Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1256 The Power of Charm

Big Joe is wearing a long skirt that is very similar to the silk pajamas style of her previous life. Originally, her straight posture set off the long skirt as smooth as mercury, and there is a faint beauty**. However, when Ma Chao turned around, he suddenly found that the long skirt had completely landed, and the big Joe in the vacuum completely showed the wonderful posture that Ma Chao longed for thousands of times in his dream in his previous life, without any reservation.

Ma Chao was stunned. Although reason told him that the best thing to do at this moment was to quickly turn his head and leave, his eyes were full of endless **. It seems that the boundless desire of fantasy before the previous life has completely bloomed, and it has completely let go. It turns out that it has not yet reached this fatal attraction. Ma Chao felt that his heart began to beat rapidly, and his brain and whole body reacted uncontrollably.

And when Big Joe saw Ma Chao like this, he seemed to be not shy at all, that is, he completely conquered all the charms of his pride. While walking slowly, he smiled again. This smile, even in the flowers at this moment, has covered the beautiful flowers around her. She can only see the beauty's eyes flowing, which is really indescribable beauty: "Zijian, can you still say that you have completely put it down?"

Ma Chao has nothing to say. It's not that he has never seen this kind of beauty in the world. Even those daughters-in-law in the backyard are slightly better than Da Qiao. At the same time, there are some women who do not have the name of husband and wife, such as Wang Huayu and Zhen Huan, who have also met him frankly like this. But Big Joe's charm at this time is different from theirs, those of true love or the compromise of the exchange of interests. Only Big Joe is completely seduced with pure emotion, and the purest the thing is to seduce, the more lethal it is to men...

What's more, Big Joe is not someone else, although Ma Chao doesn't know how much energy she has. But she knew how far a woman's mood was until she seduced a man with her body. Once he dealt with it improperly at this time, he did not want to imagine how Big Joe would completely revenge on his last trace of pride and contempt for her at this time.

"Zijian, I know that your refusal now is just unforgettable my betrayal." Big Joe approached Ma Chao again. This time, there was less than half a step between the two. Ma Chao could feel the slight trembling of her body and the fragrance of warmth. Suddenly, Da Qiao stretched out his arm like Haoyue, gently held Ma Chao in his arms, and said in his ear like a blue:

"Forgive me, I was just a little girl who had just entered society at that time. I still don't know what it is to give silently, and I don't know the value of helping each other. Like other little girls who yearn for beautiful love, I hope that my future partner is tall, handsome, humorous and funny, with a proud value and the intimateness that always spoils me, loves me, and the romance that I can expect at every moment. Liu Xie's appearance, like a light, flashed into my life unpreparedly. At that time, I still belonged to you, but you have been retreating silently, only accompanying me well, but not even giving me a chance to enter your life..."

Speaking of this, Ma Chao has felt the sobbing of Da Qiao's soft body, and the sound was completely revealed, like whips pricking on Ma Chao's heart. Indeed, was he so noble and great at the beginning? I'm afraid yes, but the truth is that silent giving is not the same thing as love. Love needs to interact and need to have the opportunity to** each other's hearts.

What's more hateful is that, as Big Joe said, he had walked into a girl's heart at that time, but he always turned people away with inferior indifference. What's the difference between doing that and hurting a girl? For three years, she has never been in love with anyone. I'm afraid she boldly stretched out her hand after she got out of her inferiority complex. However, when time gradually flows, and when silently giving becomes a shackle, she still can't get a response, what else can she do? In addition to giving up this bitter fruit produced in three years, what else can he do in the arms of a man who suddenly appears like a light?

"Junyou, I, I..."

"You don't have to say anything, or I didn't do it well enough. When I already knew what you meant, I didn't give you a hint and only took your kindness to me. Big Joe continued to sob, and this time he had completely cried: "But now I know what is the most precious. In my previous life, I saw Liu Xie's avoidance when the shelf collapsed. This troubled times told me the cruel law of survival and what I need to grasp most in the world. I am no longer an ignorant little girl at the beginning, and I am more glad that we can meet in this world.

Ma Chao couldn't help sighing and said sincerely, "Yes, this world is different from our previous world and has indeed told us a lot. But..."

"Nothing, but you just want to say that you are married, but I don't care. In this life, I just want you to be sincere, even if it is only a few percent better than ten percent of hypocritical feelings. And I also believe that you are also eager to find a good partner who can know your heart in this world. Believe me, I am the person God has prepared for you.

In this sentence, Ma Chao's last card and defense were also broken. He always believes that the big Joe, who crossed from the previous life of gender equality and monogamy, will not accept the reality of becoming one of his many wives in any case. Therefore, since there is no turning point between the two, there is no need to be entangled and broken. But now, Big Joe has shown his humblest prayer in front of him, and it is completely an acceptable result for Ma Chao. He has nothing more to say.

Seeing Ma Chao's silence, Big Joe knew that he had seen the dawn of victory. However, these dawns are not enough to illuminate her whole life, and she needs some guarantees of retreat and progress to keep the man's heart in her hands. From this, she gently retreated a little from Ma Chao, and tried to make the gentle amorous feelings of her eyes with the famous eyes that had just stopped tears. She smiled gently and looked at Ma Chao sideways, as if whispering and comforting: "Zijian, I know it's really difficult for you to make a decision now. However, I think we can at least have a real beginning, forget the betrayal of the previous life, and count you from this troubled times. You are the famous Yongwang, and I'm just a daughter of Qiao. How about letting this daughter go to your high gate courtyard?

With this soft question, Da Qiao slowly approached Ma Chao. Her movements were as gentle as the wind, and the two hugged each other again without a gap, as if they were born to be like this.

The warm and soft jade was in his arms, and Ma Chao's brain was blank for a moment. I don't know why, looking at such amorous and completely integrated into his heart, Ma Chao couldn't help but have a trace of beauty in his mind. He was going to push away the other party's hand, but he seemed to be a little reluctant. Especially when I looked at this beautiful woman who was longing for so close, I felt that I never had a chance to take a closer look at the charm of the other party's exquisite facial features in my previous life, especially the tears, deep autumn-like eyes, and the faint fragrance on the delicate body... .

"Sister, do you think your husband can resist this kind of ** now?" Under a gardenia tree in the distance of the transparent flower room, Fu Shou couldn't help pulling the corner of Diao Chan's clothes. This time, she really rose. It turned out that a woman** man could be so tender and flawless.

"A man who can't be defeated in the battlefield and politics must have his inherent weakness. The husband's weakness is above this disaster, and this competition has been decided. Diao Chan said this, and then his eyes shifted out. He looked at Fu Shou and said, "My husband has lost. If you are interested, you can also learn their so-called kissing skills in the previous life... If it goes well, you can also listen to the corner."

"Oh, sister," seeing Diao Chan get up and want to leave, Fu Shou was also a little godless for a moment: "Then, how should we deal with that big Joe?"

"You don't have to deal with it, you can do your own thing." Diao Chan left this sentence coldly, and finally couldn't help saying the grudge in the bottom of his heart: "We can never win on this battlefield, and I don't want to care about such a business anymore..." Fu Shou heard the disappointment in Diao Chan's tone and was no longer in the mood to peek at the plot development of Ma Chao here and hurriedly followed Diao Chan.

Therefore, neither of them saw it. Ma Chao finally gently pushed away Da Qiao, gently put her long skirt that fell to the ground on her, and then strode away from Da Qiao. Of course, when he left, Da Qiao's eyes suddenly burst into flames like a female beast to devour the prey, and no one saw it...