Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 25 ruthless and affectionate

In the plan discussed that day, Ma Chao wanted 10,000 well-equipped Liangzhou iron riders from Ma Teng. Bring enough dry food, go deep into the hinterland of the Qiang tribe and directly destroy the Qiang tribe!

This trick is the premise of Jia Xu's whole plan. When Ma Chao reported to Ma Teng that the Qiang might attack Fufeng County, Ma Teng immediately agreed to Ma Chao's plan. He not only let Ma Chao go deep into the hinterland of the Qiang people without hesitation, but also gave Ma Chao a few letters.

What Ma Teng said is very simple. He only said that he participated in many battles against the Qiang people when he was under Geng, the assassin of Liangzhou. At that time, Geng despised all the tribes, regardless of right or wrong, only took the head of the Qiang people to get credit. However, Ma Teng hoeed the strong and helped the weak. He not only conquered those enemies' tribes, but also helped some weak and pro-Han tribes to revenge or trade with them, and even turned against other tribes. As a result, Ma Teng strengthened many tribal leaders and won their respect.

At that time, Ma Chao thought that Ma Teng had helped several small tribes, but he never thought that the Qiang people were simple and were grateful for what Ma Teng had done. Some pro-Han but had not been helped by Ma Teng, as long as they heard that Ma Chao was Ma Teng's eldest son, they not only lost their hostility, but also took the initiative to tell Ma Chao to break the Qiang Department. Location.

As a result, the previous scene appeared.

"Breaking Qiang suffered a cold under the snowy mountains this time, and unexpectedly looted and slaughtered our weak tribes. Since the young general is here, the old man has to spare this bone and help the young general eradicate the broken Qiang tribe!" After knowing Ma Chao's identity, Ri Wo was as good as the previous tribal members, vowed and volunteered to help Ma Chao.

This kind of treatment makes Ma Chao feel a little entangled: Mother, at least you are also a race. How can you look at that face? Well, in fact, it's the bad-looking father who is so heartfelt?

We are Han Chinese!

It's a Chinese dog that has been enslaved and exploited generations of you!

Well, I'm afraid that we, Mr. Xiliang, have this logic...

"In the barbaric land of the desert, the people are fierce and ignorant, and they advocate force the most. In this land, strength determines everything! It is considered natural for the strong to kill the weak and occupy the wives and children of the weak. Just like a wolf eating a sheep, no one will ever think there is anything wrong with doing so!"

"Therefore, the national concept here is very weak. The nomadic people living on the grassland are completely different from the Han people who have suffered from the royal land. There is no problem of national feelings on the grassland, so whether you are Han, Xiongnu, or Xianbei, as long as you have enough strength, you are the master of this vast desert and the king of all people!"

"It can be said that Shunchang's rebellion is the best ruling strategy for the grassland." Jia Xu saw Ma Chao's doubts and said these words in front of all the Qiang people!

Ma Chao's face changed greatly and he was eager to command the army to protect Jia Xu. But when he turned his head and saw that the Qiang people seemed not to be angry at this, but also had a look of agreement. Ma Chao knew that he was still too simple.

Inferring the custom of this troubled times with the mentality of equality of everyone in the 21st century, there are really some reasons for fish. However, even after experiencing a lot of fighting, the concept of human rights is gradually fading, but like Jia Xu, Ma Chao still can't accept the naked enslavement of the whole race.

"What the military division said is indeed pearly, but although it is fierce and cruel, as the military division said, it enslaves the whole Qiang clan... This kind of thing is still difficult to accept. Ma Chao was silent for a long time. After quietly asking his heart, he said these words.

"The fall of Shunchang! This has been the case since ancient times! The young master should know that if you are not in charge of the army, you will not be good at governing the country!" Jia Xu pressed step by step, and his eyes were as sharp as a sword, stabbing Ma Chao's heart, as if to pierce Ma Chao's heart!

Ma Chao had never seen Jia Xu have such a momentum, and he couldn't help loosening the embankment. But then his mind flashed, and his principles and obsessions were immediately cast like steel. His hot mood, like magma, seemed to melt Jia Xu's sword!

"I, say, over! Treat the Qiang people with equality!" Ma Chao spit out these words word by word, and his tone gradually became as cold as a blade. He hit the Limang in Jia Xu's eyes fiercely and did not waver at all!

The two are tit-for-tat on the quiet prairie. Although it has not drawn a knife, its momentum is like a sharp blade, which makes the occasional warm wind blowing on the grassland bring a touch of sharpness!

Maybe it's a period of history slipping, or maybe it's just a moment later, the sharp light in Jia Xu's eyes disappeared invisible in an instant, as if the aggressive momentum before, just a fantasy and a dream. After that, Ma Chao clearly saw that Jia Xu's face actually showed a smile, which was the most natural and warmest smile in his heart.

"The young master is kind and moderate, has a heart for the world, and worships!" Because he was still on the horse, Jia Xu failed to kneel down, but Ma Chao knew that Jia Xu's intention at this time was true. Although this old fox may have forgotten the true taste, Ma Chao would rather believe that it is true.

"Military division can't be like this. It's super stupid. I don't know why the military division..." Ma Chao also suddenly restrained his momentum and was a little overwhelmed by Jia Xu's sudden worship.

"I have lived in Wuwei since childhood, and I have seen a lot of the slaughter of Qiang and Han people since childhood. The Qiang people hated the Han people and devoured the land where they lived, and the Han people hated the Qiang people for being rude and plundering them as slaves. Jia Xu said quietly, as if he had returned to the helpless pain of his youth: "Xu saw a Qiang mother with her own eyes and let the Han people rage on her in order to protect her child. In the end, the Han man still killed her child and killed her! He also saw with his own eyes the numb and desperate eyes of those Han people after they were abhorted, and the evil deeds of being cut off their limbs at will by the Qiang people to sacrifice heaven and earth! At that time, Xi thought, can't Han people and Qiang people get along well with each other? But as he grows older, he has read any book allusions, which record the hatred between Han Qiang, as well as endless killings and slaughter!"

Speaking of this, Ma Chao and others were all silent. Although they had not experienced Jia Xu's experience, they heard Jia Xu's compassionate feelings and the pain of being sealed by the ice.

"Today, when I met the old master and the young master, I saw the hope of Han Qiang's reconciliation and harmony. The young master sincerely treated equally, slandered himself and tried his best to assist the young master. If he really saw a harmonious day of Han Qiang, he would die without regret!"

Like a flower, it doesn't look like a flower, ruthless and true feelings. This true feelings can be seen in Jia Xu's true colors. Ma Chao also sighed at this time: If he hadn't heard Jia Xu's wishes, I really wouldn't have known that this troubled counselor who arbitrarily indulged his conspiracy and talent and destroyed the 400-year-old foundation of the Han Dynasty still had such a humble and sincere long-cherish wish in his heart!

"The military teacher's words are serious. Although Chao is not talented, he is also unkind. But you can't do anything by taking everything as a dog!" Ma Chao held his fist immediately and replied firmly to Jia Xu.

"In this case, it's better to sweep away the broken Qiang tribe first. If Han Qiang really wants to get along well in troubled times, I'm afraid he can't do it without some extraordinary means. Although he is affectionate, he is by no means a promiscuous person..."

At this time, Jia Xu smiled mysteriously and looked straight at the distance. There, it may be the broken camp, which is quietly turning out of the beacon...