Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 96 The exile is a resource

"In addition to the daily reports that the Lord has accumulated before that need to be reviewed, and then the recent reports, as well as the less important planning and advice, under the guidance of the teacher, after summarizing these reports, it is found that the main problems are the following problems." After everyone sat down and Yun'er served fragrant tea, Yang Fu rubbed his red eyes and opened his mouth to talk about these reported matters.

But Ma Chao almost stammered: his father is really a professional cheating son! I thought it was this period when Fufeng County had a lot of affairs, and he couldn't handle it. I never thought that it was all the previous submissions, but he didn't approve them...

"Good! Yishan, you are now in the middle of the rule. You can have all the power to approve those general reports in the future. And when it comes to what needs to be discussed, you can ask me again. Ma Chao took another look at Yang Fu, who was a little tired. After thinking about it, he said, he said, "Although Derong is new here, he is good at the opportunity and is familiar with political strategy. In the future, Yishan can divide some government affairs from Derong. Zidu is the son of Fufeng County. What happened before Fufeng depends on the ability of Zidu. If there is something in Yishan, it is also Find a son to discuss with each other.

Although Fufeng County is only a county, there will be many general reports on weekdays. Even if it is rare, Ma Chao does not want his secretary or subordinates to be submerged in handling official business. Therefore, Ma Chao saw that Yang Fu was tired, so he asked Yang Fu to share some with Zhang Qi, Meng Da and others.

Ma Chao actually said this sentence very well: one is that he has given Yang Fu a certain power when he comes up, and he can deal with it in general. Therefore, it recognized Yang Fu's efforts and talents in these days. Second, Ma Chao praised Zhang Ji and Meng Da in public, so that they would not care about Yang Fu's requests and orders in the future. Third, Zhang came here for the first time and was eager to show his talent. When he came up, he assigned tasks to him. For Zhang Ji, it was a kind of Trust and recognition.

Therefore, Ma Chao's words are lagging behind, and the three of them salute each other. Most of them are words such as 'long to see for a long time', 'long to hear for a long time', 'need to rely on Mr.'s talent' in the future' but never to refuse'.

In the past, Meng Da was actually the only one in the whole Fufeng County. At this time, Ma Chao hired Yang Fu and Zhang Qi. For Meng Da, it was actually a decentralized act.

However, Ma Chao's decentralization is skillful. First of all, the financial power is still in Meng Da's hands. Meng Da's status will not be weakened by this, but will be promoted by the participation of these people. After all, the status of the financial director of any group is very awesome. Secondly, without those government affairs, Meng Da will be much easier. Therefore, Meng Da does not have any antipathy to Ma Chao's arrangement. On the contrary, he may also pat himself on the forehead: Why is he so stupid that he can't think of the young master? What about the senior shopkeeper?

Ma Chao also has a belly draft in his heart for the construction of the division of labor of the Majia Group in the future. That is to say, he has long had an idea about the political reform at the end of the Han Dynasty. However, at present, he only needs to govern a county, and there is no need to make a lot of reform. He only needs to fine-tune his subordinates responsibilities.

"After sorting out the matter reported by the county government, most of them are as follows." After Ma Chao finished speaking, Yang Fu continued to say, "One is that the thief was damaged and needs to allocate human and financial resources to repair it. The second is..."

"Slow, one by one, one by one." Ma Chao waved his hand to interrupt Yang Fu's report and began to solve political affairs for the first time: "How much property, manpower and time will it take for the destruction of the city wall, the repair of the streets and the compensation of the people?"

"Lord Zidu has listed the details tomorrow. Please have a look..." Yang Fu immediately took out another bamboo slip from his hand, which seemed to have been prepared for this matter.

"Zidu, the surplus of Fufeng County, can independently undertake and improve this project?" Ma Chao doesn't want to see those data. For him, the leader only needs to know how much money he has in his pocket and how much money he needs to pay this time.

"Fufeng County is a rich county. Although it is a war this time, it can also bear it independently." Speaking of this, Meng Da's voice is very low. In fact, if it were someone else, the tone would not go down: we have money in our pockets, what are we afraid of?!

"Good! Such a rich man has nothing to do with Zidu's previous conduct. Ma Chao also laughed, and then continued to say, "Zidu has been in Fufeng County for a long time, and he is also proficient in personnel, politics and military affairs. This matter will be handled by Zidu, and Derong will assist him. What if?"

