Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 124 Medal and Economic War

Standing on the temporary wooden platform, the captured soldiers below are no longer trembling, and they are vaguely excited.

There is nothing else, just because the young master held a ceremony today.

Looking at the dark crowd under the stage, Ma Chao, a decadent little technician in his previous life, did not panic at all. He slowly took out a round cake-shaped medal - which was specially built by Ma Chao for the forging house, engraved with the four rich Chinese characters "Ma Elite" on the front.

"Ma Jiajun Xiao Tian went deep into the enemy alone in this battle. He was skillful and skillful to open the three-sided gates in this battle. He made great contributions to the battle. He was specially promoted to two levels and entered the military training management training. After graduation, he immediately took up the position of Qinwei Shi. And give a bronze 'Ma Family Elite' medal, all of whom should be saluted!" Ma Chaolang's voice sounded, and finally said generously, "Xiao Tian, go to the stage to honor!"

As soon as Ma Chao's voice fell, Xiao Tian, who was in a trance in a dream, trembled excitedly and walked to the stage in a panic. Ma Chao came forward to hold Xiao Tian's still shaky figure, straightened his clothes for Xiao Tian, and solemnly pinned the bronze medal of the "Ma Family Elite" to Xiao Tian's chest.

Looking at the shy appearance of the powerful and alert man in front of the handsome Ma Chao, the soldiers present felt a little funny. However, then a lost feeling came from the bottom of his heart: why did such glory not belong to him?

Xiao Tian was at a loss. Ma Chao pulled Xiao Tian around and turned to the stage and solemnly saluted Xiao Tian.

But at this time, Xiao Tian, who was more than enough to deal with the enemy, panicked and trembled with excitement, but he didn't know what to do. Finally, under the signal of Ma Chao's eyes, he returned a military salute excitedly.

After that, Ma Chao suddenly raised Xiao Tian's arm and shouted, "Xiao Tian, the elite of the Ma family!"

After a short silence, "Xiao Tian", "Ma elite", "Young master, long live!" When the shouts came one after another, the deafening shouts sounded one after another.

After that, other soldiers who had made distinguished achievements came to the stage to receive the award one by one, and they were so excited that they couldn't find the north.

However, the person presenting the award this time is not Ma Chao, but Pound and Brother Chou. And the medals awarded are also made of black iron.

After listening to Han Feng's explanation, the soldiers knew that not all medals were made of bronze. According to the size of the war, the young master specially formulated four medals of different levels of gold, silver, copper and iron.

The soldiers with medals show that the Ma family is grateful for the soldiers' blood and achievements in the battle. And soldiers with medals are more noble among their peers and will enjoy higher treatment!

From this, the soldiers have a clear understanding of their achievements, which motivates them to strive for higher achievements.

The counselors who attended as guests saw that Ma Chao only used such a small means to collect the hearts of tens of thousands of tigers and wolves under him, and couldn't help but admire Ma Chao.

After that, the wind was calm, and only Xinping County was a little bad.

According to the information from the shadows, Xinping County has just ended the turmoil, but it has been in danger of Dongqiang soldiers. The war is imminent and people are panicked. For a while, the price of grain in the county soared, and a stone of corn was sold for 4,000 yuan, and all kinds of living materials such as cloth, oil, salt, etc. also floated. For a while, Xinping County was mourning everywhere, and people's livelihood withered. This made Ma Chao and others have a headache and have to fight an economic battle on an invisible battlefield and spare their energy to cope with the economic crisis caused by panic.

In fact, according to Ma Chao's investigation, the situation is not as bad as expected. There are many rich families in Xinping County. They have enough food, and Ma Chao also holds the big granary of Fufeng County. In addition, the end of summer has arrived, and the autumn harvest is coming. In a short period of time, there was no need to worry about food in Xinping County. The current crisis is just that people panicked and let those rich families hoard food and take advantage of the waves.

Although Ma Chao has not received Xinping County in name, he has been very tough in this crisis, which can be described as iron-blooded. In fact, Ma Chao and his men are also quite angry about this: we have stabilized the situation in Xinping County by fighting to death, and these black-hearted big families still want to delay The hind legs, profiteering, are simply impatient to live!

Ma Chao wondered, do these people think their heads will be tougher than machetes? Since you don't let the people live a good life, you don't want to be happy. After a period of discussion, Zhang and Meng Da respectively won some wavers among the rich families and immediately began martial law in the whole city.

After that, a large number of Xiliang iron riders immediately rushed into various rich families and arrested their families. After a period of intimidation, the price of rice was slowly calmed down under the efforts of everyone. At the same time, under the overall coordination of Yang Fu, the grain of Fufeng and Beidi was also systematically transported into Xinping County in batches, to some extent. It stabilized people's hearts. As a result, the Ma family has reached a higher momentum in Xinping County and is almost loyal to the Ma family.

However, the court still hasn't replied, and Ma Chao doesn't know whether he will be disgusted with Dong Zhuo. However, Mu has become a boat, and Ma Chao will let it go. At worst, he raised the banner of anti-Dong and cooperated with the Dongqiang tribe to fight against each other. It was expected that Dong Zhuo could not afford it in a hurry.

After this incident, Ma Chao's mind was all focused on the economic development of Fufeng County. On the one hand, he ran to the Ma's arsenal more frequently, and on the other hand, he quickly went to the Ma's farm to see the growth of new crops. During this period, Cai Yong and Yun'er also accompanied him, but their relationship has improved a lot.

In addition, Ma Chao's most important thing is Han Sui's movement. According to reliable information, Han Sui will come to Fufeng County in three days to hold talks with the Ma family.

Ma Chao actually has a bottom in mind about this meeting. It's just that everyone knows each other well and doesn't secretly reach out to make trouble. By the way, you can also go back to your daughter and the beloved general, but these two have been eating and drinking here for nothing for so many days. What do you mean?

During this period, the old man Hua Tuo found Ma Chao once, saying that the establishment of the medical center was almost complete, and the personnel were basically in place, only the first batch of students was left.

However, Ma Chao did not support the enrollment publicity, but asked Hua Tuo to set up a research institute to help him study a drug, a drug that makes animals love: with the continuous growth of the Ma army, there are more and more skilled men, which is a waste of resources to be used as infantry. But the production rate of war horses in Ma's ranch is too low. In desperation, Ma Chao had no choice but to do this.

But Ma Chao didn't expect that his life's reputation was finally destroyed on a small bottle of medicine... So much so that this incident has had some small impact on matters such as the peace talks with Han Sui, the harvest and surrender of the two counties, and the future policy and strategy of the Ma family army.