Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 179 Three Provinces and Six Departments!

Three provinces and six parts!

Yes, after listening to Qin Yu's idea of governing by doing nothing, what suddenly came to Ma Chao's mind was a major change in the history of China's feudal official system, marking the mature cattle system of feudal politics.

Although the three-provincial and six-part system was established by the Sui Dynasty, it has sprouted in the Eastern Han Dynasty. The Shangshutai set up by Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, was the prototype of Shangshu Province during the Tang Dynasty. The six Cao Shangshu, including Sangong Cao, official Cao, Min Cao, Ke Cao, 2,000 Shi Cao and Zhongduguan Cao, are the predecessors of the six books.

This system, from germination to final determination, although it is mature and perfect, damaged and deleted, but its energy is always obvious. It carried out the development of the whole feudal society until its death.

Ma Chao never dared to use the political system of proletarian ownership in the late Han Dynasty. Although the fundamental reason is that the productive forces and production relations at this time have not yet reached that level, the direct reason is that Ma Chao is in the landlord class at this time. If he incites the proletariat to rebel, the first thing he will have to be dragged out to criticize is himself...

Therefore, the three-provincial and six-part system is currently the most suitable system for Ma Chao Group. Moreover, this system is simple and complicated, and it is actually a golden oil.

At this time, there were only dozens of people under the Ma family's command, and Ma Chao was a little embarrassed. If Yang Fu classifies and reports the incident again after the unification of Yongzhou, the obvious result is that Yang Fu will die of exhaustion and Ma Chao will also die.

The emergence of the three-provincial and six-ministerial system has solved this problem very well.

The three provinces in the six-ministerial system are Shangshu Province, Menxia Province and Zhongshu Province.

Shangshu Province is the highest administrative body, responsible for implementing important state decrees; the subordinate province is the deliberation agency responsible for reviewing the decrees; Zhongshu Province is the decision-making body responsible for drafting and issuing the emperor's edict.

Zhongshu Province is mainly responsible for discussing the drafting of the bill with the emperor and drafting the emperor's edict. The Ministry is responsible for reviewing the content of the edict and returning it to the Ministry of Zhongshu according to the situation. These two departments are decision-making organs, and the decrees approved by the review are handed over to Shangshu Province.

According to Ma Chao's vision, Jia Xu and Fazheng, who have a high IQ and do not do business, can be incorporated into Zhongshu Province to discuss the policies and strategies of the Majia Group with themselves. Yang Fu, a capable minister, works a little hard and is responsible for reviewing the new policies derived from policies and strategies, and supervising the enforcement of Shangshu Province. The situation; while Zhang Qi, Su Ze, Meng Da, Han Feng, Pang De, Chou Ge, Fu Xun, You Chu, Fu Gan, Hua Xin, Ma Xiu, Meng He and others constitute Shangshu Province and are responsible for the specific implementation of these laws.

At present, among the Ma Chao Group, Su is the governor of Xinping County; You Chu is the governor of Beidi County; Zhang is the governor of Fufeng County. Pang De and Ma Dai were responsible for military affairs; Brother Chou led one on the surface and secretly commanded Shadow; Meng Da was in charge of property and taxation; Han Feng was the general manager of internal affairs and was responsible for the transfer of Ma's industry and military supplies; Fu Xun was transferred to Xinping to assist Su Ze, and Fu Gan also followed You Chu.

As for Meng, the former governor of Fufeng County, he has been added to the title of Ma Chao, and he is responsible for taking public funds to hook up with those members in the Chang'an court. In Ma Chao's view, Meng, a long-sleeved person who is good at dancing and meets the left and right sources, is really incompetent and too talented to be a hard-working person. After listening to Ma Chao's appointment, Meng was very grateful to Ma Chao.

But the problem is that such a system is messy and everything is reported to Yang Fu, which is decided by Ma Chao. If it is incorporated into Shangshu Province, you only need to report the incident to Yang Fu, and Yang Fu will hand it over to Jia Xu and Fa Zheng for review. The two will then formulate regulations and measures on this issue. From this, everything is reasonable and there is a law to follow.

From Ma Chao's personal emotional perspective, until now, Ma Chao has gritted his teeth for both Jia Xu and Fa Zheng. The reason is that although their IQ is high, they do not do business, but only make themselves as the main master as a dog.

After listening to Qin Yu's story, Ma Chao suddenly had a enlightened enlightenment, and a series of institutional ideas came one after another. He hurriedly ordered to bring pen and ink and record them one by one.

And Qin Yu listened, and he couldn't help but be stunned!

After listening to his words, Ma Chao not only integrated, but also immediately applied it to political reform. His vision and thoughts are implemented everywhere. The wrist strategy is also like the abyss of Mount Tai, which cannot be measured.

Ma Chao was inspired at this time without any hesitation about Qin Yu, an outsider. At that time, he dictated it. The specific responsibilities showed that he was so anxious that he was sweating: Ma Chao read too fast that she couldn't keep up!

Qin Yu became more and more shocked. With his insights and ideas, he immediately saw the greatness of Ma Chao's political reform.

First, the institutions of Ma Chao Group form a complete and rigorous system, improve administrative efficiency, and strengthen the ruling power of Ma Chao, the ruler.

Second, it broke the problem of excessive power of the prime minister since the Qin and Han dynasties, divided the power of the prime minister into three parts, weakened the power of the prime minister, and strengthened the ruling prestige of those in power. At the same time, the number of politicians has been expanded and the brainstorming effect has been received;

And extending outward, it can be put into governing the country and the world. It can even be speculated that Ma Chao established this system to prepare for his future power!

Qin Yu's shocking look did not escape Ma Chao's eyes. And Ma Chao is still very proud to let the patriarch of this sect, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, look at him with new eyes: Don't admire him so much, he is a legend. Now my subordinates are small and few talents, so I only have a three-provincial system, but I haven't got a six-part system yet. What are you shocked about?

In the six-part system of the three provinces, the division of responsibilities of officials, households, etiquette, soldiers, criminal and workers is conducive to the centralization of power and the implementation of political orders, improves administrative efficiency, and gives full play to the effectiveness of state institutions. It is an inseparable part of the six-part system of the three provinces.

But as Ma Chao thought, now there is no need for Ma Chao Group to come up with a six-part system. The three-provincial system can fully meet the decision-making and operation of this small group. There is a six-part system, which is really suspected of toads lying on the road and pretending to be a mini jeep.

After Ma Chao finally finished dictation, Qin Yu stood up, bowed and said, "General, I admire you very much."

Ma Chao modestly returned a salute and thought that Qin Yu had never come for nothing. After some advice, I thought of the three provinces and six parts system, which was really a big joy. Compared with the minor crimes of Mu Yuanfeng and Ruxue's assassination, it is simply negligible. However, there needs to be a premise, that is, whether the real master messenger behind the scenes is just this divine door master!

"Master Qin, today's talk, you and I both hate seeing each other too late. However, after all, you and I still have some trivial things that have not been solved at this time. I don't know the master of Qin..." Ma Chao said this and didn't go any further. He knows that talking to smart people doesn't have to be so full.

"When I came here today, I was only punished for my disciples, but I didn't see the general's talent. If it hadn't been for this, I'm afraid I would just keep silent. However, the general's performance makes me feel that fate seems to be not only in Chang'an..." Qin Yu arched his hand and seemed to say these words after some thought.

"The doorkeeper praised it. I don't know if I can come straight to the point at this moment?"