"Da Ding should do his best and have a solid Fufeng." Meng Da took the order with emotion, and he seemed to be very sure.

"Young master, now he has passed the Mangzhong and is in the farming time. He is requisitioning corvée. I'm afraid that it will be harmful to the reputation of the Ma family when he is farming." Zhang was responsible for the corvée in Feng Yi County. Hearing Meng Da's assurance, he was anxious and said bluntly regardless of whether he bumped with his boss or not.

"Derong doesn't have to worry too much. Fang Jindong thieves take power and the people don't make a living. There is a large influx of exiles in Fufeng County. If these exiles are not recruited, sooner or later, they will gather together to become bandits. This corvée is their idea." Meng Da heard that Zhang was worried about farming and explained.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Ma Chao didn't know that there were a large number of exiles in his county.

"Yes, above the report, the second case is this matter." Yang Fu said, "The Qiang people were affected last year, and the young master went deep into the hinterland, which made the Qiang people afraid of the news and kept Fufeng County without fear. However, there are also many Xiqiang tribes that have carried out small-scale looting of Liangzhou and Yongzhou. Those exiles heard that the young master was powerful, and the Qiang people did not dare to invade Fufeng County. Therefore, most of the displaced people found Fufeng County.

"Well, Zidu, in Fufeng County, there are still landless farmland or wasteland that needs to be reclaimed?" Ma Chao knew that the reason why these displaced people went into exile in ancient times was because they had no land in their hands. Ancient fields were a more important property guarantee than life for farmers.

"The Liangtian of Fufeng County has long been owner, and most of them are occupied by large households in the county. Only a large area of wasteland in the suburbs has not been reclaimed, but those places are often plundered by the Qiang people, and no one dares to cultivate..." Meng Da listened to Ma Chao's inquiry and answered.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the land annexation was serious. Ma Chao heard Meng Da's tone and guessed that the fertile fields in the county had already been carved up by some large households.

"Well, I know that I won't mention those big families for the time being." After listening to this, Ma Chao had already thought about it: "This corvée does not recruit from the people of Fufeng County, and Zidu can pay for those exiles to come to serve. You can also take this opportunity to make a book. Since you have heard that someone's reputation has come to Fufeng, you can't let them go into exile, let alone let them conflict with the local people in Fufeng, causing unnecessary trouble.

"Money?!" Meng Da was a little surprised and hurriedly said, "Since ancient times, it has been a great virtue to deal with the exiles and provide porridge relief. It's good not to drive them away. Does the young master have to pay for their corvée service?"

"According to the private helper's wages, those who are young and strong and skilled can pay 400 yuan a month, including food and drink; those who are old and weak and have no skills can pay 200 yuan a month, including food and drink. The pricing is controlled by Meng Da at his discretion. I just need to see a solid wall and a restored street shop as before. Ma Chao Qiankun was arbitrary and determined to open up the first river of capital employment at the end of the Han Dynasty: "If you continue to declare, those who participate in the corvée this time can register and be compiled into the Fufeng County Register in the future for my Fufeng County people."

"Young master... This time, it will cost a lot of money. Meng Da has a bitter face. As the financial director, he deducts money from him, which is no less than cutting his flesh.

Zhang Ji, Meng Da, Yang Fu, Han Feng and others all frowned and thought deeply and were still considering its feasibility. Only Jia Fox smiled and had a mysterious and self-eving face. Seeing this, Yang Fu couldn't help asking Jia Xu, "Teacher, what does the young master want to do this time?"

"The exile... Ha ha, the exile is a large amount of resources, and the young master has a far-reaching vision, which holds the heart of the exiles. Will there be less labor in Fufeng County in the future? In the longer run, which military affairs, political affairs, agricultural affairs, and even world affairs are not closely related to the exiles?

Yang Fu suddenly woke up: this exile can be organized into the army, cultivated for the people, served as a service, and even famous all over the world. It is really an immeasurable resource...

However, Ma Chao did not consider these. His original intention was to do this just to know that after the chaos of the yellow scarf and the battle of the deer, the population was sharply reduced and the world was desolate: this exile is capital, and it can't be wasted like this!