Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1197 The Last Card of Both Sides

Cao Tai is not dominant in the host court. But after all, he is also a happy and angry person. In the face of Ma Chao's crushing, his anger is very understandable.

However, understanding and agreement are not the same concept at all. Ma Chao and all the people present will never support Cao Tai because of their understanding. On the contrary, what can be exchanged is an extremely humiliating consequence.

With a crack, Cao Tai only felt that half of his face was hit by an extremely strange hidden weapon. Although it was not broken, the hidden weapon hit Cao Tai's face half red. Cao Tai stretched out his hand and felt more greasy. Take a closer look, it's obviously a chicken bone that has just been gnawed!

"Fool, our Ma family treats you like a guest. Do you really think this Cheng'an Hall is your family?" Brother Ui clapped his hands, completely ignoring the face of the Ma family's confidant general, and shouted and scolded, "If you are not convinced, how dare you fight with your grandfather for a few rounds?"

He was shocked by Ma Chao's words and insulted by Brother Chou, especially when he hit him in the face with such a disgusting thing. Cao Tai was almost crazy. His heart was full of anger. Thinking of the hardships of such a vulgar family as the Ma family these days, he would fly to the ugly brother without saying a word, and he will never stop!

However, as soon as his left foot was hard, his body was stopped by a huge force. Looking back, Cao Ang hugged his waist tightly and roared in a low voice, "The overall situation is important. Don't be tricked by the Ma family!"

Cao Tai's mind was sober, and he turned his head to look at the generals of the Ma family, but everyone looked at him with contemptuous and compassion. Seeing that Ma Chao, who was sitting in the main seat, actually sat down again and tasted the wine in his hand with great interest. He suddenly realized that if he was provoked by this move, all the results of the previous negotiations would be completely wiped out!

You should know that in this peace, Cao Tai will lose power and humiliate the country, as long as it can be exchanged for a promise of the Ma family not to attack. He is a great achievement. Once he destroys this possibility with his own hands, he is completely the sinner of the Cao family!

This peace agreement, to put it bluntly, is a begging for Cao's visit to Chang'an!

Because today's Ma family completely occupies the general trend!

Since ancient times, all peace alliances speak with strength, and strength is the cornerstone of all negotiations. Today's Ma family is no longer the former Ma family in Kanto. With nearly 200,000 elites with a population of nearly 10 million in six states and two places, and the advantage of almost suppressing all the northern border troubles in the Han Dynasty can make them call 200,000 iron riders without spending a penny when necessary. With such strength, none of the whole Han princes can compete with it.

Cao doesn't want to fight again and can't fight again. The only thing she wants is to make peace. Especially when the overall situation is initially determined, threats from Jingzhou, Jiangdong and other places have also followed, and Cao has to deal with it as if walking on thin ice. However, the Ma family can quickly recover from the Yuan war with its profound background. If the two families do not have a promise, it can be expected that when the Ma family takes the lead in turning over, they will be victorious and their troops will be as strong as a rainbow. At that time, how can Cao's fatigue be resisted? Do you want to shrink Xuzhou forever, like the mouse in the cave waiting for the Ma family to directly destroy the cave?

The Ma family absolutely has unreasonable capital. Ma Chao faced himself with a series of clever words before, but he deliberately raised himself and fell to the ground fiercely at the critical moment! Even from the beginning of the whole negotiation, Ma Chao has been suspicious and slowly fighting!

However, when the big crocodile of the Ma family finally showed its sharp teeth and blood basin, how should you deal with it? Is it true to let the Ma family be so arrogant and trap the problem on this issue that Cao can't agree with at all?

After his anger, Cao Tai fell into a panic. At this time, he fully realized that he was just the role of a mouse played by Ma Chao. He can't let Ma Chao win so much, win so arrogantly and thoroughly... But looking at Cao Ang's equally frightened eyes behind him, he doesn't know how to deal with it at all...

