly, and it also appeared at the least time, which made Taishici and Li Chi not know how to deal with it for a moment.

However, at this time, Xun You bent down and ran over, with a dusty face and a handsome seal of Tai Shici in his hand. He stuffed the handsome seal into Taishici's hand, and even risked his life to secretly help Taishici.

"General! It's time for us to prepare for a street battle!"

Xun You's scream immediately restored Tai Shici's mind and the commander's due responsibility. With Xun You's efforts, he took a hard look at the battlefield. Xun You, who joined the army, has gathered about 3,000 to 4,000 Ma's army and formed a breakthrough formation and began to rotate down the city. In the process of rotation, the Ma army has been joined. When this sudden advance reached the entrance of the city building, it had accumulated a scale of nearly 6,000 people. Of course, Cao Jun's attention gradually focused here.

Tai Shici clearly knew that Xun You deliberately made a very correct decision for him when he was a little confused. Immediately, Tai Shici looked at Xun You gratefully, and then used his last trace of strength and roared, "Break through and hide in the streets and alleys!" Ma Jiajun is powerful and honorable. I will wait to die without complaint!"

"Honor is, die without complaint!" Ma Jiajun, who was fighting, still remembered the glory of being a Ma army soldier at this most critical moment. When their Lord will need their lives, they don't hesitate to why!

Li Chi also reacted at that time and helped Taishici to return to the city to fight to the last minute. However, at the same time, Taishici handed over the crossbow in his hand to Xun You and said, "Mr. Xun, the myth of our horse's crossbow warfare is coming to an end..."

And Xun You took the arrows and took a faint look, and then threw them aside and said, "Our Ma army has never come to today by relying on these. These crossbows have never been the key to deciding the victory or defeat of the battle."

"Waist leading crossbow?" Xun You's noun suddenly rescued Tai Shici and Li Chi from the misunderstanding.

"Yes, before I came, I recalled the blow that the general was besieged by Xiahouyuan yesterday. The tiger and leopard still had only 3,000 people, but it was easier to trap the general than before, causing Xiahouyuan to issue that powerful blow. Coupled with the recent change in the range of Cao's crossbow arrows, I know that Cao's army is no less than our army in terms of armament.

Xunyou's tone is not heavy, it is impossible. But in this heaviness, he still retained his sharp judgment on the battlefield: "However, until now, Cao Jun has sacrificed such magic weapons in Wending City. At least it can be judged that, first, Cao Jun's ambition for Wending City is to win; second, Cao's army's equipment is far less than that of our Ma army. Third, it is also the most terrible point..."

"What is it?"

"The person who really hosts such a crazy attack is not the Xiahouyuan who beats the drum. What he did is more like voting in front of a person!"

"What does Mr. Xun mean? ..." Taishici suddenly woke up and realized that Xia Houyuan's performance in the past three days was indeed a little abnormal. Xia Houyuan, who was eager to break the city, did not personally participate in a siege - such a performance is inconsistent with his pride that he never bowed his head.

The only possibility is that the man behind him is strictly forbidden to fight in person. And there is only one person who can make Xiahou Yuan listen to his words!

"If I guess correctly, Cao Cao should be the head of the Cao family sitting in the opposite Zhongjun tent!"