Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 112 dispatching troops to Xinping!

When watching those soldiers running, push-ups, riding, military array exercises and other training in the barracks, there was a touch of joy at the corners of their mouths.

Although these Xiliang iron riders are not heavy cavalry in iron armor, Xiliang iron riders dominate the big man because they have steel-like will, indestructible assault and the daunting iron guns in their hands. Their brazen fighting style completely covered up all the shortcomings of the cavalry!

But Ma Chao is not satisfied with this. He wants an iron-blooded master who is brave and disciplined!

With more than a month of training, those disciplines have gradually been integrated into these fearless blood, making Xiliang Iron Rider an invincible and well-founded iron army!

What's more gratifying is that most of the newly recruited prisoners also have skilled riders. After training, they are added to the Xiliang Iron Horse. When it comes to the battlefield, driven by the spirit and blood of veterans, they are no worse than any Xiliang Iron Horse! After all, they have had technical experience for a long time, and what they lack is the courage brought by a sense of identity!

Today, there are more than 25,000 Xiliang iron cavalry and more than 15,000 infantry (newly formed by former county soldiers and prisoners). Ma Chao still has some diaphragm in mind about the ratio of cavalry to infantry, because the consumption of cavalry is about three times the consumption of infantry. However, if Ma Chao is asked to give up the Xiliang iron riding, it is absolutely impossible.

I can only wrong the poor Fufeng County Finance Minister Meng Da... Now Ma Chao saw Meng Da crying poor, and his heart also throbs at the same time.

Then, Yang Fu quickly found Ma Chao and said to Ma Chao, "Young master, two things need to be temporarily held for a military meeting."

"What's the matter?" Ma Chao was a little surprised. After all, now Han Sui has let him beat him a little weakly, and Fufeng County is a good time. Yang Fu, the first secretary of Fufeng County, can say that there are not many things about holding military meetings, not to mention two things...

"Han Sui's letter, and Xinping County was captured by bandits..."

Ma Chao turned around, and his face was first solemn, and then a smile appeared: "This is all good!"

In the council chamber, everyone has already taken their seats. Ma Chao came up politely and asked bluntly, "Thus, what do you think?"

"Young master, we must put down the rebellion in Xinping County. Not to mention that the lord himself has the responsibility to appease one side, but the current consumption and influence of our army also urges us not to settle in Fufeng County. At this time, Xinping County fell, which was a good time for our Ma family to take another county. Meng Da was the first to say. He knows that although Xinping County is not within the scope of Sili, it has been operating for many years, and the county is also rich, which can be used to relieve the pressure of Fufeng County.

"Yes!" Zhang also nodded and agreed and said his reason: "In the content of the new policy of the young master, there are measures to confiscation the ownerless fields and give them to meritorious soldiers and exiles. However, there are not many ownerless fields in Fufeng County, but more wasteland is at the junction of Fufeng County and Xinping County. Because it was plundered by the Qiang people all year round, the good fields were desolate. If the young master captures Xinping County this time, we will get countless wasteland at once. Provide a good foundation for the start of the New Deal.

"That's true, young master." Pound, as the first person among the soldiers, also said, "The soldiers have all been used to practice in recent days and have seen results for the first time, but if they hadn't been sent to the battlefield to experiment, someone always felt that something was missing."

After the three made their speeches, everyone also expressed their opinions in favor of sending troops to Xinping County: on the one hand, it is not that they can't be defeated, and on the other hand, it is the reality. The Ma family really needs a small expansion.

"As for sending troops, according to what everyone said, troops will be sent tomorrow." Ma Chao also wanted to fight: he had just recovered from a serious illness and felt that his martial arts had improved. More importantly, he understood the 'heart of rule' on the wall that time. He still seemed to be real and needed a war to verify it.

"What about Han Sui?" Yang Fu saw that everyone had finished discussing the dispatch of troops, so he said the second thing.

"No need to discuss it, just let him wait."

This was not what Ma Chao said, but came from the end of the council chamber. Ma Chao stretched out his head and looked a little happy: it was Dharma.

"Why did filial piety say this?" After leaking the words last time, Ma Chao did not explain to Fa Zheng how he knew the word Fa Zheng. Anyway, since then, it has been called Fa Zheng. The main reason is that these counselors and soldiers should not underestimate Fa Zheng.

In fact, the people here have long dared not comment on a person's talent by age: young master, you are only 15 years old this year, but you have led us to make a revolution... Whether it's political reform or military establishment, or the invention of science and technology, or the low-rate kidnapping... You are much better than us!

Fa Zheng also understands Ma Chao's painstaking efforts, but he is not ungratic at all. Proudly, he will naturally find his position through his own ability: "Han Sui was able to penetrate into the spies in the Ma family earlier. At this time, he didn't come early or late, but this letter came when Xinping County fell. Don't you think it's too time?"

"Is it possible that the fall of Xinping County was caused by Han Sui again?" Brother Chou's thinking is always different. At this time, he suddenly said it, which also made everyone a little confused.

The incident of Li Kan and Cheng Yin raised everyone's understanding of Han Sui to a higher level. At this time, Han Ying and Yan Xing were in the hands of Ma Chao, and Han Sui could not blatantly attack the Ma family again. The only possibility is to kill people with a knife.

"Impossible," Yang Fu came up to dispel this possibility, shook his hand and said, "This move is very dangerous. If we find any clues, we can kill Han Sui's daughter and beloved general, which will undoubtedly lead to an endless hatred. Han Sui Rusi's careful people should never take this risk.

"In this way, Han Sui just happened to meet. But his letter came too coincidentally, didn't he? Ma Chao doubted that he didn't understand that sometimes a letter came to the battlefield.

Ma Chao glanced at Jia Xu and hoped that the old fox would explain it. But the old fox just blinked and had no interest in talking at all.

"Han Sui's move is just a temptation." Fa Zheng saw that everyone was speechless, so he said, "The young master looks too highly of Han Sui."

"Well, what does this mean?"

"When Han Sui succeeded as the leader of the Iron Qiang League, the old lord pulled out 30,000 Xiliang iron riders to fight against Han Sui. Later, the young master marched the grassland in the north, plotted to break through Li and Cheng, and arrested Han Sui's daughter and beloved general. In the coming year, all the people in Xiliang have seen the decline of Han Sui and the rise of the Ma family. Fa Zheng smiled and may have laughed at his unintentional flattery of Ma Chao, but this is also a fact: "Han Sui's letter is not only to redeem his daughter's beloved general, but also more likely to determine a Yongliang two-state sphere of influence and make peace with us. That is to say, this time coincided with the meeting, and it was Han Sui who wanted to see our real strength!"

Ma Chao immediately understood this explanation: this is equivalent to the black and astringent will divide the territory. In the past, Ma Teng was the younger brother of Han Sui, but later he came out to fly alone and his wings became harder and harder. The boss can't control it. He can only see how much this boy can toss, so that he can give himself a bottom line in his heart. Let's see how much face and territory you want to give this little brother.

After making this sense, Ma Chao was greatly refreshed: "Except for Jia Xu, Zhang Ji and Meng Da, who guard Fufeng County, the rest of the people will order all the troops and horses. Tomorrow, with someone to send troops to Xinping, try to solve Xinping County simply and give Han Sui a gesture!"

"No!" Everyone saluted with fists, the momentum was shocking, and they were excited!