Suddenly, when he wanted Cao Ang to let go, Cao Tai touched something in his arms. This discovery flashed a glimmer of hope in his sad eyes, and it can even be said that he grabbed the life-saving straw - the imperial edict!

No matter how strong the Ma family is and how powerful he is, he dares not be the enemy of the world and cannot be the enemy of this era!

Although this imperial edict is the last card that Cao wants to take out, it is also a lifelong shame for Lord Sikong. But at this time, only this decree can be exchanged for Ma Chao's kneeling, which can make Ma Chao swallow the topic of annexation of Yingchuan!

From this, Cao Tai quietly opened Cao Ang's hand from his waist and slightly sorted out his appearance. He walked slowly to the center of the hall at an extremely solemn pace. Under the gaze of all the Ma Wenwu, he slowly pulled out the imperial edict in his arms and was annoyed to see the corner of the ugly brother's mouth, but he did not dare to speak at all...

However, he ignored Ma Chao at this time and did not see the disdain from the corners of Ma Chao's mouth. Just as Cao Tai wanted to speak, Ma Chao directly hit each other with both hands, patted twice, and then opened his mouth to Cao Tai and said, "Wait a moment."

Cao Tai was stunned and his face was as heavy as water. He wanted to interrupt Ma Chao and shout the words 'Ma Chao took the order'. After all, this demon is so cunning that Cao Tai no longer wants to be led by him. Therefore, the muscles of his cheeks have contracted, and they will soon spit out when they reach his throat...

"Does Lord Cao really want to do that?" Ma Chao saw Cao Tai's such subtle movements and seemed to see through his psychology even more. After that, his voice was as dull and cold as a metal collision, which was shocking: "Some things, once completely opened up, there is no room for change. Lord Cao, do you really want to do that? ......”

Cao Tai's heart suddenly seemed to be tightly squeezed by a huge hand. He could fully hear the ultimate threat in Ma Chao's tone and knew what the terrible consequences behind the threat were. However, the imperial edict in his hand was his only reliance at this time. If he waited for Ma Chao to take out any cards, he would lose the consequences of Yingchuan. , and I can't stand it!

He is very entangled, which is a kind of pain that can't be chosen, and it is also a sadness for the loss of rational thinking and courage. However, his pain and sadness soon disappeared, because with Ma Chao's clapping signal, a woman suddenly came over the hall.

The dressed woman is not old, but she wears a red palace costume. She walks under the afterglow of the sunset, like a small fire. The fine steps moved the body, but it touched everyone's hearts more than Cao Tai's heavy steps just now. In this way, after the woman also walked to Ma Chao, Cao Tai was stunned to find that he forgot to look at the woman's face...

It was not until the woman saluted Ma Chao like a water lotus and held out a box of brocade box, that Cao Tai's face, which no longer knew how to look, froze and froze - the woman may not be known by others, but Cao Tai, who has been included in Jing'an Cao, could not know her.

That woman, named Yuan Hui, is Yuan Shu's favorite little daughter...

From this, you can also use your buttocks to find out what this thing Yuan Hui gave to Ma Chao. Not to mention, that thing was deliberately held in a square brocade box... Ma Chao touched the square brocade box so leisurely and did not open it. Then, he raised his eyes, as if he didn't know anything, and asked Cao Tai, "Lord Cao, what's wrong with you standing in the hall?"

Cao Tai's whole body has been completely petrified, and there is no flash in his eyes. He fully knew why Ma Chao sent Yuan Hui to take out that thing at this time, and guessed how Ma Chao got it. In the face of Ma Chao's hidden needles and conspiracy, Cao Tai has no strength at all... He really can't let Ma Chao open the brocade box and completely tear the last trace of dignity of the Han Dynasty. Because he can't read the imperial edict publicly and let Ma Chao kneel in front of him.

Therefore, under the complete defeat, he is ready to be slaughtered by Ma Chao. However, he walked to Ma Chao in despair, knelt down respectfully, and presented the imperial edict in his hand to Ma Chao: "General Qiqi, this is what you deserve..."